Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1112 Supernatural Conflict

The ghost closet is obviously not as simple as an ordinary supernatural item.

The curse of the ghost closet is different from other curses. Even under the ghost lake, it still exists.

And can continue to open transactions.

Yang Jian originally thought that it would be impossible to continue the transaction with Guijiqi during this Ghost Lake incident, but under this situation, he had to start the transaction and save A Hong's life, so as to rescue Li Jun and reverse the situation.

But he didn't trade directly.

Instead, wish stickers were chosen as the carrier of the transaction content.

"Whether the wish sticker fulfilled the wish and saved A Hong, or the trading rules of the ghost closet are better. Under this supernatural hedging, one party must be affected." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly.

Even under water, the ghost eyes were still staring at the old-style cabinet in front of him, covered with bright red paint.

His inner hope is that the evil ghost who fulfills his wish will defeat the ghost closet, because only in this way can he interrupt the curse of the ghost closet.

However, the supernatural has always been full of uncertainty. If you don’t try things, you will never know what the outcome will be.

In the cold lake water.

Although Yang Jian's hands and feet were stiff at the moment, he was able to move.

When he came to the ghost closet, he took out a crumpled sticker.

Although it was in the water, the sticker was not soaked.

Obviously, there is an invisible layer of supernatural power stored on this sticker. Although the water of the ghost lake also has supernatural powers, it cannot completely erode the sticker.

The things I carry with me are a bit complicated.

Yang Jian even found a special pen in his coat pocket. He tried it and found that the pen could still write in water.


He wrote a sentence on this sticker without hesitation: A Hong will not drown.

Yang Jian deliberately avoided the word ghost lake. He was worried that if it involved supernatural beings, it would increase the difficulty and make it difficult to realize his wish. Or, the transaction with the ghost cabinet would be too difficult, causing the transaction to fail.

Either way, he didn't want to see it.

So he didn't write that A Hong couldn't be killed by the ghost lake, but simply wrote that A Hong wouldn't drown.

The simpler it is, the more effective it is.

After writing this sentence, Yang Jian stuffed the wish sticker into the ghost cupboard without hesitation.

The door of the ghost closet seems to be able to block the intrusion of the lake. Once the wish sticker is out of the restriction of the ghost lake, the wish on the sticker will be realized immediately, but at the same time, the transaction of the ghost closet will start again.

In the dark closet door, where even ghost eyes cannot peek, as the wish sticker is inserted, the trading rules belonging to the ghost closet begin to operate.

The request written by Yang Jian was not excessive, it was just a request that a person not drown.

So it couldn't be easier to fulfill this requirement.

However, when the ghost closet was about to complete the transaction, the ghost belonging to the wish sticker also appeared.

This is also a very simple wish that can be easily realized.

Thus, the supernatural conflict began.

"An abnormality has occurred." Suddenly, Yang Jian noticed something was wrong, and he immediately backed away.

The ghost cupboard sunk under the water was trembling at the moment, from small to large, and finally violently vibrating. At the same time, sticky blood continued to overflow from the cupboard door, dyeing the surrounding lake water red.



There was a sound like an explosion, and the door of the ghost cupboard suddenly opened halfway, and a small piece of wish sticker slowly floated out from inside.

The sticker fragment was completely different from before. It was stained with blood and turned strangely scarlet.

The haunted closet is still shaking.

Yang Jian even saw cracks starting to appear on the door of the ghost cupboard, and it seemed that a very strong supernatural force was interfering in it.

"As expected, the wish stickers and the ghost closet have created a strong supernatural conflict, and unimaginable situations may occur under this conflict."

Yang Jian was far enough away that he believed that this distance would not affect his safety.

And at the same time.

In an inconspicuous small city two hundred kilometers away from the headquarters.

Liu Siyue was living with Zhao Xiaoya in a relatively secluded residential building at the moment.

She is a dead person who was resurrected by Yang Jian using a deceptive ghost necklace, and her memory was modified. Her duty is to take care of Zhao Xiaoya and teach her so that Zhao Xiaoya can better control the ghosts lingering around her.

This time is already one o'clock in the night.

Although Liu Siyue is not a normal person, she is also a person who relies on body functions to move around. She is sleeping at this time.

And in the next room.

Zhao Xiaoya, who was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, suddenly opened her big eyes without any warning.

There was no sparkle in those eyes, and there was an indescribable weirdness.

But gradually, Zhao Xiaoya's energy returned.

She turned her head and looked at the position beside the bed, as if there was someone there who was watching her all the time. Even at night, that person was still lingering by her side and would not leave for a moment.

But at this moment.

Zhao Xiaoya's gaze changed. She first looked at the bed, then at the end of the bed, and then at the door.


In the dark night, the closed door opened strangely at this moment.

In the empty living room, there seemed to be an inexplicable sound of footsteps echoing faintly. The footsteps were a little hasty and were getting farther and farther away.

"Where are you going?"

Zhao Xiaoya suddenly turned over and walked out of bed barefoot, and chased after him.

She left the room and ran to the living room, but then the door opened at some point, and the sound of someone rushing downstairs sounded again from the stairwell outside.

"Wait for me."

Zhao Xiaoya was wearing pajamas and barefoot and chased after him.

However, it was pitch dark in the corridor, and she did not catch up very quickly. When she went downstairs and came to the street outside, she could only see an empty street, all the street lights were flashing, and the entire area was The brightness of the light seemed to have been deliberately lowered, and everything was hazy.

Only in the distance, a darkness that cannot be covered by light is getting farther and farther.

The speed is very fast, incredibly fast.

The ghost who was hovering next to Zhao Xiaoya and could grant wishes was leaving quickly.

Zhao Xiaoya stood in the middle of the street, looking in the direction the ghost was leaving in a daze.

"Xiaoya, why did you run out?" After some time, a gentle voice appeared behind Zhao Xiaoya.

Liu Siyue panted slightly. She sensed something was wrong, and rushed over after she woke up.

Her mission is to take care of Zhao Xiaoya and prevent the evil ghosts around Zhao Xiaoya from losing control, so she cannot let down her guard for a moment.

"It left without even saying hello to me. I don't know if it will come back." Zhao Xiaoya lowered her head slightly. She looked very depressed, a little sad and sad.


There is no doubt that it refers to the ghost around Zhao Xiaoya.

Liu Siyue's eyes moved slightly. She could not understand this phenomenon. She only knew that the ghost could not leave until Zhao Xiaoya died.

Only when Zhao Xiaoya dies will the ghost look for its next host.

"Maybe it just went out and came back in a few days. Adults also have to go to work and have some things of their own." Liu Siyue knelt down and comforted Zhao Xiaoya with a smile.

"How about we go home and wait? It's not safe to stand on the road at night. It would be bad if we encounter danger. Come, follow me and go back to sleep. Maybe it will come back when you wake up."

With that said, she went to hold Zhao Xiaoya's hand.

However, Zhao Xiaoya broke away and took a few steps back. There was an indescribable look on her face, like a kind of resentment: "You must have driven it away. It was all your fault. If you didn't show up, That’s it, it won’t leave.”

"When it comes back, I'll let it drive you away. I don't want you anymore."

Seeing the resentment in Zhao Xiaoya's eyes, Liu Siyue's smile froze, and an inexplicable chill filled her heart.

no doubt.

Once the ghost comes back, Zhao Xiaoya's words are enough to make the ghost kill him.

Now, Liu Siyue is fine because the ghost left for unknown reasons, so Zhao Xiaoya's wish is invalid and cannot be realized.

"She must correct this idea as soon as possible, otherwise I can't stay any longer. I hope the ghost can leave for a few more days to give me enough time." Liu Siyue thought to herself.

Although she was given responsibilities and missions by Yang Jian's resurrected dead, she also had independent thoughts, so after finally coming back to life, she didn't want to be easily killed by the supernatural.

Liu Siyue also wanted to live.

And in the ghost lake.

The vibrations of the ghost cupboard became more and more intense. Even the cupboard door above the ghost cupboard was shaken and fell off. Then it cracked in the water, the red paint peeled off, and finally turned into a few inconspicuous pieces of rotten wood, integrated into the In the mud at the bottom of the lake.

The intensity of the supernatural confrontation is somewhat extraordinary.

Even the haunted closet is being damaged.

It is conceivable that the ghost who can realize wishes is definitely a very terrifying existence.

Click! Click! boom!

Just as Yang Jian was thinking and observing.


The ghost closet that was shaking violently suddenly regained its calmness for a few seconds. Just when he thought the matter was over, ferocious cracks suddenly appeared in the ghost closet, and the wood kept cracking, followed by a loud sound. There was a muffled sound, and the red lacquered wooden cabinet exploded.

The lake was rolling and splintered wood was everywhere.

Once disintegrated, the wood in the water quickly oxidized, the red paint peeled off, and the wood rotted. In the blink of an eye, the ghost closet disappeared.

The moment the ghost cabinet shattered.

In the water of Ghost Lake.

Ahong had lost consciousness at this moment. After the supernatural power in her body was suppressed by the lake water, she could not survive in the water on her own, let alone surface. Therefore, she drowned and fainted like ordinary people.

But she is not completely dead yet. If first aid is given immediately, she can still be revived.

After all, the drowning time is still short and can be rescued.

But this is impossible to happen, so now Ahong is just like other corpses, quietly soaking in the lake water, until the ghost lake swallows her last ray of life.

But at this moment.

A Hong, who was supposed to have drowned, but somehow her consciousness gradually began to wake up. She woke up from her unconscious coma.

An unprecedented feeling appeared in A Hong's heart.

It was as if she could breathe in the water.


It was not breathing, as if the lake water could no longer have any influence on her, although A Hong's body was still unable to move.

A Hong was successfully rescued.

But whether this is a wish-fulfilling sticker or a ghost closet transaction, there is no way of knowing.

Just know a little bit.

Even Ghost Lake can't stop this from happening.

"Did the ghost who made his wish come true win?"

When Yang Jian saw the ghost cupboard shattered, he subconsciously thought that the wish ghost had won. After all, he had no way of knowing the situation on Liu Siyue's side.

"Regardless of whether the wish comes true or not, and no matter which side wins, I just did what I should do. It would be best if Ahong survives. If not, there is nothing I can do. But one thing that can be confirmed is that now the ghost closet's The curse may have been solved by me using this supernatural hedging method."

He felt that he was not at a loss no matter what.

It's also a good thing that the haunted cupboard is shattered.

After all, Yang Jian used a hatchet to smash the ghost cabinet last time in order to solve this problem once and for all.

He didn't want to make a deal with the ghost closet.


Perhaps Yang Jian was too absorbed in staring at the ghost cabinet. At this moment, after the ghost cabinet disappeared, he felt a little bit.

Vaguely, he seemed to be aware of a pair of eyes peering at him secretly.

Looking in an unsettling direction.

It's the black coffin in the middle of the lake bottom.

The lid of the coffin opened a corner, and some movement inside could be vaguely seen.

Just now, a peeping look came from the corner of the coffin, making people involuntarily alert.

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