Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1335 Death news keeps appearing

After stealing Fang Jing's memory, Yang Jian learned everything and obtained the location of the human skin of the world three years ago. He immediately took Wang Shanshan and prepared to leave.

"Yang Jian, you're not going to class?" Zhang Wei said hurriedly: "If you want to skip class, take me with you. Don't leave me behind."

After saying that, he also chased after him.

"I have to deal with some personal matters instead of going to play. You should just stay in the classroom and teach." Yang Jian said as he walked out of the classroom.

"Don't be so cold." Zhang Wei followed him shamelessly.

But when he just walked out of the classroom door, he was stunned.

Outside the classroom, Yang Jian and Wang Shanshan had disappeared, and there was no one in the corridor.

"Do you need to go so fast?" Zhang Wei muttered, disappointed and could only return to the classroom.

At this moment, other students in the classroom were talking crazily about what just happened.

But all this has nothing to do with Yang Jian.

Although his classmates from three years ago looked familiar, they were just unimportant memories in Yang Jian's eyes. He would not stay here to waste time reminiscing with his classmates. He would leave immediately after completing his purpose.

After leaving No. 7 Middle School, Yang Jian and Wang Shanshan came to a community in Dachang City.


Yang Jian used the ghost domain and came to the residents of one of the buildings.

There was no one in the room at this time. Fang Jing's parents should be at work and not at home at this time. This is also a good thing and saves some trouble.

"Is the human skin paper in Fang Jing's house?" Wang Shanshan glanced at it casually, and her eyes stopped on a bookshelf.

The bookshelf is filled with all kinds of books, including masterpieces by famous writers, history and literature, and even many old books. It can be seen that the owner of this family likes to read books. I am keen on collecting all kinds of books.

Wang Shanshan's feeling is relatively keen.

Obviously, the only place in this room that could contain human skin paper is this bookshelf.

"It should be on this bookshelf." Wang Shanshan said slowly.

Yang Jian nodded: "Yes, the human skin is hidden on this bookshelf."

As he spoke, he took a few steps forward, then swept his ghost eyes casually, and finally took down a thick book from the bookshelf.

The font of this book is Traditional Chinese. It is a few years old and seems to have been issued during the Republic of China. The original owner collected and protected it well, and there are no defects.

But the next moment.

The book in Yang Jian's hand began to oxidize and crack rapidly, and finally fell into pieces.

The thick book quickly dissipated in the hand, and in the end only a page of dark brown, yellowed paper remained. It was not affected by the supernatural power and was still well preserved.

"Human skin paper." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly and he found a piece of human skin paper that was exactly the same as the one in his hand.

"It seems everything is going well." Wang Shanshan said.

Yang Jian said: "There are not many things that can stop me in this world, but I am really curious. A world constructed by supernatural beings three years ago can actually perfectly reproduce everything. The longer I stay here, I suspect more and more that this may be a real world and not fake.”

"I feel the same way." Wang Shanshan nodded, feeling it herself.

So the more this happens, the easier it is for them to be addicted to the past world and unwilling to wake up, because they really can't find anything false in this world.

At this moment, Yang Jian was waiting quietly with the human skin paper from three years ago.

There was no abnormality when the cold human skin was held in the palm of the hand. Everything seemed very calm, which made people wonder whether this piece of human skin paper was really useful.


After waiting quietly for a moment, Yang Jian's eyes narrowed.

The three-year-old human skin paper in his hand seemed to have been awakened after sleeping for a long time. Black and twisted writing began to appear on it. At first, these writings were dense and shapeless, and it was impossible to see what was on it, but soon these writings It continued to twist and deform, gradually turning into traditional Chinese characters.

Just like the handwriting on the book before.

However, soon some of the traditional Chinese characters began to disappear, and finally they became the familiar simplified characters.

"My name is Yang Jian. I will be dead when you read this sentence."

The strangeness of human skin paper begins to appear. The familiar handwriting appeared in front of me again.

"The information is gone?"

Yang Jian tried to continue reading, but found that the other twisted handwriting behind the first sentence was quickly disappearing, and no new information came out.

"Is it the same as the piece of human skin in our hands that refuses to provide help to us?" Wang Shanshan asked.

"I don't know. Let's take another look. If it doesn't work, just find a place to bury this thing. Bury it thousands of meters deep. I guarantee that it will never be discovered." Yang Jian said.

But he had just finished speaking.

Writings immediately appeared on the human skin paper from three years ago in my hand: "I came to this world unexpectedly, but I know very well that this is not the real world three years ago. This is a world that seems peaceful but is actually full of... In this dangerous world, I must find a way to get out of here before six o'clock in the evening and return to the world that belongs to me."

"It's half past eleven now, and I don't have much time left. I'm trying to trace my past experiences, looking for the older generation of ghost masters who are still alive, hoping to learn from their mouths how to leave here."

"At 11:40, I arrived at Taiping Ancient Town. However, I wasted some time there but did not find the answer I wanted."

"At 12:10, I went to the ghost post office and tried to find the manager of the ghost post office. However, I found the old man named Luo Wensong, but I met Zhang Xianguang. I had a fight with him in the ghost post office, but I I didn’t expect that Luo Wensong would actually side with Zhang Xianguang and join forces with him to deal with me.”

"I couldn't defeat the two of them and join forces. I failed and died in the ghost post office."

"Huh?" Yang Jian's face changed slightly when he saw this sentence.

According to the prediction of the human skin paper, he tried to find the answer to leaving here from the remaining older generation of ghost masters in the Republic of China. The result was obviously that Yang Jian was killed at the ghost post office, and died under the joint efforts of Zhang Xianguang and Luo Wensong. .

"I'm actually no match for these two people?" Yang Jian was a little surprised.

According to his estimation, he should be able to fight against these two people now. Unexpectedly, if he really tried his best, he was no match and was killed in the ghost post office.

It seemed that Luo Wensong was not as simple as he thought.

Luo Wensong was more terrifying when he was alive than after death.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the location of the fight is inside the ghost post office. After all, the opponent has the advantage in the ghost post office.

The message of death appeared, and the writing on the human skin paper began to disappear, and then new writing began to appear.

"My name is Yang Jian. I was already dead when you saw this sentence. I accidentally returned to the world three years ago and was thinking about how to get out of here. I tried to seek help from the older generation of ghost masters in the past, but It's a pity that I failed. I must not go to the ghost post office, otherwise I will die under the joint efforts of Zhang Xianguang and Luo Wensong."

"I changed my mind and went to the headquarters at 12:20 minutes. On the condition of joining the headquarters, I met Mr. Qin."

"Mr. Qin from three years ago was still alive. I asked him how to escape from this world. However, Mr. Qin refused and asked me to stay in this world and change the future of this world. I know that all this is impossible. , because at six o'clock in the evening I will encounter the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced."

"After being rejected, I tried to leave the headquarters to find other solutions, but I failed. I was trapped in the headquarters by Mr. Qin."

"At six o'clock in the evening, a terrifying supernatural being appeared."

"Six-ten, I'm dead."

Another death message appears.

This time, Yang Jian did not die in the ghost post office, nor did he die in the hands of Mr. Qin. Instead, he was forcibly trapped in the headquarters by Mr. Qin. He had no way to escape. When the time came, he could only die in hatred.

"Continue." Yang Jian looked ugly and stared at the human skin paper.

I hope this new human skin paper can predict a way out for me.

This new human skin paper is very suitable for Yang Jian and seems to establish initial trust. Therefore, it continues to help Yang Jian predict everything in the future without pretending to be silent.

Perhaps it was also worried that it would be buried underground by Yang Jian and never see the light of day.

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