Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1211 The Resurrected Corpse

The corpses poured down like a tide, swallowing up Yang Jian, Li Yang and Tong Qian.

After being suppressed by the corpses, they felt that the number of corpses seemed to be much more than what they could see with the naked eye. It was as if all the corpses had gathered together to form a deep pit, burying people so deeply that they could not see outside at all. .

The scary thing is that these corpses are not motionless dead bodies.

After hitting him, Yang Jian felt that these corpses were constantly moving closer to him as if they were conscious. Countless hands and feet stretched out from nowhere to grab and entangle him.

And the gaps left around him are getting smaller and smaller.

The nearby corpses were squirming, and a huge pressure came from them.

It feels like you are being built into a wall little by little, and you can't help but resist at all.

"Are you trying to bury me in a corpse and keep me alive?" Yang Jian was startled, and this thought came to his mind.

At this moment, his body had been somewhat deformed by the squeezing of the surrounding corpses, and a strong sense of suffocation and crushing came over him, as if a living person had been buried deep underground.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

But he is an alien, he can survive without breathing, and he will not die even if his body is broken.

But Yang Jian would never allow himself to be buried here by a pile of corpses.

He tried to resist.

No matter how powerful you are, it won't help. The corpses around you can always crush you with more terrifying force, making you unable to struggle.

To push these corpses away, you must rely on supernatural power.

The ghost shadow was shaking at the moment, like a dense darkness, spreading out to the surroundings with Yang Jian as the center.

Any corpse shrouded in ghost shadow immediately loses some supernatural power, becomes limp, no longer stiff, and no longer close to Yang Jian.

There was a little looseness around it, as if the bricks on the wall were being pried a little bit.

But there are too many corpses in other places, and as soon as the corpses are loose here, the nearby corpses come again, trying to fill up some of the gaps that appear.

The ghosts spread, resisting the approach of the corpses.

The supernatural confrontation has officially begun.

Yang Jian's ghost shadow obviously has the advantage. Although the corpses nearby seem to be endless, the ghost shadow can still spread towards the surroundings, but the speed of spread is a bit slow.

"At least there is no risk of being completely trapped to death, but Tong Qian and Li Yang will probably face certain dangers, so I must get out of the trap as soon as possible."

His face moved slightly, he pushed aside the corpses around him, and stretched his hands and feet from the gaps between the corpses.

But it was still piled tightly with corpses.

"So, the coffin nails I threw just now probably didn't nail the devil completely. Otherwise, the corpse here wouldn't be so difficult to deal with."

Yang Jian's body was gradually leaking water at this moment.

He used the supernatural power of the ghost lake and decided to send these corpses into the ghost lake.

These corpses were not real ghosts, and no matter how large they were, they could not fill the ghost lake, so he was not worried that the ghost lake would reach its limit and could no longer accommodate ghosts.

The water stains seeping out increased from a small amount to more, gradually saturating the surrounding corpses.

In the end, the body began to melt continuously. No, it was not melting, but the limbs were sinking into the water little by little, as if they were being swallowed.


The nearby corpses completely disappeared, and Yang Jian now had some room for movement.

But it's not enough.

There are many more corpses.

The stagnant water needs to continue to engulf the corpses, and the ghost shadows need to continue to spread to prevent the surrounding corpses from coming in again.

Everything went smoothly.

I believe it won't take him a while to get rid of these corpses.

But right now.

An inconspicuous corpse suddenly opened its eyes, and then the corpse changed rapidly. The rotten areas were reversed, returning to the appearance it had just after death, and the blackened skin became slightly gray. Soon, there were still corpse spots on it, and the lifeless corpse became weird, and even raised its arms and could move.

It seemed that at a certain moment, an invisible and terrifying ghost attached itself to it, giving the corpse a new lease of life.

The strangely resurrected corpse was now pushed by the surrounding corpses, approaching Yang Jian.

The erosion of the ghost shadow can block other corpses, but there is no way to block this corpse.

The corpse ignored the erosion of the ghost shadow and suddenly fell from Yang Jian's head.


Yang Jian noticed it immediately, but the corpse eroded over too quickly despite the ghostly shadow.

next moment.

The fallen corpse suddenly stretched out its arms and grabbed Yang Jian.

Yang Jian reacted quickly and also reached out to grab the wrist of the dead body to prevent it from approaching.

The blackened ghost hand has the ability to suppress a fierce ghost, and can usually be used to deal with some less terrifying ghosts.

But the suddenly resurrected corpse in front of him was obviously no ordinary ghost.

Even though the ghost hand was holding it, the corpse slowly stood up from the ground. Yang Jian was surprised by the huge power coming from the arm.

"Has this thing already ignored the influence of ghost hands?"

Yang Jian felt horrified. He wanted to pick up the hatchet and dismember the ghost thing in front of him.

But it's a pity that the hatchet is no longer with him. He had thrown it away before, but he hasn't taken it back yet.

The strange corpse stood completely in front of Yang Jian despite the suppression of the ghost hands.

And this corpse is different from the ghost I saw before.

The image has changed.

But Yang Jian could conclude that this was the terrifying ghost lingering on the third floor.

So Yang Jian has reason to believe that this ghost can seem to change its body and possess any dead body here.

"The ghost is looking for me now, is it because I triggered the ghost's killing pattern? Or, I destroyed too many corpses, so I attracted the ghost." Yang Jian looked solemn, because he had no way out at this moment. ,

There were only him and the ghost in front of him in the narrow space, surrounded by dead bodies piled up. But if his guess was correct, these corpses would turn into the ghost's body at any time and wake up again, becoming a terrifying existence.

However, Yang Jian didn't wait to think more.

The strange corpse standing in front of him suddenly stretched out another hand and grabbed Yang Jian's neck.

The palm is not very strong, but it has a kind of power that cannot be struggled.


There was a crisp sound of broken bones, and Yang Jian's neck was forcibly severed by this strange corpse, and his head hung weakly toward his shoulder.

"This thing" Yang Jian's face was cold, and he stared at the ghost thing in front of him.

One by one, the ghost eyes opened restlessly.

The fifth-level ghost realm immediately opened, trying to send this evil ghost away from his eyes.

However, under the five-layer ghost realm, the corpse in front of him still stood indifferently, as if it was not affected by anything.

Yang Jian couldn't even break free from the shackles of this corpse.

"This ghost is very scary, much scarier than I imagined." Yang Jian felt palpitated.

Because he also saw at this moment that the feet of this strange corpse were actually stepping on the stagnant water. Not only was he not sent away by the fifth-level ghost realm, he was not silenced by the ghost lake, even though he only stole 40% of the ghost lake's supernatural powers. , but you must know that Ghost Lake is an S-level supernatural event. Even if it only steals four levels of supernatural beings, it is enough to swallow up most of the ghosts.


Didn't think much about it.

A red ghost candle was lit at this moment.

Yang Jian did not choose to resist forcefully. He knew that he could not bear it in this environment and had to use the power of some supernatural items.

The ghost candle exploded instantly when lit in such a supernatural place.

A gloomy fire suddenly expanded, and in just a few seconds, a candle burned out.

But the power that the instant burning ghost candle explodes is terrifying.

The corpse let go of Yang Jian and took a step back.

However, the fire went away just as quickly as it came.

Three seconds later, the candle went out.

But seizing this opportunity, Yang Jian broke free from the restraints and rushed away from the surrounding corpses, and forcefully climbed out from the pile of corpses.

Guizhu not only drove away the evil spirits, but also made the surrounding corpses lose their spirituality. Coupled with the erosion of the previous ghosts, he had a chance to escape.

Standing on the densely packed corpses, Yang Jian looked around and found that the corpses had fallen down in sheets and piled up in countless layers.

He didn't see Tong Qian, nor Li Yang.

I only saw a ball of fire rising in the middle of a pile of corpses, but the fire was not bright and seemed to be affected by something.

That should be the stove that was previously placed on the third floor.

Under this situation, the stove could not successfully ignite these corpses.

As for his supernatural weapons.

At this time, I don’t know which body was buried under it, and it can no longer be found.

Just when Yang Jian was still thinking.

Among the countless piles of corpses, another corpse stood up strangely. The corpse quickly underwent some kind of change and stood there gloomily motionless.

"The ghost on the third floor can indeed replace the body." Yang Jian looked gloomy. He knew there was only one way to deal with this ghost.

Completely release the fire of the furnace and burn everything here. Only in this way will the terror level of this evil ghost be reduced.

Otherwise, Yang Jian wouldn't be able to fight against this thing in this damn place.

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