Mo Yi uses coagulation claw. There is a chill in the claw strength. It can coagulate people's blood. It's an extremely insidious martial art. However, Chengguan's martial art may not be successful.

Sure enough, Cheng Guan looks at Mo Yi's move, and his reaction is very fast. He keeps avoiding it. Then he looks at Mo Yi's claw coming, and one hand is like a spiral. One of the fingers hits Mo Yi's palm and bounces Mo Yi's hand back.

However, Mo also failed in one move, and the second move came one after another, constantly attacking Chengguan.


Mo Yi a claw, Cheng Guan a block, instantly issued a loud noise.

But see Mo also eyes open, incomparably powerful pressure, strong break Chengguan block, Chengguan's power can't also Mo also compared, a claw fiercely toward Chengguan.

Of course, Mo also didn't want to kill Chengguan. They just had a fight. When he was about to hit the tianlinggai with one palm, Mo swept Chengguan with his legs and directly swept him to the ground.

"Martial uncle is superior in force, Chengguan is willing to bow down"

Being swept to the ground, Cheng Guan has nothing to do with it. He just gets up and salutes Mo Yi.

"Ding, congratulations on beating Chengguan, 50 bonus points"

In this instant, the heavenly script system in Mo Yi's mind echoed a voice, which shocked Mo Yi.

"What's going on?" Mo also secretly said in the heart, eyes a wrinkle, doubt not Jin.

"When the host defeats a character with certain strength, but it is not caused by the task, the system will reward points according to its discretion," the system explained to Mo Yi.

"Why didn't I defeat haidafu and aobai? There are also Mao Dongzhu and pangtoutuo. Why don't these characters exist? Did you forget? It's not too late to give it now. "

Mo Yi's eyes brightened and asked quickly. You know, he came to this plane world, but he defeated many characters.

"The strength of these characters is too low, not within the scope of calculation." the system gave a cold response, which directly extinguished Mo Yi's thought. If these figures are also calculated, Mo Yi can at least increase dozens of points.

"You're so picky," Mo murmured.

You know, Chengguan has been practicing martial arts in Shaolin temple since he was a child. Now he has been practicing martial arts for 60 or 70 years. He is full of martial arts and is afraid of climbing the peak. If it is not for Chengguan's lack of real experience in life and death struggle, Mo also has venom in his body. It would be extremely difficult for him to defeat Chengguan by himself.

And if you beat Chengguan, a master who has been practicing martial arts for many years, you only have 50 points. It's not the person who beat the character in the task. You get very few points.

"Martial uncle, martial uncle, what's the matter with you?"

Cheng Guan looks at Mo Yi suddenly in a daze. He can't help but look at Mo Yi in doubt. Then he shouts.

"Ah... Cough. " Mo also reacted, then looked at Cheng Guan and asked seriously, "do you know what martial arts I just used?"

"If my nephew's view is good, it should be the famous skill of Chen's commander-in-chief of the heaven and earth society, coagulation claw." Cheng Guan's eyesight is really extraordinary. With a few moves, he can already see Mo Yi's martial arts skills.

"What do you think I did just now?" Mo Yijin then asked.

"This Cheng Guan said, "Amitabha, monks don't talk nonsense. My martial uncle's blood coagulation claw just now is no more than my martial nephew's. my martial uncle's strength is too strong and his physical quality is far better than my martial nephew's."

"That's very good. It's really Wu Chi. Come on, listen up."

Mo also drank lightly, and then told Cheng Guan all the ways and mental skills of the coagulation claw.

Not to mention that Chengguan may not be able to cultivate moye's coagulation claw. After all, Chengguan can master all kinds of martial arts, but he will not cultivate it at will. Moreover, moye will not linger in this world. Whether Chengguan cultivates or not, it has no influence on moye. Therefore, it is not impossible for him to disclose the coagulation claw. What's more, moye has three martial arts secrets of Shaolin, It's better than the coagulation claw.

"Martial uncle, what are you doing?" Cheng Guan listens to the coagulation claw. After understanding and analyzing it, he looks at Mo Yi and asks strangely.

"Next, teach me how to practice," Mo said immediately.

"However, according to what my martial uncle said just now, I have already thoroughly understood the coagulation claw, otherwise I would not have said it so thoroughly. Why should I teach him?" Cheng Guan looks at Mo Yi doubtfully and asks.

It's true that when Mo uses the system to record the coagulation claw in his mind, he will understand all its contents thoroughly. This is the assistance of the system, and Mo does not just memorize it by rote.

"I know how to practice, but I don't know how to plan carefully and how to practice successfully."

Although Mo Yi had a thorough understanding of the blood coagulation claw, he could continue to practice, but some of the details of his practice would not be recorded in the secret script, so he could only rely on the clarity.

"It turns out that martial uncle doesn't know how to practice, so martial uncle can do this."

Next, Cheng Guan carefully analyzed the details of Mo Yi's cultivation. He constantly taught Mo Yi to cultivate the coagulation claw. In addition, Mo Yi himself understood it thoroughly, which made rapid progress in an instant.

In the next period of time, Mo Yi stayed with Chengguan and received Chengguan's training. Some of them received physical improvement, such as strengthening claw force and strength everywhere. Mo Yi did not use venom and was proficient in his own strength to practice. The rest included the operation of coagulation claw and the method of practice. In an instant, he made Mo Yi advance by leaps and bounds.

"Ding, congratulations on your promotion to dddd"

It took Mo Yi more than two months. After one day's practice, the sound of the system echoed in his mind. The claw strength of one hand was extremely fierce.

On the training ground, Mo also moves, hands claws, jump out.

"Coagulation claw" is a move of Mo Yi. It is used by Mo Yi. The technique is fierce, and it is full of Yin cold and cold coagulation. It has strong penetration. Once it is hit, it will be condensed blood.

"Congratulations on martial uncle's excellent martial arts." Cheng Guan sees Mo Yi's moves are extremely skillful and powerful. At a glance, he can see that Mo Yi has reached the next level.


After several times of practice, Mo Yicai vomited out a mouthful of turbid Qi, and his whole body strength slowed down.

"Nephew Chengguan, I have reached a deeper level. Why did I break through this time?" Mo also strange looking at Cheng view to ask a way.

Mo Yi had already had a thorough understanding of the coagulation claw, so he spent a lot of time in the province. During the practice with Chengguan, Mo Yi had already practiced the lower C level. Because he was very familiar with it, he could master it very quickly with a little practice, but he only needed more practice, but he was only promoted to dddd level.

"Although martial uncle has mastered the mental skills of the next level of moves, it's a pity that martial uncle's strength is amazing, but he has no internal power. The following moves can only be implemented if they need internal power," Cheng Guan said shaking his head.

"So it is." Mo also knew that he had no internal power and nodded.

"Uncle Huiming, abbot, please"

After a while, a little monk trotted all the way over and saluted Mo Yi and said respectfully.

Mo Yi's eyes twinkled: "it seems that he already wants to understand. He's really sleepy. I'll give you a pillow."

"OK, OK, let's go." Mo Yi nodded and followed the little monk.

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