Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1019 Decreasing Quantity

In Xiong Wenwen's prediction, the second level of this ghost realm did not appear.

The black umbrella seems to be able to isolate some supernatural explorations, such as Xiong Wenwen's deeper precognition, or the curse of Yang Jian's hatchet.

This isolation makes this ghost land extremely special. The black umbrella is the passageway that connects these layers of ghost realms, and these layers of ghost realms do not interfere with each other.

The surrounding villages were still the same as before, but Yang Jian was already in the second level of ghostland.

This sudden depth was unexpected by Yang Jian.

He didn't even have time to take away his supernatural weapon, nor did he have time to notify Feng Quan, Huang Ziya, and Xiong Wenwen.

In the ghost realm on the second floor, the number of ghosts holding black umbrellas was obviously much smaller, but the level of terror had increased significantly. Yang Jian could already feel the cold aura around him becoming more and more serious.

But all this did not stop Yang Jian.

He looked up at the black umbrella he had brought in from the ghost realm on the first floor.

The umbrella is being deformed and damaged by the rain. If it continues, the umbrella will be completely damaged, but the umbrellas in the hands of other ghosts are intact.

So Yang Jian realized it immediately.

He needs a replacement umbrella.

In other words, he has to deal with a fierce ghost in the second-level ghost realm, take away the ghost's umbrella, and then repeat what happened before and enter the third-level ghost realm.


What Yang Jian is very worried about at this moment is how many levels of ghost realm exist in this ghost place?

If you go too deep, you may get lost. Even if you don't get lost, you may encounter unimaginable dangers in the ghost realm.

If it was prudent, Yang Jian should withdraw temporarily, then join Feng Quan and the others, and then take the supernatural items and go deep into this ghost land together, instead of acting alone after being alone.


There is another concern.

That is, after he withdrew his front foot, if Feng Quan and the others went deep into the ghost realm like him and staggered away from each other, wouldn't he have done something stupid?

A brief thought did not stop Yang Jian from taking action.

Whether he retreats first or takes action first, he must take away a black umbrella. Only in this way can he take the initiative.

"The umbrella in my hand is about to lose its hold. Once I get wet from the rain, I will be attacked by ghosts. There are many ghosts in this ghost realm. It is wrong to waste time and energy here."

Yang Jian understands. The evil ghosts in front of us are just ghosts from the second-level ghost realm, not the source, so even if they are dealt with, it will not help.

Immediately, he held a black umbrella and walked straight towards a fierce ghost.

There was a lot of stagnant water on the ground, and once it was contaminated, it would be targeted by evil spirits. He knew this murder rule, but there was no way to avoid it now.

Even if you stand still, the rain will still spread under your feet.

However, it can be seen from the previous situation that ghosts in the first-level ghost realm cannot enter the second level, so theoretically, ghosts in the second-level ghost realm cannot enter the third level.

"As long as I move fast enough, I can take away the umbrella and leave this ghost realm before I am surrounded by ghosts. Therefore, in this supernatural incident, the speed of action is the key. Once surrounded, I will be the captain." Level characters may also be consumed to death."

Yang Jian roughly understood.

So he was very decisive, basically ignoring the influence of the water on the ground, and arrived in front of a ghost in an instant.

Yang Jian stared at this ghost, and this ghost also stared at Yang Jian.

Under the black gauze, a pair of indescribable strange eyes were cast over. At this moment, Yang Jian triggered the murderous pattern of the ghost. The ghost started to move. The black gauze covering the body was gradually receding, as if falling off, and like It was Li Gui who was actively struggling and revealing his figure.

A blurry reflection appeared in the water. The reflection swayed like ripples, but after a while, the shaking ripples disappeared and the reflection gradually became clear.

The reflection that appears under Li Gui's feet makes people feel horrified.

That was actually Yang Jian's appearance, and Yang Jian's appearance became clearer and more real.

The fierce ghost holding the black umbrella is actually Yang Jian himself?

The water under Yang Jian's feet swayed, and a reflection appeared. The reflection seemed to be connected with him, but the reflection was not his figure, but a ghost covered in black gauze, whose appearance could not be seen clearly.


The reflections of people and ghosts in the water seem to be reversed.

The emergence of this supernatural phenomenon heralds the advent of danger and terror. Once this swap is completed, it is estimated that Yang Jian in reality will suffer unimaginable attacks, and this may even be a fatal curse.

No one dares to bet on what will happen next.

But then.

There seemed to be ripples under the stagnant water, and the reflection of the ghost at Yang Jian's feet quickly blurred, and then turned into his own reflection again.

Because at this moment Yang Jian took action.

The ghost hand instantly grabbed the cold and cold palm of the ghost in front of him, and the suppression of the ghost hand was instantly formed.

Even without coffin nails, Ghost Hand still has the ability to suppress a fierce ghost's quota.

At least this quota is still effective when facing the second level of ghosts.

Suppression formed, Li Gui did not resist, and Yang Jian easily took away the black umbrella.

At this moment, the black umbrella in Yang Jian's hand has begun to have gaps. It has been damaged by the rain. The cold rain has penetrated in. His actions are quite fast. If he continues to delay, this first layer of ghosts will The umbrella Yu brought in was about to completely rot.

"Everything goes well, now change the umbrella."

He directly raised a new umbrella and then discarded the old umbrella on the ground.

The new umbrella perfectly blocked the rain here, and there was no sign of being damaged by the rain.

But the water under his feet was still there, which meant that Yang Jian was still in a dangerous environment. Although he suppressed the evil ghost in front of him and took away a black umbrella, there were other ghosts around.

The number is less than before, but it is also terrifyingly large.

Strange figures were approaching him holding black umbrellas, and ripples appeared under the trampling of the accumulated water.

Reflections appeared one after another in the water, and the reflections were constantly approaching Yang Jian's reflection. As long as they got closer, Yang Jian's reflection would be eroded by supernatural beings and turn into a ghost. Once this supernatural phenomenon is completed, After that, he will most likely stay in this ghost realm forever, trapped in the black umbrella, unable to break free.

Yang Jian's face was expressionless, staring at the ghosts. The umbrella in his hand had been stretched out, and the surrounding light was getting darker and darker. The strange changes in the previous scene appeared again.

His vision was disappearing until he was completely plunged into darkness.

Only the sound of rain hitting the black umbrella could be heard, and as time passed, the sound of rain hitting the umbrella seemed to become more dense and louder.

It rained heavily again.

The surrounding darkness began to recede quickly, and the light returned.

"We are in the third level of ghost realm." Yang Jian took a deep breath, and he entered a deeper supernatural world.

This is not a nice place to be.

The deeper you sink, the more dangerous it is. This supernatural incident is far from being as simple as it seems. The deeper you go, the more terrifying it becomes.

In this level of ghost land, there seemed to be a lot fewer buildings in the village. There were only a few houses left, which were all scattered. Moreover, there was no ghost holding a black umbrella. At least Yang Jian glanced around. After that, not a single ghost holding a black umbrella could be seen.

The number of ghosts has been further reduced, and by a considerable amount.

"The fewer ghosts, the scarier the ghosts are. The more ghosts, the weaker they are. I'm afraid the ghosts in the third-level ghost realm are not so easy to deal with." Yang Jian's face became serious.

He doesn't need to do anything now, he just needs to stand here to attract the ghost.

Because his feet are soaked now.

The rain in the sky was heavy and crackling, and the rain on the ground gathered into small streams. There was stagnant water everywhere, and there was no place to stay. Even the air was filled with white water vapor. Just taking a breath, Yang Jian felt as if his body was frozen, and an indescribable cold breath penetrated every part of his body.

Even my clothes felt a little damp.

The supernatural influence has been great. It can even be said that this supernatural rain is corroding Yang Jian.

You can never stay here for more than five minutes, no, it can even be less.

Yang Jian looked up at the umbrella in his hand. The black paper attached to the ribs had been deformed by the rain and looked like it would soon be broken and damaged.

Although he had been targeted by ghosts, he still tried his best to avoid getting wet in the rain, because it was definitely not a good thing to expose his whole body to the rain.



A fierce ghost holding a black umbrella walked out of a residential building. He was still the same as before. He was covered in black gauze and only one hand was exposed. His image was no different from what he had seen before.


Yang Jian frowned: "No, four, six."

He saw six black umbrellas appearing nearby, but there were still more in the distance, but they were not considered. But even counting those black umbrellas in the distance, the number of ghosts in this ghost realm has been clearly calculated. .

Around twenty at most.

"This kind of quantity means that the third level of ghost realm is not the source. There is still a fourth level of ghost realm, or even a fifth level of ghost realm?" With this idea, Yang Jian also went straight to the nearest ghost. .

But before he got close, a horrifying scene occurred.

The black gauze on the ghost closest to him was quickly disappearing and receding, and the faster he got closer, the faster the black gauze disappeared. Yang Jian slowed down, and the black gauze disappeared slower.

But just saying this was not enough to scare Yang Jian.

Because he saw the black veil fade away, revealing what he looked like.

That's right, the ghost's figure and height were exactly the same as Yang Jian's. The black gauze on his face receded, revealing a face that was almost exactly the same as Yang Jian's.

At the same time, Yang Jian's body was gradually covered with a layer of black veil.

The surrounding vision began to blur, the body became cold and stiff, and even the ghosts in the body were sleeping.

"The body cannot move, and then it is covered with a layer of black gauze and holding a black umbrella. I, am I not a powerful ghost in the third level of ghost realm?" Yang Jian broke out in a cold sweat.


"So that's it, that's it. The ghosts that appear in the first level of the ghost realm are all victims who have been assimilated before. The same is true for the ghosts that appear in the second level. But ordinary people have no way to enter the second level, so the second level is The people who are assimilated must be special people with certain supernatural abilities, so there are fewer people in the first-level ghost realm than in the first-level ghost realm."

"Those who can come to the third level of the ghost realm must be strong ghost controllers, so there are even fewer ghosts on this level. Does the more than twenty powerful ghosts mean that there were more than twenty ghost controllers in the past? Entered this third level and then stayed here?”

"Then if there are still ghosts on the fourth floor, doesn't it mean that the top ghost masters have also died in this ghost realm? What about the fifth floor? Have even captain-level figures died?"

Yang Jian felt that judging from this reduced number, there were at least eight fierce ghosts on the fourth level of the ghost realm, and at least two fierce ghosts on the fifth level.

The more I think about it, the more uneasy and terrifying I feel.

Without adequate preparation, it will be very risky to enter the fourth and fifth floors.

You can't make this mistake anymore, you must stop the loss in time and retreat.

Now that they have lost their advantage, even if they forcefully rush into the fourth level of the ghost realm, it will be difficult to deal with the evil ghosts at the source.

Moreover, the numerical advantage was lost in this supernatural incident.

Each level of the ghost realm will isolate some people, and once they die here, it will only increase the number of ghosts in this ghost realm, which is simply terrifying.

If the ghost controller died here, maybe each ghost had different killing methods.

This is equivalent to opening a blind box.

If Yang Jian died here, someone might come in and bump into him one day, and they might have to face Yang Jian after the evil ghost revived.

Although it is speculation, it is not impossible.

The evil ghost was approaching, and the black gauze was shrouding Yang Jian's whole body with a cold feeling. His body was a little unruly, and even his consciousness was affected.

I just feel that it is so cold around me, so cold that I want to find a place to sleep.

"No more hesitation, just retreat."

Without saying a word, Yang Jian directly used the most powerful supernatural power to restart himself.

He wants to return his state to two minutes ago.

Shrouded in red light.

The restarted ghost realm needs to be opened to the seventh level. This level of ghost realm seems to have dispersed the dense rain in the sky and cannot be approached.

The cold feeling on Yang Jian's body quickly receded.

next moment.

He recovered.

But something strange happened, the rain around him became smaller. No, no, it wasn't that the rain became smaller, but Yang Jian returned to the second level of the ghost realm inexplicably.

There were far more ghosts around than before, and there was a broken umbrella left next to it.

This proves that Yang Jian has stayed here before.

"I just restarted myself, but I didn't restart the area. Why did I return to the second level of the ghost realm?" Yang Jian was surprised.

He thought for a while and couldn't come to a conclusion.

We can only guess that this is supernatural rejection.

The restart had a conflict with the three-story ghost realm here, and he came back to counter-invade.

But Yang Jian discovered another detail.

He also brought the black umbrella from the third-floor ghost realm back to the second-floor ghost realm.

At this moment, although Yang Jian's feet were wet, they were not attacked by the ghosts in the second level of the ghost realm.

This is a surprising discovery.


Yang Jian seemed to understand something, the terrifying effect of this black umbrella.

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