Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1102 The boat entering the lake

The wooden boat cannot carry too many supernatural beings, causing the wooden boat to gradually sink until it is finally submerged into the ghost lake.

Under this situation, everyone must reduce the number of supernatural beings on the ship, and the best way is to abandon some useless supernatural things.

Li Jun and Yang Jian each gave up a supernatural object to alleviate the sinking trend of the wooden boat, but this was not enough, so they needed to continue to reduce the load on the wooden boat.

Shen Lin stood up at this moment. He hesitated and took out a black glass bottle from his pocket. The small bottle was so dark that he didn't know what it contained, but he could clearly feel what was inside the glass bottle. The thing was sleeping, with an inexplicable sinister aura.

The others looked at it, and before asking, Shen Lin threw the thing into the river.

"Although I'm reluctant to let go, I can't care too much at this time." Shen Lin said, obviously he was also a little hurt.

Everything you can carry with you must be very important. If you lose it like this now, no one would be able to part with it.

After the small black glass bottle was thrown away, the wooden boat began to gradually float up, and the water level submerged in the cabin was falling. The effect was several times stronger than the yellow paper that Yang Jian had thrown away before.


The supernatural power contained in that small glass bottle is extraordinary.

"If it still sinks, it will be your turn." Shen Lin then glanced at Liu San again.

Liu Sandao: "But I don't have any supernatural items on me, nothing to throw overboard."

"If you are unwilling to contribute, then I'm sorry, maybe I will throw you away." Shen Lin narrowed his eyes and said with a hint of threat.

"That's a bit too much." Liu San stared at him and said.

Shen Lin said: "Is it too much? I don't think so. Li Jun, Yang Jian and I have all given up the supernatural things we carry with us. If you are going to do something special, then there is no need to continue this cooperation."

"We are all in the same boat. If my conditions permit, I will make some sacrifices, but I am different from you. I don't rely much on supernatural items." Liu San said.

"You don't have to throw away supernatural items. You can throw away anything related to the supernatural." Shen Lin said.

Li Jun waved his hand at this moment: "The ship hasn't sunk yet, let's wait and see. Don't make any noise at this time."

Liu San didn't speak, just stared at Shen Lin coldly.

Shen Lin just showed a smile, which revealed an inexplicable danger.

"If the ship still has a tendency to sink, it would be unwise to continue to reduce the number of supernatural items on the body. We still have to deal with the ghost lake, so we can only change our strategy at that time and reduce the number of ghosts on the ship first. Although this There are risks, too, but it’s better than cutting back on your capabilities.”

Yang Jian said at this moment that he came up with ways to reduce losses.

"Before, you didn't agree with taking action on the ship." Li Jun said.

"That depends on the situation." Yang Jian said: "If the situation does not allow it, we should still take action."

Li Jun nodded in agreement.

The wooden boat continued to float forward along the river.

With the reduction of three supernatural items, although the boat is still sinking, the situation is much better than before, at least there is no risk of sinking.

But things are not absolute.

The boat was rocking, and the waterline was almost level with the boat.

As long as it sinks a little more, you have to find a way to reduce the weight again.

"It seems you are very lucky, Liu San." Shen Lin said with a smile.

Liu San's eyes moved slightly: "My luck is definitely better than yours."

"That's good." Shen Lin said no more.

The atmosphere was somewhat solemn.

The small black wooden boat continued to drift forward. The surrounding mist had a tendency to gradually disperse, and the surrounding environment changed.

"The situation has changed, the river is widening." Yang Jian stood on the bow of the boat and peered around with ghostly eyes.

The range of sight is getting wider, and the river is no longer a river. Unknowingly, everyone seems to have arrived at a lake.

"The ghost lake has arrived." Shen Lin said slowly.

He glanced around, and there was no mistake. It was no different from the ghost lake in his memory. It was still so quiet, and the surface of the lake was even more calm. There was a smell of death everywhere, and even if it was Standing on the boat, you can feel a cold breath eroding your body.

You know, as a heterogeneous person, Shen Lin has no human senses.

Only the supernatural can have an influence on him.

"This is Ghost Lake, are you sure?" Li Jun asked again with a solemn expression.

"This is no joke, I'm sure this is the Ghost Lake." Shen Lin said.

Liu San squatted down and stretched out his hand to touch the water. His palm gradually became soaked, and then he quickly took it back: "I am also sure that this is the ghost lake."

"Where are the ghosts? Why didn't you see any ghosts?" A Hong looked around.

"The ghost will not appear unless the ghost's killing pattern is triggered."

Yang Jian said: "And this lake is not small. If we infer based on the information we found before, the number of ghosts immersed in this lake may reach an astonishing number, so I have some concerns."

He did not continue because Li Jun interrupted him; "There is no need to worry, I will deal with the ghost lake now."

The voice fell.

Li Jun slowly took off his sunglasses. Under the sunglasses, his eyes were empty, like two holes. There were no eyeballs, only two gloomy will-o'-the-wisps dancing.

next moment.

The will-o'-the-wisp burned.

The calm and silent lake suddenly burst into flames. The eerie green will-o'-the-wisp ignited the lake surface without any reason, and the will-o'-the-wisp spread and extended crazily, as if it wanted to cover the entire ghost lake.

Although this is not the first time I have seen Li Jun take action.

But the will-o'-the-wisp still makes people feel palpitated when it burns, because this fire is specially designed to burn ghosts.

The ghosts wrapped in the will-o'-the-wisp will forever struggle and wail in the will-o'-the-wisp, being completely imprisoned and restricted.

"Is it useful?"

Yang Jian thought to himself that he did not stop Li Jun from taking action because testing was necessary.

The will-o'-the-wisp burned without heat, but as time passed, the skin on Li Jun's face slowly melted.

No, that's not flesh, it's the painted facial features.

The facial features belonging to Li Jun were deforming and twisting, like a heated candle, dripping down, but behind that layer of faces, there was another strange, lifeless face hidden.

It was a ghostly face covered by dye.

This face usually does not appear, but if Li Jun uses his supernatural power excessively, the real ghost will emerge and dominate everything.


Although Li Jun is an outlier, he also has certain limitations and cannot be consumed for a long time.


The surface of the lake remained calm, but the will-o'-the-wisp that almost ignited the entire ghost lake began to slowly sink into the lake after burning violently for a while.

The gloomy will-o'-the-wisp was burning and dancing under the lake water. Although it was not extinguished, it could not have any impact.

"Are you kidding me? Will a will-o'-the-wisp sink?" Li Jun looked very surprised.

"Anything supernatural can sink into water."

Liu San said; "The ghost fire is not a real fire, it is a supernatural power. It will naturally sink into the ghost lake. This situation is expected."

Most of the will-o'-the-wisps that originally covered the lake sank into the water in a short time.

The water was lit by will-o'-the-wisps, and a cold green light emitted everywhere.

Although it did not affect the ghost lake, it allowed Yang Jian to see everything underwater smoothly.

Yang Jian stared at the lake. He saw dead corpses soaking under the water. Some of the corpses were not the corpses of living people. They should be ghosts, because the clothes were rotten, but the corpses were intact. If they were living people, the corpses would be dead. It shouldn't be possible to preserve it that well.

But there are at least a dozen such corpses.

In other words, there are many evil ghosts soaking in the bottom of this lake.

Don't say that the ghost lake can't handle it. Even if it can, what if so many ghosts lose control? When all the ghosts leave the ghost lake, Yang Jian and others will be torn apart by the ghosts in an instant.

What about the four captains?

Four more will also lead to death.

Yang Jian's face was sullen, and he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"After the ghost lake is dealt with, we will have to face the evil ghosts that have sunk into the ghost lake. If the ghost lake is not dealt with, the ghost lake will go out of control and affect reality. Dozens of cities outside will suffer. This is already more than an S-class supernatural incident. level.”

"Li Jun, don't waste your efforts. If this supernatural incident cannot be dealt with, please report it to the headquarters."

Li Jun looked at him and said, "The matter hasn't started yet. How can you think like this?"

He did not continue to light the ghost fire, but instead said: "A Hong, light the white ghost candle, draw the ghost out, and confront the evil ghost here."

A Hong hesitated for a moment: "Isn't this a bit reckless?"

"Ghosts that sink into the ghost lake cannot move. In other words, the only ghosts that can be attracted by lighting the ghost candle here are the source of the ghost lake. Once the source is dealt with, the rest will be easy to handle." Li Jun said.

Yang Jian said: "Without the source and the balance between the ghosts in the ghost lake, the danger will be even greater."

"This is not reality. Ghosts cannot invade reality. And if there is an accident, I will use ghost paintings to imprison the ghosts. This is destined to be a risky operation. We knew it from the beginning." Li Jun said seriously.

Yang Jian frowned: "You insist on doing this, and I have nothing to say."

After all, losing control of the ghost lake outside is also a very dangerous thing.

Shen Lin smiled; "It's really interesting to imprison the ghost lake to release the ghosts under the ghost lake. Li Jun, you can do it if you want. The worst case scenario is that the operation fails and the ghosts in the ghost lake are released."

"Things are as simple as I thought." Liu San said solemnly.

"A Hong, take action." Li Jun shouted.

Ah Hong hesitated for a moment, then took out a white ghost candle, stood it at the stern of the boat, and lit it directly.

this moment.

The candlelight of the white ghost candle appeared directly on the surface of the ghost lake.

Black shadows began to cover all directions at this moment.

A strange aura filled the air.

However, the first thing that attracted people was not the ghosts in the ghost lake, but the ghosts on the boat.

Everyone seemed to subconsciously ignore that there were three unknown ghosts wandering on the ship, but for some reason these three ghosts did not interact with Yang Jian and the others.

But the burning of the ghost candle broke this balance in an instant.


Three lifeless figures gradually emerged around Guizhu.

However, the most heart-stopping thing was that one of the cold ghost figures twisted its neck and looked at the people on the boat.

Click, click.

Vaguely, they seemed to hear the sound of the neck turning and bones breaking.

Ghost has completely broken the boundaries.

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