In an instant, the stones were broken, countless stones fell off from them, and a dark light gradually showed up.


Mo Yi suddenly pulled out, and the dark light was flashing. Mo Yi waved his arm a few times, and the dark light of the knife was shining continuously, and finally stayed in Mo Yi's hands.

This is a Dao, a Tang Dao, a dark Tang Dao, a continuous hilt, or the blade is dark, showing an absolute edge.

With Tang Dao in hand, Mo Yi's dark robe moves without wind, and his long snow-white hair flutters at will. His eyes are purple and red, and his eyes are blood red. His body is tall and straight between heaven and earth, just like the God of Shura fighting between heaven and earth. His fighting spirit is incomparable.

"Shura Dao, the most precious weapon for demonstrating Taoism"

Mo also whispered. The dark Tang Dao radiated a faint light, and its power was incomparable.

Since then, Mo Yi's strength has risen to the peak again, and his physical strength has risen again, reaching the absolute peak rapidly. Asura has become a Taoist, and he has been a sermon of Shura with boundless body.

"Cheng" Mo also roared, and a faint light came out from him, which completely accomplished Asura.

On the other hand, the lake is rolling up. After merging with the water Warcraft, the leader of the worship of the moon has greatly increased his strength. Even Zhao ling'er, who shows Nu Wa's real body, is not his opponent. Even if he sacrificed his life, he can't seal the water Warcraft again.

When the waves swept, Zhao ling'er directly withdrew from the state of Nu Wa's real body and was washed back to the shore by the waves.

"Ling Er"

Li Xiaoyao rushed to save Zhao linger back to shore, looking very nervous.

"Brother Xiaoyao, run, run." Zhao ling'er looks at her back and pushes Li Xiaoyao. She knows that soon, the attack of water Warcraft will come again.


Sure enough, under the roar of the water Warcraft, it turned the huge waves directly and killed Li Xiaoyao and others.

Li Xiaoyao holds Zhao ling'er tightly and guards him in his arms. He helplessly looks at the waves rolling in. His eyes are filled with helpless sadness.

"Falling into hell"

In the middle of the sky, Mo Yi's Shura knife turns slightly. A dark light, centered on the Shura knife, spreads out towards the surrounding area.

I saw that it was a moment when the waves were broken and the light was passing by, which reflected the water Warcraft. The body of the water Warcraft fell to the ground and died.

Without the slightest scar, without any cutting injury, the water Warcraft is just illuminated by the light, which means that it will die.

"There's something you can't touch."

Mo Yi's eyes twinkled with two different colors, and he spoke coldly and arrogantly.

Falling into hell is the most important move of Shura Dao. It can destroy all the tangible things, control all the tangible things, and kill all the tangible things irresistibly. This is Shura Dao. There is no harm, no loss, it is absolute collapse and death.

Slowly, Mo Yi's body shape falls down, directly to Shuanger's side, and Li Xiaoyao is also on the side.

"Are you all right?" Mo Yi's eyes look at Shuanger coldly and asks.

"Who the hell are you? Give me back the young master"

Shuang'er's face is angry. Looking at the skin bag with Mo Yi in front of her, she is such a stranger. She didn't expect to wake up like this.

"He? He is sleeping in exchange for your rebirth. Now, this body is mine, "Mo said faintly.

"You are not a young master"

Shuang'er said coldly that she couldn't obey Mo Yi.

"It doesn't matter. I'm only responsible for protecting you and taking you back," Mo said with a smile.

"Master, master, please, save ling'er, save ling'er"

At this time, Li Xiaoyao ran over with Zhao ling'er in his arms, and cried with a flustered face.

Mo also took a look at Zhao ling'er on the ground. With a wave of his hand, a force converged into Zhao ling'er's body and made his body recover quickly.

"System, check personal attributes" Mo Yi whispered in his heart. Just like Mo Yi, he can skillfully use the system and his own ability.

"Name: Mo Yi

Servants: Shuanger (CCCC level), Jianning (BBBB level), Zhang Ying (dddd level), Ren (ABCC level), Xin Shuangqing (AA level), Giles Wei Kailin (BCC level), Nie Xiaoqian (BBBB level)

Domestication: Dilong Wu Hao (Grade A), licker (grade aaab)

Skills: proficient in English (level a), sound attack (level add), traditional Chinese medicine (level ACD), absolute defense (level aaaaaa), crossing Heaven (level AAA), sealing Heaven (level AA), soul devouring (level s), humanity sword (level aaaaaaaa), red earth (level ABBB), fire of burning heart (level AAAA), annihilating corpse poison (level ABC), operation (level aaaaaaabc)

Skill: Wujue (s level), Shura Jue (ssaaaaa level), Wuliang soul Jue (aaaaaa level)

Blood: Shura (SS Level) space (SAA level)

Combat power: SSS

Points: 164136 points "

After carefully looking at his attribute information, Mo also nodded with satisfaction. Now he has three complete doctrines of Shura, so as to win the three doctrines of human, hungry ghost and Asura. His combat power is enough to reach such a level.

"System, return to reality"

After looking at Zhao ling'er on the ground to recover, Mo Yi said in secret.

"Ding, are you coming back?" The system sounds.


With the fall of Mo Yi's response, his whole body turned into a light and disappeared in the same place.

And Shuanger is also like this. With a flash of light, her body disappears and directly rushes into the space channel. Qi Qi disappears and goes.

"Who the hell are you?"

In the space passage, Shuanger still can't help but ask. She only wants the young master, not the cold and ferocious existence in front of her.

"Me? My name is Mo Yi

Mo also evil spirit of smile, body shape constantly shuttle through the space channel.

Shuang'er is not talking. Instead, she stares at Mo Yi quietly. She doesn't know what to do at this time. She can only go back to reality and discuss.

"In fact, your young master, for such a long time, didn't even understand his own physical condition. Every time he would preach at a critical time, and the power was delayed for such a long time. Wouldn't it be better for me to control it?" Mo also said with a smile.

"It's coming after all"

Shuanger didn't speak. Instead, the system in Mo Yi's mind uttered a voice, which was not an ordinary mechanical voice, but a kind of extremely humanized and emotional speech.


Mo Yi's eyes also flash a wave. He is just like another Mo Yi. He even knows more about this body than Mo Yi, and also about the system.

At this time, Mo Yi knows exactly what functions the system has and how to use it. But now this sudden sentence really shocked Mo Yi.

In my mind, the system makes another sound, more like a silent sigh.

Then, the whole space channel began to produce a wave, a white light flashed, the whole space channel was completely assimilated into white, an irresistible force rolled to moye.

Without any ability to resist, or even half a point, Mo Yi and Shuanger's bodies were all involved in it, completely turned into a light spot and disappeared.


PS: it's really hard to finish this book here. There's nothing I can do to write it down. Before 300 chapters and just one million words, this book was announced to cancel all the remuneration. It didn't improve. My writing style may be too bad. I want to write a complete position crossing article. I've been insisting on it, Even if I don't have any income, I've been insisting on it, hoping that someone can watch it. Even if I rely on normal people's subscription, it can give me some hope. But no, it may be because of the update or the writing style. There are many, many, many, always. I don't know how many people watch it. But on my side, no matter how many chapters are updated, there are no people watching it, It's really hard to stick to.

Insist on so long, really is my limit, I'm really sorry, no one subscribes to the legitimate edition, I really can't insist, I don't even have any hope!!

No contact information or group has been set up. If someone reads this novel, they can add my QQ: 1725495980, and create a QQ group: 816180942, which is a group of Tianshu. If someone reads it, they can add it. This book is officially over!!

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