Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1313 The ax picked up

Although Liu Qi told about his previous horrific experiences, he was very smart and kept all the details involving specific supernatural powers vague and not revealed. He obviously wanted to keep it secret. Even if Zhang Wei and Yang Jian were old classmates, they were on guard.

This is normal behavior.

Yang Jian did not find out what kind of supernatural power Liu Qi controlled.

The three of them were chatting, sitting on the abandoned school playground, eating skewers and drinking Coke, just like a normal class reunion.

"Liu Qi, what are your plans next?" Yang Jian asked after taking a sip of Coke.

"Actually, I don't have any big ideas. At the beginning, I just wanted to get stronger supernatural power, and I have been immersed in dealing with supernatural beings. Now that I stop to rest, I don't know what to do? But I Now he is the person in charge of a city. He lives a very wealthy life and has a high status. His only regret is that he doesn’t have many relatives around him.”

Liu Qi's mouth showed a hint of bitterness, looking helpless.

None of this was what he wanted, but sometimes there was really no way around it. From the moment he encountered the supernatural being, he was destined to be unable to escape.

"Then just be a responsible person with peace of mind, and come to Dachang City to get together when you have time. From now on, we are all colleagues and will often meet each other." Yang Jian said.

"Actually, among the people I have met, you are the one I admire the most, Yang Jian. Only by truly experiencing some things can you understand how important you are as a captain. I have read Qi's file information. What you have experienced is Several supernatural events, no matter which one, if it were me, I would have died countless times."

Liu Qi made no secret of his admiration for Yang Jian.

In fact, his experience was very similar to Yang Jian's, but it was the similarity that made him feel unbelievable about Yang Jian's experience and achievements.

"It's all just to survive. If possible, I don't want to become a ghost controller." Yang Jian said.

"Yeah, there's nothing we can do about it."

Liu Qi felt a little emotional, and then he smiled slightly and said: "But my luck is not bad. I also have an old classmate like you at the headquarters. To be honest, I am very happy. If there is any need in the future, just ask me. Haha, I almost forgot, you are the law enforcement captain. If you really want to help, you can directly recruit you, and I can't refuse."

"Liu Qi, you're not just looking for me to attend the class reunion, right? Do you need my help with anything? Considering my past classmates, I'm still willing to help you." Yang Jian said calmly.

Liu Qi said: "No, Yang Jian, you misunderstood. I really don't need your help with anything. I'm really just here to attend a class reunion. Although there are some troubles in the city I'm responsible for, I can handle those troubles." , I attach great importance to the relatives and friends around me, we are classmates who have experienced life and death together, and I don’t want any interests to be involved in the friendship between us.”

"Sorry, I thought too much." Yang Jian apologized.

"No, Yang Jian, you are right. With your current status, there will definitely be many people around you who are seeking benefits. In fact, I have had the same experience." Liu Qi shook his head to express his understanding.

While the two were chatting, they discovered that Zhang Wei, who had been wandering nearby just now, disappeared, and he should have disappeared for a while.

"By the way, where is Zhang Wei? He was here just now." Liu Qi reacted and looked around.

Yang Jian opened his ghost eyes and glanced casually: "In the playground over there, he seems to be digging a hole? Wait, there is something going on over there with Zhang Wei, let's go and take a look."

He looked slightly moved, saw something special, and stood up immediately.

"Are you in danger? But I didn't feel anything supernatural nearby." Liu Qi asked curiously.

"We're not in danger. Let's go over and take a look." Yang Jian didn't say much. He immediately walked towards another playground.


They found Zhang Wei. At this moment, Zhang Wei found a shovel from nowhere and was digging the hole hard.

His tired forehead was sweating, and as a mud puddle opened up on the ground, an old, cold wooden stick gradually appeared in front of him.

"Zhang Wei, what are you doing?" Liu Qi asked.

Zhang Wei stood up, wiped his sweat and said: "You guys came just in time. I didn't know what I ate just now and I had a little diarrhea. I wanted to go to the toilet, but as you know, the toilet here has not been used for a long time. It's scary. Yes, so I planned to come to the middle of the playground to solve the problem. After all, the air here is fresh, the view is wide, and it is clean and hygienic. It is a good place to squat."

"As a result, I tripped over this thing when I was walking on the road. Fortunately, I am agile, otherwise I would have fallen to pieces. I couldn't bear my hot temper. I must have come back with revenge, so I went to school. I found a shovel and wanted to level this thing."

"I didn't know that this thing was so strong that it couldn't be broken by shoveling, so I had to change my method and dig it out. You see, it's getting deeper and deeper, and it hasn't been dug out yet."

As he spoke, Zhang Wei felt indignant and handed over the shovel: "Brother Leg, you are very strong. Come and dig. You must not let it get used to you. You must shovel it flat, otherwise I will definitely fall again next time I come here to use the toilet." .”

Yang took the shovel and took another look. Before he could speak, Liu Qi said, "This doesn't look like a piece of rotten wood, but more like the handle of something. And this is not an ordinary item."

"What is that?" Zhang Wei asked.

"It has a supernatural aura. This thing involves supernatural beings. Otherwise, if you shovel it down, this kind of wood will definitely break into two pieces."

Yang Jian didn't deliberately open his ghost eyes to look. He just took a casual glance and felt supernatural interference.

Liu Qidao: "The No. 7 Middle School should have investigated it more than once. Why is there still this thing? Is it left behind when the knocker incident happened? Or is it some supernatural remnants of the starving ghost incident?"

"No, my ghost domain has scanned this place more than once. I'm sure this thing should have appeared recently, but judging from the burial situation, it seems to have been there for several years, but there is no need to guess, just pull it out and take a look. You'll know just by looking." After Yang Jian said that, he walked over directly, stretched out his charred hands, and grabbed the old wood.

His strength was so great that it was beyond the reach of a living man.

With a force, the ground immediately rose, and an ax covered in mud and painted with red paint was pulled out from the ground.

"Is it an ax?" Liu Qi's eyes narrowed: "It's also a supernatural item."


Yang Jian shook it hard, and after shaking off the soil on it, looking at this cold and strange ax, he immediately had some memories in his mind.

He had seen this thing before. When he was in the ghost painting at the post office, he had seen a ghost controller in the oil painting using this ax to chop people.

However, the supernatural objects in the oil painting world are all painted and cannot be taken out of the oil painting, otherwise they will dissipate immediately.

But what appears in the oil painting must be contrasted in reality.

"A supernatural ax? Am I crazy?" Zhang Wei's eyes lit up and he suddenly became pleasantly surprised.

Liu Qi found it unbelievable. This time, his eyes were opened: "I didn't expect that you could pick up a supernatural item while walking on the road. Moreover, this supernatural weapon seems to be very stable, and there is no supernatural out-of-control situation."

"Then can I use it too?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Generally, there is a price for using supernatural weapons. Ordinary people cannot afford this price. It is not recommended to use it. However, there are points. Some supernatural weapons have a very small cost when used, and even ordinary people can bear it. However, Don't be impatient, let Yang Jian take a look at the situation and investigate clearly. After all, he is an expert in supernatural powers." Liu Qi said, trying to dissuade Zhang Wei from being impulsive.

Sometimes, as an ordinary person, even if you reach out and touch a supernatural object, you may die.

After Yang Jian held it in his hand for a while, he felt that the ax became heavier and heavier as time went by. The weight seemed to increase infinitely, until finally you could no longer hold it up.

But after the ax was put back on the ground, everything was fine again.

This weight is obviously not real, but a supernatural burden.

As for the function of this ax, Yang Jian has not used it and cannot judge, but he can be sure that nothing will happen if he touches this thing. There is no obvious curse on it.

"You are right. This is a supernatural item, and it is also a weapon. There is no curse found on it. However, when I held it in my hand just now, it felt heavier and heavier. In the end, I had no choice but to let go. But let go. Then when I pick it up again, the heaviness builds up again."

"It seems that this supernatural weapon cannot be held tightly for a long time."

Yang Jian stared at the red axe, thinking more about the reason why it appeared here, but the weight of the ax increased again, and he had no choice but to put it down.

"Since it's okay, Brother Leg, let me play with it." Zhang Wei couldn't wait any longer. He walked over and grabbed the ax that was lying on the ground. .

"Zhang Wei, it's dangerous, don't act recklessly." Liu Qi shouted hurriedly.

But he didn't touch Zhang Wei and didn't dare to stop him for a while.

Zhang Wei didn't feel any discomfort while holding the axe. He even weighed it and said, "This thing is very light. It's not heavy at all. I don't feel it."

The ax was like a small root in his hand, unbelievably light.

"It seems that the more supernatural people hold the ax, the heavier it becomes."

Yang Jian stared at Zhang Wei and was ready to restart directly and bring Zhang Wei back from the edge of death.

But he was alive and kicking without any curse.

"But Liu Qi is right. Supernatural objects are very dangerous. Don't play around with them. I'll go back and study them and find out the situation first." Yang Jian said.

Zhang Weidao: "How long did this research take? I think this thing is really good. I want to take it out to chop down ghosts."

At this moment, his confidence was soaring that he actually wanted to kill the devil with an axe.

"It is estimated that the research will be almost complete within a week. Dr. Chen in the company is an expert in this field, and his research is more thorough." Yang Jian said, and he decided to let Dr. Chen decipher the mystery of this red ax.

These days, I have to keep an eye on the wishing ghost that may appear at any time, so I won't be distracted.

"Okay, I'll show this ax to Dr. Chen later." Zhang Wei was still playing with the ax in his hand. He chopped at the nearby weeds and felt that it was particularly smooth.

Seeing that it was fine, Yang Jian didn't stop him much. He just said: "Don't mess around. Study it thoroughly before playing. If it is suitable for ordinary people, you can take it. Otherwise, you can only seal it in a safe box."

"Yang Jian, has he always been so lucky? Or is it just an exception today?" Liu Qi looked envious at the moment.

That is a supernatural weapon, very, very valuable in the supernatural world.

"It should have always been this good." Yang Jian sighed.

"It's really embarrassing."

Liu Qi smacked his lips and wanted to ask Zhang Wei for it, but he couldn't say it, and Zhang Wei couldn't give it to him.

"Don't be envious. I've patrolled here countless times and never found anything unusual here until Zhang Wei found it today." Yang Jian was also speechless.

He felt that it was of no use to him to patrol the city every once in a while using the ghost realm.

Such a supernatural weapon was right under my nose and I didn't even notice it.

"Go back. Looking at Zhang Wei, you can tell that he is not in the mood to sit down. I will send him to Dr. Chen. You can come with me and I will take you to visit the company." Yang Jian said.

"Okay." Liu Qi nodded and did not refuse.

The three people set off again.

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