Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1256 Unable to handle

At this moment, Yang Jian discovered the murder pattern of quiet supernatural events, and at the same time, he also triggered the murder pattern.

A streetlight flickered around him, signaling that something terrible was about to come.

Yang Jian looked towards the flickering light and waited for the arrival of the evil ghost without saying a word. Now that he had the capital to fight against the evil ghost, he would not be as afraid to back down as before.

"Cao Yang said that the ghost involved in this supernatural incident is very special and it is difficult to completely imprison him. He doesn't know the specific reason."

He was thinking about how he should deal with this supernatural incident.

While thinking about it, water stains appeared under Yang Jian's feet, and then the water stains continued to grow larger, and then formed a puddle of water.

As a cold floating corpse floated by under the stagnant water, a golden cracked spear emerged from the stagnant water.

at the same time.

Under the extinguished street lights, where a group of shadows gathered, a strange figure suddenly appeared there.

It was a girl with a bruised and dirty body, wearing a dress, but this girl only had two dark and empty eye sockets, no nose, and no mouth. It seemed that the only thing that could communicate with the outside world was her ears. .

This strange girl stood in the shadows, peeping in Yang Jian's direction, seeming to have her eyes on him.

"Did you show up?"

Yang Jian's ghostly eyes peeped, and he directly locked the ghost under the street lamp. He stretched out his hand to grab the cracked spear, and immediately threw the spear without any hesitation.

He is very strong and can throw his spear extremely fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the cracked spear accurately penetrated the body of the strange girl, nailing her to the ground.

Once the rusty coffin nails nail the ghost, it can completely suppress it and fall into a state of immobility.

Coffin Nail’s supernatural suppression never fails.

next moment.

The strange girl was directly penetrated through the body and then nailed to the ground. There was no movement in an instant, and she fell there motionless like a corpse that had been dead for a long time.


The street lights that went out came on again at this moment.

The supernatural being was suppressed, there was no interference, and the surrounding anomalies also disappeared.


Yang Jian's ghost eyes were staring at him from beginning to end, and he could be sure that this evil ghost was indeed nailed to the coffin by him, and it was not an illusion.

But if things are really that simple, then it stands to reason that Cao Yang can do it.

Even though Cao Yang was not as relaxed as him, he was not unable to fight against this fierce ghost.

With some doubts and some vigilance, Yang Jian walked over.

He came to the crucified weird girl and took a serious look.

"The body shows no signs of decay. This is not a ghost slave. Even if it is suppressed by the coffin nails, it still has the characteristics of a powerful ghost. I have indeed successfully imprisoned this ghost."

Yang Jian grabbed the cracked spear and directly picked up the strange girl.

The cold, lifeless body was limp and still motionless.

"But to be on the safe side, I still have to check the surrounding situation." Yang Jian thought for a while and felt that it would be a bit reckless to take this evil ghost to Cao Yang for the next step.

If something unexpected happens midway, the situation will become very bad.


He walked to the puddle of water nearby and squatted down.

Many scenes are reflected in the water, including mountains and forests, buildings, and interiors.

The water of the Ghost Lake connects various places. All these places can be connected through a pool of water and poplars. And the Ghost Lake is not so much water as it is a manifestation of supernatural power, like a burning furnace. It's the same as the fire in it, it just looks like a fire, but it's not actually a fire, because the fire can't even ignite the most basic things, it can only ignite the supernatural.

Yang Jian put his hand into the water.


When he took his hand back, he had brought a golden oil lamp from the water.

This is a ghost light.

It is a supernatural prop made by Dr. Chen using the corpse oil of a fierce ghost. Before the corpse oil inside burns out, the light of this oil lamp can reveal all the hidden ghosts around it.

Of course, it can only show the hidden ghost, not the curse.

"Try it."

Yang Jian didn't hesitate and immediately lit the oil lamp.

The oil lamp burned, and the dim light emitted, like a hazy halo, covering the surroundings. At the same time, a smell of burnt corpses filled the tip of the nose and lingered.

But the light shines.

A horrific scene occurred.

On the originally deserted road, many strange figures suddenly appeared. Those figures were transparent and unreal, between reality and illusion. They had no entity and could not be touched, but they were real, and these figures All the weird figures look like that little girl.

One, two, three. Yang Jian saw seven or eight little girls just within the scope of the firelight.

However, Li Gui made no movement, did not find Yang Jian, and did not attack him.

There seems to be some barrier between him and the ghost that prevents contact with each other.

"This is the real reason why Cao Yang was unable to imprison this evil spirit." Yang Jian's face became particularly solemn.

To prove that this conjecture is true.

He chose to try again and triggered Li Gui's killing pattern, and said again: "Ghost."

One word, just one word, can attract the evil ghost.

But now Yang Jian has suppressed the real ghost with coffin nails. He wants to see if there will be any movement around if the killing pattern is triggered again.

next moment.

A nearby streetlight flickered again.

The oil lamp in Yang Jian's hand was swaying, as if there was an invisible wind disturbing everything around him.

He saw it now, and saw that under the light of the oil lamp, the figure of an illusory little girl gradually became real, as if it had broken some kind of boundary and invaded the real world from somewhere.

Just five or six seconds.

A strange girl stood under the street lamp again.

"it is as expected."

Yang Jian looked at the lifeless little girl's body nailed to the coffin, and then looked at the ghost that appeared again, and he already understood in his heart.

At the same time, the previous worries were correct.

The ghosts here are indeed idealistic beings and are not so easy to imprison.

At least if you say the word ghost, the ghost will appear. Even if you really imprison the ghost, the ghost will still appear when you say ghost again.

"Not only can Cao Yang not be imprisoned in this situation, even if I can't think of any way to imprison him at the moment." The light of the oil lamp in Yang Jian's hand was swaying.

There were only a lot more ghost figures around.

In other words, even if he imprisons a second ghost, this situation will still not change.

But, I still have to try again.

"Use a hatchet."

Yang Jian decided to try again. His ghost shadow directly triggered the medium, and then he slashed down without hesitation.

The illusory medium in front of him was instantly cut into two pieces by his sword.

next moment.

The second ghost that appeared in front of him was instantly dismembered, and it didn't even have time to attack Yang Jian.


The figures of the evil ghosts illuminated by the light of the oil lamp were also dismembered.

"Useful." Yang Jian's eyes narrowed.

The curse of the hatchet can actually cut off those ghost figures that do not exist in reality.

However, the severed figure did not fall to the ground, but began to slowly disappear, as if it did not exist. The supernatural traces were erased, leaving only the strange and mutilated corpse in reality.

But the body that was nailed to the coffin was still intact.

It seemed that the nail in the coffin that nailed Li Gui was also isolated from the influence of the hatchet.

"Two corpses, which one is the real ghost?" Yang Jian walked over and put the broken corpse into a body bag.

He does not need to carry a body bag with him. He uses the water of Ghost Lake to connect to the swimming pool of his villa in Guanjiang Community, Dachang City. He puts many emergency items in the swimming pool so that he can access them at any time whenever needed.

"Still, both of these corpses are real, and neither of them is real."

next moment.

Yang Jian stopped and looked up at the street lights, which flickered again.

Because there was a ghost word in his sentence just now.

This shows that he has once again triggered the murderous pattern of the ghost, and the flashing light is a precursor to supernatural erosion.

as expected.

A street light went out, and the next moment, a strange little girl appeared there again. Her appearance did not change, and she still looked at Yang Jian with a pair of empty, dark eyes.

"It's not scary, but it's extremely difficult to deal with and cannot be imprisoned." Yang Jian's eyes darkened.

The ghost's reappearance meant that his previous attempts were useless.

Whether it is coffin nails or hatchets, although they can have a huge impact on ghosts, they can never deal with the source.

Or does this ghost have no origin at all?

The strange girl came out of the shadows. She had bare feet and bruises all over her body, and she trotted closer to Yang Jian.

"If the ghost boy is around, maybe he can let the ghost boy eat it, and then use the characteristics of the starving ghost to give the ghost boy this kind of supernatural power and fight against it." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he thought of a very extreme idea.

This is also the only effective way he can think of at the moment.

Before the weird little girl got close, Yang Jian's ghostly hand grabbed her.

Then countless ghost hands appeared, swallowing up the strange girl, and pulled her into the water at her feet, sinking directly into the depths of the ghost lake.

However, this still only treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

Yang Jian thought for a while, then he decided to go back with the two corpses and tell Cao Yang the situation here so that he could make a decision.

If the supernatural incident cannot be dealt with, it cannot delay the start of the captain's meeting.

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