"Children, buy books?"

Mo Yi was walking under the dim street lamp. He heard a voice coming gradually. He was old and hoarse. He was looking for fame. He saw an old man in a white shirt Hawking in front of a small stall.

"Old man, why don't you close the stall so late?" Mo also walked past, looking at the old man, can't help but ask.

Now it's ten o'clock in the evening. Mo Yi is a senior high school student in G city. He is also an orphan. He grew up in an orphanage. But later, the orphanage closed down. Many orphans were adopted, but no one adopted him. He had to rely on state subsidies and his own part-time job.

Now is finished the part-time job is to go home, is already more than ten.

"There is no business all day, how can we close the stall?" the old man sighed and said helplessly.

Mo can't help but look down at the old man's small bookstall and buy some extremely old and broken books, such as the golden plum, the Western plum, and the old and broken books.

"Well.. Old man, how do you sell that book? " Mo also has no choice but to point to a clean white paper,

"This one? Count you five, sell it and you'll close the stall. "The old man took the white paper from one corner and handed it to Mo Yidao.

"Oh, good." Mo Yiying said, counting out a five yuan sheet from his pocket and handed it to the old man.

"Well, thank you, child," the old man said, and handed the white paper to Mo Yi. At the same time, he took Mo Yi's five yuan and began to close the stall.

"It's all right, sir. Go back quickly. It's late." Mo Yi said. He took the white paper and went to his home. At the same time, he looked at the white paper.

On the surface of this white paper is printed the word "Tianshu", which is in seal style. It's black. It's not very impressive, but it's recognizable.

Mo also looked, the corner of his mouth twitched: "the book of heaven? It's a letter without words

There are only 20 or 30 pages in the white paper, but all of them are white. They don't even have a single word. That is to say, on the surface, they have the two character seal style of "Tianshu" and nothing else.

"Forget it," Mo sighed, then threw the wordless book into his broken schoolbag and went home.

Then the old man who closed the stall looked at Mo Yi and said, "this child is very kind. A book with no words can be sold for five yuan. I'm afraid it will make me close the stall earlier. Unfortunately, kindness can't be used as food in this world. In such a world, it can't survive. Don't blame me for cheating you. If you want to blame me, blame the world."

After murmuring, the old man quickly closed the stall for fear that Mo would come back to investigate his situation.

Mo Yiju's home is a red brick house with an area of more than ten square meters, which is subsidized by the state. I'm afraid that it will be demolished in a few years. However, there are so many people like him in China, how can they take care of them? There is no news later.

"Tired to death" Mo also closed the door, went into the house, put his bag on the chair, lay on his wooden bed, and fell asleep.

In the room, there are only a few chairs and a bed. It's very simple. After all, it's just Mo Yi's life. It's OK. I can stand it.

In a short time, Mo had already fallen asleep and fell asleep.

The next day, just as the early sun rose, the first ray of sunlight fell into Mo Yi's room, and Mo Yi woke up from his deep sleep. It was at this time that he had developed his biological clock for many years.

Now it's spring, but it's like summer. Now it's more than six o'clock, and it's already bright. Moreover, Mo Yi lives in G City, which belongs to the south, and it's bright early.

"Yes? The school system in China is really helpless. "

Mo also made a slight sound, took a bath in the toilet, washed yesterday's clothes and put them on. Then he took out a piece of clean clothes, put on his schoolbag and went out.

The school arranged to arrive at 7 o'clock, and the class didn't start until more than 8 o'clock. Mo Yi got up at 6 o'clock to deal with some things. It was more than 40 minutes. Although Mo Yi's home was not far from the school, it also took some time.

Not long after that, Mo also arrived at the school gate. It was almost seven o'clock, but there was time.

"Yang Yixin? Good morning. "Mo also saw a beautiful woman's shadow and said hello.

I saw a 167 year old girl, wearing a white shirt, a knee length skirt and a single horsetail. When she turned around, she had a delicate face. Not to mention her extreme beauty, she was ugly and a rare beauty.

"Morning" Yang Yixin, with a strange smile on her face, turned around, looked at Mo Yi and said hello.

"Yang Yixin said hello to the poor boy."

"It seems that they are quite familiar with each other."

"I heard that Yang Yixin and the poor boy came from an orphanage."

"Is Yang Yixin an orphan? It can't be true? She has a good family

"Oh.. Can orphans be adopted... "

"Yes, too."

Yang Yixin looked at the eyes of the people around her. Her face was a little ugly. She looked at Mo Yi and said, "I'll go first." after that, she went straight into the school, no matter what.

"Oh, good" Mo also looked at Yang Yixin's body and went, light should be a.

As everyone said, Yang Yixin did come out of an orphanage with Mo Yi. Both of them were orphans. Moreover, Yang Yixin and Mo Yi were very good friends before. They played together since childhood. It can be said that they were childhood sweethearts. But later, Yang Yixin was adopted and left. They had not seen each other for three or four years.

It was only later that Mo Yi and Yang Yixin both studied in No.2 Middle school that they got to know each other again.

Mo also went to school later. He didn't pay attention to Yang Yixin's situation. Mo has always regarded Yang Yixin as a younger sister.

Walking into the class, Mo also put down his schoolbag, sat on the seat and took out a book at will to look at.

Mo also has nothing to interest the students around him except his grades. Originally, Mo also didn't like studying very much. However, his orphan, the state has a poverty allowance policy, and he will give a certain amount of financial assistance. However, not everyone can get it. After all, there are so many students in the city, and there are many families with difficulties, Students who do well in all aspects of the school will be given priority.

It is for this reason that Mo Yi has a certain amount of allowance every time for his high performance, no lateness, no early leave and discipline.

And learning? Examination oriented education, all the learning is for the examination, and all the learning, these things, except after all when graduate students, all stay in school, but basically not much use.

In fact, according to today's world, a few more skills are the right way, but too much knowledge can not be used. A lot of the knowledge learned today is for the postgraduate entrance examination in the future. If it is used in life and work, I'm afraid there are not many.

"I don't know when to put it" Mo Yi's eyes flashed a look of hope.

If it's not for Mo Yi, who has heard that those with good discipline and excellent learning will get higher poverty subsidies. He is afraid that Mo Yi will skip classes and go to part-time jobs. He can't eat enough and read any books.

After a day's class, Mo also did it at school at noon. After listening to the class in the afternoon, he picked up his schoolbag and left school quickly.

Mo has taught himself the contents of these teachers for a long time. Although they may not be as good as what the teacher said, they are also very difficult to understand. After school, Mo also has to work part-time.

"Are you moye?"

Just as Mo Yi just walked out of the school gate, several people surrounded him directly. One of them was wearing the school uniform of No.2 Middle School, two of them were wearing the school uniform of No.2 Middle School, and three of them were dyed with yellow hair. At first sight, they were social gangsters.

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