"No, elder martial sister, I'll learn to be flexible. If I don't learn this well, I don't want to learn anything else. Besides, with my strength, even if I don't learn it, it's OK." Mo Yi laughed and didn't take it.

Don't you want to learn swordsmanship and internal mental skill? Of course not. It's just that in the iron sword gate, it seems that apart from this God's changeable ability in the field of lightness skill body method, the others are not very good.

With the iron sword in the sky, there are no Dugu Jiujian, liumai Shenjian and Taiji swordsmanship; There are no muscle bone strengthening exercise, iron Joyoung, and the northern gods. The hidden weapon technique of man Tian Hua Yu is good. It can be used seven times in a row, but Mo Yi doesn't want to learn the hidden weapon at present.

What's more, the most important point is that even if given to Mo Yi, Mo Yi can't learn by himself. When to learn, it's natural to use the system to quickly understand and understand, but the points are not enough, so it's useless to take them.

"So, younger martial brother, when you want to learn, come to elder martial sister." Ninan listened to Mo Yi's words, but also nodded. He didn't ask for anything and put away some secret books.

"By the way, elder martial sister, where is the capital?" Mo also now naturally went into the Palace first, but I don't know if Trinket has started.

"Capital? This is Huzhou. If you don't know, just go to a town and rent a carriage. "Jiunan said. Then he thought about it a little:" younger martial brother, do you have any money

"Well... This Mo also laughed and did not say anything. As a modern man, he had a lot of Chinese coins in the storage space of the Tianshu system.

"It's so reckless to go out. Elder martial sister, I still have some silver coins here. You can take them first, eat and stay all the way, and rent a carriage to the capital." Jiunan takes out a cloth bag from his arms, which contains a lot of silver coins and throws them to Mo Yi.

Mo Yi took it over and was slightly moved. This elder martial sister, who had known him for a few days, was so kind to him. She sighed: "elder martial sister, I will pay you back twice in the future. I can't bribe you, but I will defeat you."

"Ha ha ha.. OK, elder martial sister, I'll wait for the day when you beat me. "

Nine difficult not from happy smile, she to Mo also this younger martial brother is sincere, never have half false, after that, nine difficult jump, foot bamboo leaf, fly away.

Mo Yi jumps in the air, spits out spider silk in his hand, and flies in many bamboo forests. When he rushes out of the forest, he should be able to find towns and other places.

After flying around for a while, Mo Yi finally saw a city, which was a little bigger. The city was very prosperous.

Mo Yi flies several miles outside the city and walks into the city.

"I didn't expect that the level of prosperity is no worse than that of modern times." Mo also appreciated the scenery here, then saw an inn and restaurant, and walked in.

Mo Yi came to this world three days ago. He practiced all kinds of tricks for a few days. He was proficient in all kinds of footwork. With the help of the system, he was extremely fast, but he didn't eat anything during that time.

Today, Mo Yi has been on an empty stomach for a long time. He has long wanted to have a big meal. Moreover, there are no additives, no dead mouse meat, and no gutter oil in the world. They are all natural things.

"My guest, please come inside. There are seats upstairs."

As soon as Mo Yi entered the door, a child answered. He quickly welcomed Mo Yi upstairs and found an empty place to settle him down.

"My guest, what would you like to eat?" The child asked with a smile as he wiped the table.

"Give me four famous dishes in your shop and a pot of top-grade tea." Mo Yi sat on the bench, looking at the antique scenes around him, his mood was somewhat exaggerated.

Soon, the four dishes came up, which was indeed a famous dish. It was full of color, fragrance and so on. Mo Yi not only had a good time, but also quickly entered the restaurant.

After a while, all the four dishes went into Mo Yi's stomach. This natural dish without any additives is the most delicious.

Mo also enjoyed tea for a while, then stood up and said, "children's bill"

"My guest, a total of seven Wen." brother Xiao'er ordered some dishes and looked at Mo Yi with a smile.

"Is that enough?" Mo also took out a piece of silver from the cloth bag and handed it to the younger brother.

"Enough, enough, my guest, take your time."

The second younger brother took the silver in Mo Yi's hand. He was very happy and rushed to send Mo Yi out of the house. During this time, he bowed his body and bowed his back with a smile on his face.

"Little brother, I want to ask you something. I don't know where I can rent a carriage?" Mo also walked out of the gate, looking at the little brother, can't help but ask.

"Rent a carriage, don't you? You go ahead, less than half a mile, there will be a place to rent a carriage, "said the little second brother, pointing to the front.

Mo also nodded, toward the small second brother pointed to the direction and went, all the way to walk in the past.

Walking all the way, Mo also turns into a direction, turns out, and then sees several carriages waiting in place, which should be the place to rent and buy cars.

"Ah.. You.. You.. What do you want? "

"What do you want? You will know in a moment that you are young, but you are beautiful and beautiful

"Yes, it can be sold for a good price?"

"Although I'm 14 or 15 years old, I can still do it with a little adjustment."

Mo Yi listened to these voices, frowned and looked over there. He saw that some local ruffians were really surrounding a little girl in the corner of the alley, talking about something, not afraid.

"Human trafficking? It's more lawless than modern times. "Mo also listened to these people's words, and knew what they wanted to do.

"No.. Don't The little girl was forced to the corner and said nervously.

"The hero saves the beauty for the third time." Mo also spits out a black spider silk, grabs one of them very quickly, pulls back, and pulls this person out in an instant.

The two men were quick to respond. They didn't attack moye, but fled in an instant. In this era of martial arts, it's normal to have chivalrous people. These local ruffians have been familiar with them for a long time.

The two little gangsters didn't care about the one who was pulled out by Mo Yi. They just ran away and was caught by Mo Yi. It was inevitable that they would be beaten and even lost their lives.

"It's very fast." Mo murmured. He walked over and looked at the little girl. She was stunned. She was wearing a little dusty clothes, but her face was clean, white and red. She looked like a beautiful woman. At a young age here, she had taken shape.

"Why are you?" Mo also looked at the little girl's familiar face and frowned.

"Shuang'er came with Xianggong all the way. Shuang'er said that she would follow Xianggong all her life. She would be a slave and a servant girl for Xianggong." the little girl lowered her head and looked at Mo from time to time. She wanted to see it, but she didn't dare to see it.

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