Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1318 The elegiac couplet on the door

On the streets of Baishui Town, most of the people walking on the road in the rain are the residents of the original town. They were eroded by the supernatural in the rain. Although they are between life and death, they are also protected from the attacks of the evil spirits. Once there is Chance, they can get out of this hellish place.

But Liu Qi said it was absolutely impossible to see his dead grandparents among the crowd.

Liu Qi's hometown is not in Baishui Town, it is far away, and the body has been buried for a long time. It is certain that it is completely dead, and it is difficult to resurrect it even with supernatural means.

"Did I really see it wrong?" Liu Qi stood there, drenched in the drizzle, with an uncertain expression on his face.

Pedestrians like walking zombies passed by slowly, and he thought about what had just happened.

He thought he was absolutely right.

Just now when he was waiting for Yang Jian outside the clothing store, he saw his grandparents walking among the crowd holding hands. It was impossible for the familiar relatives to admit their mistake.

But when Liu Qi ran over impulsively, he found that his grandparents had disappeared.

It was as if he had blended into the crowd and followed the flow of people to who knows where he was going.

"Don't be surprised. There are scary ghosts mixed in the crowd. Maybe the supernatural has interfered with you. It is not difficult to accept seeing your familiar relatives. This phenomenon is very common in many cases, but There is a high probability that it is a method used by evil ghosts to attract living people, so you need to be vigilant." Yang Jian said.

Liu Qi nodded: "You are right, maybe it is too real, which made it difficult for me to accept it for a while. I will pay attention to it next time."

With that said, he retreated through the crowd.

"I got this shroud, and now I have to leave quickly. The will-o'-the-wisp cannot continue to burn after losing my supernatural power. By then, the ghost in the clothing store will most likely leave the store and come out to hunt me down." Yang Jian He looked at the ghost shroud in his hand.

The light green will-o'-the-wisp fire in the clothing store behind him is still burning fiercely, but the fire is already weakening at this moment, and it will definitely be extinguished in a short time.

"Then let's quickly change places. We must find Wang Shanshan's location as soon as possible. This place is more dangerous than imagined. Now I'm a little worried that she may be dead." Liu Qi said uneasily.

"You have to find the body even if you can't see anyone. This matter must have a result." Yang Jian said expressionlessly.

The two people did not stay on the street any longer, but continued deeper into the town, heading in the direction of the crowds on the road.

Moments after they left.


The will-o'-the-wisp in the clothing store was extinguished, but the fire was still beating on the dismembered ghost in the store. The ghost had a body, and the will-o'-the-wisp with the characteristics of furnace fire used the bones in the corpse as fuel, so the other will-o'-the-wisps were extinguished. The will-o'-the-wisp on the corpse remained unaffected.

There was no more will-o'-the-wisp burning in the clothing store, and the clothes that were getting weird started to squirm again.

The shriveled clothes bulged, and cold arms stretched out from the empty sleeves.

Under the collar, a pale dead head poked out.

This is not a clothing store, it is simply a ghost shop. The weird clothes are actually made of scary ghosts disguised.

If someone who doesn't know the situation takes these clothes home, then at night, the clothes in the closet will turn into a terrifying ghost, push open the closet door and come out, and then wander around your room silently.

Fortunately, Yang Jian was not greedy and he only took the ghost shroud.

The ghost shroud itself is a supernatural item.

Therefore, there are no other ghosts stored in the ghost shroud.

The ghosts wearing cheongsams, coats, suits and other different costumes gathered in the clothing store with swaying will-o'-the-wisps. They had numb expressions and empty eyes, and they slowly walked out of the store like puppets.

There are five ghosts in total.

The ghost who left the shop did not wander around randomly, but walked in the direction that Yang Jian left just now.

All the ghosts in the clothing store seem to be targeting Yang Jian and want to find Yang Jian in this Baishui Town.

At this moment, Yang Jian still didn't know what was happening here.

The terrifying supernatural place and the strong supernatural interference made it impossible for Yang Jian's ghost eyes to see through the buildings to see the whole surroundings. When his sight fell on any building, his sight would be distorted by the supernatural, and he could only see what he could see. .

Walk forward along the street.

This seemingly not long street seemed to be extending infinitely at this time, and there was no way to reach the end no matter how hard I walked.

There seemed to be an endless number of people wandering the streets in the light rain.

Yang Jian looked up and saw the crowd following the road with no end in sight.

This is anything but unusual.

Recalling that Liu Qi said he saw his grandparents among the crowd, Yang Jian became more and more concerned about this street.

"Are we the only two alive here? So many people in Baishui Town were involved here. It stands to reason that no matter what happens, there will be a few lucky people who survive. But along the way, apart from the neon lights, The only flashing signs are the dark houses, and not a single living person can be seen.”

Liu Qi observed carefully for a while, and now he felt a little discouraged. He felt that he was doing useless work and could not find any clues.

And being on high alert for a long time is too much for anyone.

"To find living people, we may have to use another method. Sometimes the killing patterns of ghosts are the most correct guide. They can accurately find people hidden around them. This is more efficient than us looking for people." Yang Jian watched as the numbers kept falling. It was raining, and the footsteps stopped.

An idea suddenly occurred to him.

next moment.

In the drizzling rain, the figure of a vicious dog gradually emerged.

Yang Jian called out the evil dog stored in his memory. At this moment, the evil dog appeared in front of him through the medium of supernatural rain.

"Help me find the nearest conscious living person." He gave the order.

Although the command was somewhat complicated, the vicious dog seemed to understand it.

next moment.

The figure of the vicious dog in the rain ran quickly in one direction.

"Follow me." Yang Jian's expression changed and he immediately called Liu Qi.

The two men ran quickly, chasing the vicious dog.

The figure of the vicious dog appeared intermittently in the rain, but the speed was not particularly fast. Two people could keep up. After all, this was not a dream. People with supernatural physical strength and speed were different from ordinary people. They would not be tired or out of breath.

A turn.

The vicious dog left the main road and entered an alley.

The alley was dark and damp, without any light, and it was completely dark.

Yang Jian's ghost eyes opened, and ghost fire appeared sporadically in the air, dispersing the surrounding darkness.


The vicious dog rushed into the corridor of a four-story building.

After the vicious dog entered the corridor, its figure began to disappear quickly, leaving only a few wet vicious dog footprints on the ground.

There is no rain in the corridor, and the vicious dog without a medium cannot appear.

But this is enough.

The vicious dog's footprints had completely disappeared on the second floor, but Yang Jian had already stopped in front of a door on the third floor.

There is a couplet posted in front of the door of this household.

The couplet is not red, but white. On the white couplet are two lines of large black characters written in ink. The font is in traditional Chinese and looks a bit old. The couplets respectively read: Life will not harm others, death will not be tiring. If you have a clear conscience, I will go back.

"This is an elegiac couplet, written for the dead." Liu Qi's expression moved slightly, and he tried to reach out and touch it.

But before he touched the white elegiac couplet, his consciousness fell into a trance, and then he lost consciousness and lost any perception of the outside world.

"Liu Qi." Yang Jian shouted.

Liu Qi woke up after being startled. At this time, he found that he had walked down the stairs without knowing when and was about to leave the building.

"What happened to me just now?" He was confused and surprised.

Yang Jian said: "You seemed to be sleepwalking and lost consciousness. You turned around and went downstairs. It seems that there is something wrong with this elegiac couplet. Since this thing can affect the ghost controller, it can also affect the evil ghost and make the evil ghost try to enter." When I entered this room, I turned around and left inexplicably.”

"This elegiac couplet written to the dead person was obviously posted here intentionally. This is to protect this family with supernatural powers."

As he spoke, he did not touch the elegiac couplet, but reached out to open the door.

But when Yang Jian touched the door, he also felt a cold breath pouring into his mind.

But then, the growl of a vicious dog echoed in his mind.

This cold feeling disappeared immediately.

Yang Jian's consciousness was not disturbed, and he opened the door smoothly.

The door opens.

In the dim environment inside, there was a faint light. The source of that light was a small brazier in the middle of the room.

In this room, many people looked in the direction of Yang Jian with frightened expressions. Most of these people were young men and women, and there were also a few old people and children. However, the number was not very large, only about twenty, and There is no supernatural aura about him, he should be an ordinary person hiding in Baishui Town.

"Survivors?" Yang Jian's ghost eyes opened, and he immediately understood the situation here after a casual glance.

The white elegiac couplet outside the door is to protect the survivors in this house.

Yang Jian took a step forward and entered the room.

But these survivors became frightened for a moment. They covered their mouths and tried not to scream, even though they were extremely frightened.

Obviously, they thought Yang Jian was a ghost.

"Don't be nervous, they are not ghosts, they are here to rescue us." At this time, a voice sounded, calming everyone.

next moment.

A man slowly stood up. This man was not very old, about 20 years old, like Yang Jian, but his slightly immature appearance revealed maturity and stability.

"Who are you?" Yang Jian looked at him and asked.

"Although you don't know me, I know you. You are Ghost Eye Yang Jian, one of the captains of the headquarters. After all, I should call you Captain Yang." The young man came over and said.

"The person in charge of Dashan City, Xiao Yang?" Yang Jian looked at him and asked.

A smile appeared on Henry Zhang's pale face: "It's such an honor that the rumored ghost-eyed Yang Jian actually remembers an inconspicuous little person like me."

"You have been missing in Baishui Town for a while. The headquarters thinks you are dead. If there is no news in a few days, you will be considered dead." Yang Jian said calmly: "I I came here chasing the breath of a living person, but I didn’t expect to find you.”

"So, the headquarters asked Team Yang to come for rescue? If that's the case, then I'm really flattered." Henry Zhang became a little happy.

He knew that if he dragged on here, he would wait for support from the headquarters, but he didn't expect that the support this time would be from such an important person. It seemed that he was stable this time.

Yang Jian did not answer, but instead said: "A girl named Wang Shanshan, she is my high school classmate, also disappeared in Baishui Town, so I came, there is no other reason other than that."

"I see."

Henry Zhang's smile remained unabated: "No matter what the reason is, Captain Yang, you are still here, aren't you? But you came a little late. I did have some cooperation with the girl named Wang Shanshan before, but she lost contact later. Now I don’t know where she is, there are so many terrifying places in Whitewater Town, I’m not even sure if she’s still alive.”

"But Wang Shanshan is accompanied by a being named Ghost Boy. I have seen that thing in the files. It is the second stage of the Starving Ghost. Captain Yang is really not simple. He actually has such a terrifying thing beside him."

"Where was she last seen?" Yang Jian asked.

Henry Zhang did not hide anything and said directly: "Take the ghost boy and go against the flow of people on the road and disappear into the crowd. Maybe she is looking for someone."

"That road has some kind of terrifying supernatural power. Some people saw their dead relatives on the road, and some people saw their dead lovers on the road. It was a road haunted by dead souls."

Liu Qi's expression suddenly changed when he heard this.

So, the grandparents he saw before were not fake, but real?

"I obtained some special information from the supernaturally eroded Baishui Town. I don't know whether it is true or not. It is said that if someone can bring back the dead relative from the road of the dead, then the dead relative will be freed from the identity of the dead soul. , and became a living person again.”

"What? Is there such a thing?" Liu Qi suddenly opened his eyes wide and felt incredible.

Henry Zhang said: "I only got some information. I can't judge whether it is true or false. Moreover, no one has succeeded. Some people have seen their dead relatives and wanted to try, but no one came back alive. They were lost. Become a zombie on the road."

"Wang Shanshan and the ghost boy broke in because of this unverifiable information."

"Your information is very useful to me. It seems that I have to thank you." Yang Jian said: "In return, I can take you out of Baishui Town."

Henry Zhang shook his head and said: "Actually, it is not difficult for me to leave here alone, but once I leave, most of the residents here will die. Their lives are maintained by my ghost rain. If I don't find and take away most of the residents, I won't leave."

As he spoke, he looked at the other survivors.

These survivors all looked nervous, fearing that Henry Zhang would abandon them and leave here.

"Don't worry, I said I won't leave you alone. As a person in charge, I keep my word." Henry Zhang said seriously to these survivors.

"There are not many responsible people like you anymore." Yang Jian looked at him and said seriously.

Henry Zhang smiled and said: "Don't say that. Although Captain Yang is relatively indifferent and your actions are a bit extreme, you have solved supernatural incidents and saved many more people than me. I have always believed that ghost controllers do not care about their intentions. No matter what purpose and idea a person has, as long as he solves supernatural incidents and saves most people’s lives, he is an amazing person.”

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