Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1298 New Moon Lotus

"You guy, you actually threatened everyone's life in order to succeed in your plan. Fortunately, we stopped you and made you fail. Otherwise, everyone would be killed by you."

He Yin'er gritted his teeth and stared at Zhang Xianguang, wishing to kill him immediately.

Zhang Xianguang said: "Supernatural incidents are emerging one after another. In the future, more people will die, not less. The probability of success of my Taoyuan plan is not small, and there may be some risks, but I think it is worth it, and for the sake of Even I can sacrifice myself for the success of this plan, so how can you understand my feelings?"

"I am saving everyone, not harming anyone. I am just trying to ensure the success of the plan. I will use necessary means when necessary. Being soft-hearted will not achieve great things."

"Have you never thought about what if He Yuelian failed to control the ghost painting? Will everyone in Shuangqiao Town, nearby villages, and Dahan City have to pay for your mistake?" Yang Jian asked coldly.

Zhang Xianguang said: "If it really comes to that point, I will join forces with Nie Yingping, Zhang Xian, Chen Qiaoyang, Song Xinhai and others to deal with the ghost painting incident. It is not difficult to imprison the ghost painting with the strength of my team. It’s a pity that these like-minded teammates of mine died after fighting against you.”

"So strictly speaking, it's not me who is causing damage, but you who are interfering and stopping me. After all, according to the previous normal plan, I will control the influence of the ghost paintings in Shuangqiao Town, not like this."

"I avoided fighting you from the beginning because I didn't want to cause any complications. I just didn't expect you to be able to find Shuangqiao Town so quickly. For this reason, I can only fight you in Shuangqiao Town."

He was now under siege and had no means of resistance. He no longer concealed the ins and outs of the plan and spoke out one by one.

Then he sighed again and said: "In the final analysis, it's just my bad luck. I have grasped all the opportunities. The only mistake I made was meeting a group of captains from the headquarters like you. If I could have started a year earlier, I believe there would be no resistance." It's so big, but if I had been a year earlier, Mr. Qin would still be there."

It's not that Zhang Xianguang didn't want to take action earlier, but he couldn't do it while Mr. Qin was still alive. Finally, after Mr. Qin left the scene, the 12th captain from the headquarters appeared again, although there was a short period of vacuum in the middle.

But Mr. Qin's disappearance was a secret. No one knew when he disappeared, so by the time Zhang Xianguang investigated clearly, the vacuum period at the headquarters had passed.

The formation of the Twelve Captains plan and the establishment of law enforcement captains.

Everything means that the headquarters will only get better and better, not worse. If we wait any longer, Captain Twelve will continue to grow, and Zhang Xianguang's advantage will be gone.

So there is no way.

He could only choose to take action at this time.

"Old Qin? I met him when I was delivering letters. At that time, he was driving a supernatural bus. He was a very mysterious guy." Yang Xiao said.

"You mean that old man? I've seen him too. We met him when we were delivering letters, and we were also on that bus. But he seemed to be a very ordinary old man. I didn't expect him to be so powerful. You didn't even dare to do it when you were alive. Take action.”

There are also other dead souls who remember this mysterious man.

Zhang Xianguang laughed at himself: "Ordinary old man? He is not ordinary. I have investigated him and found that this guy has been a top ghost controller since he was born. And his birth was not an accident, but a man-made product, one of those old people from the Republic of China period. The purpose of this is to guide the emergence of a new group of ghost masters after their group of people fades away and before the next supernatural resurgence."

"Of course, Mr. Qin has been driving the supernatural bus for so long to maintain the balance of the supernatural land."

"So his life has been arranged long ago, just like He Yuelian today, it has also been arranged, and he has been waiting for this day."

He Yin'er was too lazy to listen to his continued nonsense. She was not interested in the past, nor was she interested in Mr. Qin's existence. She just wanted to resolve this matter and return to Dayuan City to continue rebuilding her Taiping Ancient Town.

"Yang Jian, if you don't kill He Yuelian now, once she masters the ghost painting, she may really be a huge hidden danger. Once she, an ordinary person, has this level of supernatural power, it is equivalent to a time bomb. I suggest that she still Nail it right down with that coffin nail of yours.”

"She doesn't have the strength to resist now, so this is the best chance to take action."

"He Yin'er's suggestion seems to be correct. Captain Yang, I also think that it is a good choice to crucify both humans and ghosts now. In this way, the ghost painting incident will be over." Zhou Deng also nodded, Agree.

Lu Zhiwen on the side said: "Things are not as you imagine. This is the world of ghost paintings. You cannot imprison ghosts in ghost paintings. There is only one way to imprison them, and that is to attack the ghosts and let them restart." , and the ghost after restarting will return to the ghost painting. At that time, we will find the location of the real ghost painting. The moment it restarts and returns to the ghost painting is the best time to imprison it."

"But the real ghost painting has been hidden by Zhang Xianguang. Only he knows the location. But it looks like he doesn't want to tell him anymore. Even if he uses supernatural power to invade his memory, it will be difficult to do it. After all, he is still the post office now. Manager. And it is very difficult to find that painting in such a large world of ghost paintings and it takes a lot of time."

"With this search time, the supernatural conflict between He Yuelian and Li Gui is probably over."

"So Zhang Xianguang has considered this point clearly. Unless we really defeat He Yuelian and make the ghost paintings completely out of control, and then solve the out-of-control ghost paintings, we can only wait for this matter to end."

"In terms of the choice between killing He Yuelian and waiting for He Yuelian to complete the supernatural conflict, the latter is obviously less risky. After all, as long as He Yuelian controls the ghost painting, there will be no loss of control. We can even try to persuade He Yuelian to give up Zhang Xianguang's plan. On the contrary, once we take action , the ghost painting will definitely get out of control."

Lu Zhiwen not only told some of the rules of ghost painting, but also analyzed the pros and cons. Anyone who is not stupid will understand that instead of letting the ghost painting go out of control, it is better to accompany Zhang Xianguang and gamble on He Yuelian's success.

If it fails, the result will not be worse.

"Damn, listen to what you said, this Zhang Xianguang is so damn insidious. He thought of this trick just because he couldn't beat us." Zhou Deng couldn't help but curse again.

He Yin'er also fell silent.

Only now did she understand why Yang Jian had stopped her from killing He Yuelian just now.

It’s not that I don’t want to kill, it’s that I can’t kill.

"You are also a smart person, you think much more thoroughly than other captains." Zhang Xianguang glanced at Lu Zhiwen and smiled slightly.

"Captain Yang, what should we do now?" Sun Rui walked over limping with a cane and asked.

Everyone else also looked at Yang Jian.

Now, he is the one making the decision.


Yang Jian slowly closed his ghost eyes at this moment: "As long as He Yuelian succeeds, she will never follow Zhang Xianguang's old path."

"Yang Jian, are you so confident? He Yuelian's existence was created by me." Zhang Xianguang said.

"If you can fail once, you can fail a second time. After this matter is over, I will personally send you on your way. Although you are the manager of the post office, managers can also be killed. You personally demonstrated to me how Way to kill a manager."

Yang Jian said coldly.

"Then I'll wait." Zhang Xianguang smiled.

After some discussion, the matter was finalized.

They have to wait for the supernatural conflict to end, and then decide their next actions through different results.

At this moment, just in case, Yang Jian took out a rope loop made of hemp rope from the water under his feet, which was a bit like the ghost rope in Wei Jing's hand.

"What is this? I've never seen it before." Zhou Deng immediately came over and looked at it.

"The supernatural props at the headquarters can trap powerful ghosts. Although powerful ghosts cannot be trapped, there should be no problem in trapping the current Zhang Xianguang."

Yang Jian took the rope loop and threw it at Zhang Xianguang's feet.

"Are you going in by yourself or should I invite you in?"

Zhang Xianguang shook his head and did not resist. Instead, he cooperated and walked into the grass rope circle.

The situation is stronger than the person. At this moment, he can feel the helplessness that He Yuelian felt before.

"Everyone, please prepare. If He Yuelian fails, we will have to confront Gui Hua. This is not an easy task." Yang Jian added.

The others nodded.

They began to prepare, clear the place here, discuss countermeasures, and formulate plans to prepare for the next thing.

And during this time.

He Yuelian, who was like a bride in red, finally made some subtle changes after being frozen in place for about half an hour. She made some painful sounds, as if she was suffering some kind of painful torture. At the same time, He Yuelian holding hands The originally blurry figure of Li Gui began to gradually become transparent at this time.

It seemed like it was about to dissipate.


Such changes caught everyone's attention.

Whether they are the ghost masters or the dead souls in the ghost post office, they are all beings who have fought hard and are very sensitive to the supernatural. What is happening at this moment is undoubtedly the supernatural power of the ghost paintings. dissipate.

The dissipated supernatural being did not really disappear out of thin air, but was transferred to He Yuelian's body.

This shows that the first stage of supernatural conflict has ended, and now it is the second stage, and the supernatural has begun to merge.

After this fusion, He Yuelian may become a new ghost controller, or an unimaginably terrifying ghost may appear.


Although He Yuelian didn't make any movements, her consciousness was suffering from terrible supernatural erosion.

A woman wearing a red wedding dress appeared in her consciousness. The woman looked exactly like her. She was flawless and incredibly beautiful. However, this appearance was not possessed by a normal living person. She looked like a dead person. Or maybe it's like a supernatural product that makes people feel unreal.

This strange woman was walking step by step from a distance, constantly approaching her.

She couldn't move and could only stay where she was, watching the other party approach.

As the woman got closer, some memories that did not belong to her began to appear in her mind. These memories were scattered like fragments.

"My name is He Yuelian. No, I have another name. Who is she and who am I? Is there something wrong with my memory? No, I just recalled some things from the past."

"Those are not my memories, they are ghosts. They are eroding me. I have to fight against them, otherwise I will die."

He Yuelian's consciousness was contaminated and affected by the supernatural conflict.

If she cannot remain conscious and herself under this supernatural influence, then after the supernatural fusion is over, she will no longer be a living person, but a corpse.

The most obvious feature between ghost controllers and ghosts is that ghost controllers have their own consciousness, while ghosts do not just rely on rules to kill people. They are dangerous and terrifying.

As time passed, He Yuelian felt that her consciousness was being eroded more and more seriously. Sometimes she even felt that she had disappeared.

But every time her consciousness fell into a deep sleep, another supernatural force pulled her back.

Repeated this many times, He Yuelian kept wandering on the edge of life and death. The fear in her heart had disappeared a lot, and what was left was an obsession.

She doesn't want to die.

This is the most basic desire to survive, without any inclusion.

He Yuelian began to try to control something, and she didn't want to let go of even the smallest things.

In the collision of supernatural beings, He Yuelian, the weakest third party, can steal some power. Once she obtains a weak supernatural power, she can use it as a starting point to constantly balance this supernatural conflict, so as to Survive this difficult situation.

So this requires not only luck, but also will and means.

Not everyone can become a qualified ghost master.

Although many people are lucky enough to control the evil ghost unexpectedly, they will soon be eliminated due to lack of ability and become the carrier of the evil ghost.

The era of supernatural revival is destined to select a group of top ghost masters.

He Yuelian, an ordinary person, now has such an opportunity. Whether she can seize it depends on herself. Even if Zhang Xianguang has calculated everything, he is not sure that He Yuelian will succeed, so he has also made a plan for failure.


The flawless woman in her consciousness had now arrived in front of He Yuelian. Her figure was no longer blurry, but clearly visible.

The two people faced each other, exactly the same, as if they were looking at the person in the mirror.

He Yuelian stared at the person in front of her. No, it should be said to be a ghost.

She felt that she could move now and was no longer a puppet on strings, but she didn't know what to do when faced with this situation.

Because He Yuelian has no experience in handling this matter.

"You shouldn't run away."

He Yuelian gritted her teeth and tried to touch the ghost in her consciousness. If she could, she wouldn't mind fighting it here. Anyway, she could never admit defeat.

However, the moment he touched the devil in front of him.

Maybe the puzzle pieces from his lifetime were put together, and the supernatural reached balance at a certain moment, or maybe a fragment of memory awakened under the touch of the supernatural.

At this moment, the woman in the ghost painting actually showed a smile.

This smile is not weird, but rather kind.

"I am your previous life, you are my current life, live well"

As soon as she finished speaking, the strange woman in her consciousness immediately began to break and wither like fragile porcelain. At the same time, a more complete memory began to appear in He Yuelian's mind.

At this moment, she seemed to recall everything from her previous life.

She is the woman in the ghost painting, and she has experienced all kinds of incredible things.

But He Yuelian understood that there was no past or present life at all. The woman in the ghost painting said such words to mean that she would inherit everything from her, including memories.

At that time, He Yuelian might have thought that she and the woman in the ghost painting were the same person.

Just like the past life and this life.

"It turns out her real name is Yue Lian."

At this moment, she knew some information about the life of the woman in the ghost painting. Although the information was fragmented and incomplete, it still allowed her to learn a lot of things.

at the same time.

Everyone who was observing the situation here also saw an incredible scene.

The ghost in the ghost painting holding He Yuelian's hand completely disappeared at this moment, leaving no trace behind.

He Yuelian's hands became extraordinarily white, and the aura on her body became cold and strange. At the same time, the sound of her painful struggle disappeared.

Everything fell into deathly silence.

No one knew whether the woman in front of them, covered with a red headband and wearing a red wedding dress, with only a pair of white palms exposed, was a human or a ghost.

But everyone is sure.

Whether this thing is a human or a ghost, it will be extremely terrifying.

"It's almost over." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he could feel the supernatural changes.

Zhang Xianguang was also staring at He Yuelian at this moment. He was eager to know the result. This was his lifelong effort. Even if he did not inherit all this, as long as he saw He Yuelian survive, he would die without regrets.

"I hope she can survive, otherwise it will be a big trouble. It is really difficult to fight against such a powerful ghost." He Yin'er said.

Zhou Deng said: "Captain Yang, if I wait for you to say a word, I can take action at any time."

He was gearing up and seemed ready for a big fight.

After a while.

The supernatural conflict and fusion are completely over.

At this moment, under the red hood, He Yuelian slowly opened her eyes.

She survived and sobered up at the same time.

But she is a little different from before. The fusion of the two memories has caused many changes in her, whether it is a change in consciousness or a physical change.

But when she woke up, she didn't take any action. She was thinking and adapting to the new supernatural power.

At this moment, He Yuelian already knew the surrounding situation through the ghost domain.

More than a dozen dead souls, several ghost masters, and Zhang Xianguang were all staring at him.

They were curious, a little nervous, and even ready to take action.

"Are they guarding against me? No, they are worried that I will turn into a ghost, so they are ready to take action. So what should I do now? Should I use my supernatural power to leave here out of thin air and throw them away completely, or Meet with them and explain the situation?”

He Yuelian began to think in her heart, and at the same time she was also considering her future path.

"Running away is not a wise decision and must be faced. What's more, Yang Jian and the others are not bad people."

Thinking of this, her white palms moved slightly.

This action instantly made everyone ready to take action.

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