Mo also turned around without hesitation, and then flew away quickly. His face was anxious with a trace of joy. His calm and calm image was quite different.

All of them were shocked by Mo Yi's sudden move. For a moment, Mo Yi didn't react. Mo Yi had already gone tens of miles away. He tried his best to use shadow step, but he didn't leave any effort to fly.

Soon, Mo also came to the top of the so-called fighting field, and gradually eased down.

Lei en, Nie Xiaoqian and Yan Chixia soon followed and stood behind Mo Yi, but they all focused on the fighting below.

Next, there is a war between human beings and some monsters. Those monsters are obviously not intelligent, and they only know how to act by instinct, but they are not weak. How to say that they are monsters, not beasts. Then human beings and these monsters fight against each other. You come and go, and the fight is wonderful.

"Sister Jianning"

Ryan's body is suspended behind Mo Yi. She looks at the fight below and whispers.

Today, Ren is also A-level or above. She has a spirit to practice and a spirit to practice. She has a clear understanding of the situation within a thousand miles, even the direction of an ant.

"Well, that's right," Mo nodded and said.

The man fighting with the monster below is Jianning, who has been separated for a long time with mo.

At this time, Jianning was wearing a pink and white light gauze costume and holding a scroll, in which there were various forces constantly flowing out, either flames or thunder.

Originally, Mo had already known Jianning's figure and saw these monsters dozens of miles away, but he didn't see the fighting state clearly at that time.

At this time, Jianning fights with these monsters without any effort. Facing the fighting of monsters, it's easy and natural. The reason why Jianning has been fighting all the time seems to be that he is training himself.

Therefore, Mo Yi didn't rush to start when he got here. Instead, he was suspended in the air and watched Jianning fight. He was in this position. Even if something happened to Jianning, he could help him in time.

"Mo Lang, who is this woman?"

Nie Xiaoqian can't help but ask. She watched Mo come here in a hurry. Before, her face changed greatly. So worried about this woman, she also had some taste.

"One of my concubines has been with me for a long time. After the last separation, she was worried all the time. I didn't expect her to change so much." Mo also looked at Jianning below and nodded with satisfaction.


Nie Xiaoqian nodded, but she didn't. She just answered. Although she tasted something, she didn't say anything. She already knew that there would be a lot of women in Mo Yi. Even if they had a relationship, Nie Xiaoqian put her position on the concubine and devoted herself to serving Mo Yi.

"View Jianning's properties"

Mo also looked at Jianning's no weak technique, all kinds of techniques, his heart immediately whispered.

Name: Jianning

Alias: Princess

Martial arts: Huashan sword, Dugu Jiujian, Tianxia skill, Tianxia sword dance, luoshang lingzhang, Wuxing Avenue, Xianling Tianshu, Jiling step

Internal work: Purple Xia Shen Gong, the nine Yin manual, Ji Tianxia's decision

Combat power: BBBB

Psychology: we can finally get out of the mountain. We have to find the young master and let him see the efforts of the princess. Hee hee ~ ~ "

Soon, the attributes of Jianning appeared in Mo Yi's mind, and they were listed one by one from the pages of Tianshu plane system.

It's similar to what Mo saw in his personal attributes, but the last time I saw it was only at BBB level. This time, I've been promoted to BBBB level and reached the top state.

And now, Jianning should join what school, and it's a complete record of skills, and it's a sword dancer of Tianxia, and it's not easy to have the strength of Chaoji Tianxia.

"Scroll: the coming of the five rosy clouds, the curse of heaven and earth's urgent orders, as urgent as laws and regulations -- burning the sky and the sea of fire"

Jianning looked at some of the small techniques that could not be attacked for a long time, and directly spread out the scroll in his hand and drank a lot.

The scroll in his hand floated strange incantations. Immediately, a piece of flame spewed out directly. After hitting, it turned into a piece of flame directly, and the scope expanded instantly, burning all the surrounding monsters into it.

"Look at your arrogance. You dare to be my girl."

Jianning looked at the burning monster in the sea of fire, satisfied with the scroll, proud snorted.


Just an angry roar, saw a monster suddenly rushed out of the flame, although the body is still burning flame, but to fight to try to kill toward Jianning.


But Jianning was stunned by the monster. He turned away, closed his eyes and screamed.

For a moment, Jianning just felt that she was held in her arms. The familiar and warm embrace made her want to indulge in it forever.

"Silly girl, how can you close your eyes and turn away from looking? It's true."

Mo Yi held Jianning in one hand and couldn't help laughing. The monster had already died on the ground, but there was no other scar except the burn on his body, but his soul had disappeared.

"Well? Young master Jianning felt familiar with all this, looked up at Mo Yi, his face immediately burst into a smile.

Jianning jumped on Mo Yi's body, her legs directly across Mo Yi's waist, her whole body hanging on Mo Yi's body, holding firmly.

"Young master, I miss you so much"

Jianning embraces Mo Yi and says with a little choking, which is moving.

"Well, where have you been, you girl?" Mo also holds Jianning's buttocks, slightly pacifies and asks.

"As soon as they landed in the Tianxia sect, they insisted that I was the daughter of heaven, and the contemporary headmaster took me as a close disciple and taught me all kinds of skills in the sect," Jianning said.

"So powerful? Then you have learned a lot, "Mo said with a smile.

"Of course, young master, did you see that just now? I'm very powerful." Jianning showed a smile and showed off to Mo Yi, hoping to get Mo Yi's praise.

"Well, I've been watching. Your strength is advancing by leaps and bounds. It seems that you can go out alone. OK, go ahead." Mo can't help laughing.

"No, I want to stay with the young master. I have to serve the young master, right? You said you wouldn't leave me, young master, you can't break your promise. "Jianning put his arms around Mo Yi again, and his delicate body rubbed against Mo Yi.

"OK, OK, OK, come on, come on down, really"

Mo also photographed afraid of Jianning, said a word, will Jianning down.


At this time, several people also followed down, but only Ren knew Jianning.

"Sister Ren" Jianning's face a joy, and then quickly ran to Ren, and Ren hugged.

In this unknown world, it's the happiest to meet an old friend in a foreign land. Think about how stable and happy it is for someone who suddenly knows someone in a place that no one knows.

"Ryan, you know, this is Nie Xiaoqian, and this big beard is Yan Chixia." Mo Yi introduced Jianning one after another, then looked at them and said, "this is Jianning."

"Sister Xiaoqian, Hello, uncle. Your beard is so long."

Jianning is to Nie Xiaoqian asked a good, and then carefully looking at Yan Chixia's beard, feel very interesting asked.

"Well.... Ha ha Yan Chixia's words of farewell to Jianning were confused. She didn't know what to go for a moment.

"By the way, do you know where Shuangqing and Yingsu are?" Mo also hurriedly asked, there are two women did not find.

"I don't know. I landed alone," Jianning said, shaking his head.

And not long after, the sky clattered down, rain, rain drop after drop, dense rain followed.

"It's raining, go through the warlock first, there should be a place to shelter from the rain." Mo Yi watched the rain fall down and said quickly.

"Look at me, young master."

At this time, Jianning ran out excitedly, then quickly opened the scroll in his hand and looked at the mantra above.

"The Five Dynasties' coming clouds are as urgent as laws and decrees -- The Curse of avoiding water"

Jianning urges the mana, chants the incantation in his mouth, and some incantations float on the scroll. In a moment, an invisible force surrounds several people.

I saw that the rain fell on them, all were avoided, not a drop fell on them.

"The skills of these schools are very useful."

Looking at Jianning's water avoiding mantra, Yan Chixia nodded and said that he had got adventure and focused on the power of swordsmanship. But she didn't know much about these techniques.

"Let's go"

Mo also said a word, and everyone flew up one after another, following the path of the warlock Zhiqiu Yiye.

All the people were flying very fast. Then, just outside a dilapidated house, they saw a horse staying outside. Inside the house, some voices came.

"Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao, Dao

Soon, in the shabby house, there were shouts and trembles.

Not long after, I saw a figure rush out of the broken house, dressed in white, with a full face and beard, looking around nervously.

Soon, a war rises below. Several people dress up as ghosts and attack Ning caichen. Zhiqiu Yiye thinks it's a ghost and wants to get rid of the devil and defend the way.

There was chaos, and there was a big fight, and all the fights continued.

"Jianning, go down and help, don't hurt people"

Mo also lightly said a, own body shape also toward rather adopt minister there but go.

"Yes, young master" and Jianning turned around and went to those people, using the direct body cursing to stop all the people who attacked.

Ning caichen

Mo Yi strolled away, looking happy and comfortable. He walked around at will, but without two steps, he had already come to Ning caichen's side and called out directly.

"Who are you? I'll kill him for a minute. "

Saw a woman in white, holding a sword on Ning caichen's neck, carefully looking at Mo also said.

"As like as two peas, I do not think there is such a person." Mo also looked at the woman. It was just like Nie Xiaoqian without two points.

In front of this woman, in addition to the temperament, is the second Nie Xiaoqian; And Nie Xiaoqian is the kind of sadness with sadness, look a little cold, touching feeling, but the woman in front of her did not.

"Xiaoqian, come and have a look at your sister," Mo said with a smile.

See, Nie Xiaoqian stroll but come, also some surprised looking at this and oneself similar woman, with a wave, that woman's sharp sword in the hand was shocked to fly out.

"Mr. Mo?" Ning caichen hurried a few steps, ran to Mo also here, gasped.

"Ding, find out..."

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