PS: pay close attention to the microblog "the author is no less than the person" and pay close attention to the daily update.


Hearing the news, Mo Yi fixed his eyes and saw a broken thread bound book in the brocade box. Because it was too broken, Mo Yi didn't pay attention to it just now.

"What are these words?" Sauertu picked it up. On the cover were some extremely strange words, which he could not understand at all.

"Ancient book bar" Mo also looked, found that these words he did not understand, and then said plainly.

"All right, you all go out and serve."

Suoetu put down the ancient book, waved and said to the guard.

"Bang" the bodyguards answered one after another and went out of the room to clean up the goods elsewhere.

Seeing that the bodyguards had retreated, natu turned his head and looked at Mo Yi and said, "brother Yi, come on, you have to choose first." after we have chosen, we will charge into the Treasury. "

"Well, please do me a favor." Mo also looked at these babies and said at the same time.

"It's OK, it's OK," she said respectfully.

Mo also looked around and found the soft gold armor again. It was soft, but it was invulnerable. With this armor, trinket saved his life many times.

"Lord Suo

"Ah, brother, I call you brother. If you don't dislike me, call me brother. How about our brother?" Suoetu looked at Mo Yi and said with a smile.

"Well, brother Suo, I'll take two of the Forty-two Chapters. This is the emperor's order." Mo Yi holds two mahogany boxes, which contain Forty-two Chapters of scriptures with white flag and yellow flag.

"Nature, nature, what else, brother, just pick it up" said soetu with great magnanimity.

"Well, I'll take this ancient book back to have a look, add this soft armor and dagger, that's it." Mo also took the unknown ancient book away.

Although the gold wire soft armor and the dagger are not magic weapons, they are also extraordinary and far superior to ordinary weapons and soft armor. Since they can be taken away, they should be taken away again.

"Well, I'll let them in to keep accounts." suoetu looked at Mo Yi's selection and ordered the bodyguard to take things away and charge them into the Treasury.

"Lord Suo, this is the preliminary list of aobai's family property."

After a while, a bodyguard handed a small book to suoetu and said with a bow.

"Well, let's go down." sauertu answered and looked at it casually. "Tut tut" made a few noises, looked at Mo Yi and said: "ouch, hey, aobai is really good at looting. His property is several times more than I expected. Ouch, 2.353 million, 4.118 Liang, 2 million Liang."

With that, she looked at Mo Yi and said with a smile, "brother, how much should I report?"

"This, the younger brother is not very clear, all depend on big brother to deal with" Mo also chuckled, did not show any meaning.

"This..." Sauertu thought for a moment, then said with a smile: "brother, how about we do this, the numbers in the back don't move, the numbers in the front do a little trick, turn the two into one, and then turn them into 1.353 million 4182 Liang, as for the one million Liang, our brothers just add one to another, how about that?"

Mo Yi listened to the words of suoetu, but he felt helpless. This corruption has been handed down from ancient times to the present. If you want to eliminate it, I'm afraid you have to waste a lot of effort.

"It's all up to elder brother Suo to deal with it." Mo Yi still doesn't make a sound, takes advantage of it and doesn't pay much attention to it.

"Good, good, but brother, the bodyguard up and down, always give some sweetness, so, brother, I take 50000 Liang out of the 500000 Liang, brother, you also take 50000 Liang, we all give some sweetness, do something about it, there's nothing to say." sauertu's mind is meticulous, he said.

In a short time, all the things in aobai's house were counted. As for the management, it was all handled by suoetu. The bodyguards from up to down managed one side. Basically, there was no problem. Even if there was a problem, Kangxi could do nothing about it.

"Brother ye, come here, this is yours, 450000 taels." as he took Mo Yi out of aobai mansion, he handed Mo Yi a large stack of silver tickets.

"Thank you, brother Suo." Mo also put these silver tickets in his pocket and said with a smile.

"And these, this car, is also brother you, you put it away, I'll let someone secretly move to Shangshan prison for you later." suoetu took Mo Yi to aobai house, pointed to a car and said.

Mo Yi went over and opened the curtain. He saw that it was full of gold and silver jewelry, all kinds of pearl necklaces, jewelry and articles, which filled a cart.

Among them, the two 42 chapter scriptures, as well as ancient books, daggers and gold wire soft armour, are all put in them.

"No, brother Suo, I'll deal with it by myself later." Mo Yi said with a smile to Suo ETU. He doesn't want to let others touch these things.

"Well, brother, I'll see what's going on inside." suoetu smiles, then walks into aobai mansion, greets people, checks everything and reports it to the state treasury.

Mo also looked at soetu's departure and looked around again. There was no one around, so he looked at the gold, silver and jewelry in the car and called out, "close up."

All these gold, silver and jewelry, as well as 42 chapters of scriptures, ancient trees, daggers and soft gold armour, disappeared, leaving the whole carriage empty and empty.

All these things were received by Mo Yi into the "storage space" of the Tianshu system.

Although Mo can't see the storage space, he can collect the contents at will as long as it's an idea.

"Brother, are you ready?" Suoetu's voice came from aobai mansion, and then came by foot.

Later, soetu looked at the carriage, almost full of gold and silver jewelry, all disappeared, although surprised, but did not ask much.

"Well, brother Suo, after counting, let's go back to the palace. I have to recover my life." Mo Yi nodded and then replied that he didn't reply to the gold, silver and jewelry.

"Oh, go, go"

Sauertu came back to his senses and answered. Then many bodyguards escorted the carriages and returned to the palace.

The place is not far away. Before long, people have entered the palace and gone to the study.

"Brother Suo, I still have something to deal with. At Forty-two Chapters of the Sutra, I will tell the emperor that you go first." Mo Yi said, and then got up to leave the carriage.

"But, brother, it's against the rules." seeing that Mo Yi wanted to leave alone, suoetu could not help persuading him.

"Nothing, brother Suo, you go first"

Mo also a pair of indifferent appearance, and then walked out of the carriage, on their own, toward the Shangshan prison.

When he returns to the dining supervisor and enters the room, Hai Dafu doesn't know what the situation is, but he still doesn't come back. In the room, Shuanger is practicing the pace of changing.

"Good shuang'er, I'm back." Mo Yi's progress is also a footwork of God's changeable footwork. He's grasping shuang'er.

"Ah." Shuanger's step is to avoid Mo Yi's capture.

However, Mo also has CCCC level combat power. Although he has no internal power, he can still play Shuanger. With a quick move, he will hold Shuanger in his arms.

"Xianggong, you bully people." shuang'er lies in Mo Yihuai's arms, pouting his little mouth, looking unhappy.

"How can I bully you?" Mo Yi said with a smile.

"There is" shuang'er shouts coquettishly, lying in Mo Yi's arms, and doesn't feel anything.

"OK, OK, shuang'er, please help me deal with these two scriptures. There is a sandwich on the cover of the two scriptures. Take out all the contents." Mo Yi smiles, takes out two 42 chapter scriptures and hands them to shuang'er.

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