Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1249 The dangerous Li Leping

"Not perfect?"

Listening to the words of the strange man in front of him, Yang Jian recalled the supernatural incident caused by the ghost shadow head in Dachuan City.

Li Leping failed to control the ghost shadow head, which led to a complete outbreak of supernatural events. He almost died from the ghost and revived, but in the end he was able to come back from the brink of death by relying on the forgotten ghost he controlled. Of course, Yang Jian was also there during this period. s help.

"I should have told you last time that I tried to forget the murderous patterns of the ghost, forget the identity of the ghost, let myself dominate all of this, and become a ghost with the consciousness of a living person." Li Leping said.

Yang Jian said: "You should have succeeded. There is no turning back in this kind of transformation. Either you succeed and live, or you fail and die. The fact that you are alive now is enough to prove that the road has been cleared."

"Yes, but it is not a complete success. If there are twenty-four hours in a day, I am absolutely safe during the twelve hours during the day. However, during the day when I am sleepwalking and sleeping, my own abilities will also be weakened. , but at night, when the sleepwalkers enter the range of activity, my strength will be greatly increased."

"To be precise, I am a ghost with real human consciousness at night."

Li Leping said seriously, not minding revealing such an important secret at all.

"Then what do you mean by less than perfect?"

Li Leping said: "In the twelve hours at night, I can maintain up to nine hours of activity. In the remaining three hours, I will still lose control. And I have been unable to break this limit, so I have not done enough. Perfect, so I’m not willing to leave Dachuan City until this matter is resolved.”

"It's not that I refuse the meeting at the headquarters, but if my state is over, once there is a situation out of control, many people will die. Of course, if you are here, Yang Jian, maybe the situation out of control will not be so serious. You can Stop me."

"But I don't want to be killed by you in a daze."

"Refuse, hide, and just take care of Dachuan City. This is the best choice I can make at the moment. To be honest, it has nothing to do with me how the situation outside becomes."

Yang Jian finally understood Li Leping's difficulty.

He has three hours left at night before he loses control. Once he loses control, he becomes a truly terrifying ghost. Anyone who tries to get close to him will be killed by him. Moreover, Li Leping also owns a ghost domain, so the danger of losing control is greater than imagined. The middle one is bigger.

If you can't find a place to stay in a safe house before losing control, then there will probably be no one alive in the ghost realm after the three hours.

"Three hours of out-of-control time is indeed dangerous, but I want to know whether your out-of-control time is controllable or uncontrollable." Yang Jian asked.

Li Leping said: "I can't control this time, but in terms of the pattern of loss of control, it usually occurs at three times: 6 to 8 pm, 4 to 6 am, and around 12 am. The probability is relatively high.”

"Six to eight o'clock in the evening is the moment when your sleepwalking ghost wakes up. Around twelve o'clock is when your sleepwalking ghost's supernatural power is strongest. From four to six in the morning, this is the time when your sleepwalking ghost is asleep."

Yang Jian said: "I kind of understand why you lost control."

"Changes in the strength of your own supernatural power will cause you to lose control. Whether part of your own supernatural power becomes stronger or disappears instantly, it will affect your balance."

"Your analysis makes sense, and I think so too."

Li Leping said: "But the irregularity of time makes it difficult for me to have time to move around in one night. Even though it was only out of control for three hours, it almost made it difficult for me to move. And this problem has nothing to do with it except spending time slowly. method."

"You can try to adjust the strength of your own supernatural power at each point in time to reduce the impact of losing control. Maybe this will be useful." Yang Jian said.

"Tell me what you think." Li Leping said.

Yang Jian said: "When night just comes, your sleepwalking ghost enters the active time and your supernatural power becomes stronger. At this time, if you can suppress your own supernatural power, you will not lose control. I have an emergency method, which is to light a red stick. The ghost candle, you can avoid losing control with the help of the characteristics of the red ghost candle.”

"Every time, between six o'clock and eight o'clock, or around twelve o'clock, you light a red ghost candle, which should be effective. At around four o'clock, you sleepwalking ghost falls into a deep sleep, and your own spiritual power becomes weak. At this time, you You need to keep the ghost realm open and enhance your own supernatural powers to replace the supernatural powers that fall asleep during the day."

"It's a good method, but it's too luxurious. I have to consume at least one ghost candle in one night for no reason. I don't have that many ghost candles to consume." Li Leping said.

"During the meeting, I will supply the ghost candles you need. After this matter is over, you can return to Dachuan City and stay as long as you like," Yang Jian said.

Li Leping's eyes moved when he heard this suggestion.

He didn't want to go out, and he didn't want to reject Yang Jian.

After all, Yang Jian is no longer the stupid young man he was when he attended the captain meeting. He had already understood how fast Yang Jian was growing up during the incident in Room 301.

Now it’s been a while since we last saw each other, and there must have been progress during this period.

"I got your help last time. Since you invited me this time, I can only agree to go to the headquarters. However, I still need to spend one night to verify whether the plan you proposed works. If it’s true, I’ll leave tomorrow.”

Li Leping thought for a while and finally agreed.

"You wait." Yang Jian turned and left.

But a moment later, he came back again, with a red ghost candle in his hand.

He didn't get this ghost candle from the headquarters, but from Dachang City. It was his own inventory.

But when he returned to the villa again, he found that Li Leping was no longer there.

Yang Jian tried to remember, but found that he had forgotten Li Leping's appearance again. He only knew a name. It seemed that he had not seen him at all just now.

But the content of the conversation between the two parties was clearly remembered.

"The ability to make others forget is really scary. Wait, just now Li Leping said that he is at risk of losing control from six to eight every night?"

Yang Jian realized something and immediately took out his phone and checked the time.

The time showed, seven thirty-five.

It was past seven o'clock when he came over from Liu San. Since it didn't take much time to travel to Ghost Domain, he had arrived in Dachuan City before seven-thirty. During this period, he found Li Leping and talked for a while, but no matter what, The time never passed eight o'clock, and as long as it was within the time range from six o'clock to eight o'clock, Li Leping could still lose control.

In the dark villa, a thick smoke gradually filled the air along with the smell of burning.

Yang Jian's face suddenly darkened when he smelled this familiar smell.

"This Li Leping has indeed lost control. Now he has even used the ghost realm. He has probably entered a state of sleepwalking now. He can't stay here anymore. He has to leave and come back after he regains consciousness."

Without hesitation, he turned around and prepared to leave.

After all, he had not forgotten that Li Leping not only controlled one ghost, but four ghosts.

The Forgotten Ghost can make people unable to remember their appearance, forget their memories, and even forget the killing patterns of evil ghosts.

Ghost smoke can form a ghost realm.

A sleepwalker active at night.

And, a man-seeking ghost who will die if he gets too close.

The combination of these four supernatural powers is enough to form a qualitative change.

Yang Jian's ghost realm is open to isolate the influence of the thick smoke, because if you stay in Li Leping's ghost realm for a long time, you will be killed by the thick smoke. Even if the ghost master does not die, he will be eroded by the ghost smoke.

After using the ghost realm to isolate the supernatural, he immediately rushed out of the villa.

Yang Jian stopped when he was about to leave.

He saw a thick smoke spreading out from the villa, and then rushing towards it as if consciously.

As soon as this situation occurred, Yang Jian immediately realized the problem.

"I was the only one in the whole area just now, so my appearance triggered the killing pattern of the ghost looking for people, so that I am now being targeted. Wherever I go now, the ghost will go."

It seemed that he couldn't leave, otherwise the out-of-control Li Leping would pursue him.

It's okay if there's no one around here. If there is anyone, it will definitely be affected.

"It's really troublesome, just cause trouble for me."

Yang Jian looked at the cracked spear in his hand, and then stood there without thinking.

This thing doesn't work.

After all, he didn't want to kill Li Leping, he just wanted him to regain consciousness. He also needed this guy to attend the captain's meeting.

The smoke hit us quickly.

Yang Jian did not leave, and the next moment he was engulfed in thick smoke.

The world of thick smoke is Li Leping's ghostland.

But Yang Jian's expression remained as usual, waiting for Li Leping to appear.

"Just in time, I would like to take this opportunity to try to see how dangerous Li Leping is after losing control, and whether I can confront him head-on without using supernatural weapons."

He didn't hide either, preparing to bear Li Leping's attack head-on.

Thick smoke billowed and vision seemed blurred.

But the ghost eyes could see clearly, and their vision was not affected.

But the longer he stayed in the world of thick smoke, the blurry his vision became. This situation destined Yang Jian to be unable to spend time with Li Leping.



Yang Jian saw that in front of the dark villa in front of him, a strange man with an ordinary appearance, but a stiff face and a cold body suddenly appeared. This man had his eyes closed, as if he was sleepwalking, confused and unable to wake up.

Although he fell into a state of sleepwalking, Li Gui's murderous pattern still instinctively controlled Li Leping's actions.

He walked forward and headed straight for Yang Jian.

After three or two steps, Li Leping disappeared from the front, and when he appeared, he was already close to Yang Jian.

The distance is too close.

This distance has even triggered Li Leping's murderous pattern of looking for people.

If you find it, you will die!

It doesn't need to touch you, it just needs to be within a certain range of you, then this mortal curse will be triggered.


Yang Jian's body began to be eroded by a terrible supernatural force. This curse would deprive him of his life, even his consciousness, and make him die immediately.

This is the same as the curse on his spear that will lead to death if he loses his balance.

"Can this curse even target the consciousness?"

Yang Jian's face changed suddenly, without any hesitation, he quickly retreated, and at the same time, the ghost eyes opened directly to the seventh level.

He plans to reboot himself and get rid of this mortal curse.

His biggest problem now is the ghost lake supernatural recovery, not the ghost eye recovery, so there is no problem in using the seventh-level ghost realm occasionally.

But just when the red light of restart covered the whole body, the next moment, nothing happened.

The ghost eye was not affected, but the restart failed, and it seemed that the memory of the restart disappeared from Yang Jian's mind.

"This is the supernatural power of the Forgotten Ghost. He made me forget to restart." Yang Jian opened his eyes wide.

This Li Leping is really scary after turning into a ghost.

In the process of confrontation, people can unconsciously forget their own supernatural power.

If you want to sneak attack others, even the captain level will have a high probability of being killed by this Li Leping.

When the restart failed, the out-of-control Li Leping seemed to have become a terrifying and cold ghost. He closed his eyes and followed the thick smoke with an expressionless face and attacked again.

This time he not only wanted to get close to Yang Jian, but also wanted to kill Yang Jian.

However, Li Leping's action failed.

He stopped.

Because he stepped into a puddle of water.

Under the stagnant water, countless pale palms stretched out, grabbing him and pulling him into the water.

Li Leping was sinking, but the sinking speed was very slow. However, although it was slow, he had no way to escape.

You know, this has stolen 40% of the ghost lake's supernatural water. There are also 1,200 water ghosts in Yang Jian's water. Although these water ghosts spend most of the time fighting against the out-of-control ghost lake, Yang Jian still has a lot of water ghosts in the water at the critical moment. We can still mobilize some of it.

"Sink into the lake, so that you can wake up."

Yang Jian squinted his eyes slightly and let the ghost lake slowly swallow him up.

Fortunately, Li Leping is a ghost now and has no intelligence. Otherwise, such a large puddle of water stains on the ground would be so conspicuous that normal people would not step on it.

But after a brief fight, Yang Jian also knew how terrifying this guy was.

He is indeed worthy of being a captain-level ghost controller.

After Yang Jian took control of Li Leping, part of his lost memories were slowly restored.

Because the roar of a vicious dog echoed in his mind.

The evil dog stored in the memory is eliminating the supernatural influence of the forgotten ghost.

But even so, Li Leping still affected Yang Jian's memory for at least ten seconds.

If it weren't for the evil dog stored in Yang Jian's mind, this impact might not be as simple as ten seconds, but could be ten months, ten years, or even a lifetime.

"Although the forgotten memory has been restored, I still can't remember this guy's appearance. Even the vicious dog stored in my mind can't help me remember this person forever." Yang Jian thought to himself.

But no matter what.

Yang Jian managed to subdue this guy without using any supernatural weapons.

Looked at the time.

It's seven forty now.

Only five minutes had passed in total.

Yang Jian was not in a hurry at the moment, he just stared at Li Leping, who was half of his body sinking into the water, waiting for him to regain consciousness.

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