"Two hundred valiant cavalry battalions will be left to guard the ships. Others will surround Shenlong island for me, but don't rush in. There are countless poisonous insects, rats and ants, and there are many martial arts experts. Keep them outside for me."

At the command of Mo Yi, he jumped out of the boat and ran Shenxing directly. His body was like a phantom. With the help of spider silk, Mo Yi quickly sailed through the void and quickly headed for the inner part of Shenlong island.

"Found" Mo Yi looked at it from a high altitude. Not long after he entered, he saw some man-made buildings. Although the houses were strange, they must be man-made.

"The leader of the sect is as good as heaven, and the people of the sect are loyal. The master sails steadily and braves the wind and waves to be brave! The Dragon flies to heaven and looks up, and the leader's voice and power cover all directions. Everyone lives for the leader, everyone dies for the leader, the leader orders to obey, the leader is like the sun and the moon Soon a sound came out of these houses.

As soon as Mo Yi flew onto a roof, he saw that there were a lot of people below, at least hundreds of people gathered, inside the house, and outside the house, at least thousands of people.

I saw a group of people in strange clothes, dancing around the fire, shouting.

"Friend, since you're here, why don't you show up"

Soon, Hong Antong's voice came like a bell, and his internal power was very deep.

Mo Yining looked at him. The speaker was just an old man sitting on a dragon chair. He must be Hong Antong. However, he saw that Hong Antong, with white temples and chest drooping, had scars and wrinkles on his face, and looked very ugly.

But next to her, Su Quan, a beautiful woman, looks like she is only twenty-three or twenty-four years old. She is very charming and gorgeous.

"Check information" Mo also said in his heart, looking at Hong Antong.

Name: Hong Antong

Alias: Godmaster

Martial arts: Hero's three moves, soft palm of bone, Golden Snake's silk hand, dragon's eight moves, dragon's Pearl spitting, dragon's eight strokes, dragon's leg technique and life seeking leg technique

Internal skill: Dragon mental skill

Skill: Alchemy

Combat power: B

Psychology: his martial arts are strange and his internal power is extremely long. At such a young age, he has such ability. "

In addition to the amazing amount of martial arts, Hong's information also has a "skill" that has never appeared in other people's personal information. Hong's information is also a skill of alchemy.

"Fortunately, it's also the strength of class B, so it shouldn't be difficult." Mo also looked at Hong Antong's fighting power and said secretly in his heart.

After seeing clearly, Mo Yi immediately smiles, jumps slightly, and falls down smoothly. Standing in the house, he is not 100 meters away from Hong Antong.

Not only Hong an Tong looked at Mo Yi with a puzzled look, but Su Quan also looked the same, and there was a different color in his eyes.

"What do you say to me when you take my people?" Mo also looked at Hong Antong and said indifferently.

"Oh?" Hong Antong let out a sound, then looked at Mo Yi and said with a smile, "Mo Yi?"

"It's just me," Mo replied with a light smile.

"Bring the little girl up"

Hong an Tong drinks lightly immediately, a few god dragon followers, pressed Shuang er up, although Shuang Er is a bit messy, but did not receive any harm.

"Xianggong" shuang'er shouts as soon as he sees Mo Yi. Originally, he's fine. When he sees Mo Yi, his eyes turn red and tears swirl in his eyes.

"Shuang'er, it's all right." Mo Yiyi said, no matter what happened, he directly stepped on the God and changed everything. His body was like a phantom, and he rushed to shuang'er.


But Hong Antong stamped his foot, leaped up, intercepted Mo Yi directly in the middle, and kicked Mo Yi with one foot.

Mo Yi's eyes coagulated, one palm blocked it, and then a coagulation claw attacked Hong Antong. Hong Antong directly hit Mo Yi with another foot, without any damage.

Mo also has no intention to fight with Hong Antong. He spits out a piece of spider silk directly. Hong Antong thinks it's a hidden weapon. He kicks it with one foot, but he is entangled by spider silk instantly.

For the time being, when Hong Antong was stopped, Mo also turned to Shuanger, and the two "bang bang" hands flew directly to the two disciples, saving Shuanger.

"Is Shuanger OK?" Mo also looks at Shuanger in a hurry and asks nervously.

"It's OK. Shuang'er thought that he would never see his husband." shuang'er looked tight, then shook his head and said.

"Okay, it's okay."

Mo also immediately comforted some Shuanger. Shuanger really had a strong dependence on him.

"Well, it's really not easy. This brother intends to enter our religion. When he comes to dominate the world and be prosperous, he will not treat his brother badly." looking at Mo Yi, Hong Antong said with a hearty smile.

"No interest, I just want to beat you now." Mo Yi turns his head and looks at Hong Antong with a smile.

"Yes?" Hong an Tong smiles and looks a little cold. Then he says, "no one dares to say that in front of Hong an Tong."

Hong Antong was moody and even nervous. He was a real evil sect leader. He was bloody and cruel, and he was extremely powerful. In the end, even many of his old men were killed.

"That's an honor. I'm the first one."

Mo Yi drinks lightly, and his body moves towards Hong Antong. Whether it's for the task or for Shuanger, Hong Antong must defeat him.

In an instant, the two people are hand in hand, hand and foot alternately, colliding with each other, phantom like hand in hand, bang bang sound.

Hong Antong's internal power is better than Mo Yi's. even if Mo Yi practices Yijinjing, he has just practiced it and his level is not high. Even if he has powerful internal power, he is just compared with people of the same level.

Fortunately, Mo also has the protection of venom. His speed, strength and agility are much better than those of Hong Antong. For a moment, the two fight very hard.


After fighting several moves, Mo Yi and Hong Antong fight each other, and the two internal forces rush out to fight each other.

"It turned out to be Yijinjing, but it's just the beginning of practice." Hong Antong obviously recognized Mo Yi's way and said with a very ugly smile.

With a sound, Hong Antong's internal force on his hand is constantly increasing, and his body shape is constantly pushing towards Mo Yi. Although Mo Yi's step has never given way for half a minute, he is forced back by Hong Antong's hard pressure, and his feet are constantly grinding the ground.

"Drink." Mo also lightly drinks, on the hand suddenly makes an effort, huge strength one palm pushed Hong an Tong to return.

In terms of strength, Hong Antong was not as good as Mo Yi. In an instant, he was pushed back a few steps by Mo Yi to stabilize himself.

"What's this?" Hong Antong's arm twined with a black spider silk, constantly bound to his body.

Mo also knows that, according to experts like Hong Antong, although he will not be able to deal with the spider silk at first, it will not be long before Hong Antong has a way to crack it. Mo will attack Hong Antong immediately.

Hong an Tong's arm was bound up to his chest. In the face of Mo Yi's attack, he couldn't stop it. After all, one arm and his body were trapped.

Mo Yi didn't use any other martial arts. He went straight down for ten sessions, jumped up in a run-up, and then turned over and hit Hong Antong's tianlinggai.

"Poof." Hong Antong blocked Mo Yi's attack. Unfortunately, Mo Yiqiang was not strong enough. He spat out a mouthful of blood and forced him to kneel on the ground.

"Ah." Hong Antong's eyes are red and crazy. He spins his body parallel with one foot and kicks Mo Yi's ribs with one foot slanting upward, kicking Mo Yi out.

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