Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1279 Inferred location

Yang Jian's sudden departure made the other captains feel confused, but they quickly came to their senses.

"It seems that what happened just now is not over. Yang Jian has probably found some way to track down the other party. Maybe there will be good news soon."

Liu San looked at the direction Yang Jian left and began to guess.

"The other party's methods are not simple. Even if we encounter them, if the number of captains is not enough, we may not be able to deal with them. This group of ghost masters is different from the past. They are all very powerful. Now that they are united together, it is very scary."

Cao Yang said: "Although we can deal with it, to put it bluntly, how many times can we have opportunities to join forces like this?"

"Once the captains are scattered and unable to unite, then the other party will do whatever they want."

He had an assessment of the strengths of both sides.

In the case of joining forces, the other party is not as good as our own. Once they are separated, the individual captains will be easily killed.

"They're not here for us."

Li Leping said expressionlessly: "Their purpose is very clear: to take away the ghost paintings, and they have no intention of fighting with us."

"This shows that what the other party has to do is more important than dealing with us." Lin Bei said.

"Indeed." Li Leping replied.

The captains were discussing with each other, and at the same time they were trying to track down the whereabouts of these people, trying to find them, and did not want to leave these people alone.

However, after a short discussion, they decided to return to the headquarters first. There was no use staying near the Ping An Building.

After all, the Ping An Building has returned to normal now, without the supernatural shroud.

And when all the captains returned to the headquarters.

The candidate captains at the headquarters asked about the situation one after another.

"What happened? I saw the Ping An Building collapsed, and there was a collision of supernatural forces. Did the ghost painting get out of control?"

Su Fan came over and asked curiously.

Li Jun, who rushed back, shook his head and said: "It's not that the ghost paintings are out of control, but someone took the ghost paintings away. Now everything is normal in Ping An Building."

"The ghost painting was actually taken away. Who is this person, so cruel? Where is Yang Jian, why didn't he come back?"

It was Liu Qi who spoke. He wanted to say a few words to Yang Jian.

"He had something to do and left temporarily. Are you Yang Jian's high school classmate?"

Cao Yang glanced at him: "It's really surprising that two powerful ghost masters came out of the same class. However, the matter of ghost painting is very complicated. Don't ask. Let the captains handle this matter. "

The captain candidate named Wen Zhong on the side said: "So many captains have joined forces and still can't settle each other. It seems that this matter is indeed unusual, but I also want to do my part. If possible, how about sharing the information? Although we He is not the captain, but he is also a candidate for the captain, and he can be involved in many things."

"It was Zhang Xianguang, Chen Qiaoyang and a group of people who did it. It was Zhang Xianguang who killed Gao Ming before. Who is Chen Qiaoyang? You can check the files. He appeared in an ancient Republic of China house in Dadong City before. , Wang Chaling will be clearer about this matter."

He Yin'er opened his mouth and spoke a few words briefly to the people who didn't know the situation, revealing some key information.

This information is open to the public among the captains. There is nothing to hide. The reason why I don’t want to say it is because it is useless to say it. Ordinary ghost masters are not qualified to participate.

"So that's it. I will track down their whereabouts. If there is any news, I will report it to the headquarters."

Wen Zhong nodded.

"Chen Qiao Sheep?"

At this moment, Wang Chaling was slightly startled when she heard this familiar name.

Unexpectedly, this dangerous man who escaped from his ancient house would finally appear in the supernatural circle at this time.

"You seem to know him very well, can you tell me more specifically?" He Yin'er asked.

The other captains also looked at him.

Wang Chaling smiled slightly and said: "I met this Chen Qiaoyang in Dadong City. He is a very dangerous ghost master. My parents once wanted to kill this guy when they were still alive."

He did not refuse and told what he knew, without hiding anything.

"He is actually a ghost controller from the previous generation who is still alive today. No wonder."

After hearing this, the others immediately regarded Chen Qiaoyang as an extremely dangerous enemy and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

"Fortunately, we killed a ghost controller named Song Xinhai this time, and he doesn't look like a ghost controller of this era. He is probably of the same generation as Chen Qiaoyang, and including Zhang Xianguang, they are all a bunch of old guys. Nothing simple."

Zhou Deng started to curse.

He felt that it was a bit embarrassing not to take action this time, so he could only take out his anger on these guys. Even if they didn't meet, he had to curse a few times in the distance. He absolutely couldn't suffer any loss.

While they were discussing, Yang Jian had already left Dajing City.

However, he didn't leave too far. He just found a deserted suburb, dug a hole in the ground, and fell asleep directly.

"I want to see who the vicious dog pulled into the dream. Its attack will not be ineffective. Since it did not take away Chen Qiaoyang, it must have taken away the other party's other accomplices."

Yang Jian quickly fell asleep with this idea.

This is a dream world.

The world is illusory, built by ghosts and dreams, but now it is a huge vicious dog that dominates the dream.

In a quiet and deserted village.

The howls and growls of vicious dogs echoed.

A man in his thirties, wearing a black shirt, was running frantically in this unfamiliar village, panting, looking frightened, and covered in cold sweat.

He couldn't run, because right now there was a vicious dog bigger than a wolf behind him, baring its teeth and chasing him.

No one is afraid of being bitten by a dog, even in his dreams.

"This is not an ordinary dream, this is a supernatural dream. If I am bitten to death by this vicious dog, I will probably encounter something unexpected in reality, and I must find a way to survive first."

The man in the shirt was thinking as he ran away.

He was sweating profusely on his forehead, and he was even more exhausted and panting.

I didn't expect this dream to be so real that even my physical strength would decrease.

He felt that if he continued like this, he would definitely be caught up and bitten to death.

"Find a place to hide."

The man in the shirt gritted his teeth, turned, and rushed directly into a two-story house in the village, then closed the door with his backhand.

The vicious dog attacked, a little late, pacing outside the door and growling, full of ferocity.

"Will it be useful?" He breathed a sigh of relief, but still felt uneasy and peered outside through the crack in the door.

But when I looked outside, the vicious dog was no longer there.

Just when he was looking for it.


A beast-like roar sounded from behind, and a pair of scarlet eyes lit up in the dim lobby.

"Oops, the back door isn't closed."

The man in the shirt looked back with a stiff neck, only to see the open back door and a terrifying vicious dog.

Suddenly, his hair stood on end.

But it was too late to escape.

The moment he opened the door, the vicious dog behind him roared and pounced on him, opening its sharp fangs and biting him.


The fear of death and the pain of biting converged into a miserable scream that echoed in this uninhabited village.

He was unable to resist, because in the dream he was just an ordinary person and could not deal with such a vicious dog.

"Am I going to be bitten to death?"

Feeling the spurting of blood, the tearing of muscles, and the sharp pain of fangs piercing into the flesh and bones, he felt desperate and felt that he was about to be bitten to death by this vicious dog in his dream.

But at this time.

A voice suddenly sounded outside the house.

"Stop, don't bite him to death first."

Yang Jian stood outside the house. He came to the dream world and saw such a bloody scene.


The vicious dog stopped attacking, its red eyes revealed its ferocity, its open canine teeth were covered in blood, and there were pieces of meat hanging on them, making those who looked at it feel frightened.

But even so, it still obeyed Yang Jian's order and did not bite the man in front of it to death.

Yang Jian stared at this man at this moment. He looked at the man's blood-stained face and felt that he looked familiar.

"Yang, Yang Jian? It really is you. You can actually enter this nightmare. Ha, I'm a bit stupid for saying this. You raised this vicious dog. It's natural that you can control such a dream. "

The man covered his neck with the blood that kept pouring out, raised his head and looked at Yang Jian, showing a wry smile.

"I've seen you before. You showed up at a business party in Dachang City. During that time, you were shot through the head by Zhang Wei because you offended me."

Yang Jian searched his memory and finally recognized it.

His name is Wang Han.

In addition, Yang Jian knew nothing about this person. He only knew that this person had revealed before that he was related to some ghost controllers who had lived for more than ten years, or even decades.

It seems now that the person Wang Han was talking about at that time should be Zhang Xianguang.

"You have a good memory. It's me. If I hadn't blocked the gun for that Chen Qiaoyang, I wouldn't be here today."

Wang Han did not deny it, but directly admitted it.

Yang Jian said: "We are all smart people, so I will stop talking nonsense and help me find Zhang Xianguang and his group. I can let you leave this dream without killing you."


Wang Han sat against the wall, covering his bleeding neck, and responded with a sneer.

"Do you think I'm lying to you?" Yang Jian looked at him and asked.

Wang Han said: "I definitely don't believe what others say in the supernatural circle, but I have investigated you and have some understanding. Your words are still somewhat credible, but I still can't leak the information to you."

"If you don't say anything, you will die here." Yang Jian said seriously.

"Some things are more important than life. I tried to invite you before, but unfortunately you refused." Wang Han said.

Yang Jian said: "What is more important than life? Are you so loyal to Zhang Xianguang?"

Wang Han coughed twice, spit out blood, and then said: "No, I am not loyal to him at all, and we are not in a superior-subordinate relationship. Strictly speaking, we are just doing a very important thing. He I am contributing to that thing, and I am also contributing to that thing. Everyone is working hard for the same goal."

"That thing sounds very dangerous," Yang Jian said.

Wang Han did not answer, but said: "When I became a ghost controller, I just wanted to survive and work hard to survive. Later, I realized that when I got to the end of it, my feelings, desires, and humanity all began to be lost. , my family, children, relatives, and friends are all afraid of me, I am like a monster and not accepted."

"I don't blame them, because I also understand that this is what every ghost rider has to go through, so before I completely lose everything, I have to find a goal to fight for."

"Luckily, I found it, ahem"

In the dream, he was an ordinary person with feelings and emotions, so he expressed some emotions.

If he were outside, Wang Han would just look numb and say nothing.

Yang Jian looked at him and said, "So you kill Gao Ming, take away the ghost paintings, and become enemies of the headquarters?"

"We are not enemies, but there must be no obstacles on the way to the plan. We took the ghost paintings and did not intend to fight with you. Strictly speaking, it was you who made the first move, and I was just a passive counterattack." Wang Han said.

"So, are we wrong?" Yang Jian asked.

Wang Han said: "Some things are not right or wrong, just look at the results. If we succeed, we are right. If you kill us, you are right. So don't waste your time. I will not reveal the information to you." Yes, you'd better kill me, I probably won't be able to leave alive once I get here."

He accepted his fate and decided to die here.

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly. He actually had the means to steal Wang Han's memory, but it was a pity that he was in a dream now. He was just an ordinary person without supernatural powers and could not do this.

"There is no need to kill you, I will let you go, but I can find Zhang Xianguang even if you don't tell me. Although you tried your best to hide it before, you still left some clues and traces. When you retreated, a trail appeared behind you. The winding path, I hadn’t thought of that path before, but now I do.”

"It's a ghost post office, right? You evacuated through the ghost post office."

After Yang Jian finished speaking his conjecture, he stared at Wang Han closely.


Wang Han's expression changed. He couldn't hide his emotions here.

The suspicion was confirmed.

The other party did evacuate through the ghost post office.

Yang Jian thought of the list of managers of the ghost post office. The first manager was Luo Wensong, who fell from the post office and turned into a ghost after his death, resulting in the ghost knocking incident. The second manager was Tian Xiaoyue, but she was assigned The five pieces of the body were soaked in bottles and then hidden in various places in the ghost post office. Although the body has been spliced ​​together, the life and death are still unknown.

The third manager of the Ghost Post Office is Zhang Xianguang, and the fourth manager is Sun Rui.

In other words, Zhang Xianguang has been the manager of the post office for a long time, so it is reasonable for him to use the ghost post office to leave.

"You evacuated through the ghost post office, so you should be in Dahan City now. By the way, Zhang Xianguang's ancestral home is in Dahan City, Shuangqiao Town. Putting it this way, everything is correct. No wonder there have been no supernatural incidents in Dahan City. , the person in charge Sun Rui mentioned to me before that Dahan City is very peaceful. I used to think it was because of the ghost post office in Dahan City, but now it seems that Zhang Xianguang has dealt with all the supernatural incidents near Dahan City." Yang Jianmi Said with eyes closed.

Wang Han suddenly looked horrified.

He didn't reveal a word, but Yang Jian had accurately guessed all the information, just barely guessing what they were going to do.

"I'm going to Dahan City to find you now. I hope you won't be in a hurry to escape then. Although I won't kill you, you should stay in your dream for a short time."

Then Yang Jian turned around and left. Before he had gone far, his figure began to become blurry, and then he disappeared from the nightmare world.

The vicious dog was still lingering nearby. It stared at Wang Han and did not take action. It was just monitoring him.


Wang Han was extremely angry and could only let out an unwilling roar.

He knew very well that Yang Jian did not kill him not because of kindness, but because he wanted to keep his own thread to find them.

Wang Han can stay alive until things come to an end.

But after the incident is over, he will lose the value of living.

After leaving the dreamland.

Yang Jian quickly woke up.

He opened his ghost eyes, and the ghost realm spread and went directly to the headquarters.

Since the enemy may be in Dahan City, we must not be careless. The captains must work together to ensure that the opponent is completely eliminated.

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