Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 340: : An archaeologist who doesn't want to be a mechanic is not a good archaeologist

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meeting room.

Five Eleventh Bureau members gathered.

After discovering a new talent for listening to history, President Feng decided to dig up Gudu University.

Strike while the iron is hot and build Gudu University into a super university comparable to Imperial Capital and Magic Capital University!

And Lu Qingyi also decided to go out in person.

However, judging from the information given by Principal Feng, the other party may not be as foolish as Shi Yu was.

Back then, Shi Yu was an orphan and was in debt, and he was also interested in archaeology.

Even if it is just 10 million starting capital, for Shi Yu, let alone an archaeologist, he can continue to work as a shovel officer at the breeding base.

But this newcomer is not the same. He is still underage and his family is superior. He is definitely not as realistic as Shiyu in terms of material things. In terms of spirituality, he is not necessarily interested in the field of archaeology. After all, people like mechanics.

If you want to persuade people to study archaeology, it is not a matter of persuading a person, but a family.

The other's father, a professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Kongdu University... a top mechanic master, is said to be the next candidate for the dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Kongdu University, and his mother is also a mechanical master, a professor of Kongdu University... Even grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents are all mechanics. .

Of course, Lu Qingyi didn't think it was too difficult, after all, the position of the eleventh round was here.

Even if Gao Xuan was given a chance to enter the eleventh round, would he not want to enter?

Shi Yu is so rich now, and he still thinks about adding thirteen rounds and getting paid.

But Lu Qingyi also knows that persuading him to join is not the purpose, the purpose is to make the other party truly enter the field of archaeology.

"Help? How do you want to help?" Lu Qingyi said.

"Forget it, forget it."

Hearing that Shi Yu said that he wanted to help him attract new people, Lu Qingyi refused.

Just don't make trouble for Shi Yu, she is afraid that Shi Yu will give the newcomer some wrong leadership.

Even members of the 11th Bureau have to understand the historical situation based on a bunch of clues before they have a chance to hear the sound of history.

However, according to Lu Qingyi's judgment, Shi Yu doesn't seem to have to do this at all.

The number of times he listened successfully, conservatively estimated that in the eleventh inning, he was already in the top three. In just one year, it surpassed the achievements of many predecessors for decades.

If you want to let new people contact Shi Yu, think that you can listen to success casually, and don't study hard, then it will be a waste.

Can't learn Shiyu, he's a freak! It's better to take it step by step.

Not everyone can be like Shi Yu, who can achieve some achievements in various fields. Generally speaking, it is more stable to specialize.

"Maybe, when Shi Yu goes there, it will have a miraculous effect. As far as I know, those young mechanics worship Gao Xuan. Shi Yu defeated Gao Xuan in the national competition. Teachers have a brighter future." Dr. Chen Yuan laughed.

"Speaking of this, after watching the national competition, the granddaughter of Dean Hao of the School of Mechanical Engineering always shouted that he would abandon the machine from the past, haha, Dean Hao and I have been mumbling many times." Principal Feng also said.

Shi Yu grinned and said, "No need, no need."

"Archaeologists and mechanics don't conflict."

"You still have to let the little girls make choices. What is the age now, you should let people be happy and 'all', and then they will really like the field of archaeology."

"Huh?" When Shi Yu said these words, several big bosses couldn't understand them all at once.

"What do you mean?" Sister Lu said.

What the **** are you trying to do?

Shi Yu said, "You think, isn't Grandma Li studying ancient fossils?"

Grandma Li smiled and nodded.

"If, using mechanical technology, the process of archaeological research on ancient fossils can be transformed into a method that can strengthen the strength of the beastmaster, is this a perfect combination of archaeology and machinery?"

"For example, extracting traces of ancient creatures from fossils and resurrecting them through scientific and technological means, so that not only can we learn more about ancient history through the resurrected them, but also that they have been transformed and resurrected by technology, they can also be equivalent to an alternative. Mechanical pets, for mechanic contracts, a brand new mechanical pet system can also emerge as the times require. Such mechanical pets may have skills and abilities that have been lost, and can definitely have a huge impact on the existing field of beasts. innovation."

"Well, kill two birds with one stone, not only archaeology, but also mechanical research."

"At that time, mechanical technology will no longer be purely a tool to assist archaeological research, but will achieve each other."

Lu Qingyi, Principal Feng, and Dr. Chen: "..."

How can you be so outrageous, boy.

Grandma Li, who was studying the fossil, had an odd expression, and vaguely remembered that Shi Yu once asked himself whether the fossil might still be alive.

Why did Shi Yu's question escalate again?

"How is this possible..." Dr. Chen studied ancient legendary emperors and was a more traditional archaeological beastmaster, so when he heard Shi Yu's bizarre idea, he first thought it was incredible.

But Lu Qingyi next to her suddenly froze, thinking of something very important.

Why is Shi Yu suddenly obsessed with the combination of archaeology and machinery? She remembered that when Shi Yu was in Wuling City...getting an awakening mirror...

"Wait a minute, you won't, you have already researched something." Lu Qingyi said.

"Almost, speaking of this, I would also like to thank Grandma Li for the Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil..."

After Shi Yu finished speaking, he communicated with the relic space and summoned the mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex that was kept in captivity in the Mechanical Research Institute.


In the conference room, as a space fluctuated and flickered, then, in the confused expressions of several archaeologists, the light and shadow gradually outlined the figure of a pet beast.


The pet beast in the light and shadow has a large head with a ferocious expression, short forelimbs, and is equipped with huge black metal claws. The muscular body is covered with gold and silver interwoven mechanical armor.

Although most of its parts are covered by mechanical equipment, and although its size is much smaller than that of the real adult Tyrannosaurus, the people present still recognized its remarkable Tyrannosaurus features at a glance!

"Roar!!" The mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex came out of the relic space for the first time, and it was extremely exciting! !

"Sit down." However, as the devilish voice echoed in his ears, panic filled the pupils of the mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex. He remembered the situation where he was disobedient in the ruins and was mixed up by Rin and Shiyu. To be honest, even if there is no contract, it is still very obedient.

"This is--"

At the same time, looking at the mechanically armed Tyrannosaurus Rex cub, Principal Feng, Grandma Li, Lu Qingyi, and Dr. Chen all widened their eyes with incredible expressions.

"Having life characteristics..."

"It's a living creature."

"This is, biomechanical transformation?"

"Where did you find the Tyrannosaurus Rex cub, did you get the sealed Tyrannosaurus Rex egg from what ruins?" Principal Feng said in shock.

Grandma Li also stepped forward in shock and slammed the claws and claws of the mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex like picking chicken claws.

The mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex shivered, grandma, you hurt me.


Facing the shock of several seniors, Shi Yu said, "How can I be so lucky to find a living Tyrannosaurus Rex egg..."

"This is what I just said. The combination of technology and fossils. By embodying the dream phantoms in the fossils, transforming them into the form of mechanical pet beasts, resurrecting extinct ancient creatures, and then using them to infer the ancient historical conditions."

"You mean, you transformed the fossil's dream phantom into life?? How is this possible!" Grandma Li couldn't understand.

Fossil dream phantoms, in essence, are no different from the people and things that appear in the dreams of human beings when they sleep. They are all false images outlined by mental fluctuations. How can such false images become living things?

"Maybe, the power of imagination of my fantasy butterfly is more special than the power of time and life of baby ginseng? After tinkering with it, it will be successful..." Shi Yu muttered.

The situation contained in this is too complicated, and he can't explain it clearly. He has to ask Rin for the specific reason why he succeeded.

"How about its properties?" Sister Lu asked.

"The lower monarch race has successfully inherited a racial skill from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Earth Domain."

"Earth Domain—" Everyone was stunned. This is the first skill that appeared in the age of dinosaurs. It is a rare domain skill. Earth-type pet beasts in the earth-type field will have enhanced soil-type skills, and their own life, strength, Spirit, defense, and resistance will also be significantly improved.

Wherever they step on, they are all on the earth. Archaeological discoveries show that there was a Tyrannosaurus rex in the ocean. That is the result of the Tyrannosaurus rex group expanding their territory and fighting in the ocean through the earth domain.

"At present, this technology is not perfect, otherwise it may perfectly inherit all the racial power of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. At that time, it will be equivalent to the mechanical life of the overlord race. If it can be perfected, it will not only be able to peep at the totem through the fossil. The historical faults of the era can also peek into the farther mythical era, and if the research object is the fossils of mythical creatures, then the significance is even greater.”

After Shi Yu finished speaking, several people were sluggish.

What he said, Shi Yu, is all serious?

"This is the reason why your boy No. 6 only wants to contract a mechanical life?" Principal Feng asked.

Shi Yu nodded and said, "Isn't an archaeologist who doesn't want to be a mechanic a good archaeologist? I got a fossil of a mythical creature from Dragon Palace City."

"I'm currently researching whether it can revive the mythical life, but unfortunately, the research is too difficult, and there is a lot of funding..."

Principal Feng and Grandma Li were silent.

"All the funding for the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Gudu University this year will be given to you!"

"All the fossils in the fossil museum under my name can be used casually. Although there are no fossils of mythical life, there are ancient creature fossils of various attributes and races, including the fossils of some ancient totems."

Grandma Li was still struggling with the Tyrannosaurus Rex incomprehensible, so, was this researched using the fossil she gave to Shi Yu?

Grandma Li suddenly felt that her fossil collection was about to appreciate in value.

"Very good."

Shi Yu wiped away tears, it's great, Rin, our family is rich, so for the time being we don't have to wait until the mechanical conference.

"When the time comes, I'm going to take this research result and go to the Mechanical Conference."

When Shi Yu's words fell, Principal Feng and Grandma Li became even more crazy.

"Representing the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Gudu University in the competition, the university is just a name, and the rewards are all yours."

"As far as I know, there is a fossil of a mythical creature in the National Resource Bank. Through this research result, we can definitely apply for that!" Grandma Li also said.

In the small conference room, no one cared about the ruins of the Emperor Kong, and no one cared about the genius archaeology rookie.

Lu Qingyi was silent next to him, always feeling that this new archaeologist might not kiss him at that time, and would go to Shiyu's side to be an assistant...

Kongdu University.

School of Mechanical Engineering.

Although it is already a vacation, there are still a lot of scientific research workers who have not left the school. After all, students are on vacation, which does not mean that they are on vacation.

"Little Lan, I'll be in high school next year."

"Then you don't have to work so hard. Looking at your dark circles, you must be studying very late every day."

In a research institute, an old man in a white research suit spoke to a little girl sitting in the corner writing a research report.

The girl is very beautiful, about 1.6 meters tall, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a beautiful girl, with refreshing and clean short black hair, a round face, and serious eyes, and also wearing a custom white research suit. He took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and looked at the old man.

"Grandpa Wu, no, it's just that I always dreamed a few days ago and didn't rest well."

Fang Lan had an incomparable headache. She had been having nightmares since a few days ago, and the contents of the nightmares were almost forgotten after waking up, but she did not forget the feeling of countless voices lingering in her ears and mind.

"Huh? Did your parents take you to the doctor?"

The old researcher was concerned.

"Go, the doctor also said that there may be too much pressure from studying, and there is no problem with the mental aspect. After taking some medicine, it has been much better." Fang Lan said.

"Then you should pay attention to rest..." the old researcher said.

"This girl, I told her to stop fighting like that, and she still learns in the middle of the night every day. Whoever has any problems with her body will have problems." When the two were chatting, a square-faced middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses also slowed down. Walking slowly, he said, "I thought about taking her to the institute to relax for two days, but it started again."

Professor Wu's mouth twitched and said: "Xiao Fang, how can anyone bring someone to the Mechanical Research Institute to relax and go to the amusement park!"

"She said it's more fun here..." Professor Fang looked innocent.

"Body is more important." Professor Wu said: "Xiao Lan is still young, don't worry too much."

"Not enough." Fang Lan pursed his lips.

Fang Lan's father smiled helplessly: "Originally, her goal was to be as good as Gao Xuan in college, comparable to Gao Xuan. As a result, Gao Xuan lost to Shi Yu of Gudu University in the National Competition. This girl was hit hard."

"So, she took Shi Yu, who was also gifted in telepathy, as her target."

"I plan to use the same talent to defeat Shi Yu of the Archaeology Department in the future with the Mechanical Department."

"This." Professor Wu was taken aback and said, "This is not easy..."

In the national competition, the players of Kongdu University were also brutally abused by Shi Yu. The teachers and students of Kongdu University were naturally no strangers to Shiyu.

[Recommendation, Mimi reading and chasing books is really easy to use, download it here and you can try it. 】

Fang Lan wants to defeat a freak like Shi Yu. To be honest, they are not optimistic. Although they say they support it, the reality is...

"As long as we develop a new mechanical field," Fang Lan said in his heart.

The mechanical department is a new department full of changes and opportunities, just like the mechanical department has just been born, it can reverse the situation between humans and aliens during the totem war, just like the bio-remoulding faction, it can create demigods, just like taboo weapons, can kill half. Like a god, as long as she can also open up a new mechanical field, she will definitely surpass Shi Yu!

"Which one?" At this moment, Professor Fang in the research institute suddenly received a call from the campus security office.

"Eh? Well, well, I see."

He hung up the phone in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Professor Wu asked.

"The guard said that Dr. Lu Qingyi from Gudu University and Shi Yu, the national champion, have already entered Kongdu University and are looking for Lanlan... and also want to visit Xiaojie and me at the same time." Professor Fang was at a loss, wondering what The situation, he looked at his daughter, Fang Lan also raised his head in confusion, what?

Who is looking for her?

"That Lu Qingyi, and that Shi Yu?" Professor Wu was also stunned.

Gudu University has been in the limelight recently. The two students, Lu Qingyi and Shi Yu, are at the top of the sequence. It can be said that these two are representative students of Gudu University. What are the little girl Fang Lan doing with Professor Fang's husband and wife?

"Could it be that the other party knew something in advance and planned to strangle me in the cradle—" Fang Lan muttered.

Professor Fang and Professor Wu: "...?"

Professor Fang coughed and said, "This child actually has time to rest. He usually likes to watch anime and novels for inspiration, and he always talks nonsense."

"Xiao Lan, pack up, call your mother, and go see them with me..."

Shi Yu and Lu Qingyi came to Kongdu University together.

"By the way, this Fang Lan's information has nothing to do with the Emperor Kong's ruins. Why can she hear the voice of history?" Shi Yu wondered.

"It would be embarrassing if Principal Feng got the wrong person."

The premise for every archaeologist in the eleventh bureau to be able to listen successfully is that his own experience must be inextricably linked with the ruins, or that he is very close to the truth, so he has a chance to listen successfully.

Just like when Shi Yu heard the voice of the history of the icefield, it was because "he" wanted to explore the truth of the beast tide. He was a personal experiencer of the beast tide and was a native of Pingcheng.

Although later experiences made Shiyu gradually discover that he seems to have an "easy to listen to history" constitution, and he has a chance to hear it regardless of himself, but this rule should not apply to everyone, at least in eleven rounds Others, Shi Yu has not heard of anyone who is so special...

Therefore, Fang Lan, 80%, is related to Kongdi ruins.

"Could it be that their family is a black fan of Kongdi?" Shi Yu speculated.

Lu Qingyi: "What did you say?"

"It's okay." Shi Yu.

"There are too many possibilities. For example, Fang Lan is interested in the history of Emperor Kong. For example, Fang Lan is actually a descendant of Emperor Kong. For example, Fang Lan has obtained a relic of Emperor Kong. It is possible."

Lu Qingyi judged.

That is indeed more reliable than Kongdi's black fans. Shi Yu smiled, and after a while, they came to the reception room of Kongdu Mechanical College.

At this time, Fang Lan himself, and Fang Lan's parents, two well-known professors from Kongdu University, were already waiting here.

Outside the reception area.

"Dr. Lu, Master Shi Yu."

As Lu Qingyi and Shi Yu approached, Professor Fang, who was waiting outside the door, immediately greeted him.

Whether it is Lu Qingyi or Shi Yu, they are no weaker than him, so naturally they should use honorific titles.

At the moment when Yu ranked eleventh in the sequence, his strength had already surpassed most of the tutors and professors of the nine universities.

"Hello, Professor Fang." Lu Qingyi and Shi Yu also said hello.

"I don't know what is the matter with Dr. Lu and Master Shi Yu, who are looking for our family." Professor Fang asked with a puzzled look.

He wanted to break his scalp, but he couldn't think of how his family could be related to Shi Yu and the others.

"The two of you come and sit first."

Lu Qingyi and Shi Yu smiled slightly and entered the room together.

At the same time, they saw a pair of mother and daughter who looked alike. Shi Yu and the others immediately recognized that one was Professor Fang's wife, Professor Liu Jie, and the other was the daughter of both parties, which is their target, a mechanical genius who is a prospective high school student. Square blue.

As Lu Qingyi and Shi Yu entered, the atmosphere in the room was immediately restrained, Fang Lan swallowed even more, looking nervously at his number one target, he didn't expect Shi Yu to be more handsome than on TV.

What to do, what to do, she looked at Shi Yu who was full of energy, what if she defeated Shi Yu in the future and Shi Yu became decadent and not handsome.

"Dr. Lu, Master Shi Yu, hello." Professor Liu said.


"Actually, we came this time mainly to ask Fang Lan." Lu Qingyi showed a friendly smile and looked at Fang Lan like a big sister next door: "Has something strange happened to her recently? ?"

"A strange thing?" Fang's father and mother were taken aback.

They all looked at Fang Lan, and Fang Lan himself was startled.

If you say that the strange thing about yourself recently, it may be the high frequency of strange dreams some time ago.

"Except that Lan Lan is under a lot of pressure from studying, and I always had a bad rest a few days ago and liked to have nightmares. It should be nothing." Professor Liu said.

"Nightmare? Can you tell me in detail?" Lu Qingyi asked.

"It's just that when I go to bed at night, the frequency of dreaming is very high, and my ears are buzzing." Fang Lan said.

"Remember the content of the dream?"

"I had some impressions when I first woke up, but I don't remember it now. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, so I didn't remember it deliberately." Fang Lan said nervously: "Excuse me, what happened to me?"

"Am I cursed by someone..."

"Don't be nervous... Do you remember the first time you dreamed?" Lu Qingyi said helplessly.

Who is going to curse you, a junior high school student.

Fang Lan nodded and then proceeded to answer: "Five days ago, around 3 o'clock at night, I woke up once..."

Lu Qingyi and Shi Yu looked at each other.

This time is surprisingly consistent with the time when space fluctuations first appeared in the ruins of Kongdi, which produced a precursor to the arrival.

It must be this little guy.


However, it seems like the first time that I heard the sound of history when I was sleeping.

"What happened to Xiao Lan?" Professor Fang said nervously when he saw Lu Qingyi and Shi Yu, and it seemed that something important was coming.

"Don't worry about it." Lu Qingyi said, "Maybe it's not a bad thing."

"Four days ago, a ruin appeared in a certain place in Kongdu, and the news may not have spread widely." Lu Qingyi said: "We judge that the reason for the arrival of the ruins may be related to Fang Lan."

remains? Fang's father and Fang's mother also looked at each other in dismay. They really knew that something seemed to have happened over the Wanxiang Mountain. After all, the Department of Archaeology of Kongdu University also made some moves.

"But it's related to Lanlan?" Instructor Fang said blankly, "What's the situation?..."

Lu Qingyi took out his 11th Bureau certificate.

"National Land and Relics Strategic Investigation and Support Security Bureau", Lu Qingyi.

"She's a telepathic gift."

"Under normal circumstances, this talent can only communicate with the living body."

"However, there are exceptions to everything."

"Some dead things that carry the beliefs, beliefs, wills, and emotions of many living beings, after being baptized by time, may also give birth to 'spirits'."

"Especially some relic spaces and secret spaces."

"'Spirit' is an ethereal concept that has nothing to do with life, spirit, mind, and soul. The archaeological community calls it 'traces of history'."

"This kind of trace records a historical picture, and only a very small number of telepaths with special talents have a chance to hear it."

"Therefore, the beastmasters who master this kind of telepathy talent are also called 'those who can listen to the voice of history' in the archaeological community."

"The members of the eleventh round, including me and Shi Yu, are all special telepathic talents. After some of our investigations, Fang Lan may also have similar talents, and the relics that appeared in Kongdu a few days ago are Because she accidentally heard the voice of history in her dream."

"This kind of talent is very rare. At present, there are probably only a dozen people in the ancient country of Donghuang. Therefore, we would like to further confirm whether Fang Lan is the person we are looking for. If so, we would like to invite her to join us. 'Eleventh Bureau', become a reserve member and receive systematic archaeological professional training."

After Lu Qingyi finished speaking, the three Fang family members were completely dazed by the news.

Fang Lan himself was even more astonished.

This... Fang Lan's parents have obviously heard of the Thirteenth Bureau, but they never thought that their daughter would be an archaeological genius?

However, they obviously cultivated Fang Lan towards the mechanical field since they were young.

An archaeological field, an emerging field, is simply impossible to beat.

"Further confirmation is needed." At this time, Shi Yu thought for a while and stretched out his finger.

The next moment, a miniature blue summoning figure array appeared at the fingertips.

Immediately afterwards, a drop of water condensed on the summoning map array.

He looked at Fang Lan and said with a smile, "Come on, this is a drop of memory. If you come in contact with it, it will make your memory very clear these days, and you can recall the things you forgot."

Memory drops?

Fang's father and Fang's mother suddenly looked at the water droplets in Shi Yu's hands.

That memory drop that claims to make a fool finish a dictionary quickly?

Lu Qingyi also glanced sideways at Shi Yu, Shi Yu still mastered this skill? Which pet beast, the reincarnation of the sea elf?

"Come." Shi Yu stretched out his hand, Fang Lan looked left and right, and also stretched out his hand to touch the drop of water.

next moment.

Water droplets flowed into Fang Lan's body.

Fang Lan's brain became clear for a while, and she was stunned for a moment, only to feel countless fragments of memory reappearing in her mind.

What happened in the past week, even the sequence of traffic she saw on the way to the school, the faces of every passerby immediately came to her mind.

Among them, the sound and picture that I heard and saw in my sleep just happened, and immediately appeared in front of Fang Lan's eyes.

[In the picture, a slender man with long hair and yellow robes fiddled with the space, and a new and different space was born. 】

[A large number of beastmasters entered the different dimension one by one, and then came out in dismay. 】

["Failed again." "How could the beasts cultivated by Lord Kongdi be defeated." "I don't feel like I wanted us to get it... It must be prepared for my princes and princesses."]

[“What happened, how did the ruins close!”]

[“Oops, it is said that the state of the ruins created by Lord Kongdi is closely related to his own state. The ruins are suddenly closed, so nothing will happen to Lord Kongdi.”]

The intricate memory fragments in the "dream" emerged, making Fang Lan's brain almost explode, but she was very incredible, and she remembered all of them.

"Do you remember anything?" Shi Yu smiled when he saw Fang Lan's state.

"Tell me about it, the forgotten dream."

"Well... I, I, dreamed of many people, said, Kongdi." Fang Lan said incredulously.

How could she dream of this.


Lu Qingyi and Shi Yu looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Lan said the pictures he saw and the sounds he heard, word for word.

After speaking, Shi Yu and Lu Qingyi both fell into contemplation.

It is not much different from what Lu Qingyi learned from the Void Mantis.

Moreover, from these words, a legend can also be confirmed.

["It must be prepared for those princes and princesses of my own."]

Focus on those princes, princesses.

The higher the life level, the harder it is to leave children. After reaching the legend, if you want children, it is purely a matter of luck.

At the level of the legendary beastmaster, it is more difficult to give birth than a demigod.

But it is said that Emperor Kong is a wealthy young master, and he came from a big family of space.

Therefore, he is also the most descended among the legendary emperors of all dynasties.

After the end of the Totem era, the number of queens and princes of the Kongdi Dynasty is naturally the most.

Shi Yu and Lu Qingyi looked at Fang's father, Fang's mother, and Fang Lan. Couldn't any of them really be "descendants of the Kong Emperor".

Although Kongdi is neither Fang nor Liu, and they have no talent for space, it has been hundreds of years, and they have gone through hundreds of years of troubled times, and it is normal to have changes.

"In this way, she is indeed listening to historical talent."

"Because, the relics that appeared in Kongdu this time were left by the legendary emperor Kongdi in history." Lu Qingyi took a deep breath.

This little girl is incredible, there must be a secret hidden on her body.

"Emperor Kong..." Although Fang's father and Fang's mother were surprised how their daughter could be associated with such a relic, they quickly realized a problem.

"What do you mean, let Xiao Lan give up the Mechanical Department and switch to the Archaeology Department?" Fang Dad frowned.

Although the eleventh round is very powerful, they have nurtured Fang Lan's interest in the mechanical department since she was three or four years old, and cultivated her mechanical literacy for ten years. Using the template of the legendary mechanic to train Fang Lan, I hope Fang Lan can surpass them, ten years of hard work, give up the mechanical department, and switch to the field of archaeology, which is too tangled for them.

Why, it wasn't the fourth game that came to them.

Professor Fang looked at Fang Lan. In fact, the most important thing was Fang Lan's own thoughts.

But with their understanding of Fang Lan, the other party will definitely not give up the mechanical system that has been based on ten years, and go to a new field.

"Even so..." Fang Lan was lost in thought.

"I don't want to give up the mechanical department, archaeology..." Fang Lan was startled, but he didn't have a deep concept. The deepest concept was only that Shi Yu discovered the evolution of the iron-eating beast through archaeology, and discovered General Mu Huiyin. the heroic spirit.

But these are not replicable, and compared to archaeologists, mechanics have significantly changed the world.

According to unofficial legends, Emperor Kong tried to explore the universe, and even lost his life, but the modern mechanical system can even allow an ordinary person to board the starry sky.

"I probably won't devote my main energy to involving archaeology." She whispered: "I still want to be a mechanic..."

Lu Qingyi had a slight headache, and it was really hard to handle. Forget it, leave it to Shi Yu.

"Actually, there is no need to struggle, there are still a lot of benefits in the eleventh round."

"I believe that after you understand, you will not refuse." Shi Yu looked at the little girl with a smile.

"For example, after passing the official assessment of the eleventh round, you can gift a beast of a particularly rare race."

Fang Lan casts the fool's gaze, she is not a three-year-old anymore...

Moreover, rare beasts, such things, unless they are the beasts of the overlord race, otherwise, the king race, she is not unable to contract.

"A dominant race?" she asked.

"The level of the overlord race is too high, and you can't make a contract even if you give it away." Shi Yu said: "However, they do have the potential to grow into the overlord race."

Shi Yu didn't say anything about the benefits of 10 million starting capital. There is more than 10 million per apartment in the empty capital. This kind of temptation was useful to him at first, but it was meaningless to the other party.

Get the right medicine!

After Shi Yu finished speaking, he communicated with the relic space and summoned the mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex that was kept in captivity in the Mechanical Research Institute.


As a space fluctuation flickered, then, a mechanical pet appeared.


The mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex appears for the second time!

Just like the expressions of Principal Feng and others when they saw the mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex, the three Fang family's expressions were even more sluggish.

Because of the unique shape of the mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex, they can recognize it at a glance, it is a "biological modification machine".

However, it's not the same.

Because the biological modification machinery has to revolve around "creatures", but, the creatures wrapped under the machinery, isn't this the Tyrannosaurus rex in the movie? Isn't this an extinct overlord creature? How could it be here! And it was successfully remodeled by machinery!

"Get down." Shi Yu gave an order, causing the mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex, who just wanted to cheer up again, to lie down immediately.

"This is a mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex, which is the result of extracting Tyrannosaurus phantoms from ancient fossils and then mechanically transforming them into mechanical life."

"This is a scientific and technological method developed by a talented member of the eleventh round to investigate the historical situation of the dinosaur age, which can revive ancient life. Even the fourth round has not yet been mastered. It is exclusive to the eleventh round."

"The mechanical ancient pet beasts resurrected from fossils can also inherit the racial skills of the original body. It can be said that it has opened up the third largest mechanical system besides 'intelligent life' and 'biological transformation', which we call 'mechanical illusion'. beast'."

"It is not impossible to use mythical fossils to revive and create a demigod-level mechanical phantom beast that is comparable to taboo weapons. The third system is worthy of its name."

"Like this mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex, it is not impossible to continue the mechanical transformation, upgrade, become a dominant race, and reproduce the ancient overlord style. If it is a full member of the eleventh round, the round can give a similar ancient mechanical life. , to become an archaeological partner." Shi Yu smiled.

After he finished speaking, Fang Lan, Professor Fang, and Professor Liu stared blankly at the mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of him.

They didn't listen much to what Shi Yu said, but this special mechanical being in front of him made the family of three widen their eyes, showing incomprehensible expressions.

What... Extract ancient creature phantoms from fossils and transform them into real mechanical ancient life to study ancient conditions?

Is this the archaeological method of the eleventh bureau?

Are you sure you are the Archaeological Bureau, not the Mechanical Bureau?

"This, which senior in the eleventh round researched it." Fang's eyes were red.

This is an epoch-making research result.

"Cough." Shi Yu touched his nose and said, "Senior dare not be."

Everyone: "…"

Fang Lan, who was still a junior high school student, opened her mouth slightly and looked at Shi Yu with a blank expression.

Then, he looked at an unprecedented variety of machinery.

"I know I'm very powerful." Shi Yu coughed dryly.

But don't look at him so admiringly.

Little Fang Lan, who suffered a huge shock in his heart, the third largest mechanical system outside of 'intelligent life' and 'biological transformation'?

The weapon she wanted to develop to surpass Shi Yu was thrown in front of her by Shi Yu with her backhand?

The resurrection of ancient creatures, mythical creatures phantoms transformed into mechanical phantom beasts, sounds so handsome.

Isn't this exactly what she is looking for in a new mechanical field that is different from the existing mechanical system.

She was suddenly anxious, are you an archaeologist or a mechanic?

Children have a lot of question marks all the time.

Gradually lost the ability to think.

Beside him, Lu Qingyi looked helpless.

Damn, let Shi Yu pretend again.

"Lanlan..." Professor Fang and Professor Liu are also Ababa, what are you waiting for, it has been proven that an excellent archaeologist must also be an excellent mechanic!

Fang's father and Fang's mother can't wait, until her daughter passes the eleventh round of assessment and contracts to the ancient mechanical beast. At that time, they can study their daughter's pet beast.

The eleventh round is not bad. Sometimes geniuses like Yu and Lu Qingyi, their daughters are extremely lucky to be able to go, so what else can they choose.

Fang Lan pursed her lips, looked at the mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex staring at her, and said to Shi Yu, "Really, did you really research it?"

Shi Yu laughed and said, "Of course it's true."

Rin was bred by him, mechanical pets were researched by Rin, and rounding was his research, there was nothing wrong with it.

"But, aren't you an archaeologist?"

"Why can't archaeologists be mechanical, and I still breed, have you seen the breeding conference..."

Fang Lan: "…"

She felt that her cognition was directly ravaged by Shi Yu.

Not in a nightmare now. UU reading

"How, are you interested in the eleventh round now?" Shi Yu asked.

It won't be long before the mechanical ancient beasts can be wholesaled... and there is nothing new.

Hearing this, Fang Lan burst into tears.

"But I don't want to give up the Mechanical Department either."

She doesn't want to give up the mechanical department, but she also wants to be the ancient mechanical beast.

Researching new systems is every mechanic's dream.

Shi Yu said: "Don't worry, you can have all of them, I can send you some memory water droplets, and you can carry things quickly. At that time, it may not be impossible for you to join the research on mechanical ancient beasts. There are many directions for archaeology. Yes, the combination of archaeology and machinery may be a new direction, and I am very optimistic about you."

An archaeologist who doesn't want to be a mechanic is not a good archaeologist, he thinks this Fang Lan is very promising! !

Fang Lan nodded excitedly and looked forward to surpassing Shi Yu? What goes beyond? beyond what? She only knew that the mechanical Tyrannosaurus looked so fragrant!

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

From today, she is Shi Yu's fan girl!

"Professor Fang and Professor Liu, if you are also interested in the future, you can always come to Gudu University to find me."

Professor Fang and Professor Liu also shined.


Lu Qingyi: So...who is looking for an assistant?

At the same time, the principal of Kongdu University, which is located outside the ruins of Kongdi in Wanxiang Mountain, sneezed heavily... Gudu University sealed the principal, did not know where he appeared, walked over and patted his shoulder with emotion, saying: "Old Friends, it's getting cold, so put on more clothes."

"Feng, be diligent at all times, either **** or steal."

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