"Big brother, I have raised dozens of good wrestlers to capture aobai at one stroke," Kangxi said as he walked back to his dragon chair and sat down.

Then Kangxi slapped his hands and saw dozens of wrestlers enter the upper study.

"I'd like to see the emperor and give him my best wishes."

Many wrestlers kneel on the ground and say hello to Kangxi in unison.

Mo also stood quietly, saying nothing and doing nothing. He was wearing eunuch clothes, just like a little eunuch served by Kangxi.

"All get up," Kangxi said calmly, showing the royal style. Watching the crowd get up, he said, "you've been practicing for some time. I don't know how well you've practiced. Later, a senior official will come in. He's a good fighter in our court. When he sees my tea cup fall on the ground, he will rush up. In a critical moment, he'll take him down with a gold hook. I'll be rewarded. If I lose, Twenty decapitated together "

Mo also listened to Kangxi's words, looked at it for a moment, did not speak.

Only in this way can Kangxi's ruthlessness and ferocity be revealed. No one in the court is an ordinary person. He can sit on the throne of God at the age of 1956 and be extraordinary with his ingenuity.

Every emperor is a general who has achieved great success. He must step on the throne with the blood of countless people. There are not many emperors, and there is no blood in his hands.

"I'm just testing you. Let's see who's working hard and who's lazy." Kangxi appeased him again. It's like beating a stick and rewarding a sweet date.

After waiting for a long time, there was a sound of footwork outside. At the same time, there was a sound: "aoshaobao, I see you driving."

After a while, a middle-aged man in a clean and honest official's uniform, with a very big figure, walked into the Secretary's room and saluted Kangxi: "I'd like to say hello to the emperor."

"Aoshaobao, please sit down"

"Thank you, Emperor"

Two people politely once, sat down one after another.

"Ao Shaobao came just in time. I have 20 young eunuchs wrestling in the company. Listen to you, Ao Shaobao is the best among the warriors in martial arts. You can show them." Kangxi pointed to the wrestlers and looked at aobai.

"Since the emperor is interested, I will serve him." aobai nodded and said.

"Small also son, you order the bodyguard outside to go down to rest, don't listen to the message, don't come in to wait on" Kangxi waved.

Mo also heard, slightly bowed: "bang", and then turned away.

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As he walked outside the door, he read aloud in his heart at the same time, and the book of heaven in his mind opened a new page, listing the attributes and characteristics of aobai.

"Name: guaerjia * aobai

Alias: aoshaobao

Martial arts: wrestling, fighting skills

Ability: natural power

Combat power: DD

Psychology: the little emperor called me to see wrestling for no reason. It should not be easy. It's better to be careful. "

Mo Yi carefully looked at aobai's message and said in his heart, "the strength of aobai is only twice as strong as that of ordinary people. No wonder haidafu despised aobai very much at that time. Otherwise, in the original work, Kangxi and Wei Xiaobao alone could kill aobai, and the strength would not be too strong."

Aobai is a warrior on the battlefield. He may have very high ability and talent in leading troops, setting up battle lines and attacking cities. However, his own strength will not be too strong in personal competition and fighting alone.

"You all go down and have a rest."

Mo also went out, directly dispersed the people outside, returned to the study, and closed the door.

"The emperor, the bodyguard, thanks for the emperor's kindness, all retreated." Mo also returned to the side of Kangxi and said in a high voice.

"Well, well, let's play our game. You can practice it and show it to Ao Shaobao," Kangxi said after hearing about it.

I can see that these 20 wrestlers practice together. They are all very simple and funny wrestling movements.

Kangxi took a sip from his tea cup, looked at aobai, and said, "aoshaobao, how can these little eunuchs still do

"Barely see, it's fair to say," aobai said casually, full of disdain in his eyes.

"That's nature. It's not nature to compete with you."

Kangxi said, put down the cup, just like the wrong hand in general, the cup directly fell to the ground.

With a clear sound, countless wrestlers rush up to aobai and attack him constantly.

Aobai is also extraordinary, wrestling skills are not bad, constant defense and counterattack, under the siege of the public, also can be regarded as comparable.

After fighting for about 20 minutes, many wrestlers locked up aobai's hands and feet, which was the only way to control it. Aobai was born with great power.

"Ha ha ha... Ha ha ha The locked up aobai had no fear and burst out laughing.

Kangxi saw that aobai was basically not injured, and even had the upper hand. But his wrestlers had injured several people. Now it was the right time to draw out a sharp dagger and quickly walk towards aobai.

"Ah." Not long after that, aobai uttered a scream and stabbed a dagger into his waist. Kangxi was the one who held the dagger.

"The emperor?" Aobai took a look at Kangxi. With a roar and a movement, he threw all the wrestlers out. Kangxi was the same.

Aobai looked at Kangxi, and his body was moving. He patted Kangxi with one hand, and his face was ferocious.

Kangxi sat down on the ground and watched aobai come in horror. He found that aobai had completely moved his heart to kill him. He wanted to kill him quickly, but didn't leave any hands.

Mo also saw this. With a claw in one hand, he grasped aobai's wrist directly. With a twist, he locked his joint and kicked aobai's joint with one leg.

In this way, Mo Yi grabbed aobai's wrist to lock his joints, while aobai half knelt on the ground, his face was ferocious, but he couldn't move.

"Bang" Mo also directly swept aobai and kicked him out.

But aobai was lying on the ground, coughing twice, spitting out blood clots, and his face was very pale.

Kangxi immediately asked people to tie aobai to one side and ignore him. Now that he is defeated by the enemy, Kangxi will not be soft handed since he is determined to deal with aobai.

At the same time, Kangxi said: "Prince xuankang, suoetu"

"Thank you, big brother. Today, if it wasn't for big brother, I would have been killed." Kangxi turned his head, looked at Mo Yi and relaxed.

"Nothing, aobai is a hero in the battlefield, and his martial arts are no better," Mo said lightly.

After all, he was a teenager. Other things were OK. When he met these vital events, fear was inevitable.

After a while, a sound came from outside.

Prince Kang and suoetu

After hearing this, Kangxi quickly reached the top of the Dragon chair, and Mo also stood quietly.

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