Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1320 Threesome

The five fierce ghosts lingering outside the door and refusing to leave put great pressure on everyone in the house.

The survivors were even more frightened.

Everyone knew that once these five ghosts opened the door and broke into the room, most of the people in the room would die, and few would survive.

As the culprit of attracting ghosts, Yang Jian was naturally blamed by many survivors.

But they dare to be angry but dare not speak, and they absolutely dare not speak a word. After all, Henry Zhang has to call Captain Yang a person who is definitely extraordinary. If he offends, he may die miserably.

At this moment, the third leaving footsteps sounded again outside the door.

It’s the same as what Liu Qi observed.

The third ghost was less and less affected by the pair of elegiac couplets at the door. He only walked downstairs for three steps and then stopped abruptly. Then he heard the sound of coming back again.

When it came to the fourth ghost, the impact became smaller again. This fourth ghost only took one step downstairs, and then stepped back again.

But after the ghost returned, he no longer stood in front of the door, but lined up again and stood behind the other ghosts.

And so on.

When it came to the fifth ghost, it completely ignored the influence of the elegiac couplet. The clothes this ghost was wearing were a gray-blue robe. Although the robe was old-fashioned, it was actually a new piece of clothing. No signs of dirt or wear.

"The ghost is coming." Liu Qi said.

Henry Zhang also stared at this door.

In the dim room, a small brazier was still burning, constantly emitting light. But at this moment, although the flames in the brazier were still burning, the light was getting darker and darker, and even the surrounding temperature was getting darker. After the temperature dropped several times, a cold breath came in from outside the door, and anyone could feel something unusual outside the door.

The door that had protected everyone for a long time began to shake restlessly, and as time passed, the shaking frequency became more and more frequent.

"The elegiac couplets at the door are going to be completely useless, so be careful."

Liu Qi said in a suppressed voice. At this moment, he did not show off but took several steps back slowly.

There are five fierce ghosts outside the door, which is not something a ghost controller can deal with.

Although Yang Jian is here, no one wants to be involved.


As the door shook violently, the ghost on the door finally failed to stop the evil ghost outside. Finally, the shaking stopped suddenly, and then the door slowly opened.

Some people wanted to scream, but they covered their mouths to prevent themselves from making a sound, but the exposed eyes looked particularly frightened.

They were obviously very scared, but some kind of curiosity drove these survivors to look outside the door.

This time, I saw a truly terrifying scene.

Five people wearing old and completely different clothes, exuding coldness and deathly silence, stood there like corpses that had been dead for a long time. The most conspicuous person standing at the door was a man wearing a gray-blue robe. This is a slightly obese middle-aged man, but his face is extremely pale, and his eyes are full of hollowness and numbness.


Through the brazier that was almost losing its light, many people saw the ghost outside the door.


Fear makes people lose their composure, and some people can't help but scream in fear, but more people are too scared to even scream.

The lifeless ghost in the gray-blue robe took a step forward and tried to enter the room.

Liu Qi and Xiao Yang were ready to take action at this moment, but they did not completely place their hopes on Yang Jian.

But at this moment.

Yang Jian took action without hesitation.

A cracked spear appeared out of nowhere and was held in his hand, followed by a whistling sound. Before the evil ghost who had just stepped into the room could do anything, he was directly hit by the flying spear. It penetrated the head and was nailed to the wall of the corridor behind.

There was a loud bang.

The walls were cracked now.

However, the nailed Li Gui did not lose his movement. He struggled restlessly and finally broke free from the shackles of the coffin nails and resumed his actions. However, the Li Gui's head was already incomplete. However, as the Li Gui broke free After putting the nail in the coffin, he quickly recovered.

That fat and lifeless face has returned to shape again.

"Not nailed? No way." At this moment, Liu Qi opened his eyes wide and felt incredible.

Those are the nails in the coffin. They can nail even a starving ghost. How could they not nail the fierce ghost in front of them?

"I see, the ghost's body is not important, the important thing is the clothes." After Yang Jian attacked, he immediately understood what was going on.

There is no ghost that cannot be nailed to the coffin.

And at the same time.

Other ghosts followed closely behind, trying to enter the room.

"I'll handle it." Yang Jian strode towards him, telling Liu Qi and Henry Zhang not to take action.

As he walked closer, gloomy will-o'-the-wisps began to appear around him. The will-o'-the-wisps were burning and quickly enveloped the ghosts in front of him.

This time the will-o'-the-wisp was even more ferocious, and its mere appearance completely enveloped all five ghosts in front of it in the light of the fire.

As the will-o'-the-wisp jumped, the body under the supernatural clothes was ignited and began to become the fuel for the will-o'-the-wisp, burning continuously.

At this moment, the ghosts in the fire stopped and did not move forward. Their bodies began to quickly become blackened and disintegrated, and in the end they slowly retracted into their clothes.

The supernatural beings are suppressed and dare not show their faces.

But the five strange clothes in the firelight were floating in mid-air without any sign of burning.

The clothes that house the terrifying ghosts are of the same nature as the ghost shrouds. Will-o'-the-wisps cannot be destroyed, no matter how fierce the fire is, it will not help.

"As soon as the will-o'-the-wisp disappears, the ghost in the clothes will appear again and attack me again." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly: "Such a ghost can only be imprisoned completely."

This time he went out without a container to imprison the ghosts, but he was able to connect to the ghost lake and use the ghost lake to imprison the ghosts.

However, there is a limit to the number of ghosts that can be imprisoned in the ghost lake. If the ghosts soaked in the lake are not cleaned for a long time, the ability of the ghost lake to imprison the ghosts will become weaker and weaker, and eventually disappear completely.

But for now, Yang Jian doesn't care about this. He will clean up the ghost lake later.

The water emerged from under the feet and spread out quickly. Then, soaked white arms stretched out from the deep water. These arms struggled to catch the burning and burning of the will-o'-the-wisps. Several pieces of clothing were burning in it, and then pulled into the ghost lake.

The weird clothes suppressed by the will-o'-the-wisp were unable to fight back.

Finally, they all sank into the water and disappeared in front of everyone.

A seemingly huge crisis was easily resolved in an incredible way.

"Is this enough? Those are five ghosts." Henry Zhang froze on the spot, unable to believe his eyes.

When I first saw the nail in Yang Jian's coffin failing, I thought I was going to experience a dangerous confrontation.

As a result, Yang Jian changed his strategy and everything was solved in the blink of an eye?

It's all too fast.

"How can ordinary ghosts withstand the two supernatural powers of ghost lake and will-o'-the-wisp?" Liu Qi laughed at himself.

What seems simple behind this represents top supernatural power.

Yang Jian said: "It's not difficult to deal with a few ghosts, but the difficulty is that there are more than just a few ghosts in this ghost place. Once there are too many, even I can't guarantee that I can deal with them all."

“But no matter what, this crisis has been resolved for the time being.” Henry Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Qi on the side nodded and said: "This is natural."

He accepted it relatively quickly. After all, if Yang Jian dared to provoke the ghost in the clothing store just now, he would definitely be able to deal with it.

Yang Jian didn't say much after sinking the ghost into the ghost lake. He just strode out of the room: "The danger I caused has been removed, then I should go about my private affairs. Again, Wang Shanshan doesn't care. Whether we find it or not, our previous plans will be carried out at six o'clock sharp."

With that said, he walked down the stairs, preparing to leave here and return to the main road of Baishui Town.

"I have met Wang Shanshan. If you want to find her, I can help. She is contaminated with supernatural rain. If the supernatural interference is not so strong, I can roughly sense the location, so I still go with Captain Yang. Right." Xiao Yang said.

"If you leave, what will happen to these survivors?"

Henry Zhang said: "The elegiac couplet at the door is still useful. As long as we don't encounter the situation just now, it will be fine. But I think that situation is very rare. Now that it has been dealt with, I think I can leave for a while without any worries."

"In that case, let's act together, the three of us." Liu Qi said.

"Let's go back quickly."

Henry Zhang said. He glanced back at the survivors in the room.

It could be seen from their eyes that these people didn't want him to leave very much, but he felt that if Yang Jian's affairs were settled earlier, everyone would bear less risk.

Once Yang Jian has a problem in Baishui Town and is unable to complete the plan as agreed, the consequences will be serious.

So helping Yang Jian is helping everyone.

Even if he stays here, it will only play a role in comforting people and can't do anything at all. After all, he can't stop the ghosts that the elegance couplet can't stop, and he doesn't need to take action against the ghosts that the elegance couplet can stop.

"Then don't waste time." Yang Jian did not delay and had already gone downstairs.

Henry Zhang gave these survivors a few words and told them not to leave this room no matter what happened.

But this is not the first time he has left here. These survivors also know some ways of survival, so naturally they will not leave this room easily.

Soon, the three of them went downstairs and walked out of the alley, and came to the street of Baishui Town again.

The situation on the street is still the same as before, there is no difference.

"Continue to go deeper into Baishui Town." Yang Jian peeked around but found nothing, so he decided to continue walking against the crowd.

In fact, his ghost eye can also sense Wang Shanshan, but the supernatural interference here is too serious, and many of the ghost eyes' sight lines are distorted, so this sense fails.

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