Soon, the book of heaven system in Mo Yi's mind opened a new page, revealing this obscure information.

"Name: Hui Cong

Alias: abbot, host

Martial arts: dragon claw hand, Prajna palm, Nianhua finger, Luohan fist, Youlong palm, Taizu Changquan

Internal skill: Yijinjing

Combat power: B

Psychology: younger martial brother's eyes are strange. Why do you always feel uneasy

Mo Yi's eyes were tiny, and he said in his heart, "you are worthy of being the abbot of Shaolin. You know a lot of martial arts. It's a pity that I can't understand the essence of Yijinjing. Fortunately, I have a system to assist."

The Yijinjing is a top-notch internal skill. Many Shaolin abbots have practiced it, but few of them have mastered it. If you want to understand it thoroughly, you need to break the true meaning of "I phase, no phase" before you can achieve it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to break it all your life.

If Hui Cong can understand the true meaning of Yi Jin Jing, with the strength of cultivating a flower armor, combined with the number of martial arts, how can his combat power be only level B, for fear that there will be a breakthrough early.

"Elder martial brother, younger brother, I have been practicing martial arts for many days, most of them practice martial arts, but few of them fight against each other. Can I ask elder martial brother for advice?" Mo Yi's eyes are shining. Now Hui Cong is shining with integral points in his eyes.

"This... Monks should be calm and focus on cultivating Buddhism. Practicing martial arts is just to strengthen the body, "Hui Cong said with his hands together and a Zen look on his face.

"It's all right. It's just a duel."

Mo Yi said that no matter what the situation is, no matter what the situation is, he will step up directly and form a claw with one hand. The coagulation claw of dddd level will be used. Mo Yi is also very strong when the self coagulation claw breaks through dddd level.

"Coagulation claw?" Hui Cong obviously saw the way of Mo Yi, and he would not give in to Mo Yi.

Hui Cong is also a claw, a claw just fierce and incomparable toward Mo also hit.

In an instant, the two claws collided, and their bodies retreated a few steps each. They looked at each other and didn't move.

"Dragon claw hand? It's very strong claw strength, and it's obvious that there's a strong internal force blessing. I don't even penetrate the power of the holy claw. With my internal power, it's really extraordinary. "Mo Yi whispered in his heart. Just now, he felt the subtlety of the martial arts made by the operation of internal power.

But Mo didn't know. Hui Cong was also surprised: "what a great strength. I didn't expect that my younger martial brother had no internal power, and his physical strength was so huge. I'm afraid that Vajra is not bad. His divine skill has been cultivated to the top level."

But Huicong didn't know that Mo Yi was just beginning to practice Vajra's immortal skill. It was only because of the poisonous liquid in his body that his whole body's strength, speed and agility were the acme.

"Drink." Mo Yiyi said, progress and up, the most simple and direct blow to Huicong.

Huicong's very simple moves were resolved, and he attacked Mo Yi with Prajna's palm. However, Mo Yi hid on his side, his hands were pulled up and down, and Huicong's palm passed through the gap between Mo Yi's hands.

In an instant, countless dark spider silk came out from Mo Yi's hands, turned into a hand of spider web, wrapped around Hui Cong's right hand, and at the same time, began to continue to extend, along his arm, all the way bound.

"What is this?" Hui Cong was startled. His figure retreated, and his face turned a little startled.

It's a pity that Mo Yi's spider silk is already entangled. Even if Huicong gets out, the spider silk is tightly attached to it and constantly goes to Huicong's whole body.

"Elder martial brother, you've made a mistake." Mo Yi chuckled and hit the tianlinggai with one claw.

Hui Cong was surprised and his figure retreated. Unfortunately, the spider silk was constantly entangled with him and bound his figure. As a result, all kinds of martial arts could not be performed, and his figure dodged slowly.

"Nianhua finger" Hui Cong watched a claw hit, raised his left hand, pointed out three times, and hit Mo Yi's palm. The great power of the fingers, and hit Mo Yi's palm, instantly DISPERSED Mo Yi's claw power.

Mo also stepped back a few steps, waved his wrist and vomited a mouthful of turbid air.

"Ha..." Hui Cong drinks softly. His internal power moves and his arm shakes. However, he smashes Mo Yi's spider silk and breaks it.

"Younger martial brother good means" Huicong looked at Mo Yi said.

"Here we are, here we are." Mo Yi's eyes are full of fighting spirit, and his hands spit out two groups of spider silk, and he goes to Huicong.

Huicong had been on guard for a long time, so he dodged and attacked Mo Yi with a dragon claw.

Mo also jumped directly to avoid the attack of Huicong. At the same time, he adhered to the wall tightly and kept crawling. The venom has all the abilities of Parker spider man, so it's no use climbing the wall.

"Gecko swimming on the wall?" Hui Cong wrinkled his eyes, looked at Mo Yi's magical skill, and then shook his head: "no, I don't want to. There's no borrowing point for crawling, there's no cleverness of gecko's wall swimming skill, and younger martial brother doesn't have internal power."

See, Mo also upside down climb on the eaves, the spider silk in the hand continuously attack toward Hui Cong, but also not under the eaves.

Although Mo Yi's strength has increased, he has not reached level B after all. Hui Cong's strength is better than him. He dare not go down. It's up to him whether he can practice the Yijinjing.

When he saw the spider silk coming, Huicong kept avoiding and had no mind to attack Mo Yi. Whenever he was about to jump up, a spider silk came, which cost him a lot.

Mo Yi then harasses Hui Cong for more than ten minutes. With these rogue moves, Hui Cong is exhausted.

"There is a loophole" Mo Yi's face is happy, a spider silk goes to Huicong, but this time it's not a spider silk ball, but a black spider silk like a rope.

As soon as the spider silk touches Huicong, it twines it. Mo Yi jumps down from the eaves, and Huicong is caught by Mo Yi, the spider silk goes around the beam and is suspended in the air.

"Elder martial brother, how can you break my spider silk?" Mo Yi came down from the beam and said with a smile.

Mo also binds Hui Cong's waist, abdomen and hands together. In this way, Hui Cong can't use his power. Even if his internal power is working, it's useless. Many martial arts masters kneel on this binding. Because they can't use their strength, all internal power is useless. Unless they can release their internal power and protect their body with genuine Qi, they can break free in such a state.

"Ha ha ha, younger martial brother's good means, I admire him." Hui Cong broke free for a while, but he could only smile helplessly.

"Ding, congratulations on the host's defeat of Hui Cong, 100 bonus points"

Soon, the prompt sound of the system echoed in Mo Yi's mind.

Mo also hurriedly put down Huicong and melt the spider silk to avoid losing the name of Abbot Huicong.

"As expected, it's not a task, but points are few. Huicong, GUI Xinshu and Jiunan are all experts of the same level. Even Huicong's strength is slightly better than that of the two. After all, Yijinjing has all kinds of unique skills, which make Huicong's strength excellent, but it's not a task." Mo Yi thought to himself as he put Huicong down.

"Elder martial brother, the younger martial brother will leave. I won't disturb him."

Now, when he got the points, Mo was not in the mood to pay attention to Hui Cong. He took the Yijinjing and went all the way back to his meditation room and closed the door directly.

Mo also in the room, left and right look, see no one, on a happy face.

Learning Yijinjing

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