Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1218 Everything Burning

The tall male corpse is very mysterious. There are many evil ghosts living in it, which is very scary.

Yang Jian actually had a lot to do with this male corpse. The ghost shadow and hatchet he controlled were all obtained from this tall male corpse. But even so, this tall male corpse is still mysterious. , still terrible.

No one knows how long this male corpse has been lingering in the Caesar Hotel.

All I know is that this corpse has always been in a high state of decay, but it has never completely rotted or collapsed.

The supernatural power on the body supports the body to keep moving.

So the current male corpse is a very terrifying ghost, and there have been some changes in its appearance this time. It is completely different from the last time Yang Jian saw it.

The dead Wang Genquan is the best evidence.

"Is this rotten corpse attracted by the fire? Or is it here to deal with the out-of-control fire?" Yang Jian was in the distance, watching the tall male corpse walking towards the center of the flames, and he could not help but think like this in his heart. .

"No matter what, it's better to do less than to do more at this time. If it's here to put out the fire, then I have to continue to set the fire and make the fire as big as possible."

Yang Jian glanced around.

There are three fire spots on the third floor at the moment.

One is the location where the fire was out of control before, and the two are the locations of Zhu Jian and Anan's bodies.

The former fire is already very big, and although the latter two fire points have just started burning, they are also becoming more and more intense.

If this tall male corpse really wanted to put out the fire, it would be impossible to extinguish all the fire points in a short time.

Yang Jian didn't hesitate at this moment.

He began to use the still burning ghost hand to continuously ignite the dead bodies in every corner.

Just in case, Yang Jian added as many fire points as possible to prevent accidents from happening.

The process was smooth.

In just a moment, there were seven or eight more fire points on the third floor.

At this moment, the dim third floor became extraordinarily bright, and there was a strong smell of burning in the air. The firelight reflected on his body in all directions, making Yang Jian's skin feel tingling.

"Li Yang, can you hear me? If you are still alive, come out quickly. If you are too late, you will be burned to death here." Then he shouted again, hoping that Li Yang could hear him.

But his voice echoed here several times, but no one responded to him.

Even though the fire had spread to this point, he still didn't show up.

"We must be in trouble. If we continue shouting, it won't have much effect. We can only wait."

Yang Jian didn't shout any more to avoid attracting anything dangerous.

He then looked at the tall male corpse in the distance.

The dead body was wrapped in a shroud and walked into the flames step by step, but something strange happened. The burning flames did not ignite the body. Instead, it was affected and disappeared directly.

But the flames that disappeared were only part of it. The burning area around the body was so large that although the flames near the body disappeared, the flames continued to burn farther away.

"Sure enough, this corpse can limit the burning of the flames. Fortunately, the fire is very strong now. Even such a terrifying ghost cannot completely extinguish the fire here."

Seeing this scene, Yang Jian's heart tightened at first, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the fire isn't extinguished, things will get messy again.

The tall male corpse was still walking forward.

Although the flames around the corpse were extinguished, as the male corpse continued to move forward, the flames at the back where the flames were extinguished rekindled again.

Gradually, the corpse went deeper and deeper into the center of the fire, until the body was completely engulfed and could no longer be seen.

Even Yang Jian's ghost eyes couldn't peek into the flames.

"What can be in the flames? The stove, the ghost on the third floor? So is this body going to the stove, or is it going to the ghost on the third floor?" Seeing this scene, Yang Jian had another thought in his heart. idea.

But fortunately the plan was successful.

More than a dozen fire points were burning corpses together, and the entire third floor was about to turn into a sea of ​​flames.

"Since the male corpse has gone into the flames, I can look for that door first."

Yang Jian was paying attention to everything in the sea of ​​​​fire at this moment. According to normal circumstances, after these corpses were burned, the door hidden on the third floor would definitely appear.

With any luck he'd be able to find the door quickly.

But he also had to be prepared to evacuate in time.

Yang Jian brought the unconscious Tong Qian to the elevator entrance. If he couldn't find the door successfully, he would have to take the elevator and leave the third floor temporarily.

Now his ghost eyes can no longer see everywhere.

Under the light of the flames, he felt a burning pain once he opened his ghost eyes. Although the ghost eyes would not go blind due to this, he could not bear the severe pain.

Fortunately, the light now is very bright and the vision is very good. He can see everything around him clearly, and the need for ghost eyes is not particularly great.

The number of corpses was also decreasing as they were set on fire.

The mountains of corpses began to collapse continuously. Once the corpses were burned by the fire, they soon turned into blackened mummies. If the burning continued, the corpses would be completely burned into ashes. In the end, I'm afraid there would be nothing left. remain.

The only things that can be left behind under the burning of this weird furnace fire are ghosts and supernatural items, as well as gold that cannot be affected by supernatural beings.

So Yang Jian is not worried that his spear will be lost here. As long as this place is burned by the fire, anything lost will come out.

"That door is made of gold, so its shape and size cannot be changed. The only way for the ghost on the third floor to hide such a door is to cover it with a corpse, and the door is two meters high. It’s difficult to completely hide a door that’s two meters high.”

"However, it cannot be ruled out that the door was placed upside down."

Yang Jian thought like this in his mind, trying to use a more reasonable way to judge the location of the door.

He looked at the higher place where the flames shot up, trying to find traces of the door from there.

Unfortunately, the flames were so big that it hurt his eyes but he didn't see anything.

"Li Yang hasn't appeared yet. Was he attacked by a ghost and died among the piled corpses?" Yang Jian was also looking for traces of Li Yang.

However, Li Yang has not appeared so far. He has to suspect that Li Yang may have encountered the ghost on the third floor and has been killed.

He is not an alien. Once he is targeted by the ghost on the third floor, he will be killed.

"Wait a little longer. If I haven't found the door and Li Yang doesn't show up again, then I have to evacuate here." Yang Jian reached out and pressed the elevator behind him.

The sound of the elevator running immediately came from the elevator shaft behind him.

As soon as the elevator arrives, he will immediately take Tong Qian and evacuate here.

The fire continued to spread, and half of the entire third floor was already covered in flames.

The fire that can ignite the supernatural is scary and dangerous.

Various strange sounds came from the fire. Those sounds were made by corpses. The corpses that had been dead for a long time actually let out shrill screams when they were burned by the fire. However, the screams were very short and they were just shouts. After a cry, the body fell completely silent, and there was no more movement.

There were even corpses that opened their eyes in the fire and came to life, and then said things like "I don't want to die, please help me."

Yang Jian knew clearly that the reason why these corpses could talk was because the supernatural balance was broken. Part of the memory or consciousness of the deceased before his death came back to light, and he briefly woke up. However, such behavior did not mean that the corpse was still alive, but that it was supernatural. Just a little bit of their past has been preserved.

Just like some ghost slaves, they are obviously dead, but they still have memories of their lives.

After a few minutes.

It was difficult to stay where Yang Jian was, because the fire was too strong, and his skin was burned red, and bursts of severe pain came, making it unbearable for him.

He had to pick up a dead body on the ground and put it in front of him to block the light of the fire.

The effect is remarkable.

The impact of the fire disappeared, but the dead body in his hand quickly smoked, then flames burst out, and it burned after a while.

"We can't stay here any longer, we have to leave here immediately."

This situation told Yang Jian that the third floor was no longer suitable for living people. Even the ghost controllers could not gain a foothold and had to evacuate.

But now the elevator has not come, Li Yang has not found it, and he has not seen the door on the third floor.

Even if Yang Jian wanted to leave, there was nothing he could do.

And with the flames spreading at this moment, he could do nothing but continue to wait.

"Wait a few more minutes. If nothing unexpected happens, I will have no choice but to leave here through the Ghost Lake."

Yang Jian took a deep breath, threw the burning corpse in his hand away, and then continued to pick up a corpse and block it in front of him.

The corpse can block the burning for tens of seconds and reduce his pain, but after dozens of seconds the corpse will burn and has to be thrown far away.

Strangely, the corpses lying on the ground did not catch fire due to the heat of the flames. Only corpses that were particularly close to the flames would be ignited.

As time passes little by little.

The situation got worse.

The fire was eroding faster and faster at this moment, and Yang Jian's method just now was no longer feasible, because all the corpses on the ground on the third floor were turning red at this moment, and no corpse was spared from the scorching fire.

In two minutes at most, everything here will be engulfed in flames, without even a place to stand.

The elevator behind him hadn't arrived yet, which made Yang Jian's heart sink.

Tong Qian is still in a coma, but there should be no problem with his condition. After all, there are no signs of burns on his body, but there is blood oozing from his nose.

It seemed that Zhu Jian's sneak attack had a great impact on him.

Another thirty seconds passed.

The elevator hasn't arrived yet.

Yang Jian felt that he couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't wait until the last second to evacuate. Otherwise, if an accident happened, it would be over.

"I'll leave in thirty seconds." He was mentally prepared.

But at this time.


A red-hot corpse not far from him moved and was lifted open by a hand from underneath.

"Damn it." The opening revealed a deep gap, and Li Yang's voice came out.

His face was ferocious and painful.

Because behind him, a cold corpse strangled his neck and pressed on his back.

Obviously, Li Yang was targeted by the ghost on the third floor.

But the corpse that attacked him was not the corpse that attacked Yang Jian before, nor was it the corpse that was nailed to the coffin nails before.

Apparently, this is the fourth ghost that appears on the third floor.

Li Yang tried to crawl out from among the countless corpses, but it was difficult for him because the ghost kept choking his neck and he couldn't get rid of it. The reason why he was still alive was because the supernatural power in his body was fighting against it.

But he couldn't waste time.

Because Li Yang knew very well that the plan outside was still going on, if he couldn't get out of trouble in time, he would definitely be burned to death by the out-of-control fire on the third floor.

"Is it too late?"

Li Yang pushed the body away and saw the scene outside. The place he saw was a sea of ​​fire.

He felt extremely stinging just by the light of the fire, as if his whole body was on fire.

There is no way anyone can stand in this situation.

"It's not too late, I thought you were dead." The next moment, Yang Jian's voice appeared.

Then a black, burnt and smelly hand grabbed the body behind Li Yang.

Use a little force.

The body was picked up together with the entangled Li Yang.

After leaving the ground, the corpse in Yang Jian's hand quickly let go and fell into silence. Then it quickly turned red, and then burst into flames.

Apparently this was just an ordinary corpse and no longer a ghost.

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then he was thoughtful.

He seemed to understand how the ghosts on the third floor existed.

"There is no time. We have to leave quickly. Everything here is burning. If we don't leave, we will be set on fire." Yang Jian did not give Li Yang a chance to breathe, because he had to run for his life now.

At this moment, Li Yang's neck was crooked and his body was twisted and deformed. It was obvious that he had been tortured by the ghosts here.

"How is Tong Qian? Is he okay?" Li Yang struggled to stand up and asked.

"It's okay for now. I was just attacked by a supernatural being and am now unconscious." Yang Jian looked back at this moment and saw that the elevator had not arrived yet.

This supernatural elevator really broke down at the critical moment.

I guess I can't wait for this thing to appear.

Do you want to use Ghost Lake to leave?

Yang Jian now had to use the ghost lake's supernatural power to connect to the outside.

"Captain, I saw the location of that door when I was attacked by ghosts. Maybe we can escape from here through that door." Suddenly, Li Yang revealed a very important piece of information.

"Where is that door?" Yang Jian asked immediately.

Li Yang pointed in a direction behind him.

The flames burst out there, and it was already a sea of ​​fire.

Yang Jian's body was wet at the moment and dripping water, but he still squinted his eyes and stared in that direction.

But nothing was seen.

"Nothing at all."

Yang Jian is not blind. He has looked in all directions. If there was a door, he would have seen it long ago and would not have waited until now.

"It's in that direction. I'm sure that I touched that door and left some traces. I can feel it." Li Yang said with great certainty.

"It's useless to find it now. We don't have the ability to rush into the sea of ​​fire." Yang Jian shook his head, and he decided to use the ghost lake to leave.

Just at this time.

A figure appeared in the flames. No, it was not a person, but a tall male corpse.

The male corpse walked over and the surrounding flames were extinguished.

But as the flames extinguished and the corpses withered, a golden door stood straight there.

It was the only door to the outside, and it was finally revealed at this moment.


But this situation made Yang Jian's eyelids jump.

Because the tall male corpse next to the door has been standing there, motionless, seeming to be looking at him.

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