Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1170 The vicious dog that makes people despair

The scene before them made Liu, Luo Sheng, and the foreign men completely dumbfounded.

They never dreamed that there would be such a vicious dog in this castle. You must know that this is a nightmare world, and it is a nightmare world controlled by them. Not everything can come in casually.

"Oh my god, why is there such a big dog in this damn place?"

"What the hell is this, damn it."

"How is this possible? A dog suddenly appears in the nightmare world."

After a brief shock, when they regained their senses, they immediately became frightened. Everyone couldn't help but take a few steps back, wanting to get away from the vicious dog in front of them immediately. They swore that they would definitely find it even if they searched all over the world. There is no such ferocious and terrifying dog.

That size and those fangs are beyond the scope of a dog. This may be a wolf. No, even a wolf can only be a little brother in front of this thing. Maybe a lion or a tiger can compete with this thing. Compare stuff.

The original form of the evil dog is a wolf dog, but it has already replaced Guimeng as a fierce ghost, and it has long since departed from its original image.

In the dream, it could easily tear anyone into pieces. Yang Jian was frightened when he saw it, let alone the first time they encountered this vicious dog.

The vicious dog approached slowly, baring its teeth and growling, with a faint red light in its eyes, and it kept scanning the few people in front of it.

Several of them were sweating coldly and did not dare to act rashly. Even if they had weapons in their hands, they were frightened and kept retreating.

But Luo Sheng also reacted at this time. He lowered his voice and said, "It is absolutely impossible for such a dog to exist in the nightmare world. It must have something to do with Yang Jian. He didn't know what means he used to pull a dog." We have entered a nightmare world, but there is no need for us to be afraid. We have weapons in our hands, so it shouldn’t be difficult to kill this dog.”

"Deal with Yang Jian first, and then deal with the dog after killing Yang Jian. Don't be afraid. Just a dog won't affect the situation."

The man named Liu also calmed down and said calmly.

"I don't want to be bitten by this dog. Have you seen its fangs? I feel like that thing can easily pierce my neck." The strong foreign man next to him said with some fear.

Another foreign man urged: "Hurry up and decide whether to deal with the dog first or kill this Yang Jian first. I feel that he has already targeted me."

"Deal with Yang Jian."

"Deal with the dogs."

Several people said at the same time, and there were differences of opinion.

However, it is normal to have disagreements. The sense of oppression of this vicious dog is too strong. If you deal with Yang Jian, you may be bitten to death in the end. But if you deal with the dog first, it will waste time. After all, Yang Jian is the enemy, and This dog is just here to stir things up.

The abominable dog would not give them such time to hesitate.

In the dream, it only recognized Yang Jian, and everyone else except Yang Jian was its enemy.

"Bite them to death." Yang Jian immediately gave the order.

"Shet, it's coming."

"Asshole, don't worry about that Yang Jian. If you don't want to be bitten by this thing, deal with this big guy first."

After receiving the order, the vicious dog immediately roared and rushed over, like a ferocious beast. The others almost immediately unanimously agreed, all holding weapons and getting into attack postures, and faced the vicious dog head-on.

The vicious dog that rushed quickly focused on the strong foreign man, ignored the other people and pounced on him.

The huge body threw it to the ground, followed by a mad bite.

The strong foreign man screamed and resisted with all his strength, trying to push the vicious dog away. However, the vicious dog was too strong and bit him directly on the shoulder. Its fangs were sharp and long, and it was not even a hair. Unceremoniously, it pierced his skin and bit into it, as if it was going to penetrate his body.

He could even hear the sound of his shoulder blades being bitten.

"Get away you dog."

Others immediately came to help. The knives and swords in their hands slashed at the vicious dog's body, leaving deep gashes, but this still could not stop the vicious dog from biting.

"Help, damn, someone get this dog off me, it's bitten me."

He kept calling for help, but he was already vomiting blood in his mouth. The fangs of the vicious dog had pierced his body and entered his heart, biting a vital location.

The strength of his struggle was slowly decreasing, and his body couldn't help but twitch.

"No, he's dying."

Although other people nearby were desperately trying to save him, and even slashed the vicious dog several times and pierced its belly, they still could not stop this crazy beast.

In the end, the strong man was bitten to death.

But his death was also valuable. At least he used his own life to hold back the vicious dog and gave others a chance to take action.

Luo Sheng, Liu, and another foreign man continued to attack with weapons in their hands, and finally saw results.

The vicious dog finally fell to the ground, unable to bite the next person.

"Thank God, this thing is finally dead."

They were trembling slightly, breathing heavily, and were covered in blood. Although they were in danger, they still worked together to kill this ferocious and outrageous dog.

"Damn it, how could such a thing happen? Although we killed the dog, Buck died and was bitten to death by this thing. We suffered heavy losses."

Liu Yin remained silent and gritted his teeth, staring at Yang Jian on the other side.

From just now to now, Yang Jian just stood aside and watched the show, not taking action just now. He said at this moment: "You did a good job together and killed a dog. It's just a pity that one of you was replaced." But this is already the best result. After all, you have also seen that my dog ​​is indeed cruel."

"Sure enough, the appearance of this dog is your fault, but it's a pity that if you had cooperated with that dog to attack us, you would still have a chance to survive, but now, we have to send you on your way." Liu gestured with a glance .

Luo Sheng didn't dare to wait and see anymore at this time. If he continued to spend time, there might be some accidents, so he decided to take action.

The three men quickly approached Yang Jian with weapons in hand.

Yang Jian stood still: "The reason why I don't take action is because there is no need for me to take action, because my dog ​​is enough to deal with you."

"Your dog is already dead. Don't worry about it coming to save you. Although your dog is indeed powerful, it is nothing more than that."

Luo Sheng said in a deep voice, he looked back worriedly.

The dog showed no signs of lying, and died completely.

Yang Jian was a little puzzled and said: "My dog ​​is indeed dead, but who told you that I only have one dog?"

"Huh?" The others looked slightly moved.

At this moment, as Yang Jian finished speaking, two large black dogs bared their teeth and walked out of the darkness behind him.

These two dogs were exactly the same as the one that was killed just now, without any difference.

"What? Two more dogs?"

Seeing this situation, the three of them suddenly shrank their eyes, with a look of horror on their faces.

Yang Jian continued: "Two dogs don't seem to be enough to deal with you, so five? Ten?"

What happened next made them even more desperate.

In the darkness behind Yang Jian, there were actually vicious dogs coming out one after another. In addition, behind them, on the corridor they came from before, there were also vicious dogs appearing in groups. The number was so frightening that it was impossible to tell how many there were. All I could tell was that they were surrounded by pairs of scarlet eyes glowing red.

"Why, how could this happen? How on earth did you do it? Why were you able to bring so many dogs into the nightmare world? This is absolutely impossible."

Liu spoke with a vibrato, and at the end he screamed in disbelief.

Luo Sheng pointed at Yang Jian in shock and anger: "You are indeed fishing."

"Oh my God, this is dead."

Another foreigner was so frightened that he dropped the sword in his hand, with only fear and despair on his face.

"The world of nightmares seems to be just like this. It seems that I have an advantage here. Who let me have more dogs?"

Yang Jian showed a smile, with a kind of creepy cruelty in it.

An order came again: "Bite them to death."

Immediately there were beast-like roars in the dark corridor, and all the vicious dogs rushed towards the three of them.

Liu, Luo Sheng, and the foreign man didn't even have the courage to struggle and resist at this moment, so they could only stand there and wait to die.

But at this time.

Suddenly, a door appeared next to the three of them. The door opened automatically, and a foreign woman's voice sounded: "Run this way, hurry up."

Liu immediately reacted, grabbed the two people and rushed over: "Run away quickly."

They rushed into the door, and then the door slammed shut, but there were still two vicious dogs chasing into the door.

There was a sound of hurried escape from behind the door, which gradually faded away, but at the end it seemed that one person was caught and let out a desperate cry.

Yang Jian stared at the door that suddenly appeared on the wall, his expression condensed: "It seems that someone has interfered with the nightmare world and affected the layout of the castle, but this is just a small trick. Is this place now under the control of nightmares or evil?" You can’t say for sure.”

"Find them out and bite them to death. Don't let any of them go."

In the passage, the vicious dogs roared and dispersed, searching in all directions of the castle.

For a moment, the silent castle was filled with the sound of dogs barking.

"The castle couldn't stop the evil dog and allowed the evil dog to enter here. This shows that the evil dog won during the supernatural confrontation. If the ghost controller who controls the nightmare can be found and killed, maybe the evil dog will Being able to harness the nightmare even further.”

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, thinking that this might be an opportunity.

Ghosts have puzzle pieces. Ghost dreams and nightmares are both supernatural beings in nightmares. Maybe they are both the same puzzle piece.

It's just that ghost dreams pull people into dreams and have a certain range of influence, but nightmares directly invade other people's dreams regardless of distance. If the two are combined, then the vicious dog can quietly appear in anyone's dream and ignore the distance. Lure people into sleep and then kill them.

Just thinking about it is scary.

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