PS: Well... The plot is selected from film and television, but in terms of details, the original work will be carefully studied. If there are mistakes or omissions, please forgive me.

"Do you want to come down from the sky every time?"

When Mo Yi's consciousness came back again, he fell off in the void, and directly fell down from the sky.

Mo also saw a high mountain. He spat out black spider silk in his hand, pulled it hard, swayed his body and jumped out.

It's a pity that there are some mountain scenery around, there are no tall buildings, and there is no continuity in silk spinning ability.

Mo also just swung in the void to ease the impact, so that the defense ability covered by the venom would not have any problems after landing.

The position across the void is not too long. Mo Yi's foot is on the roof of an ancient manor.

"Hoo." Mo can't help spitting out a mouthful of turbid air. Every time he crosses, he comes to work high above the ground. Mo can't help feeling bad.

Moreover, there are no high-rise buildings here. If you don't see the high mountain and you can't find a place to spin silk, I'm afraid it's the strength of falling to death.

"The plane is successful. At present, the plane" Lu Ding Ji "is going on one-to-one, and the outside world is going on one day and the plane is going on one year. The host should be cautious. When the plane is going on, the host Shouyuan will not be calculated."

That is to say, Mo Yi spent a year in the plane of Lu Ding Ji, and the original world was only one day. Fortunately, Mo also asked for a few days off before, which was OK.

"When I'm in power, I don't lose my life?" Mo also listens to the last sound of the system, his eyes are bright.

At the same time, Mo also seems to feel that a kind of energy in the body is invisibly protected, and the cell activity of the whole body is in a normal state.

"Yes, during the training on the plane of the throne, the life essence, cell activity and metabolism of the host will be suppressed and stopped, so as to ensure that the longevity of the host will not be damaged," the system responds.

Mo also nodded to show understanding.

"Ding, task 1: defeat Chen Jinnan( Task reward: 150 points "

"Task two: defeat nine difficulties( Task reward: 200 points "

"Task 3: defeat GUI Xinshu (task reward: 200 points)"

"Task 3: kill Hong Antong( Task reward: upgrade the primary skill level)

Listening to the sound of the system, Mo can't help but feel relieved. Although these tasks seem to be rewarded very little, the great use of points involves a lot of abilities.

Integration ability needs to use points, learning skills need to use points, improve skills need to use points, improve material level need to use points, domestication ability also need to use points.

The key to using these abilities is the use of points. Therefore, these rewards seem to be ordinary, but in fact they are of great use.

And in terms of points, so far, Mo also knows that the task can be obtained, but there is no other point that he seems to be able to obtain.

"System, what happens if I don't finish the task?" Mo also thought about it for a while, and finally asked. It's safe to ask. In case there's something wrong, I don't know, and I haven't finished the task at that time, it's bad.

"If any task is not completed, the host will not be able to return to the original world, but the host does not belong to this world. If he stays here for a long time, he will be found, killed and cleared by the laws of heaven in this world."

The sound of the system soon reflected in Mo Yi's mind, mechanical and cold, without any emotion.

"In the end, in a word, if I don't finish the task, I will die." Mo Yi sighed helplessly and said, "but the task reward is still good."

Mo Yi said that his clothes began to change gradually, and turned into pure white ancient clothes, swordsman clothes, and poison clothes.

In Lu Ding Ji, it's the world of ancient clothes. Mo can't wear a uniform of No.2 Middle School to hang out here. It's not regarded as a wonderful flower. The only thing that works hard is hair.

This is the background of the Qing Dynasty. All the men have a whip on their head. They don't have a single hair on their forebrain. Mo Yi's short hair is helpless, but he can't change it. That's all.

"Let's go, let's go, I'll kill you or not."

A voice undoubtedly attracted Mo Yi's eyes. A middle-aged man in an official uniform was shouting something in the manor, and Mo was watching from the roof.

"There, move all the things here. Take them to my house first. I'll check them and say that all these women will be sent to ningguta to be exiled."

The man in the official uniform said, and several soldiers came out with a bunch of women with handcuffed hands and feet, and all of them were escorted to the army.

"What's the situation?" Mo also looked at the situation and frowned.

Now, he just knows that this is the world of Lu Ding Ji, and he doesn't know where it is. As for the specific things, Mo also doesn't remember very clearly.


But I saw a little girl about fourteen or fifteen years old, with handcuffs on her hands and feet. However, when she was pushed by the soldiers behind her, she fell to the ground, lying at the foot of the man in official uniform.

However, the official man jumped away and looked at the little girl with disdain: "what are you doing? If you dirty my clothes, I'll kill you. Get out of here. "

The official man patted his clothes, looked at the little girl and said viciously.

And the little girl just looked at the official with hatred, as if to imprint her appearance in her heart, always remember the enemy, and looked at him without saying a word.

"Get up quickly, you cheap woman," the soldier said. He raised his whip to the little girl.

"Can such a little girl do it? "Dog official troubled times" Mo also can't help but angrily scold a, hand spit out a spider silk, a pull the little girl.

Then it was a hard pull, and the little girl was pulled up, and was directly held in Mo's arms. She didn't feel dirty on the little girl.

"Who are you? How dare you rob a prisoner? " The man in official uniform looked at Mo Yi and yelled.

With the sound falling, dozens of officers and soldiers are holding knives, facing Mo Yi, they are all fierce.

Mo Yi catches one of them and stretches out in an instant. It seems that he will split up by himself. With just a little, he can talk at will according to Mo Yi's mind.

These spider silk directly extended, turned into several circles of black rope, directly tied everyone up.

With the tenacity of the spider silk in moye's hand, I'm afraid it's more difficult to untie it.

"Hum, vulnerable." Mo Yi directly held the little girl in his arms, spat spider silk in his hands, stuck it in the trees, and then flew out, walking at least dozens of kilometers.

"Hoo..." Mo also saw a hut and rushed in with the little girl in his arms.

It was just a dilapidated hut, and no one lived in it. Mo Yi took the little girl in with ease.

"Well, it's OK, those officers and soldiers can't catch you, run for your life quickly." Mo Yi put down the little girl in his arms and said with a smile and a very gentle voice.

The little girl looked at the gray mark on Mo Yi's white robe, which was exactly what Mo Yi had stained when she held her.

"This? It's OK, "Mo said with a smile. If it wasn't for the little girl here, he would remove it at will. After all, the venom could be completely transformed.

"My husband is very kind, but I don't think I can repay him. I'm willing to serve him. I'm a slave and a maid. I go through fire and water, and I don't regret my death."

The little girl knelt down in front of Mo Yi, her eyes were red, and then she kowtowed.

"Who taught you this?" Mo also helped the little girl up with a smile and said with a smile.

As for what the little girl said about "Xianggong", Mo also knows that it is a polysemous word, which generally refers to a woman's address to her husband. However, the little girl here means a respectful address to a man in ancient times.

Inadvertently, Mo also seems to touch something, with a trace of soft, small.

And the little girl's face instantly lowered down, looked very shy, the cheek is already red up.

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