PS: from today on, I will finish the monthly change. However, I will upgrade every chapter to 3000 words, improve the quality!!

In addition, thanks for the extra reward of two yuan from "Han Gong Xiao Tao"


"Miss Yang?" Mo also in the probe looked, only to see the school gate, a few wearing plaid shirt, head dyed in a mess of small gangsters, directly surrounded Yang Yin in the middle.

There are countless students around, and even several security guards, but no one dares to stop them.

"It's a matter of course that we should go back with us if we can't pay back our debts. I have evidence here. Even if the police come, it's useless."

I saw a fat man in the lead, with a piece of paper in one hand and Yang Yin's wrist in the other, and a strange smile on her face.

"I said, I will return it." Yang Yin's face was in a hurry, and her body was in a hurry and powerless way to resist the man's pull.

She didn't want to be known about this kind of thing, which obviously disturbed her life. Now almost all the teachers and students know that she owed usury and was chased by others.

"Wow, I didn't expect that Mr. Yang Yin owed usury and was chased to the door."

"Yes, people are still holding the IOU in their hands. That's to help them, for fear that they will also help the tyrant."

"Oh, no one has a problem. Maybe Yang Yin has something at home."

"However, the money borrowed by Miss Yang Yin has not been paid back, and she has been caught up with the school, which has a great impact on the school's reputation."

People all around commented on Yang Yin's affairs, both positive and negative, but no one came forward to help. Those who could put down usury were afraid that they all had great influence behind them.

Once you get into trouble with gangs, it's hard to get rid of them. They may not do anything big, but they will always interfere with your life from some small things, such as throwing stones or glass bottles at your room in the middle of the night, or making trouble in general. It's not a serious injury. Even if you take them back, it's ordinary detention. After they come out, they will continue to make trouble for you and make you restless.

"I... You guys

Yang Yin's face was in a hurry, and then her eyes began to turn red. Tears whirled in it, but she could only resist powerlessly. Even crying was useless.

Now this incident, her reputation is completely destroyed, by hundreds of people around comment, but also intangible harm to her dignity.

"Come on, you don't want to be criticized here, do you?" The man saw this, more arrogant, he can see that Yang Yin does not want to continue to be embarrassed by people here, hastily said.

And as long as you take Yang Yin back, she can still escape their Wuzhishan?

Yang Yin's defense is gradually relaxed. She really doesn't want to be discussed wantonly here.

However, a figure passed by, and a phantom appeared. With the sound of "Kara", the man's hand was directly turned over and locked up by Mo Yi, and his whole body had to be pressed down and couldn't move.

"Miss Yang, are you ok?" Mo also looked at Yang Yin and asked with concern.

He knew that something must have happened to Yang Yin, but he didn't think it was usury.

"Mo Yi?" Looking at Mo Yi, Yang Yin retreated two steps and hid behind Mo Yi.

"Little... Boy, how dare you take care of our west city? Be careful of sleeping in the middle of the night

The man was in a cold sweat, his hand was very painful, but it was a direct threat.

In an instant, Mo Yi's eyes were cold, his hands were wrists, and his feet were kicked out quickly, directly hitting the man's abdomen. Under the tremendous force, the whole man was flying slightly in the air, and then he fell at Mo Yi's feet with a bang. One hand was still in Mo Yi's hand, just the sound of "ouch".

"Mo Yi, be careful"

Yang Yin, behind Mo Yi, could not help exclaiming.

Listening to the sound, Mo Yi looked back with a squint. He saw a man holding a beer bottle high and knocking on Mo Yi's head.

"Bang bang."

However, Mo Yi swung his leg behind him and kicked the beer bottle to pieces with one foot. Before his leg fell, he kicked it out again and directly kicked the man out.

The remaining three just moved half a step, want to continue to move toward Mo also, but Mo also flashed cold eyes looked at one eye, all stop in place, dare not move.

It's not the power of ordinary people to kick people in the air with one kick and fly people more than ten meters with one kick. Mo Yi's strong power makes these people dare not act rashly.

"Hum" Mo also snorted, let go of this man's wrist.

The man's face was still with pain, but also quickly got up, and then hurried back.

"Boy, you wait for me, be careful of the restlessness in the middle of the night." the man quickly left with people, then turned his head and looked at Mo Yi, and did not forget to threaten him.

Mo also looked at the five people in surprise, laughed happily, and then drank: "all roll back to me."

The five people took a look at Mo Yi and ran away quickly without turning their heads.

"Go? Can you go? "

As soon as Mo Yi turned, he came out with a very fast impact, just like a phantom. With regular footwork, he was able to move in a variety of ways. Within a moment, he caught up with the five men.

"All on your knees"

Mo Yi is like a roar of a beast. Then, one person presses a palm on his head and applies gravity in a special way, but it won't hurt these people.

Five people instantly feel a thousand kinds of pressure on the body, although there is no harm, but the legs are unconsciously bent down, and then "pop" sound, kneeling on the ground.

The man's heart collapsed. "NIMA, is there something wrong with the plot? Shouldn't we put down the cruel words and find someone to revenge? Why did you get caught again before you ran out? ".






"One, two, three, four, five"

Mo also stood in front of the five people kneeling on the ground, with fierce force on his face, slapped them one by one.

And the dramatic thing is that five people kneel on the ground like this and give Mo Yi a smoke one by one. No one dares to resist. They can't even run away. Just now, they have escaped 20 or 30 meters, and they were caught by Mo Yi in an instant. What can we do? We're desperate, too.

"Pa, PA, Pa"

"Five, four, three, two, one"

Mo also is backhand drew to come back again, a person is giving a slap more.

Less than five minutes, the man's face is already full of palmprint, the key he can not resist, I do not know how? Mo also stepped on his knuckles. He couldn't even get up. He could only kneel on the ground.

Men bring which younger brother has been stunned, simply dare not close to half a point, can only watch quietly.

"Brother, brother, I'm wrong. Please let me go."

The man pulls Mo Yi's arm, his face is full of tears, pleading bitterly.

"Isn't that a cruel word?" Mo also looked down at the man and said indifferently.

"Don't dare, don't dare, please, please, let me see a doctor." the man knelt down in front of Mo Yi with a runny nose and tears, and cried.

"Go away, go away" Mo also disliked the kick of the man out, not angry said.

"Yes, yes"

The man left with people in a servile manner, and did not dare to threaten Mo Yi.

"Miss Yang, are you ok?" Mo also turns to look to Yang Yin to ask a way.

"Ah? Oh, it's OK

Yang Yin seems to be a little surprised. She just reacts and then smiles a little. But she seems to think of something again and has a helpless look on her face.

Then Mo also took a look at the people around, frowned, and then looked at Yang Yin, said: "I don't know if Mr. Yang would like to have lunch with me?"

Hearing Mo Yi's words, Yang Yin looked at Mo Yi strangely, and then nodded slightly. "Well," she answered. She didn't want to be looked at by the people around her.

"Let's go"

Mo also immediately took Yang Yin to find a small hotel nearby.

"What are you going to eat?"

"A few signature dishes"

Mo also casually replied that he had eaten here. If he knew it was ok, it was not too elaborate.

The waiter nodded and turned away.

"Miss Yang, what happened? How can you borrow money at usury? " Mo Yi asked.

Yang Yin was silent for a moment, then she opened her mouth and said: "my ex boyfriend took my ID card and borrowed a usury loan, then ran away, and then there was today's scene. Sorry, it may have caused you trouble."

"It doesn't matter, they may not be able to beat me," Mo said with a casual smile.

Yang Yin doesn't think much of Mo Yi either. Those who can borrow money at usury and dare to go to the door to collect debts like this are no longer ordinary forces. Even Mo can fight, she is not a rival of a gang.

What's more, Mo Yi's way of doing this will only infuriate them. She also has her parents and relatives. These gangs kill people without blinking an eye. Maybe Mo can help her for a while, or for a lifetime, or help her alone, or help all her relatives.

If these gangs threaten her parents, even with Mo Yi's protection, she will never "muddle along" alone.

Both of them were silent one after another. As the meal went up, they ate as if they had agreed. They didn't speak.

"Miss Yang, why don't I return it for you?" Mo also after eating full, thought, is the mouth said.

He is in charge of a Jinsha gang. It's nothing to solve this problem. Even with normal means, Mo Yi's financial resources are enough.

The small pile of gold, silver and jewelry that Mo Yi had handed to Zhang Ying had not yet been transferred. Moreover, they were all piled up at random. Mo has not yet taken the real precious ones. Therefore, it is more than enough to deal with Yang Yin's usury.

"You? Don't think about it. It's none of your business. The college entrance examination is the only thing you should think about. "

Yang Yin couldn't help but smile. At the moment when she was saved by Mo Yi, she had no illusions about treating Mo Yi as the hero who could save her.

It's a pity that this is not the case. Mo is just a student, a student of hers, or even an orphan student without any relatives. What can she do to save her.

"Miss Yang, maybe I can really..."

Before Mo finished speaking, his voice stopped, and then he felt as if he had a splitting headache.

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