Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1024 Lights out on the fifth floor

Rooms 501 and 502 are suspected to have problems. Yang Jian doesn't want to tell which room has the problem and which room has no problem, so the best way is not to choose it at all, choose another room to rest, and wait until it becomes clear after a few days of observation. After understanding the situation here, it can naturally be easily judged.

So he and Li Yang turned around and left without hesitation, without stepping into room 502.

The man in room 502, who was in his early fifties, stood in the dim room and looked over: "The doors of other rooms will not be opened for you, and some rooms have been decorated by messengers. There are dangers in them." It will be bigger. Although you don’t trust me, I will still kindly remind you.”

"Wish ya'll good luck."

After saying these words, the door of this room slammed shut, and then the surroundings became quiet again.

No sound continued to come from the room No. 501 next door, but through the crack in the door, the light inside flickered, still revealing a strange aura.

Yang Jian couldn't help but ponder when he heard what the man just said.

It seems that the situation on the fifth floor is more complicated than imagined.

There are various oil paintings hanging on the walls, which are suspected to be rooms with evil ghosts wandering around, and doors that cannot be opened. Now add another one, there are even traps in other rooms, which are arranged by other messengers on the fifth floor. The purpose of this It should be to occupy a room and ensure that he has a place to stay whenever he comes to the post office.

If this is the case, then Yang Jian has another problem to consider.

Perhaps, there are not as few messengers on the fifth floor as imagined.

Only when the number of messengers exceeds the number of rooms, the messengers need to compete for a room. Otherwise, there will be no conflict at all if there is one room for each person.


There is another possibility, that is, there are some benefits to living in a room, and these benefits are beneficial to the survival of the courier. Therefore, the room is not only a simple residence attribute, but also has profit value, so it is worth occupying and fighting for the courier.

This situation does not exist when you get to the fourth floor.

Because everyone can squeeze into the same room, but if the room is crowded with too many people, they may be visited by the evil spirits wandering in the post office. Other than that, there are no other disadvantages.

"Captain, do you think his words are credible?" Li Yang was also filled with doubts and could not tell whether the man's words were true or false.

Yang Jiandao: "It doesn't matter whether it is true or not. What is important is that there are indeed many dangers here. Some of the rules and information that have been explored in the post office may be invalid here."

The words are not finished yet.


Yang Jian turned his head and focused his gaze. His ghost eyes immediately opened and he looked towards a certain place.

"I just felt something peering at me, and that look seemed to come from a certain oil painting on the wall."

He scanned the wall in that direction and saw many portraits of people, but at the moment the portraits were all normal and he couldn't tell which oil painting was really problematic.

"It's already 5:40, and the lights will be turned off in twenty minutes. After the lights are turned off at night, if there are ghosts here, they will definitely come out."

Li Yang said: "If there is something really wrong with these oil paintings, it will be terrible. This kind of quantity is very dangerous."

Oil paintings almost cover the walls. If there are problems with oil paintings and ghost paintings, it would indeed be a nightmare.

Yang Jian did not speak, but slowly withdrew his gaze: "We will see the situation in the evening. I deliberately chose this time to come to the post office, just to see what will happen in the post office on the fifth floor at night. Everything is weird. It comes from the fifth floor of the post office, maybe some secrets can be revealed here.”

Did not stay any longer.

Yang Jian glanced around and finally chose the last room.


If there are problems with the first two rooms, then the last room should be more or less normal.

Yang Jian walked over, and his ghost shadow covered the entire door.

He tried to use ghost shadow to suppress the supernatural power on the door and then forced it open.

But it's a pity.

The door shook, but there was no way to open it. It seemed that the door was sealed from the inside. Moreover, this blockade was not a blockade by ordinary means, but involved a supernatural blockade. It is precisely because of this that every door There was no way the door could be opened easily.

"Old rules, Li Yang, get out of the way."

Yang Jian used the hatchet in his hand again. He didn't want to be impatient and continued to hack at the door.

Room No. 507 seemed to be vacant. After the door was opened, there was no movement inside, and no lights came on. It was very quiet.

This proves that he made the right choice.

After a few more blows, the door cracked with a huge hole. At this time, Yang Jian put his ghost hand in and touched it to see what was blocking the door, but it couldn't be opened.


Yang Jian touched something, and he quickly retracted his palm, and then he actually grabbed a few strands of black hair in his hand. The hair smelled rancid, as if it had been buried in the soil for a while, and smelled of corpses.

Black rotten hair was wrapped around the door handle behind the door, blocking the door so that people outside could not force it open.

"Someone deliberately blocked the door with this thing, so it can't be opened easily." Yang Jian's face darkened, and he cleaned out a small pile of rotten hair.

Under the suppression of ghost hands, even though these hairs are weird and carry some kind of supernatural power, they cannot exert their original effect and can only be quickly removed.

It's hard to imagine that such a small thing can seal a door.

Can't Ghost Shadow even deal with this little hair?

Yang Jian found it a bit unbelievable, but he thought it was because the door on the fifth floor was special. The door on the fifth floor seemed to be able to withstand stronger supernatural forces. If you wanted to open the door from the outside, you would have to pay more effort. cost.

The door is so strong, the people living inside must be very safe.

But conversely, you can think about it this way. The fifth floor of the post office needs such a strong door. Does that prove that the danger on the fifth floor of the post office will be far more dangerous than other floors?


Anyway, after cleaning up a small pile of rotten black hair, Yang Jian opened the door smoothly.

The room was dim, but it had no effect on Yang Jian. His ghost eyes ignored the influence of light and directly saw everything in the room clearly.

The room on the fifth floor is larger than the room on the fourth floor. It is no longer a single room, but a relatively spacious living room. In this living room, there is a dining table, a sofa, and some seemingly expensive decorations and ornaments. The overall style is no longer the old wooden furniture on the fourth floor, but more modern.


Yang Jian felt an unreal feeling in the room. He opened a few ghost eyes again, strengthening the ghost eyes' vision.


The room in his sight began to become distorted and blurred.

Those modern-style decorations have become illusory and no longer real. It turns out that all the scenes and arrangements in the room are illusions caused by supernatural interference.

It's just that this illusion is almost the same as the real thing, and ordinary people and even ordinary ghost controllers can't tell the difference at all.

Ignoring the influence of illusion, the room presented a real scene in the ghost's eyes.

It's dark, depressing, and weird. The old walls are mottled and covered with moss. The furniture is also very old. It hasn't been cleaned for many years and is full of stains. There are even many traces of dried blood.

In this kind of environment, anyone who lives there for a few days will feel depressed.

The supernatural creates an illusory illusion, changes the decoration style of the room, and reduces the feeling of darkness and depression, which is actually a good thing.

Even if you know that all this is false, it is still better than presenting the unacceptable truth.

"The room has been decorated by other messengers. If it is what the person in room 502 said, there may be a trap in it. I will go in and investigate first." Yang Jian looked at the time.

There's still enough time, it's not that urgent.

Li Yang didn't speak, just nodded.

Yang Jian immediately strode in. He came to the living room and glanced around with his ghost eyes. However, due to the special nature of the post office, his ghost eyes could not penetrate the walls, so there were still some areas that he could not see clearly. He needed to Go over and check them out one by one.

Everything was normal in the living room, nothing noteworthy.

The ghost eyes dispelled the illusion and revealed the real scene in the house.

Yang Jian then came to the bathroom. After checking, he found nothing unusual. However, when he entered the room, he immediately noticed something was wrong. His ghostly eyes discovered something under the bed.

Immediately, he leaned down slightly.

But he saw an unrecognizable corpse lying there under the bed, without any movement at all.

"This is not an ordinary dead body, but a fierce ghost that has not yet triggered the killing pattern."

Yang Jian made a brief observation and immediately came to a conclusion.

Because if it were an ordinary corpse, it would have rotted long ago, and another point is that this corpse only appears in the sight of ghost eyes, and does not exist in the sight of ordinary people.

With just these two special characteristics, it can be concluded that this is definitely a fierce ghost.

"It's impossible for the messenger in room 507 not to know this. The messenger here should have deliberately placed this body under the bed. His only purpose in doing so was to use this ghost to kill and try to enter this place. other people in the room, ensuring that the room is always vacant."

"And the messenger in this room dares to do this. He must know the ghost's killing patterns and know how to avoid the risk of being targeted by the ghost, so he is confident."

"If that's the case, then the fifth floor of the post office needs to be re-evaluated."

"On this floor, ghosts are allowed to appear, even in the room. From this point of view, the safety of the room depends on the strength of the messenger. If the strength is insufficient and the ghosts in the room cannot be driven out, then the room is not a kind of Protection is actually a trap.”

Yang Jian stared at the body under the bed, and then without saying a word, he directly dragged it out with his ghost hands.

Under the suppression of ghost hands, this unrecognizable corpse did not move at all.

Obviously, this ghost is not very scary.

If it was too scary, the messenger in this room wouldn't dare put it under the bed.

"There is nothing wrong with the room. It's just that someone placed a ghost in this room. Fortunately, I found it. Otherwise, if I moved in rashly, I would be stared at by the ghost at night." Yang Jian carried the body and said After thinking about it, he threw it in front of the door of room 501.

The unrecognizable corpse remained motionless and showed no signs of recovery.

But he didn't want to worry about it for the time being. Instead, he and Li Yang returned to the room and closed the door.

Room No. 507 is temporarily occupied.

After Li Yang came to the room and sat down, he immediately said: "Captain, we don't have a message delivery mission now. We have enough time. We can spend some time to confirm the identity of the messenger on the fifth floor, and then find the messenger outside and control him. Get intelligence on the post office.”

"It's a bit rash to just move in here rashly."

"I know, but we are here anyway, but now there is a breakthrough. There is a messenger suspected to be living in room 502. If we catch him, we will know many things." Yang Jian's eyes flickered.

He had plans to take action immediately.

Li Yang said: "The people in room 502 may also be evil ghosts."

"That's why we need to take action. Once we take action, it will be clear whether it is true or not. Everything will be clear. The messenger on the fifth floor will be a disaster sooner or later. It doesn't matter if he kills him." Yang Jian was disgusted with the identity of the messenger.

He feels that today's messengers will indirectly or directly cause supernatural events outside.

And because of the identity of the messenger, they would not consider external influences or how to deal with supernatural incidents like the person in charge.

Their position is to complete the delivery of the letter.

As for the rest, the messenger doesn't care. Even if a letter causes the ghost to lose control, it doesn't matter to them.

Therefore, the post office courier deserves to be killed if he is not guilty.

The time came to five fifty.

There are only the last ten minutes left.

"Don't waste the last time, continue to check the situation inside the room, and then make some preparations. I decided to go outside the room to have a look at night." Yang Jian said at this moment.

Li Yang felt a chill in his heart: "Walking around the post office at night? This is not a good choice."

"Previous experience tells me that the secrets of the post office appear at night. If you want to gain something, you must take risks. I am acting alone. You only need to help me guard this room. I need a temporary refuge." A place to solve your worries.”

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he looked at the glass bottle in Li Yang's hand.

"The corpse in the glass bottle is definitely not simple. I also want to see if I can find other parts. Maybe I can gain something after gathering them together."

After confirming the safety of the room again, Yang Jian and Li Yang divided their work.

Then the time came to six o'clock in the evening again.

Six o'clock sharp.

The lights are out at the post office.

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