Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1053 Confrontation

Ye Zhen couldn't help but look a little surprised when he looked at the post office door that was suddenly closed behind him.

The door of the post office is not entirely made of wood. There are several pieces of transparent glass in the middle. Through the pieces of glass, you can clearly see a strange figure standing behind the door, blocking the door from opening again.

That strange figure was just like the door-blocking ghost controlled by Li Yang.

But it's not just that.

There was not just one black shadow behind the post office door, but a second and third figure appeared. These black figures gathered together like a black wall, completely blocking the door.

There seems to be a ghost outside the post office.

The scariest thing is.

The door began to vibrate violently at this moment, as if it was affected by a huge force. It was twisting, cracking, and making creaking sounds, as if it was about to break at any time.

"Ghosts are not here to block the door. They are here to enter the ghost post office from the outside and kill us." I don't know who suddenly shouted this.

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Because they are in the lobby on the first floor of the post office at the moment, only a few meters away from the door. At this distance, if the ghost breaks through the post office door and invades, it will be a huge threat to everyone, and We still don’t know how many ghosts will appear outside the post office gate.

"The door cannot be broken. We cannot face the evil spirits inside and outside the post office at the same time." Yang Jian said solemnly.

"I'll block the door."

Without saying a word, Li Yang quickly rushed to the door and directly blocked it.

The violent vibrations of the door lessened, and at the same time the cracks on the door stopped. Although it still creaked, there was no longer any tendency to break.

It's just that Li Yang has only controlled two ghosts now. In addition, he has used supernatural powers many times before and is now in a very bad state.

His face was particularly ugly, and his body showed obvious signs of being corroded by evil spirits. His whole body was like a bloodless corpse, and there were even spots on his face. If this continued, he wouldn't be able to survive for long. Will die from the ghost's resurrection.

"I'll help him." Zhou Ze said immediately at this time.

"I'll go too." The woman named Zhong Yan and the bald man named Brother Long also took action immediately.

They knew their abilities very well. It was unrealistic to completely block all the attacks from the evil spirits. They could only deal with the easiest part. As for the most dangerous part, they could only leave it to Yang Jian and Ye Zhen.

"What are you blocking the door for? Are you looking down on me, Mr. Ye? Open the door and let those ghosts in. Mr. Ye will beat ten of them today, and even one less one will be fine."

Ye Zhen couldn't stand it anymore. He was ready to take action.

"Save your energy. The real threat is definitely not from the evil spirits outside the post office. The evil ghosts hidden inside this post office are beyond imagination."

Yang Jian said with a cold face: "Let them block the door, and we will deal with the ghosts in the post office. The purpose of asking you to help this time is very simple. Just resist the attack of the evil ghosts, and then kill as few people as possible." "

"As long as we hold on for a while, this supernatural incident will end and everything will return to normal."

Ye Zhen said: "Yang Wudi, you are too petty. Standing here and being beaten without fighting back is not my style, Mr. Ye. If those ghosts dare to show up, I will beat them until they lose their heads. Why don't you and I join forces? Wouldn't it be nice to go upstairs and fight to a draw?"

After saying that, he laughed loudly and already held the long sword that had not been unsheathed in his hand, wanting to test its edge.

"If you are so impulsive, you will die quickly. Wang Yong, then, let's survive today."

At this moment, Yang Jian casually threw an old shovel stained with mud to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong took it subconsciously, with a look of surprise on his face, but he quickly nodded to express his understanding.

Right now, he really needed this supernatural item.

And now that Yang Jian dares to hand this thing over to him, it shows that the captain Yang Jian is still trustworthy. At least he will take the overall situation into consideration at critical moments and will not be alienated because of previous grudges.

"There is nothing to fear about life and death."

Ye Zhen looked at him seriously: "Yang Wudi, how about we compete with each other to see who can reach the top floor first? If I win, I will be number one in the world again."

"If you don't go upstairs, just stay here and wait for the ghost to attack. The primary purpose this time is to ensure that he is not killed by the ghost. If he dies, then this operation will be considered a complete failure." Yang Jian pointed. Sun Rui on the side.

Sun Rui has now torn up the black letter. He is the most important person to complete the task of delivering the letter. As long as he survives, he can become the controller of the post office.

"It turns out that I'm not here to catch ghosts, but to protect people. I think that I, Mr. Ye, who is unparalleled in the world, have become a bodyguard today. If I didn't give you Yang Wudi's face, I, Mr. Ye, would never do it. This kind of stupid thing, after all, the weak should be buried, and only the strong can reach the top."

Ye Zhen shook his head slightly, looking helpless, but then he changed the subject: "But I am very interested in this place. It is very challenging. There are not many places where I, Ye, can lose my shine. Today Just give them a try and don’t let me down.”

He talks a lot, and his tone reveals the feeling that he only wants to be defeated and will never meet an opponent.

The messengers who were responsible for blocking the door were speechless for a while. This Ye Zhen was like a child bragging, which was hard to believe.

It's just feelings, but they still believe that Ye Zhen has real abilities.

Otherwise, in this situation, an ordinary person would have no intention of bragging and would be trembling with fear and almost crying.

Yang Jian's ghost eyes have been opened at this moment. The surrounding darkness does not exist in front of the ghost eyes. He can see very clearly, but he did not use the ghost field because they are not suitable for using the ghost field in the post office now. Sometimes ghost realms interact with each other and supernatural beings may invade the real world.

It's Dahan City outside.

Even though the outside world is closed, ghosts are still roaming around.



Yang Jian's eyelids moved slightly, and he heard a series of rapid noises. It was something walking downstairs, and it moved very fast, as if it was running, and the wooden stairs were shaking.

"The ghost is coming."

Wang Yong had a stern look on his face. He couldn't see clearly in the darkness, but he could sense that a fierce ghost was approaching quickly.

This feeling made the hairs on his body stand up, making him very uneasy, and he had a subconscious urge to turn around and escape.

Several other messengers couldn't help but tensed up.

They were responsible for blocking the door and had no time to care about other places. They could only hope that Yang Jian, Ye Zhen, Wang Yong and the man named Sun Rui could really withstand the ghost that appeared from the post office.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of going downstairs became more and more urgent. The sound came closer and closer, and it was about to go down to the first floor.


On the wooden stairs on the first floor, a pair of bare feet suddenly appeared. The bare feet were a dead gray color, cold and stiff, just like a corpse. But the strange thing was that there were only those dead feet on the stairs, and nothing else. thing, neither the body nor the head was seen.

The pair of dead feet showed no tendency to stop, but ran as fast as if they were running.

This unreasonable running straight over gave Yang Jian a huge warning.

An idea came into my mind, I must not let this ghost get close.

"Do it."

Yang Jian felt that this ghost had already targeted them, otherwise this ghost would never have come so quickly. They probably followed this ghost's murderous rules.

There is no time to analyze the so-called killing patterns now.

Ghost masters like them must resist the attacks of powerful ghosts.

He shook the cold spear in his hand.

Suddenly, his ghost eyes moved, staring at the pair of dead feet running towards him at a fast speed.

A red light appeared and instantly enveloped the front.

Directly, the sixth level of ghost realm is opened, which does not give the evil ghost any chance to kill.

Within the six-story ghost realm, the pair of dead feet stopped and did not continue to move forward. Everything seemed to be still.

But the next moment.

Within one second.

Everything is normal again.


There was a loud noise, and a cracked spear was nailed to the ground, directly piercing the dead man's feet and stringing them together.


Wang Yong breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that this huge threat was eliminated, but he still couldn't help but break out a cold sweat on his forehead.

This ghost is very fierce.

If we don't solve it first, there may be attrition by now.

He looked in the direction of Yang Jian,

I couldn't help but secretly admire him.

Under such circumstances, dealing with such a highly threatening ghost instantly would greatly improve everyone's confidence.

"I haven't made a move yet? Hey, I, Ye, haven't made a move yet. I was just waiting for that ghost to come over and I was already prepared. It would be very meaningless for you to say this." Ye Zhen was at this moment. I was ready to go, but I ended up waiting lonely.

In the blink of an eye, the ghost was dealt with.

What kind of thing is this?

He is here to support, not to watch a show.

"There can be no accidents. No one can be sure what will happen when the ghost approaches. It must be dealt with immediately." Yang Jian said with a cold face. In the darkness, his eyes were emitting a faint red light, which was particularly eye-catching.

However, he was not done yet.

Suddenly bursts of crying came from the dark hall on the first floor. No, it wasn't crying to be precise, it was the sobbing of a child.

The sound came from a corner not far away.

And the crying was coming closer and closer from far away.

"The second ghost? And it came so fast," Yang Jian's face sank.

According to the normal situation of shredding a letter, only one ghost will attack you once you tear the letter. As long as you survive it, you will be fine. But this is obviously not the case with this black letter.

Just after the first ghost was dealt with, the second ghost appeared again.

"I'll do this."

Ye Zhen felt that if he didn't show his unique style, he would become a joke.

There are still people watching here. If word spreads, where will my face go?

The sobs were erratic, as if they were around everyone, but they couldn't pinpoint the specific location, making people feel like there were ghosts all around.

"Found you damn thing."

At this moment, Ye Zhen suddenly shouted loudly, and he changed positions instantly. Ye Zhen, who was originally in front, appeared on the right.

Yang Jian's ghost eyes also noticed it at this moment.

do not know when.

There was actually a child squatting on the counter in the lobby on the first floor, with his back to everyone, sobbing. No, it just looked like a child. Under observation, the child's palms were larger, full of wrinkles, and... Dirty and dark, like adult hands.

Ye Zhen appeared behind the fierce ghost.

And his sudden appearance seemed to trigger the murderous pattern of the evil spirit. At this moment, the evil spirit's sobbing suddenly stopped, instead he smiled a bit strangely, and then he suddenly stood up and wanted to turn around.

"Pretend to be a ghost, and I, Mr. Ye, will beat you up." Ye Zhen struck hard and fast, punching him with one punch.

As soon as the fierce ghost stood up and didn't look back, he was hit on the head by a punch, and then his small body flew out directly and hit the wall so hard that even the wall was slightly dented.

This cannot be done with the power of a living person.

Because if you want to destroy the ghost post office, you need supernatural power to do it.

The ghost was embedded in the wall, but it didn't fall down, couldn't move, and stopped sobbing. It seemed to be in a deep sleep, losing all movement.

The final word?

Others didn't see it, but they could tell roughly what happened just now from the movement, and they were all shocked.

"Can such a terrifying ghost not be able to withstand that Ye Zhen's attack? The same was true for Yang Jian just now."

"It's really scary, what kind of people are these."

"With such ability, I might be able to deal with the ghost post office today."

At this moment, they felt great confidence and even felt a little surprised.

"Who else?"

Ye Zhen stood still, but the cold and proud voice came from the darkness.

Yang Jian also walked over at this moment and took back the spear that was staring at Li Gui's feet. He looked at the pierced feet and frowned, thinking whether to imprison him now or let Li Yang open it. The ghost gate sends these ghosts away.

But the idea was just emerging.

Something strange happened again.

Something floated down from the patio on the first floor.

Yang Jian took a quick look and found that they were pieces of black paper. They should be letter paper, exactly the same as the ones in the hands of the previous messenger. However, the letter paper quickly covered the ground like rain. .

Not only that.

There was movement again on the old wooden stairs.

There was another voice coming downstairs.

But this time the voice was very dull, and someone was walking down step by step, taking his time.

"Just in time."

Ye Zhen laughed and walked towards the patio. He ignored the letter papers covering the ground and wanted to confront the real ghost and show his invincible style.

But the next moment.

Ye Zhen seemed to have suddenly stepped on the ground, and the original ground disappeared. He just shouted "fuck" and fell directly into the black letter paper covering the ground.

The black letter paper is like duckweed floating on the water, hiding an abyss underneath, which makes people feel palpitating.

"what happened?"

Yang Jian's expression changed. He looked with his ghostly eyes, but he couldn't see any clues. The letter paper was too thick, and his ghostly eyes were blocked from seeing what was underneath the letterpaper.

"This" Wang Yong also felt Ye Zhen's sudden loss.

"Don't worry, this guy can't die. I'm afraid there is another terrifying ghost in the courtyard. Let Ye Zhen deal with it. At the worst, it can be delayed. We have other targets," Yang Jian Without paying much attention, he immediately withdrew his gaze.

At this moment, on the stairs, a lifeless old man covered in corpse spots walked down step by step.

The cold, strange aura is so heavy that it makes people feel palpitated.

"It's the door-opener wandering around the post office at night." Yang Jian's eyes narrowed.

He was no stranger to this ghost.

Encountered it twice.

This ghost has two killing rules. One is to kill if you open the door, and the other is to kill if you turn off the light.

If you trigger it, you will die. There is no reason to say it.

But now, all the lights in the post office have disappeared. Without lights, there is no way to turn off the lights, and there is no door here, so it stands to reason that they cannot satisfy this ghost's murderous pattern.

But things are not absolute.

Because the information Yang Jian had was only deduced based on the actual situation.

"This ghost is also very scary. The best way is to dismember it and not give it a chance to kill." Yang Jian thought to himself.

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