Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1304 Qu0026A


The mature woman named Xiaoru brought a pot of hot tea and poured a cup for Yang Jian and the old man at the Chinese medicine shop next to him. Although she had some prejudices against Yang Jian, she still had to work hard for this scene. It was impossible to do it continuously. No hospitality at all.

After pouring the tea, Xiaoru did not leave, but stood by and listened quietly.

Her eyes stayed on Yang Jian, as if she was looking at him seriously.

"I have met several ghost controllers during the Republic of China, including the first manager of the ghost post office, the tall man's corpse in the Caesar Hotel, the old man who was encased in the ancient house, and the old woman carrying the vegetable basket in Dachuan City. .However, most of them are dead, and even a few of them have just died. The only one who is still alive is Sister Hong who has been resurrected from the dead. She has replaced a ghost controller named Liu Qingqing, and her consciousness has returned. Wake up."

"And you, strictly speaking, are the only person who has survived from that period to the present."

Yang Jian looked at the steaming teacup, and then slowly spoke.

The lifeless old man wearing sunglasses moved his old face slightly at this moment, and he squeezed out a smile: "It seems that you have experienced a lot of things, and you have encountered all the things you shouldn't have encountered. It is indeed not easy to survive. I know all the people you mentioned. The manager of the ghost post office is Luo Wensong. The male corpse in the Caesar Hotel was named Li Qingzhi. The one in the ancient house was named Zhang Dong. The one in Dachuan City was named Meng Xiaodong. , the sister Hong you are talking about, the original name should be Zhang Youhong, but you are missing one person, they should also have a cemetery guard named Luo Qian. "

"That era belongs to them, but time is not forgiving. No matter how top-notch people are, they will be devoured by terrible supernatural beings, and in the end they can only wither like leaves in the autumn wind."

"Six people? But there are seven graves in that damn place, and you are the only one left?" Yang Jian asked.

The blind old man continued: "You are right to say that, but in fact, people have their own ambitions, they have things they want to do, and I also have things I want to do, so I left the supernatural land and came here to run the business. As a Chinese medicine shop, I care more about the cultivation of future generations than dealing with supernatural events."

"Supernatural incidents are emerging one after another, and there is no way to completely solve them. All the previous paths were wrong, treating the symptoms but not the root cause. Maybe the emergence of younger generations can lead a different path, so I have been waiting, hoping that one day, even if If I see a little hope, my life will be worth it."

He sighed and said, but there was a strong obsession in his heart.

This obsession supported the old man's almost decayed body.

But even so, he has reached his limit, and there is no way he can continue to survive with such a body.

"If we find the source of the supernatural events, maybe some things can turn around." Yang Jian stared at him and said.

"The source of the supernatural events? Young man, if you come here with this question, I'm afraid your trip will be in vain. I also want to know this question, but unfortunately no one can answer it. I can only Looking for answers in the supernatural, some people find their own answers, but the answers are different."

The old man's old face once again showed a slight smile, which was a bit self-deprecating.

"Different answers? Can you tell me?" Yang Jian still asked.

"Some people think that there are ghosts in our world, and real supernatural events are hidden in folk tales. Just like you young people before coming into contact with supernatural events, you think that there are no ghosts in this world, and you only think of this stuff. Treat it like a story.”

The old man said slowly.

"There are also people who feel that there is something wrong with the place we live in."

Yang Jian's expression changed: "There is a problem where we live? What do you mean?"

The old man continued: "You should have taken that bus."

"Yes, I have taken that supernatural bus twice." Yang Jian said.

"That bus can carry you to unknown supernatural places. Those places have no corresponding places in reality, but they really exist. In fact, there are many such places, so some people speculated , maybe the place we live in is the supernatural place, the ghosts just returned to the place where they originally belonged, and the supernatural place where they are located is the real world of living people."

The old man made a very shocking hypothesis at this moment.

Yang Jian himself was stunned for a moment when these words came out.

Is the reality we live in a supernatural place?

"But in addition to these two guesses there is a third guess."

The old man didn't wait for Yang Jian to continue thinking, and he continued.

Yang Jian immediately put away all his thoughts and listened carefully.

Compared with Sister Hong, the old man in front of him was more willing to tell some of the truths he knew and what he had seen and heard without reservation, and had no intention of playing riddles.

"The third guess is that the world we live in may not be a normal world. There are problems in this world. Just like in the story, there is a world and a hell. We used to think that we live in the human world, but in fact we live in the human world. In hell, and there are ghosts in hell itself. It’s not that we think there are ghosts in the world, but that there shouldn’t be living people in this world.” the old man said.

"The world is like prison?" Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, showing a somewhat incredulous look.

The older generation of ghost masters actually have this view on the source of supernatural beings.

The blind old man shook his head again and said: "Actually, no matter which guess you make, it doesn't matter. What matters is how to survive in this supernatural world, and how to find an unprecedented path in controlling the ghosts, even if this is If only one person succeeds, it will mean the end of supernatural events."

"Hope is really important sometimes. Although my eyes are blind, my brain is not confused and I can still see things clearly."

This old man was lifeless. Only when he mentioned the word hope, a surge of vitality emerged from his body.

He desperately wanted to see that ray of hope appear, so that even if he died, he could feel at ease.

"The evil ghosts that can be controlled are nothing more than those paths, balance, death, curse, and alien. But every path has flaws."

Yang Jian stared at the old man and said: "If ghost controllers like you during the Republic of China were not successful, then young ghost controllers in modern times have not even solved the problem of reviving ghosts, and it is even more impossible for them to succeed."

"No, you are wrong. The journey of our generation has come to an end, and there is no possibility of moving forward. Even if you succeed by following our example, you are just the top group of people who can survive for a century. , for the fierce ghosts who cannot be killed, this time is too short, and they can only barely maintain peace, but cannot go further."

As he spoke, the old man picked up the steaming teacup next to him and took a sip: "So what we want is not a successor, but a pioneer. In the collision of supernatural events, we are looking for some kind of unpredictable special change. , giving birth to the strongest and most special ghost controller of an era, there is no need to worry about the resurrection of the evil ghost, no need to be trapped in the life span of the body, and no need to worry about the consciousness being eroded by the supernatural."

"So that's why you don't interfere with future ghost masters, and you don't leave behind the methods of controlling ghosts. Instead, you hope that this generation will explore and create some special cases."

Yang Jian said, the doubts in his heart lessened.

Now it seems that Wang Xiaoming’s idea is right.

There is no point in dwelling on the past. Instead, you will be limited to the past and unable to find a new path.

"If there is no special case in your generation, then when you are old and about to die, I believe you will do the same thing as us. Even if you solve the supernatural incident, the supernatural incident will still be there for decades. Then he recovered," the old man said.

"Just like reincarnation, the same tragic things are repeated forever, and batches of innocent people die."

Yang Jian also became silent after hearing this.

What this old man said is absolutely correct. If a special ghost controller cannot be produced, then the captains of these headquarters will just be paper makers, no different from the previous generation, and the final result will still be failure.

"Young man, you know some things too early. This is not a good thing for you. Knowing the despair of this world in advance can easily destroy a person's will." The old man sighed again.

Yang Jian turned around and said: "I'm not that fragile, and it's always better to know some things earlier, but what I want to know is, why does your Chinese medicine shop help those ghost controllers solve the problem of the resurrection of evil ghosts? You have to be clear, Because of you, many ghost masters caused chaos outside, causing a lot of damage."

"Li Gui's resuscitation is a disease. If you are sick, you need to be treated. I only save people. I can't control the rest. What they do outside and how much noise they make has nothing to do with me. I just hope they can survive." It just takes a little longer, and only if you live long enough can you have a greater chance of giving birth to that hope."

The old man expressed his attitude, saying that he had no other ideas about saving people, but was just helping the ghost masters equally.

"I am not solving the problem of the ghosts' recovery, but delaying the ghosts' recovery. Their survival is more the result of their own efforts." The old man added.

"I probably understand what you mean. You want the ghost masters to survive longer when faced with the resurgence of the evil ghosts, so that they can burst out all their power in that limited time, thus giving birth to what you said That hope." Yang Jian nodded.

"It's a pity that I have never seen this hope appear in my life." The old man shook his head and looked very disappointed.

Seeing this, Yang Jian asked some other questions.

This old man really didn't hold anything back or conceal anything, and told everything he knew, which relieved a lot of doubts in Yang Jian's mind.

"What kind of method can prolong the recovery time of Li Gui? If you don't mind, can you reveal it." Yang Jian then asked.

"Yang Jian, you asked too many questions today. There are some questions we don't want to answer." At this time, the mature woman named Xiaoru couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to stop him.

The old man waved his hand to show that he didn't care: "I may not say so much to others, but to you I am willing to tell you everything I know truthfully. After all, you are the future."

After speaking, he waved his hand and gestured to Xiaoru.

Xiao Ru's eyes moved, she looked at Yang Jian, and finally turned around and went to the medicine box next to her, and took out a small yellow paper bag, which looked like a package of medicine.

But Yang Jian felt a strong supernatural aura.

"This is a special dose of Chinese medicine."

The old man said: "I am the only one who can prepare the current supernatural circle. If you want to know how to delay the recovery of the evil ghost, you can try it yourself by drinking a dose of medicine. Only your own experience will know the details."

Looking at the small packet of special medicine, Yang Jian didn't have the confidence to take it. After all, who knew what was in it.

"Coward, this is a good thing, it can save lives, but you still despise it. The previous ghost masters would fight at the door just for a pack of such medicine." Xiaoru said sarcastically, and then put away the pack of medicine. .

Yang Jian glanced at her coldly: "I have my own way to solve the problem of the ghost's resuscitation, relying on your pack of medicine. To be honest, I can't believe it."

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