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Along the way, Hai Dafu takes Mo Yi and Shuanger into the palace. Mo also doesn't see anything, because his hands and feet are bound, his eyes are covered, and he doesn't see anything.

Mo also naturally has no resistance to anything. Since Hai Dafu needs them to do something, he will not kill them. Moreover, Mo also has an ability against heaven, which is called "danger prediction". It is spider man's ability. He can sense danger in advance, so Mo can rest assured for a while.

In fact, Mo Yi could easily solve the problem of those strong wrestlers before, but he had to use his lips to attract the attention of Hai Dafu.

Moreover, he took away Mao Shiba and trinket, which is a complete replacement for trinket.

"Little Guizi, untie them"

Mo also didn't know where he was. After hearing this, the ropes of his hands and feet were untied, and the black cloth in front of him was also taken away. So was Shuanger.

As soon as "Xianggong" is untied, shuang'er sees Mo Yi and comes over, grabs Mo Yi's sleeve and hides behind him. Finally, his heart is calmer.

Shuang'er is not afraid of danger or anything, but he is afraid that he will not see Mo Yi. He is afraid that Mo Yi will not want her. That's the most important thing. Now that he sees Mo Yi, he can rest assured.

"Shuang'er is not afraid. It's OK. There's my husband here." Mo Yi hugs shuang'er with a smile. He's not afraid of haidafusi. He has CCCC level combat power. It's not easy for Shanghai dafusi.

Looking at the surrounding situation, it should be in an ancient house. The beams are supported by tiles and wooden piles. However, the decoration is antique, but it has a different flavor. Chinese architectural civilization and ancient dynasty scenery are full of simplicity and solemnity. Compared with western architecture, they are also rivals.

"Starting from tomorrow, you are the new eunuchs here." haidafu said directly without saying much.

Mo Yi is now 18 years old. He belongs to a young man. After all, he was a scholar in his previous life. He didn't go out of society completely. His face is still tender and green. However, his eyes are fierce, which is very popular.

"Oh Mo also chuckled, stepped forward, looked at Hai Dafu, and said with a smile, "I know what Hai Gonggong wants? Look for forty-two chapters, and investigate the two queens. "

Listening to Mo Yi's words, Hai Dafu's eyes are cold, and his hand is swift and violent to attack Mo Yi.

"Bang bang.. Bang... "

Several hands hit Mo Yi's chest quickly, but the defense of the clothes melted by the venom is not a joke. With the strength of CCCC, Hai Dafu can hardly shake Mo Yi even if he tries his best.


Hai Dafu looks at Mo Yi, and his eyes open. He is shocked. Then there is no sound.

Because Mo Yi's hand is also a fast shot. His hand is like a phantom. His powerful physical strength makes Mo Yi's hand faster than Hai Dafu's. he grabs Hai Dafu's throat and his strength is as deep as a mountain.

Mo also directly raised haidafu with one hand. His hand was extremely strong, and haidafu couldn't get away with it.

"Well.... In dare to come what pattern, I let you die don't know how to die. "Mo Yi eyes cold incomparable, full of murderous, piercing voice.

Hai Dafu looks into Mo Yi's eyes. He knows that the young man in front of him has absolute power to kill him, and he will kill him without hesitation.

From the day Mo Yi killed himself, his mind was not so simple. Maybe Mo was as usual, but once he started to kill, he would not hesitate.

"Cough... Cough... " Haidafu sat down on the chair, his face turned red, and he coughed: "little... Xiao Guizi, get the medicine quickly. "

"Yes.. Yes, yes.. "Father-in-law" little Guizi stood up cautiously, looked at Mo Yi quietly, and then went to pour tea carefully to make medicine: "father... "Father in law, medicine"

Haidafu took the medicine in xiaoguizi's hand and drank it. His cough was much better. His face calmed down and he sat on the spot panting.

After a long time, Hai Dafu looked up at Mo Yi and asked calmly, "who sent you?"

"No one, as long as you know, I will help you, not harm you, nor any anti Qing restoration people, not to harm the present little emperor, not to deal with your master." Mo Yi said faintly, and looked at haidafu: "you just want to find someone to help you gamble, and then go to shangshufang to get Forty-two Chapters of Scripture, and investigate the two queens? I can help you. "

Haidafu listened to Mo Yi's words. His face was calm, as if he was thinking about something. Then he suddenly raised his head and showed a fierce light: "drink". With a sound, haidafu palmed out.


Little Guizi didn't even shout out, but he was hit by Duke Hai and flew out. He fell on the ground, spat blood and died.

"So cruel" Mo also saw that Hai Dafu did not hesitate to kill this little Guizi. He said in secret.

In the whole Lu Ding Ji, Hai Dafu is full of gray and musty smell. He represents the kind of hideous and secret forces in the royal palace. He is thoughtful and resourceful. To him, others are just tools to complete the task.

However, Mo also doesn't care about all this. He doesn't care about haidafu. Under the absolute power, all his intrigues are just empty talk.

"Xiao Guizi is missing. I'm transferring two eunuchs to serve me. They are Haidafu made a very hoarse voice.

Mo couldn't help laughing: "little Yizi, little Gemini"

"En" Hai Dafu nodded, looked at Mo Yi and Shuanger, and said quietly, "from now on, xiaoyizi and xiaogemini, you two will stay and serve me."

"Bang" Mo Yixie laughs and says faintly, for Duke Hai, that is to say something on his face. Do you want Mo to serve him? make fun of.

"Well, you go to sleep there. I want the master bedroom." Mo Yi said and went to Shuanger. He took Shuanger's hand and went to the master bedroom.

In addition to the master bedroom, there is a bed in the living room, but it's just a simple wooden bed. Bedding and so on are not as good as the master bedroom.

"This is the clothes." Hai Dafu took out two sets of eunuch clothes from the wardrobe and gave them to Mo Yi.

Mo also took the clothes directly, and took Shuanger to the master bedroom room to separate her from the other side of the living room. After all, Shuanger was a girl. She came all the way to touch and catch her, but she couldn't let haidafu see her, even if haidafu was a eunuch.

"Haidafu, wash the bathtub, put the hot water in it, and move here," Mo also yelled.

Soon, Hai Dafu angrily moved the bath bucket to Mo Yi. It was already a milk bath, and he scattered petals. After putting it down, he left.

"Good pair, do you want to wash them together?" Mo also a pair of strange smile of looking at pair son to ask a way.

"No, Xianggong, you go out first." shuang'er's face is blushing, and he pushes Mo Yi out. It's the sparse voice of taking off clothes.

When shuang'er finished washing, Mo Yicai washed it again and asked haidafu to finish the bath bucket, so he went to bed with shuang'er in his arms and fell asleep.

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