Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1345 The opening of the tenth level ghost realm

More and more old ladies are approaching, the red light is receding, and the ghost realm that previously covered twenty kilometers is now easily eroded and torn into pieces.

Wrinkled arms are now resting on Yang Jian's body. Even if he doesn't need to do anything, the terrifying supernatural beings are already causing irreversible damage to him, and this kind of damage can't be done even if he enters the restart state. The fix can only slightly delay the time it takes to be killed.

At this moment, the past is blocked, and Yang Jian, who can reverse the past, has lost his biggest support.

In other words, this Meng Xiaodong found a way to fight against Yang Jian in a short period of time.

At this moment, Yang Jian no longer restrained the other party, but was restrained by the other party.

Obviously, Meng Xiaodong is better than Yang Jian in terms of experience in fighting supernatural beings.

At this moment, Yang Jian's whole body was glowing with red light, and he had been entering a restart state. In this state, the number of old arms on his body was rapidly decreasing, but then it increased rapidly again and again. The restart speed could not keep up at all. on the speed of being attacked.

So more and more arms touched him.

And as time goes by, the pace of this imbalance continues to increase.

"So that's it, this old woman not only appears in front of me, but also appears in my past. When I enter the restart state, I am exposed to the old woman in the past. If I continue to restart, she will continue to invade the past and continue to attack me. And now the reason why I can't restart to get rid of Meng Xiaodong's attack is because my restart speed cannot keep up with her invasion speed."

"Infinite restarts against infinite invasion, I am at a disadvantage"

Yang Jian understood now and understood the current situation.

No wonder Meng Xiaodong said before that the quantity was enough.

If the number of people who invade the past does not reach a certain scale, it will not be enough to block the past.

Therefore, to fight against this Meng Xiaodong, the longer the delay, the more dangerous it becomes, and he must be killed as quickly as possible.

But Yang Jian understands this shortcoming, and Meng Xiaodong must also understand it after living for so many years.

Therefore, Meng Xiaodong has countless scapegoat dolls in her hands. She does not need to take action. She only needs to rely on a sufficient number of scapegoat dolls and the weird dolls to delay time. As long as the time is up, she can rely on as many as The desperate numerical advantage will kill you.

After a real confrontation, Yang Jian clearly felt the terror of these old monsters from the Republic of China.

"No, I can't give up now. I don't believe that I will be killed by Meng Xiaodong. If I am going to die here, then Mr. Qin can just bring Meng Xiaodong to deal with me. Why should he bring that Cemetery owner Luo Qian? If he can predict the future, why bother?"

"There must have been some unknown changes during this period that I don't know about."

Yang Jian's face now had wrinkles, he was aging rapidly, and the outline of his face gradually evolved into the appearance of another person, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

A pair of ghost eyes glow red.

The state of restarting itself is maintained continuously.

"You want to kill me after the blockade is over. Don't be joking. If you want to play, then I will play with you to the end." Yang Jian roared at this moment.

At this moment, he decided to directly cross the ninth level of ghost realm and open the tenth level of ghost realm.

Just reversing the situation is not enough, he needs to completely defeat this Meng Xiaodong.

If the ten-level ghost realm could not have a decisive impact, then today he could only accept his fate and die here.

Meng Xiaodong's gloomy voice rang in his ears: "Don't be harsh at this time. Your restart is already ineffective. At this time, it can only delay the time of being killed by me, but it will not play a decisive role."

Yang Jian didn't speak. On the skin of his body, ghost eyes were opening continuously at this moment.

Double ghost eyes superimposed.

Originally, the eight-level ghost realm could be restarted on a large scale, but now one ghost eye only needs to open four levels. Then if a pair of ghost eyes each opens five levels of ghost realm, and if they are superimposed on each other, it will become a ten-level ghost realm, and this It is much easier than opening ten levels of ghost realm with a single ghost eye, and the burden will not be so great. In theory, Yang Jian can do it now.

However, the superposition of ghost realm itself is extremely stimulating to the recovery of ghost eyes.

But in this case, I can no longer think about that much.

Yang Jian has already bet his life on the tenth level of ghost realm, and no one can stop his current behavior.


At this moment, Meng Xiaodong noticed something strange on Yang Jian's body, because she saw that the red light on Yang Jian's body became more and more intense, as if his whole body was soaked in blood.

"The ghost realm is overlapping? Could it be that under this situation, he hasn't fully exerted his supernatural power? Is this the 'potential' that Xiao Qin mentioned?"

She saw the clues and wanted to speed up the erosion of Yang Jian, but she couldn't do it. Instead, she found that the erosion was getting slower and slower, and the traces of erosion were being reversed.

"No, he is breaking through the blockade of the past."

Then Meng Xiaodong's gloomy expression suddenly changed, and he felt that something was out of control and something was wrong.

But the next moment.

Before she could hesitate, a blackened palm suddenly stretched out and pinched Meng Xiaodong.

It is obviously just an ordinary burnt black ghost hand, but it is not only the current Meng Xiaodong that is being strangled. The past Meng Xiaodong also seems to be being strangled. It obviously only exists in the current Yang Jian, but it is like Meng Xiaodong. It generally also exists at countless points in time in the past.

"Although unknown changes are uncontrollable, your supernatural power is too weak to deal with me." Meng Xiaodong wanted to struggle, but was shocked to find that he could not break free from this ghost's hand.

"Don't be too confident, old woman, your game is over."

Yang Jian's eyes were glowing red, and his whole body seemed to be bathed in blood. At this moment, his voice had an accent when he spoke. This voice seemed to have overlapped at countless points in time before finally coming together.

At this moment, it wasn't like one person was talking, but countless Yang Jians were talking together.


Yang Jian raised his other hand and raised the hatchet in his hand again.

However, this simple action had a different change in Meng Xiaodong's eyes, because at this moment she saw countless Yang Jian raising hatchets together, and the number was so large that it was unbelievable, and even It's more than her.

Because she can only see the time when she exists, but she cannot see the time when she does not exist.

Soon the knife fell again and struck Meng Xiaodong's neck in front of him.

"It's useless. I have a scapegoat and a hatchet can't deal with me."

As soon as Meng Xiaodong opened her mouth, her old face suddenly changed, and a scarlet wound suddenly appeared on her neck.

The wound changes at an unimaginable speed, repairing quickly and tearing apart again.

It was just a tear, and all the repair changes were compressed into one second, making it impossible to see clearly.

But the results are striking.


After a brief stalemate, Meng Xiaodong's neck with a wound was suddenly torn open with a ferocious gash, blood splattered, and the old head slowly left the neck and fell down.

Such a scene does not just appear in front of you.

The old woman who came into contact with Yang Jian nearby also suffered a torn neck and her head fell off at the same moment. The wound was exactly the same as that of Meng Xiaodong just now.

Losing the head means the body has been dismembered.

Then Meng Xiaodong's body fell down weakly. The basket she was holding opened, and countless mutilated scapegoat dolls slipped out of the basket. The necks of these scapegoat dolls were all cut off. One is complete.

The corpses of old women fell on the surface of the ghost lake.

The lake water turned scarlet red, and these corpses did not sink, but floated unreasonably on the ghost lake.

"Is your bet right? Is this an attack under the tenth level of the ghost realm? Even the old monsters from the Republic of China can't stop it." Yang Jian felt that the erosion on himself disappeared instantly, and the damage he received also improved instantly.

Everything is back in perfect condition again.

"Are you kidding me? You actually have such a method?"

Suddenly, a gloomy voice sounded again, and a new Meng Xiaodong had just appeared. She looked at hundreds of herself dead on the lake and felt unbelievable.

"My current state is very strange and a bit incomprehensible, but I feel that I should be able to deal with you in this state." Yang Jian's face was cold, and he took a step forward.

But after taking this step, countless overlapping figures appeared around him.

Some figures were walking to the left, some were walking back, and some were walking to the side. Countless overlapping figures actually separated from Yang Jian and gradually dispersed.

The further Yang Jian walked, the more scattered figures there were.

He just took a dozen steps forward.

The surrounding lake was full of him, each one holding a cracked spear, and they all looked exactly the same, just like Meng Xiaodong from Infinite Invasion.

"So it turns out that the ghost realm has begun to fold infinitely. The process of restarting itself has created a time difference, resulting in the appearance of countless selves, but each of them has pulled countless selves to the same point in time by restarting itself. It's obviously just an ordinary chop, but the result is that it's equivalent to thousands of chops. No matter how many scapegoats I have, they can't withstand such consumption."

Meng Xiaodong's old face moved slightly, and she squinted her eyes to see the clues.

And this superposition algorithm is very scary. For the first time of superposition, many Yang rooms appear in the timeline during the restart process. Then, if the Yang rooms in the past timeline are pulled to the same time point, then the number will be There can be so many that it’s scary.

Not to mention that this can still be superimposed for the second time. By the time of the third superposition, Yang Jian's number will not only fill up the current time point, but also fill up the past time point.

As long as this state lasts long enough, he can fill the past.

At this moment, Meng Xiaodong had to admit that he was no longer a match for Yang Jian in this state.

"Do you think I can kill you in this state?" Yang Jian spoke again, with countless voices superimposed.

Meng Xiaodong said with a gloomy face: "You can't kill me. You can't last long in this state because you are losing control and adding too many past selves. But not every one of you will act in the same way. The longer it goes, the more you will lose control." The greater the risk, and in the end you will be lost in countless pasts and no longer be able to maintain yourself.”


Countless overlapping sounds echoed on the ghost lake, like thunder, making people's ears buzz.

next moment.

A stream of scarlet light struck, completely dyeing the world red.

Immediately afterwards, countless Yang Jian rushed towards him with ghost eyes open.

In just the blink of an eye, Meng Xiaodong's eyes were filled with countless Yang Jian's figures, even the sky above his head was covered, and each figure was layered on top of each other, occupying not only the present, but also the past.

Cut it off with one knife.

The surrogate doll in Meng Xiaodong's hand frantically resisted such an attack. Unfortunately, the number was consumed in an instant. Then the attack of the hatchet fell on her own body, and then it was dismembered into countless pieces. It was impossible to withstand.

In addition, not only was Meng Xiaodong killed at the moment, but all Meng Xiaodong in the past three hours were dismembered, and her sealed past was broken through by Yang Jian.

At this moment, he won.

Yang Jian, who was under the tenth level of the ghost realm, perfectly resisted Meng Xiaodong's infinite invasion.

But just when he finished all this, the red light that dyed the world collapsed instantly.

The ghost eye obtained from this world on Yang Jian immediately exploded into a puddle of scarlet debris.

Countless Yangjian quickly disappeared.

All the terrible anomalies immediately subsided.

Yang Jian opened his palms and looked at the strange eyes that shattered and dissipated, with a gloomy expression: "I just opened the fifth level of the ghost realm and this ghost eye can't sustain the damage? Isn't this a world that can't afford it? Even ghosts can't be killed." All the rules of death are starting to be broken.”

With double ghost eyes, the ten-level ghost realm seems not allowed to exist in this world.

After a brief appearance, the ghost eyes of this world were directly shattered and completely disappeared from the world, preventing Yang Jian from opening the tenth level of ghost realm again so easily.

In other words, the ghost eyes of this world died in this world.

"Forget it, others set the rules. I can't help others if they cheat on me."

Yang Jian no longer dwells on this supernatural power that does not belong to him. Now he can at least be sure that he has indeed successfully defeated Meng Xiaodong.

However, it was only a victory, but it was still not completely killed.

He came back to his senses and looked at the time.

Ten past two.

He bought himself twenty minutes of safety time.

Mr. Qin will still show up at two thirty.

The desperate ending has still not been reversed, and now that he has lost one of his ghost eyes, it is impossible to activate infinite restarts and the tenth level of ghost realm.

The way to survive that I finally found was once again blocked by this world.

Yang Jian on the ghost lake remained silent and fell into silence.

But the supernatural attack would not give him time to hesitate and think.

Countless dead bodies floating under the ghost lake were wandering towards him again at this moment.

He had no choice but to leave here because he didn't want to waste time here and in the ghost lake.

Before leaving, he took away the body of an old woman.

There is a rusty coffin nail stuck in the forehead of this corpse. This coffin nail was taken from Dachang City and is also a supernatural item in this world.

Fortunately, the world did not continue to cheat and let the nails in the coffin break and fail.

But what just happened made Yang Jian alert.

The supernatural in this world is unreliable.

Once a certain limit is exceeded, the world will target unreasonably, and the iron law that ghosts cannot be killed will be subverted.

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