"Mr. Mo, have a rest. We're almost there. Don't rush."

Jianning put his head out of the sedan chair, looked at Mo Yi and yelled.

"OK, have a rest in place." Mo nodded and stopped the whole army.

Although the next urban area is the destination, there are at least dozens of miles left. Now the whole army is a little tired, and Mo is not going to continue to forge ahead.

"I'm so tired, I didn't expect to be so far away." Jianning walked out of the sedan chair with an angry face and said softly.

It took several months to go all the way south from the capital to the location of the Pingxi palace. After all, the speed of carriages and sedans, as well as rest and dressing, is good.

"Is Xianggong here?"

Shuanger handed a pot of water, and then helped Mo Yi to hold his shoulder and asked in a soft voice.

"Ready, there are about 50 miles to go, it's almost there." Mo Yi nodded and responded.

As he said that, Mo also twisted his body. He had to say that shuang'er was really comfortable. The bitterness of the tiring journey was really hard.

"Hum, die Mo also, you are comfortable, all the way down there are little lovers to serve." Jianning sat on one side, looking at Mo also enjoying the massage of Shuanger, a dark hate.

Immediately, Jianning got up, walked towards Mo Yi, stood in front of Mo Yi and stamped his feet.

"What's the matter, princess?" Mo also strange looking at Jianning asked.

"My shoulder acid, you help me pinch," Jianning immediately said in a angry voice, and then turned his head.

Mo also quietly looked at Jianning, did not speak, a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

That Jianning looks at Mo Yi's look, can't help shivering for a while, but then it is a stubborn appearance, never give in to look at Mo Yi, but with a trace of panic in his eyes.

"Well... Xianggong, I'll go. "

Shuang'er can't help but stop, looking at the two people, can't help saying.

"Don't use it." Mo Yi stopped Shuanger, then stood up and said with a smile, "do you know that even if your emperor's brother came, he didn't dare to command me like this?"

"Hum" Jianning snorted, but said nothing.

"The emperor's sister? It's just right. It's not easy to meet people empty handed. "

I don't know where a voice came from. I saw three figures flying in the air, directly towards Jianning.

"Looking for death" Mo also drank lightly, and his body leaped out, just like a phantom. He directly slapped one of them and beat them back to avoid Jianning being caught.

"God does everything?"

As the three retreated, one of the old ladies looked at Mo Yi and snorted.

"An old man, an old woman, a patient"

Mo also looked at the three people, two of them were not weaker than Mo Yi's breath, and one kept coughing and looked like tuberculosis.

Looking around, Mo Yi's look finally hit the old man. He was wearing a navy blue chivalrous robe, and his eyes were cool and fierce.

"View this person's personal information"

Mo also gazed at the old man and whispered in his heart.

As the book of heaven opened a new page in my mind, some information began to show.

"Name: Gui Xinshu

Another name: Shenquan invincible

Martial arts: Tiger subduing fist, jade breaking fist, stone splitting fist and Hunyuan palm

Internal skill: Hunyuan skill

Combat power: B

Psychology: I'm so young that I have this kind of martial arts skill. My footwork is full of changes, and there are some coagulation claws in the opposite palm. My internal skill is as powerful as a mountain and a sea in danger. I didn't expect that there would be such a strong one in the interior

"It's really GUI Xinshu. It's really hard to find a place to break the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get it." Mo Yi said secretly in his heart.

It's Mo's last task to defeat GUI Xinshu. Originally, Mo was worried that he could not find GUI Xinshu, and he had to guard Jianning for ten years, so he couldn't go back to Beijing. It seemed that he had missed GUI Xinshu, so it was difficult. Unexpectedly, GUI Xinshu ran out by himself at this time.

"Who is your excellency? As a person in the Wulin, how can he work for the Qing government? "Gui Xinshu came forward and asked, with pride and disdain on his face.

If it wasn't for Mo Yi's strength and his qualifications, GUI Xinshu would not have said anything at all. He would have done it directly. The temperament of the three members of the family was extremely strange.

"The invincible return to Xinshu? Oh, what can I do for you? " Mo also sneer, disdain way.

"Well?" GUI Xinshu gave out a cold sound, then moved, quickly came to Mo Yi, and drank softly: "seek death, palm mouth"

"What do you say

Mo Yi flashed a sneer in his eyes. As expected, GUI Xinshu was about to fight for a word of discord, which was just in his favor.

Then GUI Xinshu flashed to Mo Yi. A Hunyuan palm flashed. Its internal power was attached to the upper and lower parts of the palm. It was very powerful.

"Bang..." Mo also raised his hand directly, holding back the palm of GUI Xinshu.

Then through the arms, a pair of cold eyes slowly rise and show out, looking at guixinshu coldly.

GUI Xinshu exclaimed, "what a strong body." with one blow, he felt that Mo Yigen didn't use his internal force to stop him. It was all the power of the body.

"Oh" Mo also sneered. A backhand grabbed GUI Xinshu's arm and began to fight back.

What I didn't realize was that every time Mo Yi hit GUI Xin tree, he left a black spider silk and began to wind GUI Xin tree.


With GUI Xinshu's roar, he leaped up and punched Mo Yi.

And Mo also hit a palm, instant two people is the fist palm phase, invisible internal force began to spread out, two people's internal force constantly toward each other crown, the surrounding stones and sand are rolled up.

"Drink" Mo Yi a light drink, arm a force, strong physical strength directly through the internal force, a palm will return to Xinshu forced back, and Mo also moved half a step.

"Strange boy" Gui Xinshu took a look at the spider silk attached to his body. He began to restrict his movement. After a light drink, Hunyuan's internal skill was surrounded by the meridians of his arm. With a shock, all the spider silk was broken.

"Let's go quickly" next to Gui Er Niang gave a warning, and she wanted to retreat in a hurry.

If you can catch the princess with one blow, you can use your lightness skill to leave. If you can't catch it, you can stay for a long time. Thousands of guards of the valiant cavalry camp here are not joking.

"En" Gui Xinshu also knew the relationship between interests. When he answered, the three of them jumped up and left quickly.

"Want to go?"

Mo also drank lightly, his hand spit out a long rope like spider silk, directly tied GUI Xinshu's wrist, and pulled it down.

GUI Xinshu was very angry. He went down with the trend and attacked Mo Yi. His whole body was full of strength, and every move was a swift attack.

Mo also is not afraid, directly fly up, two people fight speed is very fast, body shape in the air relative, and then fight, slow down.



Mo Yi and GUI Xinshu fall to the ground one after another and make a loud noise. They stand opposite each other.

"Still strong?" Mo Yi's face is a little pale, can't help but sneer.


With the sound of Mo Yi, GUI Xinshu spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Ding, mission..."

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