Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1332 New Death News

Yang Jian had previously suspected that Wang Shanshan would come to Baishui Town, and there must be something leading her deep into the place where the dead wandered. Otherwise, she would not have been able to accurately find the hut and come to the so-called three years ago.

I never expected that the person who led Wang Shanshan here would be human skin paper.

He has always been wary of human skin paper, so he asked the ghost boy to carry it with him.

Once there is an abnormality in the human skin paper, the ghost boy will definitely eat the human skin paper in one bite if he inherits the ghost-eating characteristics of the starving ghost.

Yang Jian looked at Wang Shanshan at this moment.

She still had a plain face, and her fair face looked a little transparent under the sunlight.

"Human skin does not have the ability to move. It must have brought you here for a reason that makes your heart beat. Why did you enter that place where the dead souls wander?" Yang Jian said, "Resurrection of relatives?"

"No, I just want to find someone." Wang Shanshan said.

"Who are you looking for?" Yang Jian continued.

Wang Shanshan looked at him and said seriously: "Looking for trouble."

"Find me?"

Such an answer made Yang Jian frown: "Why do you say that?"

"By chance, the human skin paper fell out of the bell around the ghost boy's neck. The ghost boy immediately picked it up and tried to stuff it into his mouth. I stopped it and then took it over to take a look. As a result, when I touched this When I opened the human skin paper, black and twisted writing appeared on it." Wang Shanshan explained the whole story carefully.

"My name is Yang Jian, and I will be dead when you read this sentence."

Wang Shanshan continued: "This is the first sentence that appeared on the human skin paper."

"Then what?" Yang Jian looked calm and listened patiently.

Wang Shanshan added: "I was skeptical at first, but it detailed your past experiences in such detail that I began to have to believe what was revealed on this human skin paper. I continued to read until I saw That starving ghost incident, that supernatural incident, you are already dead."

"I was indeed dead at that time, but I was resurrected," Yang Jian said.

"But is it really you after resurrection? Maybe the real you is dead, and maybe you are just a product of the supernatural like the ghost boy." Wang Shanshan said, "I need to confirm."

"So you entered the place where the dead wandered in Baishui Town?" Yang Jian asked.

Wang Shanshan nodded and said: "Maybe it's a coincidence. There is a supernatural being in Baishui Town. I followed the guidance of the human skin paper and took the ghost boy deep into it."

"Have you found me on the road where the dead souls wander?" Yang Jian asked.

Wang Shanshan shook her head: "I didn't find it. The human skin paper guided me to a deeper place, saying I could find you there."

"A wooden house." Yang Jian squinted his eyes.

The human skin paper did not lie. There was no Yang Jian in the world of wandering souls, but there was Yang Jian three years ago, so the human skin paper deceived Wang Shanshan into coming to the wooden house, opened the door on the second floor, and returned here.

"Yes, I entered the wooden house, went to the second floor, opened the door, and when I opened my eyes and woke up, I was already back home, the home I had three years ago," Wang Shanshan said.

"When I realized this I realized I had been deceived."

"The human skin paper indeed led me to find you who was really alive. It was just you three years ago. At that time, you were still an ordinary person, still living in that rental house, and a poor student who slept in class. You had nothing to do with me. intersection.”

Wang Shanshan turned her head and looked at the sky again.

"So you knew you were deceived and immediately came to Baishui Town?" Yang Jian continued to ask, "Is there anything here worth coming to?"

"If I really go back to three years ago, then my most correct choice is to live in Baishui Town for three years and wait for everything to go back to before." Wang Shanshan said: "So I made this decision, but when I came When I got here I realized it was another scam.”

"If this was three years ago, then my arrival would have changed the future, but what I experienced has not changed. This is a time paradox."

"Therefore, there is only one possibility left. We are not coming to three years ago, but to a strange world constructed by the supernatural."

Wang Shanshan analyzed very rationally.

"I am convinced that this world is false. Anyone who enters this world will be trapped in the past. The only real thing around me is the ghost boy."

Yang Jian nodded: "Although you made a mistake, you reflected on it in time. So the question is, why did Human Skin Paper go through so much trouble to use you to push open the wooden door and get here?"

"Your arrival and my arrival are both accidents. They are not important. What is important is that the human skin paper has arrived here and it has achieved its purpose."

"I believe that Human Skin asked you to bring it here for a purpose."

The theory of the truth of this world is not that important, but behind all Wang Shanshan’s actions there are traces of human skin, and this human skin will never do meaningless things. It finally seized the opportunity and escaped from Yang Jian To escape the control of a ghost boy and get rid of the bad luck of being eaten by a ghost boy, what he wants to do must be very special.

"Is that piece of human skin paper so dangerous?" Wang Shanshan was a little confused.

Although she had come into contact with human skin paper, this was her first time dealing with human skin paper. Although she knew that she had been deceived, she did not suffer a big loss, so she was not as alert to human skin paper as Yang Jian.

"It depends on how you define the danger of human skin paper. If you don't believe the information on human skin paper at all, then it is just a piece of waste paper and will not pose any threat to you. But if you believe what it says and follow the human skin paper If the information on the leather paper is read, it will definitely lead to quite dire consequences."

"I was almost tricked to death at least three times by the information on the human skin paper. I understand it deeply." Yang Jian said seriously.

Wang Shanshan said: "Sorry, I don't know this."

"Forget it, there is no point in pursuing these now. Now that we have found you and the ghost boy, we should find a way to get out of here now. By the way, where is the human skin paper? I want to take it back." Yang Jian said.

"Here." Wang Shanshan took out a golden box from her clothes.

Apparently, she learned from Yang Jian's habit of keeping supernatural objects in gold boxes to prevent accidents.

After opening it, a piece of dark brown human skin paper was neatly folded and placed inside.

Yang Jian grabbed it and spread it out to take a look.

The first time he bought it, he felt that he was sure that the human skin was genuine, had not been swapped, and was not a fake.

At the same time, black twisted writing appeared on the dark brown human skin paper, "My name is Yang Jian."

Before the sentence could be finished, the twisted handwriting on it suddenly changed: ".Why aren't you dead yet?"

The tone changed, and another being was having some kind of conversation with Yang.

In front of Yang Jian, the human skin gave up some way of pretending to narrate.

After all, they are old friends who have been with each other for a long time.

Yang Jian held the human skin and smiled coldly: "Do you really want me to die? Am I the most difficult one among all the people you come into contact with?"

No new writing appeared on the human skin paper, and it seemed that he chose silence.

"There is no need to hide anymore. I know that you have achieved your purpose by letting Wang Shanshan come here. Although I don't know what the purpose is, it will definitely cause huge dangers. After the danger comes, if I can't deal with it, I will be the first to Time will choose to dispose of you.”

"If you are willing to cooperate with me, then you may have a chance to turn around in the future."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, the human skin showed no reaction and seemed to choose silence as always.

"Pretending to be dead?"

He was not surprised by this situation.

Just when he was about to put the human skin paper away, suddenly, writing appeared on the human skin paper.

Yang Jian immediately stopped and stared at the human skin paper.

"My name is Yang Jian, and I am already dead when you read this sentence. On this day, I came to Baishui Town, which was eroded by supernatural beings. This is a scary place, but in order to find the missing ghost boy, I ventured deep into Baishui Town. .I walked through the road where the dead souls wandered, and came to a wooden building. Driven by curiosity, I followed the wooden stairs to the second floor of the wooden building."

"I pushed open a wooden door, and something strange happened. I went back to three years ago."

"There are a lot of long words, let's just get to the point." Yang Jian frowned.

The black twisted writing on the human skin paper disappeared, and then new writing appeared: "I came to a day three years ago, and after a lot of hard work, I finally found the missing ghost boy, but at 6:10 in the evening, I died In Whitewater Town."

A death ending appeared before our eyes.

Yang Jian's expression suddenly changed.

He knows that the information revealed by the human skin paper is true, even the information in the future is true. If you don't change it, then the content of the information will definitely happen.

That is to say.

If nothing special happens, Yang Jian will definitely die in Baishui Town at 6:10 tonight.

I’ll write another chapter later.

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