Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1213 Out-of-control fire

Yang Jian understood at this moment that the nail in his coffin had indeed nailed the evil ghost, but it was only one of the evil ghosts on the third floor.

The old corpse standing not far away staring at him was a ghost.

The body just removed from the stove is also a ghost.

Don't hesitate.

Yang Jian grabbed the burning stove, then dropped the resurrected corpse, and then quickly retreated.

He can no longer open the ghost realm.

The stove burned, and a surge of heat came in. Everything around him seemed to be on fire. The ghost realm was strongly interfered with at this moment and could not be turned on normally, so he could only take away the stove in the most clumsy way.

The ghost on the third floor is scary, and so is the burning stove.

Without the suppression of the hatchet and because the body on the stove had been removed, Yang Jian held the stove in his hand and felt as if his whole body was on fire.

The whole person felt like he was in a steel-making furnace, about to melt in an instant.

His skin turned red instantly, and then sparks appeared, and even some parts of his body burst into flames, and his whole body seemed to be on the verge of burning.

"Keep holding it in my hand and I'll be burned alive."

Yang Jian's heart trembled, and he felt that his condition was deteriorating rapidly.

"But I can't leave this thing behind, otherwise I won't be able to light the bodies on the third floor. When the evil spirits attack, I will be the unlucky one."

After realizing this, Yang Jian briefly tried to fight against the burning of the stove.

His body was rapidly oozing water stains.

The supernatural spread of the ghost lake began to corrode the body.

Yang Jian tried to use the supernatural power of the ghost lake to fight against the burning of the stove.

The result is very effective.

The flames on his body are extinguishing, and the red skin is gradually recovering, but this is not enough. There is no way to restore it to its original state, because Yang Jian is also worried that the ghost lake will lose control and completely erode his body, so he releases the supernatural power of the ghost lake. keep.

"That's enough. I don't need to completely fight against the furnace. I just need to withstand the burning of the furnace without being burned to death."

Yang Jian took a deep breath and stepped aside while carrying the stove.

He stared straight ahead.

Where he had just been, the body that had been covering the stove stood up now.

The corpse stood there motionless, just like the old corpse before, facing this way strangely, seeming to be watching Yang Jian, but not making any move.

This made Yang Jian both happy and uneasy.

The ghost on the third floor would never let him successfully set this place on fire so easily, and he would never let him go so easily.

Even though Yang Jian did not trigger the ghost's killing pattern, any abnormality is likely to occur in front of such a level of ghost. After all, no one in the supernatural circle can guarantee that it is absolutely safe if the ghost's killing pattern is not triggered.

"Light the corpses as much as possible while the ghosts are not moving."

Yang Jian withdrew his gaze slightly, and then stared at the fire in the stove.

The fire was very bright, burning brightly, emitting amazing heat.

This kind of heat is very special and can make people with supernatural powers feel a burning sensation. However, for ordinary people without supernatural powers, this fire is not as scary as imagined.

Staring at the weird flames, Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and then he made a cruel move.

He put the stove down, and then without any hesitation, he gritted his teeth and inserted the black ghost hand directly into it.

As soon as the blackened ghost hand touched the flame in the stove, it made a sizzling sound like barbecue.

The ghost hand was spasming uncontrollably at this moment, twitching, the five fingers twisted and deformed weirdly, and severe pain was felt at the same time.

But at this time.

The corpse in front of Yang Jian suddenly fell to the ground. At the same time, the old corpse in the distance also lost some supernatural support and fell to the ground.

After the two corpses fell, the one lying motionless next to him suddenly opened its eyes and woke up.

After the corpse woke up, the temperature around it seemed to have dropped several degrees.

A cold aura immediately filled the air.

The corpse then stood up and stood behind Yang Jian.


Yang Jian ghost's hand reached into the stove and was burned by the fire. The severe pain made his attention no longer focus on the ghosts around him, so that he didn't even notice that there was a terrifying dead body standing behind him.

This terrifying awakened corpse continued to approach Yang Jian with heavy steps.

The distance between them was very close. After just two or three steps, this terrifying corpse was already behind Yang Jian.

The terrifying corpse slowly raised its arm. The cold arm was covered with corpse spots, lifeless and very stiff.

But this stiff arm grabbed Yang Jian's neck from behind.

The force was so amazing that Yang Jian's neck immediately heard the sound of cracking and breaking bones. In just an instant, his neck, which had been repaired by the ghost before, was broken and deformed again.

But a ghost's attack isn't as simple as just snapping your neck.

If he just broke his neck, Yang Jian wouldn't worry about being killed by ghosts at all, because most of the top ghost controllers no longer rely on their body functions to survive, and they will not die even if their bodies are seriously injured.

However, this time Yang Jian felt his body was unusually heavy after his neck was broken.


Not only is it heavy, it's like I have lost control of my body.

He seemed to have only one head left, his body was no longer there, and he had no consciousness. The most terrifying thing was that even the ghost was the same.

next moment.

Yang Jian lost his balance and fell to the ground, unable to move anymore.

When his eyes moved, he saw the dead body behind him.

"I was attacked by a ghost just now." At this moment, he understood what had just happened.

And at this moment.

Because Yang Jian's body fell, his ghost hand also pulled away from the stove.

The ghost hand grabbed out a piece of charred bone. This bone was like a burning coal in a coal stove, with a strange flame dancing on it.

However, the twisted ghost hand could not hold the burning bone firmly.

The bone immediately rolled down into the corpse next to it like a spark, then fell along the gap in the corpse, and finally disappeared from sight.

After the ghost pinched Yang Jian's neck, he stopped attacking him. Instead, he continued to take a few steps forward, and then his body suddenly fell down, directly pressing on the still burning stove.

The burning furnace seemed less vigorous than before.

As soon as he was pressed by the corpse, the firelight disappeared instantly, and even the burning feeling disappeared.

The surrounding environment became cold again.

"So that's it. The ghost is blocking the burning of the stove. I don't want the stove to ignite the corpses. But the ghost doesn't have much wisdom. I have already taken out the flames. A single spark is enough to start a prairie fire. I don't believe that all the corpses here are ghosts. As long as they are not real ghosts, these corpses are the best fuel for that flame."

Yang Jian stared at this scene with his head tilted, and he quietly waited for the moment when the flames burst out.

"But I couldn't move after being attacked by a ghost just now. I can't lie here all the time. I have to find a way to resume my actions."

Immediately, he tried to resume action.

However, being strangled this time was completely different from the last time his neck was strangled.

Yang Jian's body was still able to move after his neck was strangled by a ghost for the first time, but this time he couldn't move for some unknown reason. The ghost shadow also fell into silence and was unable to control. Only his head was left to maintain consciousness. .

This scene reminded Yang Jian of the time when his head was cut off by ghost scissors.

It was just that at that time his ghost figure revived and took action on its own, but at this moment his ghost figure did not move.

"That is to say, an attack by a ghost silenced all the supernatural beings in my body. It was as if I had been dismembered by a hatchet." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly.

It's not like he didn't try to restart.

However, part of the ghost eyes also fell silent, and he was unable to open the seventh-level ghost realm and restart himself.

But the supernatural power of Ghost Lake is still there.

Yang Jian's body became wet again at this moment.

"We can only use the ghost lake's supernatural power to fight against the attack of the evil ghost on the third floor. Sure enough, only the S-level supernatural power can be effective. The ghost shadow is still a little inferior when facing a ghost of this level. After all, the ghost shadow is just the shadow of a fierce ghost. It’s not complete.”

He gradually realized that what he could rely on now was the ghost lake that he could not completely control.

The water of the ghost lake soaked into himself, and Yang Jian felt that the feeling of completely losing his body was gradually dissipating.

It's just that the dissipation speed is a bit slow.

Just like wound recovery, it can only heal slowly.

But circumstances wait for no one.

At this moment, Yang Jian saw a ray of fire emerging from the corpse next to him.

That's where the blackened bone rolled down.

The fire grew from small to large, slowly at first, but as the flames gradually grew larger, the fire expanded faster and faster.

Obviously, Yang Jian's previous plan was successful. He set fire to the piles of corpses on the third floor.

However, the worst thing now is that he is very close to the fire site. If nothing happens, he will most likely be burned to death by the spreading fire before he can resume his actions.

"Is it too late?"

Yang Jian's expression moved slightly. He couldn't do anything now, he could only watch this scene happen.

The flames had completely burst out from the piled corpses at this moment, and the nearby corpses were burning with a sizzling sound. There was a burning smell in the air.

The bigger the fire, the stronger the supernatural power, and the stronger the supernatural power, the more terrifying the burning speed.

At this moment, the flames are like snowballs and are at risk of getting out of control.

Even the current third-floor ghost can no longer extinguish such a fire.

Only when all the corpses here are burned out, the supernatural lacks a medium to spread, and the fire subsides, can everything return to the way it was before.

at the same time.

Another thing happened.

Near the elevator entrance on the third floor, a supernatural elevator lit up and suddenly returned here.

But as soon as the elevator door opened, it was blocked by piles of corpses.

After a brief lull, the piles of corpses were cleared away.

Someone climbed out of the elevator following the body.

It's Xianglan, Anan, and Zhu Jian, the five of them.

"Is this the situation on the third floor? There are piles of corpses, and even the elevator is blocked. If we are targeted by ghosts, we will die miserably." Zhu Jian frowned, his expression was very solemn, he stood On top of the piled corpses, I felt a panic.

But soon.

He was attracted by the light of the fire.

Among the corpses not far away, there was a group of flames burning the corpses, which was spreading towards the vicinity.

"It's Yang Jian, I saw that person, he was lying there." The fire brought light, and Dong Yulan immediately discovered Yang Jian who fell among the corpses.

Yang Jian was too obvious.

Because he doesn't fit in with the other corpses.

"He seems to be unable to move. Was he attacked by a ghost?" Anan guessed.

"The fire will spread to him soon. It's best to let him burn to death here, so as not to cause trouble to us later." Zhu Jian said calmly.

"That's right." Others nodded in agreement.

They and Yang Jian are now enemies rather than friends, and there are irreconcilable conflicts and contradictions between them.

Although they were unwilling to take action against Yang Jian, they were also willing to see Yang Jian die among the supernatural beings on the third floor.

"No, that's not right."

Xianglan observed the surrounding situation: "This fire was set by Yang Jian. He wanted to burn all the bodies on the third floor and then find the door hidden on the third floor. This is a very extreme approach, but there is no doubt that he It worked."

"We can't stay on the third floor. We have to evacuate temporarily, otherwise the out-of-control fire will burn us together."


The expressions of the others changed suddenly when they heard this.

They thought Yang Jian came to the third floor to find an exit, but they didn't expect that Yang Jian came to the third floor to set fire to the corpse.

"Go back." Seeing that Zhu was moving very quickly, he immediately turned around and was about to leave.

However, the next moment he stopped.

The elevator behind me is no longer there.

The supernatural elevator is not under their control and will not stay on the third floor forever.

"I was careless." Zhu Jian's face looked ugly.

"Keep pressing the elevator button, the fire won't come over so quickly." Anan turned back and pressed the elevator button.

However, the elevator that we just left obviously did not come so quickly, just like what Yang Jian and others encountered before.

"Please be quiet for a moment. There is some movement around." Suddenly, Xianglan signaled everyone to stay quiet again.

They immediately stopped talking and started listening.

Waves of crying came from under which corpse and echoed on the third floor.

Soon, the echoing cries overlapped, making the sound louder and louder.

"Is someone crying?" Zhu Jian tried to find the location of the sound.

But it cannot be locked.

The cries came from all directions and the source could not be pinpointed.

"Is it the ghost on the third floor?" Anan asked in a low voice.

"I don't think so. I think it should be the supernatural being controlled by the person named Tong Qian next to Yang Jian. He has three faces, one of which is the crying face. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the person named Tong Qian is dead." Dong Yulan said that she had met Tong Qian and analyzed some information.

Not waiting for anyone else to speak.

At this time, a corpse was uncovered from the pile of corpses not far away.

Tong Qian crawled out from the pile of corpses with great difficulty.

He panted and finally got out of trouble.

"It turns out to be Tong Qian next to Yang Jian. What should we do? Do we want to kill him? If we kill a few of them, no one will stop us from finding the exit." Zhu Jian glanced at Xianglan.

Several others were silent and thinking.

He was also thinking about whether to add insult to injury while Yang Jian and the others were fighting with Li Gui and both sides would suffer.

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