Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1356 Timely reversal

The situation inside the wooden house is already very bad.

The ghosts in the wooden house are constantly resurrecting. At the same time, Wang Shanshan is trapped and will die on the stairs at any time. Although Liu Qi is not in danger of being eaten by ghosts for the time being, with the constant occurrence of supernatural phenomena around him, there is no guarantee that he will be eaten by other ghosts. Keep an eye on.

More importantly, Yang Jian is still unconscious. If he is attacked by a ghost, he will have no power to resist.

"It's a little better than before."

At this moment, Yang Jian could slightly see the scene outside. He could even walk freely inside the wooden house. However, in this state, he was like a ghost and could not affect reality at all.

He saw Liu Qi lying on the ground bleeding outside the room, and saw the ghost boy lying on the ground struggling, but he did not see Wang Shanshan.

"Will you be attacked by ghosts if you lie down on the ground? There is something wrong with the floor on the second floor of this wooden house. It should not be an ordinary wooden board, but a supernatural construction."

Yang Jian observed it for a while and quickly understood.

Then he glanced at the peeling wooden pillars, a rotting corpse gradually appeared, and then looked at the rows of strange reflections on the windows.

"Not just the floor, the entire wooden house is made of supernatural beings. The floor, pillars, windows, stairs. Everything represents a evil ghost. The evil ghost did not wake up when he entered the house before, so he did not feel dangerous, but Now this place has become a haunted house where who comes and who dies.”

Yang Jian now understood why Liu Qi called him so urgently.

In this case, even if the other captains from the headquarters come, they can only find a way to escape from here. No one dares to stay here.

Yang Jian, who was wandering like a ghost, tried to go downstairs to have a look.

But when he got to the top of the stairs, the road disappeared. He could only move within the confines of the second floor and couldn't go too far. It was obvious that the supernatural was still restraining him.

However, Yang Jian heard the growling of the vicious dogs around him getting closer and closer, as if he was right next to him, and it seemed that he would see the vicious dog in a few moments.

"Is there still a little time left?"

Now he couldn't wait any longer, because he saw that inside the peeling pillars, a rotting corpse was already twisting its head and moving slowly.

Liu Qi, who was trapped on the floor, also saw this scene.

"The ghosts have completely revived. They have resumed their actions. This wooden house has been completely occupied by ghosts." Liu Qi was now a little desperate.

The smell of decay wafted over.

The dead body stretched out one leg, then twisted its body and walked out of the pillar.

With the sound of bones colliding, the rotting corpse gradually stretched its body, and gradually spliced ​​the broken limbs into a normal shape.

At this time, Liu Qicai saw the appearance of the rotting corpse. It was a female corpse with black hair. The clothes on the corpse had rotted and peeled off a lot, but judging from the remaining cloth style, it was probably from the Republic of China period. , and the entire face of the corpse has disappeared, as if it had been peeled off alive, leaving only a pair of bloody eyes.

It was obvious that this female corpse had been deliberately sealed in wood to serve as a pillar. Moreover, the female corpse had been dismembered during her lifetime, and her skin had been torn off.

But none of this matters anymore.

Now this female corpse is a completely revived terrifying ghost. It is standing next to Liu Qi and may attack Liu Qi at any time.

Liu Qi didn't dare to speak now, or even look directly at the ghost, for fear of being targeted.

But the bloody neck of the female corpse twisted slightly and looked at Yang Jian, who was standing motionless in the room.

Afterwards, the female corpse walked slowly towards the unconscious Yang Jian.

"No, it actually targeted Yang Jian." Liu Qi's eyes widened, shocked and angry.

It was obvious that Yang Jian was so far away and there was no sound at all. Why did the female corpse come to him? But she was not attacked even though she was so close.

Or is it that the old Eight Immortals Table will not attack him now that he is trapped there?

"We can't stop this female corpse. It's really getting closer to Yang Jian."

Liu Qi was helpless and could only watch the ghost leave. He tried to call Yang Jian, but got no response. He even tried to attract the attention of the female corpse, but the female corpse ignored him.

On the contrary, his shout seemed to have touched some taboo at this moment.

At this moment, all the windows in the room on the second floor opened with a bang. It was dark outside, and the cold wind kept blowing in. At the same time, outside the open windows, skinny shadows gradually extended towards the house. Come in.

This skinny shadow looks a bit like a ghost, but it is not.

Because Liu Qi was shocked to see a skinny man standing outside the window at some point. This strange skinny man was very tall, and his head had already exceeded the window. He was blocked by the beam and couldn't see clearly. He was wearing an old thing. Her long gown looked empty because she was too skinny, and was constantly swaying in the breeze.

The thin and strange man outside the window made no movement, but the black shadow reflected on the ground seemed to be moving, constantly approaching Liu Qi.

"This time it came at me." Liu Qi was not afraid. He even hoped that the female corpse just came at him.

After all, it’s hard to survive on your own, so it’s better to attract all the ghosts here.

If the evil ghost approaches, it will be a matter of time before he is attacked.

The female corpse has now walked to the door of the room. It seems not to be affected by the supernatural in the room, and even the withered corpse in the room does not move at all.

Just like that, the female corpse crossed the door and came to Yang Jian's side.

Yang Jian still couldn't move.

At this moment, the female corpse moved towards Yang Jian. Its body exuding a rotten smell was pressed against Yang Jian's body, and then its body seemed to melt. It actually grew together with Yang Jian, and they were like a conjoined body. Like babies, there is no way to separate them.

Yang Jian's body was also rotting at this moment, and supernatural influences were eroding his whole body.

However, after a while, the female corpse gradually separated from Yang Jian's body.

It's just that the stripped female corpse no longer rotted, and the smell of putridity disappeared. The state of the corpse was suddenly reversed and became fresher. The only thing that remained unchanged was the face of the female corpse, which was still dripping with blood and had no skin.

But all this doesn't come without a price.

Because all traces of decay were transferred to Yang Jian's body, he endured the horrific curse on the female corpse.

At this moment, Yang Jian's body was deteriorating rapidly. Pieces of flesh and blood seemed to have lost their vitality and were peeling off from his body. Even pale bones could be seen, and the bones were rapidly turning black and breaking as time passed. .If this continues, he will soon become a complete pile of mud.

on the contrary,

The body of the female corpse became complete, and her fair skin was even a little rosy.

It is still breaking away from Yang Jian.

Once separated, the female corpse will take away Yang Jian's health, vitality, life, and everything. Even the supernatural power controlled by Yang Jian will be withdrawn because at this moment, a strange eye actually grows on the female corpse's body.

Those are ghost eyes.

One ghost eye was actually peeled off by the female corpse.

If this continues, other supernatural beings will continue to be stripped away, and in the end Yang Jian will have nothing left.

"Yang Jian, we don't have time. Wake up quickly. If you don't wake up, you will die."

Liu Qi watched helplessly as Yang Jian's body was eroded and his spiritual power was stripped away, and he roared loudly.

Although he himself is now covered by the skinny shadow, he no longer cares about his own condition.

Just die if you die.

At least Yang Jian had to survive.

However, at this moment, Liu Qi's cry suddenly received a response, but the response was not Yang Jian's voice, but the growl of a vicious dog.

Accompanied by the low growl of the vicious dog.

Yang Jian, who was standing there unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were no longer dark and lifeless, but flashed with a faint red light. Then the red light became stronger and stronger until it finally enveloped his whole body.

At this moment, the rotten body was recovering and reversing, but the female corpse that had just recovered was rapidly deteriorating, her fair skin was turning black, and then began to exude a rotten smell, and the female corpse was quickly leaving Yang Jian's body.

But now, instead of stripping away the supernatural power from Yang Jian, the female corpse has sent back everything she just got.

There is only one explanation for such a situation.

That is, Yang Jian opened the seventh-level ghost realm and directly restarted himself.

When the red light reached its strongest intensity, it suddenly stopped.

Then the red light dissipated, and Yang Jian's body returned to its previous appearance, intact and without any supernatural being stripped away.

The rotting female corpse turned its head slightly, revealing a bloody face.

"That's disgusting, get out of here."

Yang Jian waved the spear in his hand at this moment, and the hatchet fell mercilessly.

The female corpse was immediately chopped into two sections by him, but the split female corpse did not immediately fall into silence. Instead, it struggled and squirmed on the ground, trying to piece it together again.

But the next moment.

The pale green will-o'-the-wisp ignited again on the rotting female corpse.

The will-o'-the-wisp burned, igniting the bones of the female corpse. A crackling sound was heard, and the flames grew larger, quickly engulfing the female corpse.

"Finally we caught up." Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief after instantly suppressing the fierce ghost.

He was watching this scene happen just now. If the vicious dog hadn't pulled him back to consciousness at the last moment, he might have died here.

"There is no time to lament. We need to take action immediately to save Liu Qi, Ghost Boy and Wang Shanshan, and then leave here quickly." Yang Jian didn't even pay attention to the mummy in this room at this moment.

He didn't have time to study and rushed out of the room immediately.

When the ghost eyes opened, they would have been affected by the supernatural, but the burning of the ghost fire forcibly dispelled this interference.

The dark second floor suddenly became brighter.

The fire instantly engulfed the entire second floor.

this moment.

The skinny man outside the window couldn't help but take a few steps back, away from the window, and his figure gradually disappeared into the darkness behind him, looming.

And the reflection that invaded the second floor was quickly withdrawn.

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