Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1259 Successful receipt of goods

Cao Yang chose to make a second transaction at this moment. This time he thought of a good way, which was to actively trigger the ghost's killing pattern and lure the ghost to attack him.

Once the evil ghost enters a certain area, it is very likely that the quiet ghost will be taken away like cargo.

In this way, he can use ghosts to imprison ghosts and successfully complete this transaction.

It's just that although this idea is good, it is too uncertain. The specific results will only be known after seeing it.

After the weird little girl appeared, Cao Yang quickly got closer to the consignee who suddenly appeared in front of him, keeping an equal distance between them.

Yang Jian is just a spectator at the moment. He will only help when necessary and use the characteristics of the ghost lake to lead Cao Yang to evacuate.

The confrontation just now made him understand that no ghost here is that easy to deal with.

The former cannot be imprisoned, while the latter is difficult to fight.


The weird little girl with bruises all over her body took action. She took steps and ran quickly towards Cao Yang.

Cao Yang also noticed this immediately, and he also quickened his steps, closing the distance between him and the consignee.

The distance between the three is quickly disappearing.


The consignee in front of Cao Yang stopped. As the wind chimes swayed, the consignee slowly lowered the box he was carrying on his shoulders like before, and then stood there motionless, as if waiting. What are you wearing?

Cao Yang continued to get closer without hesitation, and finally stopped when he was less than one meter away from the terrifying consignee.

This distance is almost touching the consignee.

"Will it be useful?"

Cao Yang looked back at the ghost behind him at this moment.

The weird little girl actually stopped at this time and did not continue to approach Cao Yang. No, it should be said that she did not approach the consignee. For some reason, she stopped the evil ghost from further attacking.

"how so?"

Cao Yang was stunned for a moment, not expecting this to happen.

The evil ghost's attack was actually interrupted?

You must know that ghosts act according to the murderous pattern. Generally, they will not stop attacking after targeting people who have triggered the murderous pattern.

"If the attempt fails, I will be locked in the cargo box again."

Cao Yang was now sweating on his forehead, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

If the current attempt fails, the only option is to retreat.

"It really didn't go so well?"

Yang Jian was thoughtful when he saw this scene. He could see that there seemed to be some supernatural power around the terrible consignee, which blocked everything, making it impossible for nearby ghosts to get close. Of course, this ability to isolate the supernatural might be that person. The consignee himself may also be a strange item on his person.

For example, the strange wind chime, the old shoulder pole, the cloth on his body, or the weird cargo box.

"Although the situation is not as good as expected, this distance is not unbreakable."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and the next moment his ghost eyes opened, the ghost domain spread out, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

next moment.

The strange girl named Quiet who was lingering behind Cao Yang was suddenly hit hard at this time.

The cold, thin body was attacked and kicked hard by a foot that was like a condensed shadow.

The ghost shadow kicked the fierce ghost and kicked it away directly.

This weird little girl just rolled forward a few times, and finally landed next to the consignee's box.

"Is this okay?" Cao Yang opened his eyes wide and looked at Yang Jian in disbelief.

"You don't need to thank me. If this doesn't work, I'll leave on my own."

Yang Jian took his feet back and said expressionlessly.

However, Cao Yang couldn't help but be distracted at this time.


The weird little girl jumped up from the ground in an unreasonable way, and then rushed towards Cao Yang. As she approached Cao Yang, the little girl's body disappeared quickly, and there were signs of erosion into Cao Yang's body. .

But right now.

A thin and yellow palm suddenly stretched out and pinched this strange little girl.


The evil spirit that was about to erode Cao Yang's body immediately hung limply in the air, motionless, as if completely dead.

And this terrifying consignee, after catching the ghost, was like holding a piece of cargo, slightly turning his stiff neck to look at it.

After looking at it for a moment, the consignee turned around and stuffed the ghost into the cargo box behind him.

The container with one corner opened was dark and deep, like an abyss.

The weird little girl was forcefully swallowed and disappeared without a trace.

"Successful?" Cao Yang was surprised and happy.

I didn't expect that it would really be possible to attract ghosts like this, and let this terrible consignee take action to buy the ghosts that were not imprisoned as if they were goods.

As for whether the goods received are real ghosts, it doesn't matter anymore.

Because it is the consignee who takes action. If the goods are fake, then it is also the consignee's own problem and has nothing to do with Cao Yang.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here."

Suddenly, Yang Jian's reminder came from not far away.

Cao Yang came to his senses and immediately retreated without thinking.

He didn't even covet the 'payment' that the consignee would give him, because now he didn't want to get involved in such a thing again. It was enough to get rid of the consignee this time.


He and Yang Jian retreated together, distanced themselves, and retreated to two to three hundred meters away. Although they could see the consignee, it was already a relatively safe range.

"That thing didn't continue to chase me. It seems that this transaction was successful."

Cao Yang breathed a sigh of relief.


Yang Jian glanced at him and said, "Don't be too happy too soon. Do you think the person who was picking up the shelves just now really succeeded in imprisoning Jingjing?"

"You mean not detained?" Cao Yang's expression suddenly changed.

"Idealistic beings are not so easy to lock up. Even if they are picking things from the shelves, they probably can't do it. Take a good look at the county. Has it recovered?"

Yang Jian looked at the county town not far away. It was still silent and dark.

There is an indescribable strange aura lingering in the county.

"But it is indeed a sign of success. It has not come to me for delivery again." Cao Yang said.

Yang Jian said: "That's because the real Jingjing has not yet appeared. If we trigger the killing pattern again and let Jingjing appear, do you think this consignee will come to you again? The reason why he doesn't come to you now is because of this world The last Quiet Quiet in the past has disappeared. But this balance is not absolute. Once someone else enters the county, the killing pattern is triggered and the next Quiet Quiet is attracted."

"Then your deal is broken."

Cao Yang's expression changed uncertainly: "Real or false?"

"If you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

Yang Jian said: "But I don't have time to accompany you anymore. I have to find other captains. Now that you are out of trouble, you will go to the headquarters to attend the meeting tomorrow. If you don't come, then I will When you die."

"If you are not dead, then I will help you die."

"Okay, you can play by yourself, I'm leaving."

He did not delay any further. It was enough for Cao Yang to temporarily get rid of the consignee.

So Yang Jian turned around and left without hesitation.

Although he was very interested in this consignee, now was not the time to provoke such a terrifying ghost. Even if he was curious, he had to keep it in his heart.

Cao Yang opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but Yang Jian had already disappeared.

Yang Jian's ghost realm was very fast, and it was probably dozens of kilometers away at this time. Even if Cao Yang wanted to, he couldn't do it.

"Yang Jian's judgment should be correct, but I don't dare to try it in this situation."

Cao Yang had a headache.

But this matter is a hidden danger, but it can only be put on hold for now.

"These captains are either missing or have encountered trouble in dealing with supernatural incidents. Only a few of them have nothing to do. It seems that it is really difficult for me to call everyone to the meeting. I hope they won't come to me next time. Adding to the chaos.”

Yang Jian thought to himself.

He's heading to his next stop.

Looking back on the captain information in my mind, there are only two captains left who have not met yet. One is Wang Chaling from Dadong City, and the other is a man named Zhang Falcon.

He has dealt with the former, but he has never seen or interacted with the latter.

"Go to Wang Chaling first." Yang Jian decided to go to Dadong City.

By the way, let's see if the pendulum clock in the Wang family's ancient house is still there.

He has been coveting it for a long time, but he just lacks the ability to take it out.

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