Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1353 Fatal Information

"You can see nearby ghosts when you lie down? When did the human skin paper reveal key information so actively? Could this be a trap?"

Wang Shanshan stared at the line of words on the human skin paper, and she felt more and more that this might be a trap.

Maybe she would be attacked by a ghost when she lay down and die tragically on the spot.

But if he doesn't do anything, Liu Qi will soon be killed by the ghost.

"Only when you see a ghost can you deal with a ghost. If I let the ghost boy lie down, it can also see the ghost. Then the ghost boy can help Liu Qi. But if something happens in the middle, both Liu Qi and the ghost boy will be in danger."

Wang Shanshan was in a dilemma at this moment.

She did nothing but watched Liu Qi die without saving him. If the ghost boy was allowed to help, the ghost boy might also be in danger.

Ghost children are not real ghosts and may be killed.

The human skin paper revealed the correct information at this moment, just like a conspiracy, harming people openly.


Liu Qi let out another painful and pitiful cry, and another piece of his body was broken. The gap was dripping with blood, as if he had been bitten hard by something.

"To take action or not to take action?" Wang Shanshan's face changed uncertainly.

She wanted to take action, but she was worried that it was a trap.

Because he had been tricked by human skin paper once before, and both he and Yang Jian almost died in the world three years ago. Now that Yang Jian has not woken up, if he believed in human skin paper again and killed Liu Qi and the ghost boy together, , then this responsibility is too big and Wang Shanshan cannot bear it.

"If you don't take action, Liu Qi will be killed. If you do, Liu Qi and Gui Tong may be killed. And I am an ordinary person and can't be of any help. If Yang Jian is here, what choice will he make?"

Wang Shanshan was entangled in her heart and began to try to think about the problem from Yang Jian's perspective.

But she is not a ghost controller, so she cannot think about the problem with the thinking of a ghost controller.

"I can't be saved. Don't worry about me. The supernatural power in me is suppressed and has no effect. It won't help if you ask the ghost boy to take action."

Liu Qi endured the severe pain and said: "You must find a way to wake up Yang Jian, he is the most important."

"Liu Qi, don't say that. You went deep into danger just to help me and Yang Jian." Wang Shanshan said.

Liu Qidao: "No, if it weren't for Yang Jian, I would have died before and I wouldn't be alive now. Moreover, I asked for this trip. I don't blame anyone. Don't blame yourself too much. The ghost controller died in a supernatural incident. This is a very normal thing, and I have accepted my fate from the day I became a ghost master."

"I just didn't expect this day to come so quickly. You should quickly retreat to the room. Don't come out before Yang Jian wakes up. There are already ghosts in this wooden house. You can't leave here at all!"

Before he finished speaking, he screamed again.

This time, one of his legs was missing, and there was a hideous gash on his waist. A large piece of flesh and blood had been eaten by something unknown.

Moreover, the frequency of these bites has become faster and faster. Before, I only took one bite occasionally, but now I will get two big bites at once.

In Liu Qi's sight, there were already four strange heads sticking out of the old wooden Eight Immortals table, and the number would increase. He himself had no way of judging how many terrifying ghosts were hidden under this Eight Immortals table. How many hungry evil spirits need to eat?

Seeing this, Wang Shanshan couldn't help it. She couldn't watch Liu Qi die in vain to help her and Yang Jian. She believed that Yang Jian wouldn't just watch Liu Qi being killed by a ghost without helping him.

"Liu Qi, I asked the ghost boy to help you. If this is a trap, then all of us will die here today. If it succeeds, then we can go back together safely. I know Yang Jian's character very well, and he also I won’t be denied this.”

Then, Wang Shanshan made up her mind and gave the ghost boy an order: "Ghost boy, lie down on the ground."

The naked and barefoot ghost boy immediately lay on the ground without any hesitation.

As soon as he lay down, a strange scene happened.

The ghost boy was originally lying on the wooden floor, but from Liu Qi's perspective, there was an old Eight Immortals table next to him. That Eight Immortals table was not big, much smaller than his own, and the ghost boy was at this moment He lay on the table like a dish on the table, ready to be eaten.

"Have you seen a ghost? If you see one, eat it immediately."

Wang Shanshan gave the order again without hesitation. She wanted the ghost boy to eat a ghost.

Only in this way can the situation be reversed.

The ghost boy was struggling at the moment, trying to get away from the dining table and move towards Liu Qi.

But the ghost boy struggled and twisted but couldn't move no matter what.

It was restrained, and its body was glued to the dining table like Liu Qi's, as if they had grown together.

"It's useless. It can't break free from the shackles of the supernatural. You are too impulsive. You must know that the supernatural in me is stronger than the ghost boy. Even I failed. The possibility of its success is very small. Wang Shanshan, you are too impulsive. Yang Jian It’s not easy to raise this kid, you can’t be buried here with me in vain,” Liu Qi said.

He could see that the ghost boy was of great value. After all, this was the rumored little starving ghost. If his growth had not been deliberately restrained, the current ghost boy would have been absolutely ruthless.

Even so, the future role and potential of ghost children cannot be denied.

"I know, but I still did it. I had no choice in this situation. The situation is not that bad yet. We can still try again." Wang Shanshan said with a calm look.

Liu Qi opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when he reached his mouth.

In this case, we really can’t blame Wang Shanshan.

Just as Yang Jian told him not to enter the wooden house and leave alone before, he still came in and chose to help Yang Jian and do his part.

"Wait, there seems to be some changes. The number of ghosts surrounding me seems to have decreased." Suddenly, Liu Qi discovered the clue.

He saw five heads that should have come out from under the table to bite him, but at this time only three heads came out, and the remaining two heads actually appeared under the ghost boy's table.

This indicates that the ghost population is spreading.

However, no matter how hard he tried to distract the ghost, the attack still did not stop. Liu Qi was bitten off three more times, one of which directly bit off his jaw. Blood fell along with the broken bones, and the severe pain almost caused him to lose his jaw. He fainted, but the supernatural power in his body kept him alive and kept him conscious.

at the same time.

The ghost boy who was struggling to get off the ground was also bitten twice.

The pale and slightly bluish-black arm immediately had two ferocious teeth marks on it. The ghost boy seemed to be in great pain. It opened its pitch-black mouth and seemed to be screaming in pain.

Two pieces of flesh were bitten off by the ghost under the table.

However, the bite area was not big and not as exaggerated as Liu Qi's. It seemed that the ghost boy was more resistant to supernatural attacks than Liu Qi.

In fact, the ghost boy is not stronger than Liu Qi, but most of Liu Qi's bodies are ordinary people's bodies, and there are very few bodies with supernatural features. The ghost boy is different. His whole body is made of supernatural beings, so It is better than Liu Qi to withstand the attacks of evil spirits.

After the ghost boy was bitten, he seemed to be in pain but also angry. As a little starving ghost, he had always eaten ghosts and had never been eaten by ghosts.

Now being treated as food on the table, the ghost child cannot bear it.

I don't know if Wang Shanshan's order had an effect, or if the ghost boy's instinct of starving to death was at work.

At this moment, the ghost boy with a mouth was dripping corpse water, and he actually wanted to eat the human head that poked out from under the table.

But the ghost boy's movement was hindered. He wanted to eat but couldn't reach it.

"The ghost boy shared part of the supernatural attack, delaying the time when I was eaten by the ghost, but it still didn't help. Unless Yang Jian wakes up at this time, the ghost boy and I will die within a short time." Liu Qi said.

"Yang Jian is not awake yet." Wang Shanshan has been observing the movements in the house.

Yang Jian still stood there motionless, still trapped.


Wang Shanshan had no choice but to place her hope on the human skin paper again. She stared at the dark brown human skin paper in her hand and gritted her teeth and said: "I will give you one last chance. If I can't save Liu Qi and Gui Tong, I promise to let Gui Tong." If I eat you first, if I die, I will drag you to death as well."

At this moment, black writing appeared again on the human skin paper: Go downstairs and cover the open coffin, which can temporarily seal the escaped evil ghost.

A plan emerged. It seemed that as long as Wang Shanshan followed the instructions, Liu Qi and Guitong could be saved.

But Wang Shanshan's expression changed slightly, and she was worried that this was a trap.

The human skin paper only said that closing the coffin lid could seal the evil ghost, but it ignored that doing this would involve taking considerable risks. If you were not careful during this period, you might die on the road, and there was no way to complete it.

"Is it possible that it wants to trap all of us?" Wang Shanshan pursed her lips and felt a chill in her body.

She is the only one who can move now, and once she goes downstairs without the shackles of the ghost boy, the human skin paper will no longer be threatened by anything. Once she fails, everything will be lost.

Fortunately, Wang Shanshan is not the kind of impulsive and brainless person.

Otherwise, someone else would have taken action immediately.

"I'll let the ghost boy eat the human skin first, and then I'll go downstairs and close the coffin lid. We'll either survive together or die together."

At this moment, Wang Shanshan no longer wanted to be manipulated by human skin, and she also admitted that she couldn't afford to play with human skin.

No wonder Yang Jian would seal this thing and hang it around the ghost boy's neck.

This thing is too scary. Every piece of information above is true, but every piece of it is fatal. The more you believe, the faster you will die. But at the critical moment, some information is very useful, which makes it difficult to Give up.

Take a deep breath.

Wang Shanshan picked up the human skin paper and quickly walked towards the ghost boy.

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