"Ding, the mission is completed, defeat shijieren, the leader of the moon worship cult (mission reward: upgrade the super items once, score 5000 points)" the sound of the system reverberates in my ears.

Soon, the second task was completed. Originally, Mo just wanted to wait for the plot to continue naturally. In the final battle, he could defeat Shi Jieren directly. However, now that he was discovered by the plane heaven, he had to finish the task as soon as possible, so he could leave directly.

After defeating the leader, Mo Yi left the room in a flash.

The master of moon worship lies on the bed, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth and a look of resentment flashing in his eyes. He looks at Mo Yi's leaving. He stands up hard, gets lucky again, and calms down his injury.

"He's better than last time"

There was a flash of horror in the eyes of the master of moon worship. Last time, he was able to fight Mo Yi reluctantly. Now, he didn't even know how he was hurt. In fact, even last time, Mo also had the ability to beat him in an instant. It was only for a moment that he didn't start.

This time, the moon worship just felt that the surrounding space was forcing him, and the whole world seemed to be fighting against him, so that he had no power to fight against anything. After all, it was the power of the whole space. Mo also extracted the power of Shennong. The power of space had been greatly increased, and he could use all the space power at will.

"Come to" worship the moon, after the leader calmed his breath, quietly spit out a voice.

"See the leader"

See, two month worshippers came in, looking at the month, half kneel down, respectfully said.

"Increase the number of people buried in blood for me, and I will release the water Warcraft as soon as possible," the Lord of moon worship said with a deep breath.


Two people should be a, successively backed out.

At this time, Mo Yi directly crossed the space and came to the Nuwa temple. According to the truth, this time Zhao ling'er has something to do, Nuwa should show her real body.

"Here you are?"

There was a ray of light on the image of Nu Wa, and a soft voice appeared gradually.

"This time, Zhao ling'er is seriously injured. If he can't be cured, all the people in the world are afraid that there will be difficulties. This is the disaster of Nu Wa's family. As Nu Wa, you should show yourself?" Mo asked.

"I will satisfy you, but I want you to tell me who you are?"

The next moment, I saw a flash of light, a woman wearing a green robe appeared in front of Mo Yi, and saw that this woman, with a kind face and a kind charm, but her lower body was a snake, sitting on the ground.

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For the first time, Mo also checked the attribute information of Nu Wa.

Name: Nu Wa

Alias: renhuang, wahuang

Skills: power of five spirits, Yuan Lingtong God, Shenxi, reversing Tianfa, creating spirits, communicating Xinming and soul eating

Skill: Spiritual determination and all beings method

Blood: Pangu, Tianren

Combat power: S

Psychology: how could the human being I created have such a strong power to hurt Shennong and take his blood? This man is by no means simple. "

The system directly revealed all the attributes of Nu Wa. Mo Yi had a look at her combat power, which was even worse than Shennong.

Mo also didn't know what had happened, but Mo also knew that the fighting power of Shennong and Nuwa would never be so simple. Something must have happened that damaged their fighting power. However, Mo also didn't care about it.

"My name is Mo Yi, you don't care who I am, this battle will go" Mo Yi lightly spit out a, the heart read directly move.

In an instant, the space around Nu Wa began to twist, the fierce space oppression directly went to Nu Wa, and the frenzied space turbulence went to Nu Wa.

"Small ability, but so" Nu Wa light spit out a, body flashed a power fluctuation, soon this space will return to the normal state.

"System, super invincible function" Mo also whispered in his heart. He knew that today he could not compete with the S-class Nu Wa.

"Ding, you need to pay 33000 points. Do you want to pay?" The system sounds at the same time.

"Pay" Mo also said secretly in his heart.

"Ding, successful payment"

The sound of the system rang out, and a force that exceeded itself several times started from the body. The doubled and doubled combat power was enough for Mo to fight against Nu Wa, and Nu Wa's combat power was not so strong.

"Next, I'll see."

Mo Yi vomited a faint voice. In an instant, his eyes changed, and barrol's magic eyes and Pangu's eyes were revealed.

The next moment, an unprecedented destructive force turns to Nu Wa, and Barrow's magic eye shows endless power to strangle everything.


Nu Wa's whole body strength turned, and then her body rose to resist Mo Yi's destructive power. At the same time, she vomited a breath of strength and attacked him.

"Originally not at all" Mo Yi spits out a sound, the left eye is flashing red light, this so-called divine breath, instantly disappeared, as if it had never appeared.


Nu Wa was suspended in the air. She didn't care about the failure of her attack. She drank a little and showed her brilliance behind her.

Yuan Lingtong God!!!

There was a flash of light behind Nu Wa, a figure similar to her, and a direct impact on her soul directly into Mo Yi's body.

For a moment, Mo Yi's body was shocked, and a strong soul force directly hit into his sea of consciousness, and attacked the soul.

"The sickle of the nether world, the hungry ghost of preaching"

Mo yelled angrily, and a sickle appeared in his sea of knowledge. Xiong lie's soul power directly cut away Nu Wa's attack to resolve this soul attack.

The next moment, a light and shadow appeared behind Mo Yi, which turned into Mo Yi's appearance, and the whole body turned into substance.

"I didn't expect that Nu Wa was proficient in Yuan Shen's skill."

At this time, Mo Yiyuan came out of the body, holding the sickle of the nether world, looking at Nu Wa and saying.

After Nu Wa, the yuan Shen came out of her body. She was surprised to see that Mo Yi had such a strong yuan Shen. In a moment, a nihilistic soul attacked Mo Yi.

With a wave of the scythe in Mo Yi's hand, he directly attacked and swept away the soul. With a movement of his body and a scythe in his hand, he attacked Nu Wa. With one stroke, he had a strong impact on his soul.

Nuwa's spirit strength is very high. He is the God of Pangu. He is very strong in the aspect of spirit spirit. Even now Mo is holding a sickle to fight against Nuwa, he can't win Nuwa for a while.

There is a strong force of soul constantly rushing out, even holding the Youming sickle, it just reluctantly suppresses Nu Wa, whose power of soul is extremely strong.

"Soul eating, Holy Spirit bead"

However, Nu Wa's body was folded, and a bead of nothingness appeared in her hand. She waved her hand, and a strong soul eating force penetrated the void, broke the space, and directly began to devour the soul of Mo Yi.

Although Mo Yi's soul is strong, he always relies on his own cohesion. Mo Yi doesn't have too many exclusive soul abilities.

One breath, Mo Yi has already felt that his soul power has been devoured by Nu Wa. Nu Wa's soul devouring technique is simply extremely strong. In addition, Mo Yi can't resist his own extremely strong soul power and devouring power.

Moreover, the Holy Spirit bead has gathered the spirits of countless generations of Nuwa's Yuanshen, among which the power is more powerful.

"Nine Li Youming" Mo Yi waved the Youming sickle in his hand, and a force of yin and softness appeared on the yuan Shen, which eased Nu Wa's soul eating skill. As soon as his body turned, he directly returned to the body.

Jiuli Youming is Mo Yi's Dharma from the world of Qiannv Youhun, which corresponds to the righteous spirit of a gentleman. The power he cultivates represents the extreme of the underworld, which is not the direction of the soul. It's extremely Yin and soft, but reluctantly resists Nu Wa's soul eating power and makes the spirit return to the body.


At the next moment, Mo's body rose sharply, and his muscles swelled, showing the absolute ferocity of his physical strength.

Gamma ray, Mo also directly into the gamma ray state, physical strength to the extreme, physical sanctification, to break thousands of methods.

"Soul eating... Well

Nu Wa just wanted to use soul devouring technique on Mo Yi. Her soul devouring method, even through the body, still has effect.

However, when he was just about to devour it, he found that power could not penetrate into Mo Yi's body at all. Now Mo Yi's physical defense is to resist everything.

One of the physical defense of gamma ray's voice changing state is to resist the attack of the mind. Corresponding to the present state, Mo also can prevent the penetration of the soul, and the body can resist everything.

With a roar of Mo Yi, he raised his huge fist and directly attacked Nu Wa's body. The fierce force made the whole world tremble. It seemed that this fist could break everything.

"Reversal of heaven"

Nu Wa quickly began to reverse the sky method. A rotating halo of white light appeared in front of Nu Wa, and Mo Yi's blow fell. The halo Leng transferred Mo Yi's strength completely.


Mo Yi's whole body muscles rose, and he burst the halo. With one blow, the whole floor cracked. The blow had already burst thousands of times.

"The law of all living beings"

The goddess of Nu Wa returns to her body, and a golden light appears in the void around her. It turns into a golden dragon and protects her body.

Mo Yiquan and fall, unexpectedly just and this golden dragon against each other, but no one can help who.

"Well, this time, the emperor lost." after resisting Mo Yi's fist, the Golden Dragon dispersed, and Nu Wa instantly turned into a ray of light and returned to the stone statue, leaving only a word.

"Ding, the task is completed, challenge the power of Nu Wa, and fight hard against Nu Wa's real body (task reward: once upgrade the super skill, once extract the super function, once advanced invincible function, 30000 points)" the sound of the system directly sounded.

"Ding, all tasks have been completed. Does the host return to reality?"

"Do not return"

"Ding, the host can only stay for three days, so as not to be discovered by the plane heavenly way." after another sound, there is no sound and the system calms down.

Mo also breathed a deep breath, he did not dare to move to Nu Wa, in order to avoid being discovered by the plane of heaven.

"Thank you Nuwa Niang" Mo also said to the stone statue of Nuwa.

"Needless to say, your body is sanctified and your power is connected with God. If it wasn't for the good fortune of my thousands of people, I would not be able to carry your fist," Nu Wa spat out.

Indeed, Mo Yi's first and foremost function is super invincible. His combat power, skills and blood have been increased ten times, and he has entered the gamma ray state. His physical body is already incomparable.

What's more, Mo has already upgraded gamma rays to A-level peak before, so when he enters the state, his physical strength will be so strong.

"System, special extraction function"

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