Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 345: : Famous Zhen Donghuang

What the hell!

Seeing Shi Yu like this, everyone was stunned.

Has Shi Yu defeated the Void Mantis? !

Whether it's the pet beast egg in Shi Yu's hand, the ruins that suddenly closed, or the screaming Void Mantis, it seems... to prove everything.

However, at this time, everyone was still a little confused and had some unreal feeling.

Because before Shi Yu entered, no one thought that Shi Yu would be able to challenge successfully.

Zou Yun and other top ten beast masters in the sequence have challenged themselves. Whether it is the ace or the main force, they were all defeated by the Void Mantis playfully.

The top masters such as Grandma Li and Dr. Chen in the eleventh round also entered, and they were ruthlessly smashed by the Void Mantis.

The president of the Air Metropolis Association did not know how many veteran top masters who were very well-known across the country had received, but as a result, without exception, they all lost. .

The conclusion drawn is that this beast cultivated by Emperor Kong is invincible, and cannot be defeated under the legend and overlord.

If there is, it may be a pet beast cultivated by the same rank as Emperor Shi, Emperor Wu, Empress, Dragon Emperor, Evolution Legend, and Mechanical Legend.

Even the beastmasters like Ji Feng and Tong Yan who have a record of killing overlord-level creatures are not opponents of the Void Mantis at all.

However, the reality is that a beastmaster who only has a fifth-level space and only has a talent for telepathy, has achieved a record that everyone judges impossible? ? ?

"How is this possible!" Everyone was still subconsciously in disbelief.

Lu Qingyi's expression was subtle. She had only recently played against Shi Yu. She was really shocked by the growth rate of Shi Yu, but from her judgment, Eleven was definitely not far behind the Void Mantis. .

So, what kind of special training did Shi Yu and Shi Yi have this week?

Ji Feng, Tong Yan, Ning Tianming and the others never thought that it would be Sequence Eleven, who didn't pay attention to it at first, defeated the Void Mantis.

Zou Tianwang's mentality collapsed to the extreme. If it's true, doesn't it mean that Shi Yu's sequence ranking is going to rise again.

Now Shi Yu is 11th, no matter how many places he rises, when the time comes, the one who falls to 11th must be King Zou.

After finally making it into the top ten, it turned out that within a few days, the **** was still hot, and he was about to fall again. Zou Tianwang was very heartbroken.

Something's wrong, something's wrong, since when did this kid Shi Yu start to harass him everywhere? It's obvious that the two sides don't have much interaction, so why does it make him uncomfortable again and again?

"You you you you...really?" The principal of Kongdu University stared blankly at the egg in Shi Yu's hand!

"Really, really won?" Principal Feng was also stupid for a while, what, that means, now Shi Yu is stronger than Qing Yi?

"I just said, Senior Shi Yu will definitely win." Fang Lan said excitedly, Shi Yu was stronger than she thought.

"Well, we have tried to develop the power of the Dark Gold Demon God of Meteorite in the past few days." Shi Yu said: "Unfortunately, Eleven can't control that power perfectly. Otherwise, it should be easier to win."

Hey, after this period of time is over, quickly help Eleven find new evolutionary skills and open up a new evolutionary route. The power of Meteorite cannot be wasted.

Keep betting on the dog!


Hearing this, everyone's teeth were rattling. Except for Principal Feng, Lu Qingyi and a few others who could understand it, others couldn't understand it very much, but just based on Shiyu's tone, it's not human, what is it? Otherwise, it will be easier to win, human words?

"This." Principal Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then he accepted it more easily.

It turns out that this is the case, the devil **** iron-eating beast, that is Emperor Wu's trump card, using Emperor Wu's trump card to cultivate a path to defeat a secondary pet cultivated by Emperor Kong, in this way, it seems that it is really not impossible.

Having said that, it was still too outrageous. Principal Feng looked at Eleven. This little guy is only two years old.

Let Emperor Kong know this, no, let Emperor Wu also know, both of them are crying and fainting in the toilet, okay?

"The power of the devil..." Lu Qingyi took a deep breath. Eleven was useless against her. Now that Eleven has mastered it, that means that in a heads-up situation, she will no longer be Shiyu's opponent. Yet?

"So, is this the starry sky pet egg?" Kong Dui looked at Shi Yu's hand.

Purple pattern on a white background, what species would it be.

This is not easy to judge, because it is definitely not a Blue Star creature.

Can attributes be judged? Not too good to judge...

Shi Yu also glanced down again, then nodded.

He is also not easy to judge, the purple pattern on the white background... the starry sky, for a while... he can only think of Frieza, the emperor of the universe... peat.

"This is it." Shi Yu said.

"Envy." Tong Yan looked at the egg eagerly, except for the opportunity to cultivate in the ruins, she came for this egg!

The starry sky alien egg sounds very powerful.

How could the beasts that Kongdi deliberately leave behind?

Maybe it is a high-level hegemonic race, or even a mythical race.

Several other people are also secretly envious, who doesn't want such a rare thing.

"I don't know what race it will be... When will it hatch."

someone asked.

"This may not be easy. I learned that the incubation conditions for this egg are extremely high, and it requires a specific place. If it doesn't take a year and a half, there should be no hope for incubation." Shi Yu shook his head.

"Ah, let's not talk about it, I'll go to restore the pet first." At this time, in the relic space, Susu has already made the frost purification suit. .

Shi Yu estimated that after this battle, with the physique of the iron-eating beast royal family, after the eleventh recovered, his strength would definitely be able to rise to a higher level.

"Is there anything you need?" Seeing that Eleven's injuries were so bad, even with Bao Bao's continued treatment, it was still miserable, and the principal said with a grunt.

"Huh? ... Life supplements above level 7, are you okay?" Shi Yu said casually, he taught the undead golden body once before, and all the supplements were used up, so I need more.

"The Air Capital Association has resources to prepare for the war, let's go, we'll go there to get it." Principal Feng said politely.

Donghuang and even the Kongdu Association took a bunch of resources to attack the ruins of Kongdi. Now that the ruins are successfully attacked, these supplements are also sent back, so it’s better to use them for Shiyu and Shiyi.

Soon, Principal Feng took Shi Yu and the others and ran to get the supplements, leaving only the remains of the crowd staring blankly and silently at the sky closed.

The sky will always look up to the sky, who is it...

However, the news that the 20-year-old beastmaster has defeated the legendary beastmaster Kongdi's second pet may change the whole of Donghuang.

At the same time, the old man looked at the silent King Zou Tianwang, Ji Feng and the others, and also knew that the sequence rankings were about to change.

"Ji Feng." After Lu Qingyi was silent, she looked at the fifth sequence, Ji Feng, and said, "You prepare, next, we will have the battle of the sequence."


On the other side, Shi Yu, who was going with Principal Feng to get various supplement resources, faced Principal Feng's question again.

There were a lot of people over there just now, but now, the two of them talked about the main point.

"What, I have to go to the Seven Islands, Rongguang, Tingxiang, Tianhu?"

Hearing Shi Yu talking about hatching a starry sky egg and having to go to the designated Kong Emperor ruins to receive the baptism of the power of the stars, Principal Feng suddenly became solemn.

Shi Yu raided the ruins of Emperor Kong. In theory, this egg belongs to Shi Yu.

But relying on Shi Yu's personal strength alone, it's not too difficult to hatch this egg.

"What are you going to do."

"It's fine for me to incubate by myself. Originally, I was thinking of going abroad to see it. Don't worry. When I get there, I will definitely bring Teacher Ying, and even the ice dragon of Longgongcheng. There will be no problem."

"Uh." Principal Feng was powerless to refute, indeed, going abroad is extremely dangerous for even a legendary beastmaster.

However, for Shi Yu, a guy who can carry a totem bodyguard with him, it is no less than the personal protection of a title legend, and it seems that it is not so dangerous. The premise is that he does not take the initiative to die.

"This, this, this." Feng Lao Principal was entangled again, how to go around, or to go abroad.

Whether it was Lu Qingyi or Shi Yu, he actually didn't want them to participate in the World Championships or go abroad.

But Shi Yu and Lu Qingyi are obviously not the masters who are idle. Now there is another star egg that needs to be hatched at a designated place. Now, Shi Yu has another reason to go out.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Before I can protect myself, I won't run around."

"Also, before the start of the mechanical conference, I have decided to practice in the Kongdi ruins and strive to break through the sixth level."

"When the time comes, the seventh level is far away, and if you stay, you will stay. It's better to go and experience it." Shi Yu also knew that he was not the one to stay.

"Furthermore, I also got the guardian skill of the Dragon God of Dragon Palace City, and I will be fine."

Hearing this, Principal Feng was stunned and his pupils shrank. My dear, you have even arrived at the Dragon God.

Holding a demigod thigh? peat! You should be the head of the first bureau!

You know, in the first game, no one can PY to a demigod.

Dragon God has never communicated directly with Dong Huang, only evolution legends and mechanical legends have seen Dragon God several times.

"In this case... it's really not that dangerous. The Tianhu Kingdom is the less threatening one in the Totem Kingdom. The other three countries, no accident, the exchange group led by the titled legend from Donghuang will go there next. If you really want to go, you can join the group." Principal Feng said.

At that time, there will be more title legends and more legends as bodyguards, and it will be difficult to encounter danger.

Taking advantage of the brief peace between the League of Seven Nations and the League of Totems during Worlds was a good eye-opener.

Principal Feng sighed, and you can do whatever you want.

It is indeed difficult for an experienced beastmaster to reach the legendary level.

"That's right." Shi Yu suddenly thought of something and said, "After this time, will my sequence ranking be in the top five?"

"Isn't it true that the top five players in the Sequence Battle will get a Legendary Resource as a reward to help the players compete in the World Championship?"

"Speaking of which, if you can pay in advance for this reward, it should be invested in advance... There is no need to wait for the eve of the World Championship..."

"Uh." Principal Feng was stunned for a moment. There is such a thing, but what the **** is the advance, and you are not in the top five!

"Ji Feng can't beat the Void Mantis, you've beaten it. In theory, it's a good comparison, but from the actual situation, it's still 1VS1 after all, and it can't be regarded as the overall strength of the beastmaster. Moreover, his talent , was restrained by the Void Mantis, so I can't say whether the Sequence Dispute Committee will use this record as a judging criterion..." Principal Feng said.

Shi Yu smiled and said: "Didn't you say that the association is going to come up with a batch of resources to cultivate an invincible king to challenge the Void Mantis, now that the challenge is successful, this resource is also saved, it's better to combine the ranking rewards of the Sequence Competition with Together, give me a legendary resource in advance."

"If you can, just publish my record of killing two overlords in the Chaos Sea, count it into it, and jump directly to fifth. After a while, I feel that I shouldn't be afraid of other people. challenge."

"Good guy, what you think is beautiful." Principal Feng was taken aback.

Eleven's legendary resources, plus the legendary resources of Sequence Ranking, plus the future reincarnation of the sea elves will break through the overlord, Shi Yu will definitely not give up the opportunity to apply for the legendary resources, Shi Yu is eyeing the Donghuang legend resource library Ah!

"But..." Principal Feng pondered for a while, feeling that it was not impossible to operate, he said: "I will fight for you."

"Thank you grandpa, I want time." Shi Yu looked forward to it.

"Crap, how is that possible!" Principal Feng was angry.

"The wood element, the light element, it's all right...all right..."

Eleven's legendary resources, I have it, I have it, I have it, I have it, I have it, I have it, I have it, I must have it, I have to find a way from the mechanical conference, now if the sequence ranking can be achieved, I will give it to Shen Baobao .

In this way, all the legendary resources will be achieved!

Next, as long as they take the opportunity to hone their will into the will of the overlord, and the super skill situation is perfect, they can make an invincible breakthrough, and strive to make each of them as good as the Void Mantis.

When he thought that there would be several top overlords around him in the near future, Shi Yu was full of happiness.

"Of course, if there are legendary space system training resources, the kind used by beast masters, it's fine..." Shi Yu added immediately.


Shi Yu and Principal Feng calculated Donghuang's legendary resource inventory together.

Shi Yu also took a bunch of top-level supplements from the preparation area of ​​Kongdi Ruins for Eleven and Shen Baobao.

After finishing the incident, Principal Feng suddenly realized something and said, "By the way, Qing Yi seems to have an appointment with Ji Feng..."

After Shi Yu was stunned, he suddenly thought of this.

All of a sudden, the grandfather looked strange.

Just now, I was planning to apply for the Legendary resource in advance through the fifth sequence.

But if Lu Qingyi defeated Ji Feng, the fifth in the sequence would be Lu Qingyi's.

At that time, it was not Ji Feng but Lu Qingyi that Shi Yu pushed down.

Shi Yu suddenly looked innocent...

"It won't be so pitiful..."

Not long after, Ji Feng and Lu Qingyi fought a full-scale battle in the Vientiane Mountains.

Principal Feng and Shi Yu must have also come over to be spectators.

In this battle, Zou Tianwang and others all stayed in the audience.

The full duel between Sequence Five and Sequence Seven is still very attractive.

Shi Yu, Shi Shi, Chong Chong, Shen Bao Bao, Chi Tong, Su Su, Rin, Shi Yu's entire team, all stood on the top of the mountain, quietly watching the bottom.

Boom! !

On Ji Feng's side, there are six pet beasts who are proficient in manipulating natural forces, the three dominant races and the three quasi-dominant races, all of which have the ability to hurt the overlord due to his celestial affinity talent.

The combined force of the six, let alone a short-term confrontation with the overlord, is not impossible even to suppress ordinary overlords.

Ji Feng did indeed have a record of killing overlords by taking advantage of the general trend of nature.

Ordinary overlords refer to ordinary overlord races and overlord-level creatures with an energy value of about 50 million, a low level of natural force cultivation, and super-level racial skills that do not exceed perfect proficiency. Demon apes are like this.

Of course, the top-level overlords like the Dragon Palace City Tongtian Whale, who are famous in the East China Sea hegemony circle, and the invincible overlords like the Mutated Kun of Bahai Legend who can break the wrist with the totem level, are of course not included.

On Lu Qingyi's side, there are five wind demon lions, Qingling phoenix birds, imperial concubine flowers, mermaid princesses, and hurricane demons who have mastered the perfect teaching skill 'Myth Revival'. Mythic recovery skills can reach an energy value of over 20 million, equivalent to half a hegemon.

In addition, Lu Qingyi's new contracted Tingxiang elf, although there is no myth revival, but absorbed half of the legendary undead resources of the ancient capital university, the strength is not inferior to the other few, in its natural spirit possessed Next, the strength of the other beasts, which were already very strong, has increased greatly again.

After the wind demon lion and the blue spirit wind bird were cultivated and evolved by Lu Qingyi, her configuration was also the three dominant races, the three quasi dominant races.

It can be said that, except for the four who have become legends, the two almost represent the strongest echelon combat power of Donghuang's younger generation, and they will be the pillars of Donghuang's legendary combat power in the next few decades.

The peak battle between the two directly caused Zou Yun and others to focus their attention to the extreme, and they deeply felt the gap.

"Hey." "Uh." "Eh." "Mi." "Eh." "It's amazing..." Shi Yu and the others were also pondering.

If it's a team fight, these two people are really scary.

"It's not a big problem." Shi Yu took a deep breath. Except for Eleven, his other beasts were indeed not very easy to deal with the other main forces alone, but due to the existence of the fruit of time and the overwhelming power of Eleven today Sexual strength, the team battle is not beatable, it is just very difficult, but this situation will not be too long.

Next, when he breaks through to the sixth level and the proficiency of their super-level skills on the eleventh level, he can be truly invincible under the legend.

Before that, for the sake of the legendary resources, this sequence was fifth, and he sat down first...

the next day.

Three hot searches about the Sequence Battle event have caused a stir in the entire Donghuang.

The first, Zou Tianwang, who ranked tenth in the sequence, fell to eleventh.

As expected of a large traffic user, Zou Yun was not the only one who dropped the ranking today, but he was the only one who was singled out.

Around this topic, the Nth online war was launched between fans and blacks.

Zou Tianwang reluctantly downloaded the flow of money.

The second, the seventh sequence Lu Qingyi VS the fifth sequence wind.

With the genius archaeologist and vice president of the Archaeological Association, Lu Qingyisheng ended the peak battle that took place in Vientiane Mountain, the empty capital.

The results of this battle were announced, and the Donghuang Royal Beast Domain was shaken.

Countless female beastmasters are very excited, because in this way, there are two women in the top five in the sequence.

In addition to Lu Qingyi, in the top five of the sequence, there is another female legendary beastmaster Shen Ling in the second sequence, a descendant of the mechanical legend, but this **** bell is extremely mysterious. It is said that as a descendant of the mechanical legend, it is not a mechanical Teacher, the outside world knows very little about her.

Therefore, Lu Qingyi defeated Ji Feng, and used his telepathy talent to defeat the top fighting talent in the battle of revenge. Coupled with Lu Qingyi's high appearance, Lu Qingyi instantly became the idol of many female beastmasters. National Goddess.

However, Lu Qing was the fifth in this sequence, but he didn't stay for a few minutes. Then, news appeared that was even more shocking in the field of Donghuang Royal Beasts.

In the original Sequence Eleven, Shi Yu, who had been promoted to the top National Champion in the Sequence at an astonishing speed, replaced Lu Qingyi in the 5th Sequence in an instant, shaking the entire Donghuang.

"How is that possible, that Shi Yu..."

All parts of Donghuang shook.

The scene of the Gudu career assessment finals.

At the end of the final battle, after the amazing dark horse An Chang from Wuling City won the championship, it was not the announcement of the championship, but the top of a hot news search that detonated the audience.

"Genius archaeologist and national champion Shi Yu deciphered the ruins of Kongdi and defeated Kongdi's second favorite!"

"Kongdu came to the ruins of Kongdi built hundreds of years ago. The guardian is the second pet cultivated by the legendary beastmaster Kongdi, who can be called the invincible Void Mantis at the king level. In just one week, dozens of veteran top masters challenged, The top ten Ji Feng, Lu Qingyi, Zou Yun, Ning Tianming, and Tong Yan also challenged one after another, but all were defeated."

"Until Sequence Eleven Shiyu challenged the ruins and successfully defeated the Void Mantis, the Kong Emperor ruins were cracked."

The report contains more details.

Countless beastmasters dropped their jaws in shock.

On the site of the vocational assessment in the ancient capital, An Chang browsed the news in amazement, and the pride that he had just won the top spot in the profession faded away immediately.

"A battle that spanned time, Shi Yu VS Kongdi? This kid, how dare he even achieve this?!"

The Master Distortion Master who was about to be promoted glared out, unable to understand the speed at which Shi Yu became stronger. He looked at An Chang below. You must know that a year ago, Shi Yu was just standing there. A rookie entering the professional field.

The announcement of this news made Shi Yu's fifth in the sequence worthy of the name.

After all, it was the beast that defeated the Kong Emperor. Although it was only the second pet left to guard the ruins, it was also cultivated by the legendary beastmaster. Moreover, the beast's record was unparalleled, up to the old top beast master in Donghuang. From the young to the top ten Lu Qingyi and Ji Feng in the sequence, no one could beat them.

In this case, it turned out to be the remains of Shiyu Raiders?

If it is said that the concept of Kongdi's second favorite is too far away from people, then another hot search will make everyone numb.

Imperial Capital, a private mechanical research institute.

Gao Xuan, who is currently preparing for the mechanical conference, is currently ranked more than 20 in the sequence, staring at the hot search in front of him with wide pupils.

"The fifth Shiyu record in the sequence is announced. Three months ago, he assassinated two overlords and got out!"

The master of the fifth-level telepathy talent leapt to kill the overlord. As soon as the record was announced, the Donghuang Royal Beast Domain was boiling again.

The sound of the trough continued.

Even some new legends rarely have such a record. Although it is an assassination, not a frontal killing, it must be known that Shi Yu is only 20 years old, and he is a fifth-level beastmaster.

All over the country, such as Hua Xia Jin Legend, Xia Qingwei's father Xia Chuan, Yin Zhengfan's father Yin Chuan, these legends with overlord fighting power, legends who are familiar with Shi Yu, seeing Shi Yu's record, can't be more shocked.

Originally, many people were a little confused about Shi Yu's sudden rise to fifth in the sequence, but at this moment, not only were they not awake, but they were even more confused, confused from various angles.

"Three months ago, at that time... the national competition hasn't started yet." Gao Xuan was extremely shocked. He actually had the ability to kill overlords, but it was with the help of forbidden weapons, not his own power, but Shi Yu this guy , even before defeating himself, he has the ability to assassinate the overlord? How exactly did it do...


Bamboo and Stone Martial Arts Hall.

Senior Panda Sister Lin Xiuzhu, Pavilion Manager Lin Hongnian, President Feng, and Bai Xi who came to Pingcheng to discuss the Iron Beast Legion and other members of the Bai family watched the news and looked at each other in the conference room.

"That guy is more powerful than Senior Sister Lu?" Bai Xi was stunned.

"Hmm..." Lin Xiuzhu suddenly felt that the price of Donghuang's house price might not have risen as fast as the price of the iron beast.

Magic City.

More than half a month after the Minghua exchange group came to Donghuang, they had already planned to leave Donghuang.

The legend of Minghua, and the young players in the World Championship were also paying attention to the changes in the sequence rankings, and scolding voices came out one after another.

Why did you eat it earlier? It should have been updated for this monster's ranking. He killed the overlord three months ago, and the result was more than 20 sequences? What an international joke, the update is too slow, isn't this annoying!

Fifth in the sequence…

On this day, Shi Yu won a title because of his sturdy record and astonishing promotion speed.

Although it is not officially recognized, it is only propaganda by netizens, but it is widely circulated, no less than the name of Zou Yun's heavenly king.

[Shi Yu, the first person under the legend of Donghuang. 】

This shock, coupled with Shi Yu's many achievements, his name, in the field of Donghuang Royal Beasts, can be said that no one knows, no one knows.

At the same time, the empty capital, Vientiane Mountain.

After a day's rest, Shi Yu looked at the relics of Kongdi that had been reopened.

As the ruins opened, he immediately entered.

Inside, the Void Mantis yawned.

Inside the ruins, Void Mantis and Shi Yu immediately stared at them.

"Hey." Shi Yu smiled.

Void Mantis: "Huh?"


"This ruin... can you invite a few more people to come in and practice together?"

The Void Mantis was stunned for a moment, then snorted coldly: "You are really greedy, but whatever you want, this relic was specially modified by the master and is very suitable for meditation. However, as the number of people meditating increases, the efficiency of meditation will be equally divided, and Apple is just like that. If you don’t care, I don’t care if you don’t care.”

"Ah, that's fine." Shi Yu had a headache.

"Senior, what are your plans next? Are you still in the ruins, or are you planning to go out and see? Otherwise, I'll look at the ruins for you? Don't worry, I won't break it." Shi Yu said seriously.

"Huh??" Void Mantis suspected that this guy was thinking about his ruins.

"I want to break through to the Overlord level here. If I don't suppress the level, it will be a matter of practicing my skills. When the time comes, I will leave, but even if I leave, I will take the relics with me. Don't think about it. Think." Void Mantis snorted coldly: "In other words, you are the only one who can cultivate here before I break through the overlord."

"This is for the sake of inheriting the master's pet egg."

"That's not bad!" Shi Yu's eyes lit up, and said, "Senior, how about having my pet beast as a sparring skill for you, so that the skill proficiency may be improved faster, they are still quite strong."

Hey, I will meditate for the next period of time, and I will be idle when I am idle. It is better to let this outrageous void mantis be a sparring partner for Eleven and them, and then find a chance to touch a few space skills...

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