Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1087 Flooded Streets

After a brief meeting.

Yang Jian, Li Jun, Liu San, and Shen Lin were four captain-level figures walking on the streets of this city.

They looked at this strange and silent city, and while patrolling, they also discussed the next direction of action.

A Hong, who was looking through the archives on the side, said as he walked: "The Ghost Lake incident first occurred four months ago. The person in charge of establishing the archives was Cheng Hao, the person in charge of Zhongzhou City. He had been entangled with this supernatural incident for a full month. time, then disappeared, and then confirmed dead after investigation, and then the progress of handling the Ghost Lake incident stalled until the level was raised to A, and captain Cao Yang took over."

"There is nothing important in the file information. This supernatural incident is a mystery."

Li Jun said expressionlessly: "Cao Yang disappeared while dealing with this incident. The only news he got was that he tracked down the information of another Yinzi captain. The other Yinzi was not her real name. It was when the file was created. A temporary name."

"So we have to start from scratch and investigate step by step?" Shen Lin said, moving his shoulders.

"That's almost it." Li Jun said.

Yang Jian squinted his eyes and peered around: "Are you sure the source is in this city? It doesn't look like it to me."

"The headquarters still doesn't know the source of the ghost lake. The picture of the ghost lake on the file is one of the places infected by supernatural beings."

A Hong glanced at Yang Jian and said: "It's just that the supernatural incident started from this place, so we came here to confirm the situation. Cao Yang's investigation was also here. Later, when he disappeared, the signal also disappeared in this city."

"There must be some secret hidden here."

"Since the problem has appeared in this city, then simply wipe this city off the map. The remaining parts that cannot be wiped off must be problematic." Yang Jian stopped and stood in the middle of the street.

Li Jun said: "Let a city disappear from the map. The movement is too big, and the disappearance of a city is also a huge loss."

"Do you think anyone dares to live in this place?" Yang Jian glanced at him.

The streets are empty, and the nearby buildings are also empty. This is a dead city with no movement, and it is suspected that unclean things are hidden.

It's a city where even ghost controllers don't dare to set foot, let alone ordinary people, except for those who don't care about their lives.

Li Jun was silent for a moment.


This city is no longer suitable for living people to live in.

"What if the source of the ghost lake is not in this city? This city was only affected. It doesn't seem to be good for you to erase a city." Li Jun said.

He did not agree with Yang Jian's radical approach.

It is really unacceptable to wipe out a city at every turn.

"Since you don't agree with my idea, then you can handle it." Yang Jian was not angry and said nonchalantly.

Liu San smiled and said: "What are you in a hurry? Let's take a look around and see the situation first. It's still early, so there's no need to act so quickly."

"But it's a gloomy day. It seems like it's going to rain. In the Ghost Lake Incident, rain seems unlucky." Shen Lin looked up at the sky. The sky was dark and oppressive, with dark clouds covering the city.

"This rain won't come down."

Yang Jian raised his head, his ghost eyes opened, and red light emitted, immediately spreading in all directions. The dark clouds in the sky disappeared at an incredible speed.

In the blink of an eye, the dark clouds turned into a blue sky.

The sun was shining down, and the cold atmosphere in the city seemed to dissipate a lot.

The others glanced at Yang Jian.

Although he knew that the ghost realm owned by Yang Jian was scary, he didn't expect that he could easily erase the clouds over a city, and the scope was so large that it made people feel a little creepy.

If he was targeted, he would have no place to escape.


This Yang Jian is a teammate, not an enemy, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

"I've been feeling like there's something peeping around us just now. Do you mind if I light a candle?"

Liu San noticed something at this moment, he took out a white ghost candle and said.

"Okay, let's light it up first and check the situation." Li Jun said.

Liu San lit the white ghost candle without saying anything, deciding to draw out some unclean things around him first to avoid any accidents caused by accident.

The white ghost candle is lit, and the fire is black, which is very special.

This is a ghost candle that can attract evil ghosts.

Do not dare to light it casually as it will attract unknown ghosts and cause horrific supernatural events.

But under certain circumstances, the white ghost candle can better help the person in charge locate the source of the supernatural and attract the hidden ghosts.

There are advantages and disadvantages, the key depends on how to use it.

There are currently four captains and two top ghost masters present. This combination is destined to make their actions more radical and bold.

The flame of the ghost candle flickered.

Even though Yang Jian had just dispersed the dark clouds and the sun was shining brightly around him, the black candlelight still cast a shadow on the surroundings.

At the beginning, the surroundings were normal and nothing special happened.

But then, a gust of wind blew over, bringing a strange smell.

There is a fishy smell in the air. This smell is familiar to everyone present. This fishy smell is the smell of rotting corpses. It is only diluted by a moist water vapor, so it forms such a smell. A unique fishy smell.

The fishy smell was very light at first.

But as the ghost candle burned, the smell became stronger and stronger.


Strange things were attracted, and some supernatural phenomena began to appear around them.


In a nearby store.

The shop was empty, but in the dim toilet inside the shop, although the faucet was closed, it turned strangely and turned on at this moment.

The turbid tap water flowed down and quickly filled the basin, and the fishy smell came from this turbid tap water.

More than that.

The floor drain on the toilet floor seemed to be blocked by something at the moment. Water was gurgling out, and occasionally a few thick black hairs popped out.

It seemed that the sewer was blocked by a ball of female hair.

The turbid tap water flowed out of the toilet, spread into the shop, and then flowed towards Yang Jian, Li Jun and others on the street.

This phenomenon is almost like the scene shown to Yang Jian by the ghost closet.

Is it foreknowledge?

Or is it that the ghost cabinet is telling the real situation here, attracting Yang Jian to do business with him?

The dry road surface was now starting to become wet.

Water stains began to appear on nearby shops, buildings, and even walls, and water droplets even formed and kept dripping down.

Although not a drop of rain fell in the sky, it felt like the city had always been shrouded in rain. The contrast between this situation and reality created an indescribable sense of weirdness, and with that The phenomenon of the white ghost candle continuing to burn is becoming more and more obvious.

"It's not raining, but there are signs of rain." Feng Quan touched his cheek, and the dirt on his face fell.

The grave soil was damp, as if it was trying to squeeze out water.

"There's someone at the window."

Suddenly, Yang Jian's ghostly eyes moved and locked directly on the fourth floor window of a building on the right.

A pale, severely swollen man suddenly stood there. The man had no hair, as if his scalp had been soaked and rotted and fell off his head. The flesh on his body also gave people a loose feeling. Look. It's very disgusting.

But just such a disgusting corpse turned its neck in their direction.


To be precise, it was towards the direction of the ghost candle.

"They were ordinary people who died in the ghost lake. They were immersed in the supernatural and became this weird thing that was neither human nor ghost." Shen Lin said calmly, staring at the dead body.

"And there is more than one such person." Liu San said.

As his words fell.

The door inside the nearby shop opened, and a pale and swollen figure emerged. Even the drain outlet of the nearby sewer had soaked and white fingers sticking out. Moreover, water droplets on the wall kept popping up. I don’t know when it had stopped. Thick moss and water plants grew.

A ghost candle attracted supernatural beings and even began to disturb the surrounding environment.

The movement was not only limited to the surroundings, but also strange figures appeared at the end of the street that could be seen, and there were even water drops dripping from the tops of everyone's heads.

This is not rain.

It is a phenomenon caused by supernatural interference with reality.

Everything is both true and false.

"In this case, Cao Yang was not wronged." A Hong, a woman, took a deep breath, but quickly covered her mouth.

The stench was extremely fishy, ​​as if a bloated corpse was right next to his mouth.

Before the real source appears, the supernatural has begun to invade reality, forming a real ghost realm.

In this regard, the Ghost Lake incident is definitely not simple.

"A good city should not be occupied by these dirty things." Li Jun took a step forward and snorted coldly.

He couldn't tolerate this happening.

Under the sunglasses, two gloomy will-o'-the-wisps danced, and they soon became more intense.

Immediately afterwards, the nearby building was suddenly ignited without warning. The green will-o'-the-wisp burned fiercely in the building, and soon engulfed the surrounding buildings. Then the burning area of ​​the will-o'clock expanded, one building, two buildings, The three buildings to the last two rows of buildings on the street were all set on fire, extending as far as the eye could see.

The eerie green firelight reflected on everyone's face. There was no warmth from the firelight, but it was extremely cold.

Under the burning of the will-o'-the-wisp fire, the water stains on the ground disappeared. The strange corpses that were swollen and smelly melted into a pile of inconspicuous powder. The moss and water plants on the walls also disappeared.

All supernatural phenomena are disappearing at an incredible speed.

The air is no longer humid, but has become a little dry.

Under the supernatural confrontation, the will-o'-the-wisp is obviously more terrifying, burning away all the weirdness.

"Li Jun." A Hong shouted at this moment.

She saw the makeup on Li Jun's face melting.

Although Li Jun is also an alien, if the ghost fire burns like this, it will melt the ghost makeup, which will be dangerous.

Li Jun also noticed his situation and immediately withdrew the will-o'-the-wisp.

The will-o'-the-wisp that burned the entire street began to extinguish quickly again.

The building is still the same as before, nothing has changed, not even a piece of clothing in the shop or a few pieces of waste paper on the roadside have been burned.

What was burned was just supernatural phenomena.

"Change the climate, burn the city, and have countless clones. Are all the captains so fierce? It's hard to imagine that there are more than a dozen people as powerful as you." Shen Lin scratched his head at this moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

Liu San looked at him with a strange expression.

You are the most different kind of guy.

A person who does not exist in reality and only appears in memory.

And we still don’t know what kind of ghost he controls and what kind of terrifying supernatural power he possesses.

Yang Jian ignored it and just said: "It's a meaningless act. What you burn the ghost fire is to dispel some supernatural phenomena attracted by the ghost candle. These things are not important. If the source is not solved, there will be as many such things as possible. "

"It's good to test it out."

Li Jun said expressionlessly. His skin seemed to be melting, and a strange and lifeless face emerged.

It's like there's another person hidden under the heavy makeup.

"The ghost candle is still burning." Yang Jian glanced at it.

After Li Jun stopped burning, the supernatural phenomena around him appeared again.

The air is humid again, water stains appear on the roadside again, and everything is returning to how it was before.

Obviously, although Li Jun's will-o'-the-wisp suppression was very effective, it was as meaningless as Yang Jian said.

In one's own state, it is very unwise to fight against the supernatural.

Unless you can identify the source and put the final word on it, you won't change anything.

Yang Jian, Shen Lin, and Liu San were all relatively rational. Even Feng Quan and A Hong understood this, so they did not take any measures.

Only Li Jun is more impulsive.

However, with such a personality, it is no wonder that the headquarters would send him to deal with supernatural incidents.

Li Jun looked around, but he didn't make any more moves at this moment. He calmed down.

"If the ghost candle is not extinguished, the supernatural phenomenon will become stronger and stronger, until it may finally attract the real source."

Liu San said: "But I think this matter is not that simple. If a ghost candle can be done, it will not cause the two captains to disappear one after another. But I think we should give it a try. What do you think? ?”

"Keep burning the ghost candle, I want to see what this city will look like." Yang Jian said calmly.

"We need the truth instead of wandering around in this empty city." Shen Lin also said.

Everyone has the same opinion. They all need to see what kind of changes this white ghost candle will bring.

After the consensus was reached, the ghost candle continued to burn without any intention of extinguishing it.

Li Jun also calmed down and stopped taking action.

Soon, there were more supernatural phenomena nearby than before, and water began to accumulate on the streets. The murky water on the walls kept flowing down, and the whole city became wet.

It was as if an invisible rainstorm was pouring down.

And strangely, the water accumulation has not decreased after increasing, and all the drainage systems on the streets seem to have failed.

So soon, there was about ten centimeters of water on the ground.

Liu San had to hold the ghost candle to prevent it from extinguishing.

"This is very wrong. We haven't been attacked by ghosts since the burning, but the supernatural phenomena have become more and more serious." Yang Jian frowned.

It stands to reason that when a white ghost candle burns, nearby ghosts will definitely be attracted to it.

But the ghost did not appear.

Only the dead people who were soaked until they turned pale were attracted out.

Or is it that there are some conditions missing for ghosts to appear?

Yang Jian looked at the water on the ground, thoughtfully.

But if a ghost needs a medium to appear, the water on the ground should be enough.

Think about it the other way around.

Even lighting ghost candles with such great fanfare did not attract ghosts to kill people, so how did other people die?

How did Cao Yang fall into trouble?

"There is too little information and I don't know anything. I can only keep trying to get more information." Yang Jian glanced at the white ghost candle in Liu San's hand.


Water was gurgling out from the drainage outlet on the ground, and turbid water flowed out from nearby buildings as if the floodgates had been opened.

The water level on this street is constantly rising.

Now it has reached Yang Jian's knees.

He peered into the distance with ghostly eyes. The water level was also so high in other parts of the city.

If this situation continues, the water level will soon rise to several meters, or even more than ten meters.

By that time, the city will no longer be a city, but a lake.

Could this be where the real ghost lake is?

It is not a lake in reality, but a lake formed by the gathering of supernatural phenomena.

Such thoughts came to Yang Jian's mind.

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