Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1342 The terrifying monster of the Republic of China

The sudden car accident caught Yang Jian by surprise and he was knocked seven or eight meters away.

In fact, he was very careful. The ghost domain of the ghost eye was always open and never stopped. Moreover, even the top ghost controller Yang Jian in the ghost domain found it difficult to lock his position. As a result, he failed. Thinking that this supernatural bus easily tore apart his ghost realm and accurately locked his position.

Moreover, the time of the attack happened to be when Yang Jian was about to use the Ghost Realm Transfer, because only at this time would Yang Jian's attention relax and his body would stop.

So behind this seemingly simple attack, there is a lot revealed.

"A collision with the supernatural bus is enough to put an S-class ghost into a short-term panic. A top ghost controller is almost certain to die if it is hit by this bus. This Mr. Qin came to kill me when we met, without any thought. He wanted to keep his hands, and during the few seconds I lay on the ground, he actually knew that I was still alive and not dead, so I couldn’t deceive him."

"Precise attack, already known results, all this seems to have been rehearsed countless times. If this is the case, any of my next actions will be within the calculation range of Mr. Qin, so his appearance now is It has been determined that he can kill me, otherwise he would not be able to show up on his own initiative."

"Therefore, when I met Mr. Qin for the first time, there was no suspense in this battle. I will definitely fail in the future."

"Is this old guy really so scary? Can he predict the future accurately?"

Yang Jian stood up slowly, thinking quickly in his mind. His face looked very ugly, because the information revealed at this moment gave him a strong sense of crisis.

And the collision just now was really terrifying.

Although he had restarted and erased all the damage, the residual feeling still made his body and consciousness seem to be shattered, and he was in immense pain.

"Fortunately, I have two ghost eyes now. In addition, I controlled 40% of the ghost lake. I didn't completely freeze for a moment. It gave me time to react and erase the damage by restarting. Otherwise, I would have really died at that moment. , but how should I deal with this Mr. Qin who seems to have seen the result next?"

Mr. Qin was standing in front of the bus with his cane in his hand. His old face covered with age spots was completely indifferent, and his turbid eyes were staring at Yang Jian. He seemed to be lifeless, but he revealed a determination and ferocity that made people feel heart palpitating.

"You knew that the supernatural bus couldn't hit me, but you still chose to drive and hit me like this. It's impossible for someone like you who can predict the future to make such a meaningless move, so the only explanation is that you The bus needs to be used to transport some people to me while knocking me away, so as to eliminate the possibility of me escaping here."

Yang Jian said with a cold face: "Now that you have brought help, come out and stop hiding."

"It's really incredible. So many things can be analyzed in one supernatural attack. It's not unfair at all that the descendants of the headquarters died in your hands, but that's it for you. Although your father and I have some friendship, This little friendship is not enough to keep you alive, you are too dangerous and need to be dealt with."

Mr. Qin replied coldly: "Besides, I did bring helpers, but there is no way I can reveal my trump card right after a fight. If you can survive until then, you will naturally see my helpers."

"It's so meticulous and watertight. He is worthy of being a ghost controller born in his mother's womb. He has really become a master after living for so many years." Yang Jian said.

"If you want to delay, I don't mind chatting with you all the time. The result will be the same anyway."

A smile appeared on Mr. Qin's face covered with age spots. The smile was cold and cruel, as if he had seen Yang Jian's death.

Yang Jian was silent at this moment.

He was convinced.

This Mr. Qin can definitely know the future results, even better than Xiong Wenwen's prediction.

In addition, Mr. Qin also has the ability to restart, which Yang Jian had seen when he was at the headquarters.

"You are a smart person and you should have realized what the future results will be, so you might as well give up." Mr. Qin continued.

"Really? But I still want to give it a try and see if I can change the result you saw. If you can know the future, then I can also change the past. I want to see if my past can defeat your future. ." Yang Jian's eyes narrowed, his ordinary eyes flashing red at the moment.

Mr. Qin sighed slowly: "It's really a terrifying potential. The more it is, the less likely it is to let you live. Let's do it."

This was not said to Yang Jian, but to others.

As soon as the words fell.


Yang Jian's body was invaded by a terrifying supernatural force. This aura was cold and rotten. Just by touching his body, it began to undergo irreversible changes. His skin and flesh began to rot and fall off, falling to the ground and turning into piles of graves. Soil, and that's not all. There was no longer a cement road under his feet, but a cemetery with no end in sight.

His feet were sunken and eroded by the grave soil, and his whole body was about to collapse in an instant.

"This is..." Yang Jian had seen such supernatural power.

very familiar.

When the captain teamed up to deal with Zhang Xianguang, He Yin'er summoned the spirit of a ghost controller from the Republic of China period.

If such supernatural beings are associated with the past, then only one person meets the conditions.

"Graveyard Master Luo Qian? You're not dead yet at this time?"

Yang Jian was in shock and rage at this moment, his eyes were glowing red, and light green will-o'-the-wisps were shooting out of his body, trying to resist this attack.

But such supernatural phenomena are too terrifying. The ghost fire is extinguishing, the ghost lake in the body is also being eroded, and the ghost shadows are being buried in the grave and losing their ability to move.

All the methods he was proud of were failing. If this continued, Yang Jian would soon become a new grave in this supernatural land and be buried here forever.

In the distance of the cemetery, an old man covered in decay and with dark pupils stood expressionlessly on the grave. He looked over and said nothing. He just wanted to bury Yang Jian as soon as possible and didn't want to talk nonsense.

Decisive, ruthless, meticulous, so powerful that it makes people feel suffocated and terrifying.

This is Yang Jian's greatest experience with these old guys.

"All the supernatural means I have are just toys in front of these people, and I won't even have a chance to play. If that's the case, then give up everything and bring all the monsters of the Republic of China to the same level. If you can't do it, don't When these old guys join forces, one cemetery owner will be enough to bury me."

Yang Jian's body is disintegrating, and his supernatural power is being buried.

In less than ten seconds, his body had turned into a pile of grave soil, and even his consciousness seemed to be suppressed and blurred at the moment.

However, at this moment, his eyes were emitting scarlet light, and the light was getting stronger and stronger, and even the grave soil could not affect it.

"He is indeed a powerful young man, but this can only go so far." The decayed old man stood in the distance and waved his hand.


Two huge earth tombs bulged up on the left and right of Yang Jian. These two huge earth tombs moved towards him. The three earth tombs merged into one. Covered with a large amount of tombs, Yang Jian's mutilated body was immediately swallowed up. .

All the supernatural beings were extinguished by the grave soil, leaving only a larger earth tomb standing in this supernatural cemetery.

But Mr. Qin still stood motionless, and the cemetery owner Luo Qian also frowned slightly.

The grave soil buried everything in Yang Jian, but it did not bury those strange eyes.

There was still a faint red light shining under the grave.

"It shouldn't be that we can't bury this young man."

The owner of the cemetery, Luo Qian, looked at it and then said: "So, it has started to restart. I can bury the present, but I can't bury the past. He is no longer at this point in time. My supernatural powers are failing. This is not What I'm good at is, let her take action, drive this descendant out of the past time, and when she does it, I can bury it in just a moment, and I won't give him a chance to restart."

A wrinkled, hunched old woman appeared with a basket. She walked towards Yang Jian, but her figure became more and more blurred, and finally disappeared from sight.

But Yang Jian's ghost eyes were emitting scarlet light, and he was in a restarting state.

Under the restart situation, his body is reversing, the soil that eroded his own grave is disappearing, and his consciousness is recovering.

The speed of recovery exceeds the speed of grave soil invasion.

This means that Yang Jian can block the supernatural erosion of this cemetery owner.

"No, not yet. If I just restart myself, then I will be attacked again the moment I restart and return to normal. There will be no change in the situation, and I may not even be able to restart next time. That Mr. Qin must have predicted this when he predicted the past."

"So there is only one way for me to win, and that is to restart on a large scale and take myself back to the past at least half an hour ago, or even more."

The maximum restart limit of a ghost eye is less than thirty minutes. This was achieved when he controlled the old corpse in the ancient mansion.

It would definitely take less than five minutes for Yang Jian to carry out a large-scale restart on his own. But if he goes back to five minutes ago, he still has no chance of winning when Mr. Qin appears, so the only way is to restart to a place further back in the past.

But there is only one way to do this, and that is to enable the infinite restart state.


Yang Jian was very decisive, and the eighth-level ghost realm was instantly opened.

At this moment, the red light was spreading, the surrounding grave soil was quickly disappearing, and his own state was reversing at an incredible speed.

Thirty seconds.

Yang Jian completely returned to his normal state, and all the grave soil around him disappeared, including the cemetery.

three minutes.

Mr. Qin and the supernatural bus disappeared.

But at this moment, Yang Jian's ghost eyes began to be restless and out of control.

At this moment, Yang Jian exited the large-scale restart state.

The time came to two twenty-nine.

Yang Jian gasped and looked around in surprise.

Everything seems to be normal. He is still standing on the road, and there are no longer those old guys from the Republic of China around.

"Come again."

He opened his second ghost eye, which was the ghost eye he got from this world.

But the second ghost eye is not ready to restart yet and needs some time to recover.

Without any hesitation, Yang Jian began to use the ghost domain to cover the city on a large scale, stimulating the revival of the second ghost eye. At the same time, he was constantly shifting his position without daring to stop for a moment.

The second ghost eye began to revive quickly under constant stimulation. The ghost realm could only open one level at first, but soon it could open three levels, four levels, and then five levels.

"The sixth level is the ghost realm."

Yang Jian stayed away from the city just now and came to the top floor of a building in another city.

The seventh level of the ghost realm.

Under the continuous stimulation, the speed of the second ghost eye's recovery was beyond imagination.

But at this moment.

Two-thirty arrived.

The dim light came on again from behind Yang Jian.

"What?" Yang Jian's eyes widened at this moment, his face full of disbelief.

Once again he was locked in.

On the top floor of another city building, a strange bus appeared out of thin air and wanted to hit him to death.

The ghost eyes revived, and the eighth level of the ghost realm was reached.


The second wave of widespread reopening has begun.

Yang Jian disappeared in an instant, and the supernatural bus crashed into nothing.

One minute.

Two minutes.

As soon as the three-minute restart time was up, Yang Jian immediately exited the large-scale restart state. He was still standing on the top floor of a building, but the supernatural bus that had just been there had disappeared.

The time is now 2:27 pm.

"These old guys are indeed targeting me, but they are a step too late." Yang Jian broke out in a cold sweat, and now he stood up again.

The first ghost eye returned to 2:27, which meant that the restlessness of recovery disappeared.

The eighth-level ghost realm restarts again.

Yang Jian returned to 2:24 without any suspense, and the restlessness of the second ghost eye's revival also disappeared.

Restarting each other alternately, mutually erasing the restlessness of the other ghost eye's recovery.

This is Yang Jian's theoretical infinite restart.

In reality, he couldn't do it, but here, after controlling the second ghost eye, he actually succeeded.

By doing this, he had the capital to fight against those old monsters of the Republic of China.

"There are still six minutes before Mr. Qin will attack, which gives me more and more time to prepare." Yang Jian reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

But he was not happy for long.


A door on the top floor of the building opened with a creak.

In the corridor.

An old woman with a wrinkled face and a hunched back carrying a vegetable basket walked out slowly at this moment. She looked strangely and stared at Yang Jian.

"Huh?" Yang Jian noticed something and looked back sharply.

Immediately his eyes shrank, revealing an expression of disbelief.

"Room 301, Dachuan City. Meng Xiaodong?"

"It's only been six minutes, young man, you haven't escaped far enough." The old woman's kind face suddenly changed, becoming fierce and vicious, like a resurrected ghost.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Jian looked horrified.

There is no doubt that this old woman came here just now.

If Mr. Qin can see the future, then this old woman can control the past, because she existed at every point in time in the past, and her supernatural power invades from the past to the present and replaces her current self.

As long as Yang Jian goes back and restarts, he can't avoid Meng Xiaodong no matter what.

The only way to deal with this old woman is to go to a point in time without her.

But this old woman has lived from the Republic of China to the present. At what point in time has she not been there? Only future points in time are without her.

But Yang Jian will be targeted by Mr. Qin at 2:30, and will die in this world at 6:10, with no future at all.

"You old monsters from the Republic of China can even block the past and the future when you join forces. No wonder you can calm down the ghosts of an era. I really can't think of any way to defeat you except that time can kill you. I admit that I underestimated you. , you are scarier than I expected."

Yang Jian took a deep breath and kept holding the cracked spear in his hand, but he had no chance to make a move.

In front of such people, hatchets and coffin nails seem like toys, useless.

"But you are the only one coming here this time. One-on-one, I may not have a chance."

Meng Xiaodong's face moved slightly and he smiled. This smile was very cold: "Young man, you can give it a try, but before that I hope you take a look downstairs."

Yang Jian's ghostly eyes moved slightly, and his face suddenly stiffened.

At this moment, there are no longer living people walking around under the building. They are all lifeless old ladies carrying vegetable baskets, and the number is increasing as time goes by.

"At least a few hundred"

There was no detailed calculation, just a brief glance, and Yang Jian had a rough estimate in his mind.

The amount is almost suffocating.

Obviously, all these old ladies have invaded from the past, and this number can doubtless be increased indefinitely.

If Yang Jian is an infinite restart, then this Meng Xiaodong is an infinite invasion.

Perhaps infinite restart and infinite invasion are the same level of supernatural power, but it is obvious that Yang Jian will suffer in a real fight.

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