Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1292 New Eyes

When Yang Jian turned back, he already realized that the situation was not good.

Liu San, He Yin'er, Zhou Deng, and Lu Zhiwen all stood motionless, with their eyes closed, as if they were in a deep sleep, without any reaction to the outside world.

"This is a supernatural attack targeting consciousness, similar to that of Ghost Dream. Sure enough, Zhang Xianguang wanted to distract me so that he could kill the remaining people. He knew that I controlled Ghost Dream and had a vicious dog following me, so like this The attack was useless to me, so I changed my strategy." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he could see the clues at a glance.

"But how could he have the confidence to succeed in such a short period of time?"

He had some doubts in his heart.

But there was still no hesitation, and water began to seep out from under his feet. He wanted to use the vicious dogs to invade the consciousness of several people and wake them up from their coma.

But right now.


Yang Jian noticed something and turned his head not far away.

At this moment, two dead gray arms were placed on the wall of the abandoned playground, and then a strange corpse with broken legs fell from the wall with a thud. A pair of vaguely strange and resentful eyes were cast on this body with broken legs and mutilated parts. The corpse was crawling towards this side at an incredible speed.

Not only that, but strange human faces began to appear on the wall next to them. The human faces were struggling and twisting, as if they were trying to break free from the wall and come out from inside.

Among the weeds on the playground, a few strange people stood unexpectedly.

Some people are skinny and slender, standing there like a telegraph pole.

Some people are stiff and numb. When they walk, their hands and feet are tight and not flexible at all, which makes them look particularly weird.

"Ghosts, and there are a lot of them." Yang Jian's expression froze and he looked around.

I and others were unexpectedly surrounded by a group of ghosts at some point.

The terror level of these ghosts shouldn't be very high, at least he hasn't felt dangerous yet, but this number is enough to kill a captain.

Moreover, everyone has been attacked by consciousness. If Yang Jian falls asleep with the evil dog, then these people outside will be left unattended, and most of them will be killed by the evil ghost that appears.

"Is this the opponent's back-up plan? Cooperate with Zhang Xianguang's consciousness attack, and attack from inside and outside together, making it impossible to parry." He took a look and immediately understood the opponent's move.

"But so many ghosts coming to the same place at the same time is definitely not an accident. Someone deliberately manipulated them."

"After hiding it for so long, that Chen Qiaoyang finally took action."

Yang Jian's eyes flickered. He tried to find traces of Chen Qiaoyang, but he couldn't find any trace of the ghost shepherd, as if he wasn't here.

"Chen Qiaoyang, do you want to get involved in this kind of fight? Are you really not afraid of the aftermath?" He shouted, his voice echoing around him.

Chen Qiaoyang peeked at the situation here from a distance. When he heard Yang Jian's words, he just smiled coldly and did not respond.

He was still calm.

He won't be stupid enough to reveal his position just by saying a few words.

Although he knew that in the world of ghost paintings, Yang Jian's ghost eyes could no longer be used, he was still wary of it in his heart.

"You still want to lure me out, let's dream." Chen Qiaoyang continued to lure Li Gui over and ignored him.

After Yang Jian shouted a few times, he found that the other party still didn't show his face. He also knew in his heart that this guy was very guarded against him after suffering a loss last time, and he no longer dared to show up head-on.

After all, he knew Chen Qiaoyang very well. Once they met, he would definitely be the one who died. There was no other possibility.

However, a few words did not elicit Chen Qiaoyang, but the nearby ghost was already approaching.

The fierce ghost with a broken leg was now crawling in front of him. The target of the ghost's attack was Zhou Deng. The ghost stretched out its arms covered with mud and tried to grab Zhou Deng's thigh.


But before he could succeed, a cracked spear flew over and nailed the evil ghost to the ground.

"The number is still increasing. If I spend time fighting these evil ghosts here, the four of them will probably die in the hands of Zhang Xianguang."

Yang Jian took a deep breath at this moment and felt that the matter was difficult to handle.

He looked down.

The water under the feet is not enough to form a scale, and it can only barely show the vicious dog.

But the vicious dog needs him to control, otherwise once it enters the dream, it is very likely that it will bite them all to death regardless of friend or foe.

"Can I stop it with the Ghost Candle? No, the Ghost Candle lasts too short and cannot support me to rescue these captains. What about using the scapegoat? It won't work, even if I use the scapegoat to transfer them The consciousness attack has protected their safety, but they still have no way to wake up and are still facing danger."

Yang Jian was thinking quickly about countermeasures in his mind.

"Yang, Yang Jian."

At this time, a weak voice sounded next to him.

Yang Jian suddenly came to his senses and noticed a human skin burning with will-o'-the-wisp lying on the ground.

Li Jun?

Perhaps the remaining dye has not completely disappeared, or perhaps some kind of strong will is supporting him. The cracked human skin slightly raised his head at this moment and made a voice: "Take away my will-o'-the-wisp, and you can control it." You can use the ghost domain in the world of ghost paintings. This is the best way."

Li Jun spoke intermittently.

"Without the will-o'-the-wisp and the supernatural imbalance, even if A Hong draws you out, the human skin will most likely lose control, and it will be difficult to find the corresponding supernatural power to recover you afterwards," Yang Jian said.

Human skin and will-o'-the-wisp have reached a balance with each other.

Similar to a complete human skin lantern.

It is precisely because of this that Li Jun can stay awake, otherwise Li Jun would not be able to control it with just a human skin.

However, Li Jun did not respond and fell into dead silence.

Perhaps his will can only hold on so far and he can no longer communicate.

Yang Jian was silent at this moment. He looked at the human skin engulfed by the will-o'-the-wisp. Although it was no longer Li Jun's appearance, his words kept echoing in his ears.

"Hesitation is a taboo."


Yang Jian didn't hesitate anymore and grabbed the human skin burning with will-o'-the-wisps on the ground.

"The ghost fire burns supernatural beings, but the furnace fire burns supernatural corpses. The two are surprisingly similar, so I will most likely be able to use the ghost lake's supernatural power to suppress the burning of the will-o'-the-wisp. If everything goes well, the furnace fire and the ghost fire will work together." Together, a more terrifying supernatural flame will be formed.”

Yang Jian began to be quickly enveloped in will-o'-the-wisps. The will-o'-the-wisps that overflowed from the cracked human skin seemed to have found the source of burning and began to cover his body continuously.

This is almost a supernatural attack.


Yang Jian's entire body had been engulfed by the gloomy green will-o'-the-wisp, while the fire on the cracked human skin in his hand gradually extinguished.

The will-o'-the-wisp was transferred to him alone without any reservation.

The will-o'-the-wisp is burning crazily after losing the restraints of human skin.

A burning smell began to spread quickly.

However, what was flowing in Yang Jian's body was not blood, but the water of the ghost lake. With the humidity, the water began to spread, and the supernatural power of the ghost lake began to suppress the out-of-control will-o'-the-wisp fire.

The wildly burning will-o'-the-wisp was on the verge of extinguishing at this moment, and slowly began to converge.

Yang Jian's speculation was correct. The S-class supernatural ghost lake still had an advantage against will-o'-the-wisps, so there was no problem in controlling the will-o'-the-wisps. At least the process was smooth, not dangerous, and there was no loss of control and being burned to death by the will-o'-the-wisp.

Since new supernatural puzzles have been added.


On Yang Jian's forehead, the ghost eyes that had been suppressed by the ghost paintings and could barely open became active again at this moment.

A crack appeared in the flesh.

next moment.

A strange eyeball appeared and turned slightly.

The ghost eye is also being burned by the will-o'-the-wisp at this moment, but this supernatural erosion has no effect on the ghost eye at all. Instead, the burning will-o'-the-wisp is gradually integrated into the ghost eye.

The supernatural beings are puzzle pieces for each other, and when put together, a new supernatural being will be formed.

At this moment, the ghost eyes changed.

The eerie green ghost fire and the scarlet ghost eye formed a new eye.

This eye is no longer scarlet or green, but golden.

As soon as the golden ghost eyes appeared, the ghost domain belonging to Yang Jian spread out instantly.

The ghost realm was no longer scarlet, but also golden. The entire gray world seemed to be illuminated in an instant, and everything was shrouded in light.

The ghost that was covered by the ghost realm was instantly ignited, and the blazing flames instantly engulfed it. Like a tarsal maggot, it could not break away from the ghost and could not be extinguished. Instead, as time passed, the ghost fire burned. is becoming more and more prosperous.

Li Gui lost the ability to move under the burning.

This will-o'-the-wisp is no longer just a will-o'-the-wisp, but also has the ability of a furnace fire. Some evil ghosts with bodies will only become fuel for the furnace fire. In the end, they will continue to burn and be suppressed, forming a cycle that cannot be broken and can only freeze. In place.

One evil spirit after another was set alight.

In less than ten seconds, the surrounding fierce ghosts were completely silent under the cover of Yang Jian's ghost domain.

"Are you kidding me?"

This scene made Chen Qiaoyang and Zhang Xian not far away suddenly shrink their eyes and their hearts stagnated.

"Come on, this Yang Jian has harnessed new supernatural power and caused some kind of qualitative change. If we don't leave, we will all die here."

Zhang Xian roared, his skin was rapidly turning black, his body was smoking, and his whole body was turning red.

He felt a fire burning in his body and would soon ignite himself.

"damn it."

Chen Qiaoyang's expression also changed suddenly, and he turned around and ran away without saying a word.

But how to go about this?

Looking around, the whole world is golden, as if shrouded in bright light.

Just by being in this ghost realm, their bodies will burn uncontrollably, and the longer they stay, the greater the chance of being ignited. Once ignited, their fate will most likely be the same as those driven ghosts, engulfed in flames. , and finally stood frozen in place, unable to move.

Moreover, this fire does not seem to burn ordinary people. It is specifically aimed at evil ghosts and those who control ghosts.


Zhang first tried to escape, but was unable to break through the ghost realm. After a while, he was set on fire.

Fire burned through his body, coming out of his ears, nostrils, mouth, and eyes.

He was in immense pain, his bones were crackling with heat, and his whole body was engulfed in flames.

Chen Qiaoyang was frightened and hurriedly used his supernatural power.

next moment.

Four weird paper figures carried a paper sedan and ran swaying from a short distance away. Although it seemed to be very slow, the paper sedan had already arrived in front of Chen Qiaoyang in a blink of an eye.

He immediately got into the paper sedan without any hesitation.

Enter the paper sedan.

Chen Qiaoyang felt that the pain from the burning was greatly reduced, and the risk of being set on fire was temporarily resolved.

"leave here."

Chen Qiaoyang drove Li Gui again and let the paper sedan carry him away.

But at this moment, he raised his head slightly and looked at the top of the sedan, but his eyelids jumped.

The paper sedan is also burning.

"Quick, faster."

Chen Qiaoyang was completely panicked at this moment. He knew that if he could not leave before the paper sedan was completely ignited, then he and the paper sedan would be engulfed in flames.

After being engulfed in flames, the ghost will definitely not die. At most, he will be suppressed, but he will die, and he will die miserably.

However, Yang Jian ignored Zhang Xian, who was set on fire, and Chen Qiaoyang, who was trying to escape in a paper sedan.

He had no time to waste. If he delayed any longer, he might not be able to save any of the four captains. After all, the captain's life was much more important than the life of Chen Qiaoyang.

See the crisis is temporarily lifted.

Immediately, a vicious dog jumped out from beside Yang Jian.

"Draw everyone into a dream."

Yang Jian gave the order, and then he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Once in a dream.

Yang Jian came to the familiar village again.

This is his hometown.

But at this moment.

There is an additional building near this village that does not belong to him. It is an old private school.

The private school was blurry and unclear, as if shrouded in a layer of mist, and there were no roads around it, as if it was separated.

"A new supernatural place? Sure enough, I can find it through ghost dreams. They must be trapped in that building and have no way to escape."

Yang Jian took one look, and then immediately ran towards the old private school, and at the same time gave the order: "Charge into that private school."

The vicious dog growled and growled beside him, and rushed over before Yang Jian.

The vicious dog went first, the mist surrounding the old private school dispersed, and the building became clearer at the same time.

Originally there were no roads around, but as the vicious dog walked by, a winding path immediately appeared.

This road is the mark of an invasion by vicious dogs.

"The supernatural powers of that private school are not very strong, and there is almost no resistance to the invasion of evil dogs. No wonder Zhang Xianguang did not dare to use such methods before. He knew that the attack of consciousness was no match for the evil dogs, so he simply did not use it. But this attack is very harmful to me. It’s useless, but it might be fatal to other captains.”

Yang Jian was very anxious and sped up.

The vicious dog ran all the way and successfully invaded the opponent's world.

A road leading to the private school was completely opened.

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