Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1281 Grudges among managers

Dahan City.

A woman with a graceful and flawless figure wearing a long skirt was walking on the road. She was carrying a bag of food and a bag of various books towards an unfinished building.

This unfinished building has been standing on this bustling street for many years. It was only in recent months that someone took it over, built a wall, set up security guards, and protected it.

People nearby thought that the construction of this unfinished building was finally going to start again, but in the end they just cleaned up the construction debris and some weeds near the unfinished building. After cleaning the environment, they abandoned it again.

He Yuelian's appearance attracted the attention of many passers-by. They were surprised because they had never seen such a beautiful woman.


The security guard let him go, and He Yuelian entered the gate and walked into the unfinished building again.

As soon as she walked in, everything in front of her immediately changed strangely.

The surrounding scenery disappeared, the sky dimmed instantly, and a modern-style apartment building stood in front of you, with neon lights flashing next to it, which looked particularly weird.

"Did you buy anything?"

In the lobby on the first floor of the apartment building.

Sun Rui limped over with a cane in his hand, but he stopped in front of the door and did not walk out of the door.

"I feel like I have become your delivery boy. I have to buy whatever you want. You are also the person in charge of Dahan City. Don't you have any subordinates?" He Yuelian put down the things.

It turned out that these two big bags of stuff were all bought for Sun Rui.

"It's the same for anyone who buys it. It's just that you have to pay something if you want to stay in my apartment building. Running errands and selling things is already an advantage for you."

Sun Rui said, ignoring it, carrying his things and walking to sit on the sofa next to him.

He Yuelian said: "So I am paying the rent?"

"You can understand that, if you don't want to stay here, you can leave, no one will stop you."

After Sun Rui finished speaking, he rummaged through the bag and found a box. After opening it, there was a game console inside.

Suddenly he showed a smile.

The time spent here was too boring. He had watched TV and read books. Now he had to try playing games. If he didn't pass the time like this, he felt that he would go crazy sooner or later.

"I'm going back to my room." He Yuelian said, and she walked towards Room 101 on the first floor.

Although this place looked resplendent, it was full of weirdness. However, after living here for a few days, she gradually became accustomed to it, and at the same time she accepted some of the unusual things here.

He Yuelian understood that she had to get used to accepting this.

Calm returned to the apartment again.

Sun Rui is currently sitting on the sofa and seriously playing his new handheld game console.

I thought today would be like this again.

But after a while.


In the dim world with no end in sight outside the hall, a winding path suddenly appeared. The path had no end and extended to unknown places. However, several figures suddenly appeared on the path. .

At first, these figures were still far away, but as time passed, the figures on the path were quickly approaching.

In just a few minutes, these figures appeared outside the gate.

"Song Xinhai is dead, and Wang Han is still unconscious. It is probably difficult to survive. The strength of these captains at the headquarters is a bit beyond imagination. If they hadn't used ghost paintings to restrain Yang Jian, there would have been a way to retreat outside. Might be cut off.”

A voice rang outside the door.

"It has been a few years since the supernatural incident occurred. The captain of the headquarters is selected from ghost masters across the country. It is normal to be strong, and sacrifices are inevitable when doing any big things, but I believe their sacrifices are worth it. "

Another voice responded.

Then, the apartment door was pushed open.

Four people walked in one after another.

The leader was a man in his thirties wearing a Chinese tunic suit, his eyes were calm, with a hint of vicissitudes of life.

The person next to him was a little older, probably about fifty years old, with white hair on his temples, slightly skinny hands, and no color on his face.

The other man was older and had age spots. He looked to be sixty or seventy years old. He was wearing simple cloth clothes and cloth shoes. The clothes on his body had been washed and turned white, but he was still clean and tidy.

The last person was a young man who looked to be less than thirty, but he was unconscious at the moment and was being carried on the back of the man who was about fifty.


The arrival of the four people made Sun Rui, who was sitting on the sofa and playing games, stunned for a moment.

Ever since he became the manager of the ghost post office and lifted the curse of the messenger, no strangers have come here for a long time. Occasionally, only Yang Jian will suddenly break in to visit him. Everyone else must obtain his consent. Being pulled in here by him, otherwise there would be no way to get here.

"Who are you?" Sun Rui immediately stood up with his cane in his hand, his expression full of vigilance.

I immediately suspected that these people might be the former messengers from the fifth floor.

After all, when the curse of the Ghost Post Office was solved, not all the messengers from the fifth floor came. There were still some messengers left outside. Now the sudden visit of these people made Sun Rui think that they were those who did not know the situation and came to the Ghost Post Office to investigate. the messenger.

But then this conjecture was denied by him.

Because even the courier on the fifth floor cannot freely enter and exit the ghost post office now.

The other party obviously came here via the road that used to be the ghost post office.

"Wait, you look familiar. Are you Zhang Xianguang?"

Then, Sun Rui's eyes narrowed and he stared at the man in his thirties wearing a Chinese tunic suit.

This man's appearance is exactly the same as that of someone in the oil painting.

Except for the slightly different temperament, everything else is exactly the same.

Two Zhang Xianguang?

Sun Rui's face changed slightly, and then he reacted: "So that's it, you have always been alive and have not died."

"The new ghost post office manager?"

Zhang Xianguang looked at it and said: "Sorry, I temporarily borrowed the ghost post office for something. I hope I didn't cause any trouble to the manager."


Sun Rui clenched his palms: "Zhang Xianguang, since you have left the Ghost Post Office, everything about the Ghost Post Office has nothing to do with you. You should not be able to borrow the Ghost Post Office at will. The road leading to the Ghost Post Office was previously Only couriers from the post office can use it, but now that the era of couriers is over, there are no more couriers, so you probably won’t be able to come here.”

"Although you are the new manager, I have stayed here longer than you. Even if I leave, it is not surprising that I occasionally borrow the supernatural power of the Ghost Post Office once or twice. Don't worry, I will not give If you cause trouble, I'll leave right now."

Zhang Xianguang said slowly, and then motioned to the others to leave.

Several people just wanted to leave.

next moment.


The post office door slammed shut, and then the door gradually became blurry and disappeared, leaving only a bare wall.

"Someone told me that you are not a simple person and may be a trouble, so I would like to ask you to stay at the ghost post office. I will let you go when the matter is cleared up."

Sun Rui squinted his eyes and limped over with his cane.

I didn't expect that I would be able to catch the real Zhang Xianguang just by waiting here.

What happened to He Yuelian before made people curious.

Now that the real owner has appeared, it’s time to ask clearly.

"I'm just giving you a way, why do I need to do this?"

Zhang Xianguang stopped and sighed.

"If I make it clear, I won't embarrass you," Sun Rui said.

But the words had barely left his mouth.


A sense of crisis came over him, and then he saw Zhang Xianguang in front of him turning around, and at the same time, he was holding a rusty, old-style broadsword in his hand.

And at this moment of turning around.

The scenery in front of Sun Rui began to shake and turn upside down.

His head was cut off at some point and fell off his neck.

His head hit the ground hard, making a thumping sound, but Sun Rui's body still stood motionless with his hands on his hands.


Sun Rui's eyes opened angrily, he was not dead.

Or maybe he wouldn't die at all here.

"I don't want to fight with you, but why do you want to block my way? It's not like I haven't killed the manager of the Ghost Post Office before. I remember that the last manager whose head I chopped off was a woman. I didn't expect that she couldn't do it. You This new one is even less capable."

Zhang Xianguang walked up step by step with a big sword in hand. His face was stern and unsmiling.

"So, you dismembered Tian Xiaoyue?" Sun Rui understood.

"Tian Xiaoyue? I haven't heard this name for a long time. I really miss it."

Zhang Xianguang's eyes were slightly reminiscing. He glanced here as if he was reminiscing about the past.

He also had a thrilling experience in the ghost post office.

"I'm not your opponent, but I won't let you leave here easily."

Sun Rui's head is lying on the ground, but he is still the manager and can take charge of the ghost post office.

In order to deal with some dangers, he had already taken backup measures.

next moment.

Doors began to appear on the wall of the blocked hall on the first floor. These doors had no door numbers and were all temporarily formed. Moreover, every door was open. It was pitch dark inside and it was unknown where the door was leading to. Where.

Through the darkness, someone could clearly feel the terrifying and dangerous aura approaching.

"Zhang Xianguang, when did you become so verbose? Why are you talking to him so much? Kill him and the matter will be over." Chen Qiaoyang said with a cold face at this moment.

"In the ghost post office, the manager cannot die."

Zhang Xianguang said: "It seems that he wants to release the evil ghosts in the ghost post office and die with us. Unfortunately, this is just your wishful thinking. The ghosts here are not enough to keep me."

Sun Rui didn't speak, just stared at these people.

He knew that he was no match for them, even if he became the manager of the post office, he was still no match for these people.

But if you can trap it here, then it will be worth it.

"what happened"

However, at this moment, a woman's voice sounded, and He Yuelian, who heard the noise, walked out of the room.

But when He Yuelian saw Sun Rui's headless body in the middle of the hall, she was stunned.

"Is she the woman in the ghost painting?"

Chen Qiaoyang was shocked by He Yuelian's appearance.

Zhang Xianguang said: "The right time, the right place, the timing is just right, come with me, I will take back your life."

He didn't seem surprised that He Yuelian appeared here.

He Yuelian realized something was wrong and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"I'm not willing to take action. You are a smart person and know the cost of resistance. If you cooperate more, you will suffer less."

Zhang Xianguang looked at her calmly and said.

He Yuelian's eyes flickered, and she was frightened, but faced with this invisible oppression, she could not resist.

Even Sun Rui had her head chopped off, what could she, an ordinary woman, do?

no way.

He Yuelian could only slowly walk towards Zhang Xianguang with despair.

"Who, who will save me?"

She wanted to ask for help, but the phone was not with her, otherwise she could try to contact Yang Jian through channels.

But at this time.

Zhang Xianguang's eyes moved and he looked slightly towards the second floor.

A cold female corpse didn't know when it appeared there, looking towards this side with a numb and strange expression.

"Tian Xiaoyue? Are you still going to stop me?"

Zhang Xianguang recognized the female corpse as the second manager of the post office.

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