PS: at the end of the fourth shift today, the update is finished. It's extremely heavy all of a sudden


Star City is a very good commercial building in G city. After having breakfast with Mo Yi, Shuanger and Jianning, Zhang Ying brings three people here.

"Master, the star city is a shopping mall opened by Jinsha gang. Although it is not the largest, the facilities are also perfect." Zhang Ying got off the car and helped Mo open the car door and said respectfully.

"Well, if you have something to do, I'll let you know."

Mo also nodded, said a word, with Shuanger and Jianning into the star city.

"Is this the mall?"

Shuang'er and Jianning's two women's eyes are bright and murmur with one voice.

They have the basic cognitive ability for these things, but they have not seen them. Now they still have a refreshing feeling.

"These clothes are so beautiful," Shuanger said, looking at the women's clothes in the shop.

"Master, master, quick, quick, let's go to buy it, maidservant wants it." Jianning grabs Mo Yi's sleeve and shakes it constantly, shouting in a very coquettish tone.

"Good, good, go" Mo also wry smile, with two women toward the shop.

Although the clothes in this shop are not very exquisite and noble, they are often tens of thousands, but they are also hundreds of clothes with very good quality.

"Hello, Mr. and miss, what kind of clothes do you need?" a female shopping guide came over with a smile and nodded slightly.

"You take the two of them to choose some clothes and take a good size," Mo said casually.

Mo Yi is not interested in buying these clothes. He is not in that mood.

"OK, ladies, please follow me." the shopping guide nodded, then looked at Shuanger and Jianning.

"Xianggong?" Shuanger looks at Mo Yi with a nervous look.

"Go ahead"

Mo Yi smiles, then raises his hand and asks Shuanger to buy clothes.

"Master, I'm going." Jianning didn't worry so much. She took Shuanger directly and followed the shopping guide to those clothes and began to choose them.

The shopping guide took a strange look at Mo Yi. At last, he didn't say anything. He took Shuanger and Jianning to buy clothes.

Mo also knows that shuang'er and Jianning's appellation for themselves has caused the shopping guide's strange look. His face turns red. Then he sits aside and looks at the two girls shopping there, but he doesn't intervene.

"Cheng Shao, there, see?"

Not far from the shop, a man patted Cheng Jie and pointed to shuang'er and Jianning with a dirty look in his eyes. He said with a cheap smile.

"Yes?" Cheng Jie let out a sound, then looked at Shuanger and Jianning. In a flash, she was bright: "what a pair of beautiful plums, a noble and elegant, a cute, or an ancient costume. I haven't seen such a thing for a long time."

"Cheng Shao is really accurate," the man next to him boasted.

"Yes, it seems that the little beauties will fall into Cheng Shao's hands again."

"Yes, yes."

Instantly, people around Cheng Jie began to praise Cheng Jie, which made him very useful.

"Let's go and have a look."

Cheng Jie immediately licks his tongue and goes straight to Shuanger and Jianning.

"Shuang'er, you can see this is also very beautiful." Jianning holds a dress to show shuang'er.

"The clothes here are all good." Shuanger seems to be a little more clever and calm, but her eyes are also surprised and loved.

"Ladies, how about clothes?"

Cheng Jie steps directly into the shop and asks with a cheap smile behind Jianning and Shuanger.

"Who are you?" Jianning strange looking at Cheng Jie, vigilant asked.

"Cheng Shao?"

The woman shopping guide next to him recognized Cheng Jie, with Venus in her eyes, unconsciously approaching Cheng Jie.

"En" Cheng Jie is very satisfied to see someone recognize him, but he also ignores the female shopping guide.

Although she looks good, but compared to Shuanger and Jianning, it is very different, there is no contrast, there is no harm.

"We don't know you" shuang'er looks at Cheng Jie and gives out a voice. The voice is delicate, sweet and touching.

"Cheng Jie is the general manager of Cheng's group, and the president of the group is my father." Cheng Jie said with a smile. With the influence of Cheng's group, such an identity is enough to make Cheng Jie proud.

In general, with a little money spent, Cheng Jie believes that he will soon be able to take the two girls.

"Don't know" Shuanger shook his head, and then continued to look at the clothes.

"If you don't know me, why don't you know me? After a while, I'll pay for the clothes they choose, just to know their names, "Cheng Jie said with a smile.

Cheng Jie's words make Shuanger and Jianning's face move, as if a touch of emotion flashed across their face.

"Sister Jianning, these clothes seem to be very expensive. Why don't we save some money for my husband? It's just a name, "shuang'er whispered in Jianning's ear.

"Well... This Jianning murmured, then thinking.

Cheng Jie looked at the two people thinking, and was immediately happy. She even said: "ladies, I will not only help you to settle the list here, but if you are honored, we can continue to buy other things later. There are many more valuable clothes and jewelry on the third floor. I will pay for them."

"No, we'll pay for these clothes by ourselves." Mo Yi was standing behind Cheng Jie, his face was a little dark, but his tone was very flat.

In front of him, soak his woman, how can this let Mo also endure.

"Who are you? What do you care if I talk to two ladies? Get out of here, or I'll let the security guard get you out of here. "

Cheng Jie looks at Mo Yi. He has been living in G city for a long time. He knows all the rich young men and senior officials here. Even if he is not familiar with them all, he has a familiar face. Mo Yi is obviously not within the scope of his knowledge. Moreover, when he looks at the decoration of Mo Yi, he knows that Mo Yi is just a common man. He doesn't care at all.

For a moment, shuang'er and Jianning's faces were cold. Then they turned away and ignored the Cheng Jie.

"This, two ladies" Cheng Jie turns around and looks at Shuanger and Jianning with a smile on her face, only to find that they ignore him and frown in doubt.

"Ha ha" Mo also chuckled and stood aside, quietly looking at Cheng Jie, not making words.

"Boy, what are you laughing at? Want to come here to save beauty? How do you know that two beauties must want to be saved by you? "Cheng Jie looks at Mo Yi coldly, then turns to Shuanger and Jianning, and says with a smile," right, two beauties? ", He wants to step on Mo Yi and show his face in front of Shuanger and Jianning.

But Shuanger and Jianning take a cold look at Cheng Jie, and then show a smile.

"Ah" Cheng Jie saw Shuanger and Jianning's smile, and immediately was also happy. He said: "two beauties, why don't we go to other places to have a look and buy some things later, tonight we are..."

"Xianggong, we've chosen it. Let's go." Shuanger Si ignores Cheng Jie and goes straight to Mo Yi.

"Master, let's go somewhere else. There's always a dog barking."

Jianning charming to moye, holding moye's arm, greasy said.

"Well." Cheng Jie's face is stiff. He looks at Mo Yi strangely, and his face is unbelievable.

Mo also took a look at Cheng Jie and said with a smile, "idiot". After that, he took out the bill, took away the clothes selected by the two girls and left the shop.

"You..." Cheng Jie's face is angry, watching Mo Yi leave with her two daughters, and her eyes are full of reluctance.

"Cheng Shao, this Next to the man carefully looking at Cheng Jie said.

"Pop." Cheng Jie slaps the man directly, then gasps and calms down slowly.

"Inform the security team here, throw the man out, and the two bitches dare to humiliate me. I want them to know what women's happiness is. If it's too soft, I'll play with them hard and make them remember what they have done today." Cheng Jie said maliciously, looking at Shuanger and Jianning, his eyes flashing anger and Yin desire.

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