Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1183 The operating elevator

Although the environment here has a weird atmosphere everywhere, the layout and structure are exactly the same as the Caesar Hotel. At least there is no risk of getting lost when walking here.

It's just that there is no exit, this is a room that cannot be escaped.

Even ghosts are trapped here, let alone living people.


Anan walked in front holding a dead woman's head.

He was also quite familiar with this place, his steps were neither slow nor slow, and he didn't look around. He seemed to have a fixed safe route in his mind.

Sometimes you can go directly, but Anan has to go around in a circle.

Although this was a waste of time, it at least proved that this route was safe, and there were no supernatural attacks along the way. However, this behavior also made Yang Jian, who was following behind, wary.

Because it is not ruled out that Anan deliberately took a detour.

If he is really very familiar with this place, it is not impossible to use the dangerous place here to deal with these people.

However, there is currently no evidence that Anan is suspected of causing trouble, so Yang Jian pretends not to see it.

"I really want to read his memory, but I don't know how long he has lived this time and how many memories he has in his mind."

Yang Jian secretly thought: "The safest way is to go to the room No. 102 he mentioned. Since he left all his experiences in the past eighty-two years there, there must be a lot of relevant information in this experience." Information and truth here.”

"But we don't rule out that Room 102 is a trap, trying to lure me in."

"Everything is normal here, I don't see anything wrong." Tong Qian said in a suppressed voice at this moment, all three of his faces were wary of the surroundings.

Along the way, except that the environment here was a bit depressing and weird, no real ghosts appeared.

Li Yang was in charge of the rear. He said nothing and was observing the surroundings.

"I took you all along a safe route, avoiding all dangerous places. Otherwise, you would have been attacked by at least three ghosts on that stretch of road alone. The first intersection was a crossroads. At that crossroads There is a ghost standing in the middle. The ghost is invisible and will only appear in the middle of the intersection. Anyone who passes that intersection will lose their way and will never be able to leave there."

"There is a ball in the second aisle. In an inconspicuous corner, it is also a fierce ghost. Once it gets close to the ball, it will roll towards you on its own. As long as the ball gets close to you within a certain range, you will Will be killed by evil spirits."

"The third one is the glass window. It looks normal, but in fact, the figure of a ghost is reflected on the glass window. Once you pass by the glass window, the figure of the ghost will appear and stare at you."

As Anan walked, he recounted the hidden dangers that had not been discovered just now. He seemed to know these dangerous places and the information about the evil ghosts very well, and he talked about them as if they were commonplace.

"Really?" Tong Qian felt surprised.

He had observed all those places and found nothing.

Yang Jian has a photographic memory. He immediately recalled the places he had just bypassed. There was indeed a crossroads, an abandoned ball next to the aisle, and an old glass window. These things were similar to The danger mentioned by Anan met.

What he said is most likely true.

"It's really not easy for you to survive here, and you can understand so thoroughly a supernatural place full of dangers," Yang Jian said.

Anan didn't look back, and said as he walked: "It's all obtained through sacrifices again and again, but it's not possible to get around everywhere. There are some places where there are ghosts lingering and you can't get around them. Every time you pass by, you need to bear a certain amount of responsibility." risk."

After speaking, he stopped and said, "Just like here."

In front of him was a hotel elevator. The door of the elevator was open at the moment, and lights were flashing inside. It seemed that the elevator could still operate in this environment.

"The place we want to go is the fourth floor. If you want to go there, you have to take the elevator, because the third floor has been blocked by the ghosts. The only thing connecting the second and fourth floors is this elevator." Anan pointed. The elevator way in front of you.

Yang Jian frowned: "There is still an elevator that can operate in this environment. Needless to say, there must be a ghost in this elevator."

"There is a ghost, but that ghost doesn't kill people every time. It depends on luck, but with your ability to resist the attack of this evil ghost, I believe it won't be a problem." Anan said: "This is a smaller price than forcing your way to the third floor. A lot."

Li Yang stepped forward at this moment and said: "How do we know that this elevator is the safest and not the most dangerous? The four of us take the elevator together. If something goes wrong with the elevator, all three of us will die, and you But he can be resurrected in the so-called room 101."

"The price of one of your resurrections in exchange for the lives of three of us is not a bad deal."

He was thinking a lot and suspected that this was a trap. The previous detour might be paving the way for this step.

"If you don't believe it, you can take the stairs to the third floor, but I will take the elevator to the fourth floor. We can meet on the fourth floor then. But you have to be quick. I won't wait for you too long. There are dangers everywhere here. I I don’t want to stand there and be stared at by something.”

Anan's tone was also cold. He looked indifferent. He was not angry and had no objection to Yang Jian and others taking the stairs.

Li Yang didn't speak. He looked at Yang Jian. This decision still had to be made by the captain.

What he said just now was not that he really doubted Anan, he just mentioned this possibility and used it as a cliché.

Whether it is true or false, Yang Jian still needs to distinguish.

"It's true that there are ghosts in the elevator, and it should be true that there are ghosts on the third floor. Since you said that the ghosts in the elevator are far less dangerous than the ghosts on the third floor, then we will believe you once and ride with you in the elevator." Yang Jian His face was very calm, with no emotion visible.

Anan didn't say anything, just held the dead head and walked directly into the elevator.

Tong Qian hesitated slightly, but when she saw that Yang Jian had already made a decision, she walked into the elevator with Li Yang without saying anything.

This is a modern elevator.

But for some reason it had aged badly. The elevator was filled with a rotten smell, and there was still a dripping sound on the ceiling of the elevator. There were still some dried blood stains and some finger scratches on the wall next to it. scratches.

It seems that a terrifying scene once happened here, and someone suffered a strange attack.

Anan was used to it. He pressed the elevator button leading to the fourth floor skillfully, and then pressed it again to close the elevator door.

The elevator started running and made a creaking sound. Although I didn't know where the sound came from, the elevator door finally closed.

It's just that the door is not completely closed, half of the door seems to be broken, standing sideways, revealing a incomplete opening.

Yang Jian's expression moved slightly, and his ghost eyes moved restlessly, as if he was aware of it.

It's not just him.

Tong Qian and Li Yang also felt that something was wrong around them. It seemed that there was a ghost secretly watching them in the elevator, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, they were all experienced ghost masters and did not make a fuss because of the emergence of this feeling. They were calm and collected, and were ready to deal with everything.

The elevator moved.

However, the elevator is not going up, but actually going down.

"This is not going to the fourth floor." Yang Jian said coldly.

Anan said: "This is to go to the fourth floor."

"The fourth floor is down there?" Yang Jian stared at him and asked.

"There is a ghost in this elevator. I have already told you this. So under the circumstances of supernatural interference, how can you be sure that the elevator is going down instead of going up? Your eyes can only see the things inside the elevator. Everything, you can't see things outside the elevator, human senses can be subverted, what do you use to judge the ascent and descent now?" Anan asked instead.

Yang Jian narrowed his eyes slightly: "What you said makes sense. Supernatural powers can subvert the senses. But you have been saying that there is a ghost in the elevator. So where is the ghost?"

Anan didn't speak, but looked slightly upward.

Tick, tick.

When the elevator was running, there was still a ticking sound overhead.

Tong Qian was about to look up, but was stopped by Anan: "Don't look up. As soon as you look up, the elevator will stop running and a corpse will fall from the ceiling. At that time, the ghost will start killing people. If you deal with the ghost, Then the elevator will fail and won’t be able to take us to the fourth floor, so we’ll just let the ghost keep an eye on us.”

"When we get to our destination and the ghost attacks us again, we can get out of the elevator and escape the attack."

"It couldn't get very far from the elevator."

Anan shared his experience and methods of coping.

He needs to use the supernatural power of ghosts to keep the elevator running, and at the same time, he has to withstand the prying eyes of the evil ghosts to prevent them from stopping the elevator and killing people midway.

Hearing this, Tong Qian immediately stopped raising her head, but after hearing what Anan said, she felt more and more like there was something lying on the elevator.


This is not an illusion, it is real.

Tick, tick. Drops of thick blood actually dripped from the top of his head.

Thick blood crossed his eyes and dripped at his feet. After splashing, blood flowers formed.

"There really is a ghost above my head." Li Yang also squinted his eyes slightly, sensing the danger.

The elevator continues to operate.

Everyone remained silent after knowing the danger.

But then they discovered that the elevator had been running for three minutes, which was far longer than the time needed to get to the fourth floor.

Has perception been subverted again?

I looked at the electronic board.

The display above is messy. There is no way to display the correct floor. You can only see the numbers above jumping.

"We have reached the third floor. This floor is the most dangerous. Even if we pass by the elevator, we may be invaded by evil spirits. However, with the protection of the elevator, we are still safe." Anan added.

I don’t know how he judged that the elevator had reached the third floor.

But not long after he finished speaking.

The descending elevator suddenly hit something, made a loud bang, and then shook violently.

The lights in the elevator were flickering, and the elevator that was originally operating seemed to be stuck at this moment, creaking and unable to continue operating.


Outside the half-opened elevator door, in the darkness, a pair of gray and cold palms appeared. Those palms grabbed the elevator door and clasped it tightly.

No, not just one pair of hands.

Two pairs, three pairs, and four pairs of densely packed palms stretched out from the darkness, and they all grabbed the elevator door. The originally strong elevator door began to twist and deform at this moment, causing the gap that had originally been there. The ones are getting bigger and bigger.

As the gap in the opened elevator door became wider and wider, a crisp sound of footsteps sounded outside the elevator, walking directly towards here.

The elevator suffered supernatural suppression, and the originally flickering lights became extremely dim at this moment.

You must know that this elevator is also where a evil ghost is kept, and it is also filled with supernatural beings. But at this moment, it is obvious that the evil ghost outside is more fierce. The ghost in the elevator cannot resist and is forcibly intercepted.

Anan was right, the ghosts on the third floor were indeed scarier, and his choice to take the elevator was also correct.

"It's up to you. You have to drive away the evil spirits that invaded from outside, otherwise the elevator won't be able to return to normal." He stood motionless.

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