"Name: Mo Yi

Servants: Shuanger (dddd), Jianning (dddd), Zhang Ying (d)

Acclimation: venom (CCCC level)

Skills: proficient in English (level a), big catcher (level DD), Vajra immortal skill (level DDD / / CCCC), coagulation claw (Level C / / CCC), Shenxing Baibian (Level C)

Skill: Yijinjing (CCCC / BBBB)

Combat power: BCC

Points: 260 points

Soon, Mo's own information was fully revealed.

"Sure enough, it's still a little bit worse."

Mo also looked at his practice in the Yijinjing, which has been upgraded from CC to CCCC, and his strength has been upgraded two times in a row.

However, his comprehension and cultivation of Yijinjing still did not break through to BB level, otherwise his strength would certainly rise a bit, but Yijinjing needs cultivation and comprehension after all.

"Wait a minute, did I read something wrong?" Mo Yi's eyes coagulated and looked at the servant above. In an instant, his eyes opened, and a trace of ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

In the slave item, the strength of Shuanger and Jianning is clearly written as dddd level. Their strength has been greatly improved.

With Mo also to two people's big also Dan, if nothing unexpected, have such strength is normal.

Seeing that both of them have such strength, Mo also relaxed a little. At least the two girls have the basic ability to protect themselves. Otherwise, they are afraid of crisis in the world of martial arts.

"Gulu... Grunt

Then, there was a noise in Mo Yi's stomach, and the feeling of extreme hunger filled Mo Yi's nerves.

"Little Qingzi, where are you now?"

Mo also stretched out his head from the carriage and looked at the little green boy outside. He couldn't help asking.

"Your Majesty, are you awake?" Xiaoqingzi immediately stopped the carriage and looked at Mo Yi. Then he said, "Your Majesty, now you have arrived at Huashan Town, and Huashan will follow."

"Oh, by the way, how long have I practiced?" Mo can't help but ask. Judging from his hunger, he has been practicing for a long time.

"Your Majesty, you have been in a coma for two days and one night," xiaoqingzi said.

"Two days and one night? No wonder I'm hungry. "

Mo Yi was surprised when he heard that. He didn't expect that he had practiced for two days and one night. During this time, he didn't eat or drink, but he didn't die.

Mo Yi is not an immortal. He still needs five grains to feed his hunger. However, Mo Yi believes that as long as his strength continues to improve, he will be able to achieve the effect of breaking through the grain. At that time, he can use his own strength to supply energy.

"Your Majesty, there's some dry food here, but it's rough."

Xiaoqingzi handed over a burden and said that he had bought it in the last town before. He wanted to eat it by himself. After all, how could he eat it for the sake of the emperor.

"It's OK"

Mo Yi took it all of a sudden. There were several baked cakes in it. Mo Yi ate them directly. In two minutes, they were completely wiped out.

"Really full" Mo also belched and said contentedly.

After that, Mo Yi did not continue to practice. He just consolidated and looked at the scenery along the way. It has to be said that these landscapes, which have not been artificially developed, are indeed full of the most primitive natural flavor.

It took a whole afternoon for Mo Yi and Xiao Qingzi to arrive at Huashan Town in the evening and enter the town at night.

"Xiaoqingzi, you go to the front to open an inn and deal with the business. I'll take a stroll first." Mo Yi looks at the surrounding scenes, his face moves, and he inspects around.

"Bang.. Well... Yes, young master. "Xiaoqingzi wanted to respond from the palace, but suddenly he thought that it was outside. Mo also wanted to hide his identity, so he quickly changed his words.

"Well, go ahead."

Mo also nodded with satisfaction and began to wander around.

Although the night market at this time is not perfect, it also has a different flavor.

"I said, the money is with my elder brother. He will give it to you when he comes. You let me go first."

Mo also heard a voice and went along with her reputation. She saw a young woman about 16 years old who was entangled by several uncles with unfinished food in her hand.

"Oh, you little girl, it's reasonable not to give money for food. If you don't have money, I'll go back with me to wash the dishes, or I'll report to the official." one of the uncles grabbed the woman's wrist and wanted to drag her to the restaurant.

"You... You

That woman a face of helpless, want to start, and afraid to make things big.

"I'll pay for it." Mo Yi immediately took out a piece of broken silver and handed it to the uncle, then said.

"Good, good" the uncle saw the silver, and to tell the truth, the woman didn't eat as much as the silver.


The woman watched several uncles leave. She was relieved. Then she looked at Mo Yi and said with a smile, "thank you. When my elder brother comes back, I'll give it back to you."

"No, it's a little help."

Mo Yi smiles a little, and then he plans to leave. He plans to continue to enjoy the scenery here, and then he goes to Huashan the next day to learn art. Of course, the main purpose is to be fengqingyang and Dugu Jiujian.

In this plane, Mo also has a task to defeat Feng Qingyang. So far, the best thing to find is Feng Qingyang. Moreover, Mo also wants to see Dugu Jiujian.

Dugu Jiujian is known as the best martial arts in the world. He has attack but no defense. The strongest attack is the biggest defense.

As long as Mo Yi can get to Huashan, it should not be difficult to get Dugu Jiujian by virtue of Mo Yi's modern identity who knows the plot on the last trip to Siguo cliff.

"No, I must return it to you. You can't go." but the woman stopped Mo Yi and said stubbornly.

"Ha ha, I really don't need it." Mo Yi shook his head and planned to leave.

"No way"

The woman took Mo Yi's hand and held it tightly, not letting Mo Yi leave.

"I really have something to do," Mo Yi said helplessly. He didn't have so much spare time here. He had to deal with some other things. He wanted to learn from Huashan, not just the shanghuashan school.

"Traitor, let go of my younger martial sister"

A shout of anger came from behind Mo Yi. When Mo Yi looked away, a man with a sword in his hand jumped in the air and stabbed Mo Yi from top to bottom.

"Damn it"

Mo also looked at a sword flashing silver light hit, secretly scold a, but the hand is like thunder general attack.

See, Mo also two fingers to clip this sword face, turn at will, throw this sword this fly out.

The sword in the man's hand was made to get out of his hand, but he didn't react, and his figure slightly stepped back two steps.

"Master, are you ok?"

The woman rushed to help up the man, with a worried look on her face.

"The internal skill of Huashan school?" Mo Yi's eyes coagulate, looking at this man, the secret way in the heart.

He once fought with GUI Xinshu in the plane of Lu Ding Ji. He was familiar with Huashan's internal skills. Although his Qi strength was different, he came to the same destination by different routes. They were all from the same source.

"View this person's information"

Mo also looked at the man on the ground and said in his heart.

"Name: Ling Hu Chong

Alias: Master brother, Feng No.2 Middle School, Wu Tiande

Martial arts: Huashan sword, Chongling sword

Internal skill: Huashan basic internal skill

Combat power: CD

Psychology: this man is very good at martial arts. In case of fierce attack, I'm not an opponent. It's better to go. "

Looking at these messages, Mo Yi's eyes lit up in an instant. He didn't expect that this man should make Hu Chong, the eldest disciple of Huashan sect.

But at this time, Linghu Chong didn't learn such martial arts as Dugu Jiujian, Yijinjing and Yingxing Dafa. All his fighting power was not too strong.

"Excuse me, brother, are you ok?"

Mo also hurriedly to Linghu Chong, face full of a layer of apology.

Linghu Chong can be a bridge for Mo Yi to enter Huashan sect. Through Linghu Chong, Mo Yi can pass on to his inner disciples and worship Yue buqun as a teacher instead of an ordinary disciple.

"Well.... Nothing. "Linghu Chong looked at Mo Yi strangely. For a moment, he didn't understand what happened.

"Elder master, just now people didn't have money to pay for food. He paid for it for me. Later, I wanted to give it back to him when you came. He didn't want it. It's just like that."

But see Yue Lingshan Du mouth, looking at Linghu Chong, a strange look.

"Ah? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I thought you Linghu Chong after hearing, the face is also a burst of shame, looking at Mo Yi are sorry.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Mo Yi shook his head, then looked at Linghu Chong and asked, "are you Huashan disciples?"

"That's right, Linghu Chong of xiahuashan school"

"In the lower Huashan school, Yue Lingshan"

"Land monkeys in Xiahua mountain"

With Linghu Chong's registration number, Yue Lingshan and luhou also reported their names one after another.

"I've heard that Huashan sect is the leader of the Wulin, and there are several young heroes. They really deserve their reputation. I've been longing for Huashan for a long time. I don't know if I can visit them?" Mo also slightly arched smile.

"No problem, you will go up Huashan with us tomorrow, hee hee." Yue Lingshan agreed, and then said with a smile. Yue Lingshan still had some good feelings for Mo Yi who saved her from the embarrassing situation just now.

"OK, thank you very much," Mo said with a smile.

As a modern man, he has a certain foundation in flattery. It's no exaggeration to say these words of flattery.

Sure enough, Linghu Chong, Yue Lingshan and Lu Hou were all happy and proud when they heard Mo Yi praising Huashan sect.

"Elder martial brother, is that ok?" Yue Lingshan turned to Linghu Chong and asked, the most important thing is Linghu Chong's response.

"Well, you will go up Huashan with me tomorrow." Linghu Chong thought about it, and then said.

"Thank you very much." Mo also smiles. As long as you can go to Huashan, you should be able to do a good job.

"May I have your name, sir?" Linghu Chong asked Mo Yiyang.

"Oh, my name is Mo Yi"

Mo also immediately raised his hand and responded.

"Brother Mo can have a foothold, no one can go back to the inn with us, and go to Huashan together tomorrow," Linghu Chong said.

"No, no, I'll wait for you at the gate of the city tomorrow, so I'll leave." Mo Yi bowed himself and said that his manners were extremely appropriate, and he didn't make any more mistakes.

"Good, goodbye" Linghu Chong is also bow, looking at Mo also left.

Mo also went back to the inn prepared by Xiao Qingzi after a stroll. After a little practice, he entered the dream.

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