Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1361 Rescue

After leaving the wooden house, Yang Jian could use the ghost lake. Although the ghost lake invasion was disturbed here, it was not completely unusable.

He took out the ghost shroud from the water and threw it to the ghost boy, asking him to put it on first.

With the protection of the ghost shroud, the ghost boy will not be killed easily.

At the same time, just to be on the safe side, Yang Jian took out scapegoat dolls, ghost candles, and even straw rope circles and other supernatural objects from the ghost lake. He had made too few preparations before, thinking that as long as the ghost lake existed, he would not worry about these. Who would have thought that the media in Ghost Lake would also be cut off.

"This wooden house is very special. I feel that there will be another chance to come here in the future, but now it is too dangerous for us. Fortunately, we escaped without any risk this time."

At this moment, Yang Jian carefully looked at the wooden house located on the empty and silent road.

The wooden house is still the same as before, without any abnormalities. The ghost inside has not come out, and the same dead souls wandering nearby do not dare to approach there.

"That wooden house can help people return to the world three years ago. It's really strange." Liu Qi sighed: "It would be great if we could control this kind of supernatural power. Even a false world constructed by the supernatural can make people sink into it. .”

"Everything should be caused by the mummy in the wooden house. That should be the source." Wang Shanshan said, she still had lingering fears about the mummy in the room.

Yang Jian said: "It seems that the supernatural circle still hides a lot of secrets. Even the top ghost masters during the Republic of China probably don't dare to say that they know everything about supernatural beings. I have never heard of the existence of Baishui Town before. If it weren't for This time it suddenly appeared in reality. I think it will be hard for me to believe that there is such a place for the rest of my life."

The road that can take away the souls of the dead can resurrect relatives, return to the wooden house three years ago, and the shops in Baishui Town that seem to be run by evil ghosts.

This is definitely not something that a ghost controller can build or create.

"But we don't have time to continue lamenting here. What time is it now? We have to go back and save people." Yang Jian asked.

Liu Qi looked at the time: "It's four o'clock in the morning, and there are still two hours of action time."

"We should be able to make it, let's set off." Yang Jian repaired himself a little before continuing to set off.

He did not return the way he came, because it would take a long way to go back. The road where the undead wandered was full of dangers, and it was not always smooth sailing. Therefore, he once again used the water under his feet as a medium to connect to the ghost lake. There were also traces of stagnant water in Yangjian, Baishui Town. The stagnant water was all interconnected and could be used as import and export.


The group of people submerged into the stagnant water again and left the road where the dead souls wandered.

When they emerged from the lake again, Yang Jian and others appeared in Baishui Town.

It was still night in Baishui Town at this moment, and it was still a period when supernatural beings and reality converged. And because of Xiao Yang's death, Guiyu's supernatural powers began to fail. Those living people affected by the supernatural gradually broke away from the state of the living dead and woke up. Originally, The dead Baishui Town was actually a little more lively.

With a casual glance, Yang Jian saw ordinary people running in panic on the streets, heard the frightened screams coming from somewhere in Baishui Town, and even saw twisted dead bodies on the sidewalk next to the road.

The body was still fresh, so it was obvious that he had just died not long ago, and it seemed that he was not killed by homicide, but died at the hands of a ghost.

You must know that there are wandering ghosts in Baishui Town now. Ordinary people will definitely die miserably if they are targeted by ghosts.

"Trouble has begun in Baishui Town. What we were most worried about before has indeed happened." Yang Jian said.

"Indeed, those people who have been affected by the supernatural are waking up at this moment. They have no idea that this is no longer the real Baishui Town, but a supernatural land. Now these living people are running around here and no one knows what will happen. ." Liu Qi said: "This situation is not easy to handle now. People have dispersed. It is difficult to gather these people."

"I'll think about what to do." Yang Jian began to think.

After a brief thought, he said: "We can only use the simplest method, which is to search the past one by one, gather all the people we can find together, and then use the ghost domain to take them out of Baishui the moment six o'clock arrives. town."

"If you do this, the workload will be huge, and there will be a lot of omissions." Liu Qi thought for a moment and said.

Yang Jian said: "I know that as long as most people can get out of here safely, casualties are inevitable in supernatural incidents. We only have two hours, so act fast."

"Then let's separate. I'll be in charge of the other side of the road and bring the survivors over." Liu Qi said.

"Okay, but you have to be careful. Baishui Town is still full of dangers. Just in case, it's better for you to hold something to save your life." After speaking, Yang Jian put a red ghost candle and a substitute The dead doll was handed to Liu Qi.

These two things were enough to save his life.

Liu Qi did not refuse, and immediately said after taking it: "Don't worry, I will be very cautious this time, and the supernatural beings here are not as scary as the supernatural beings in that wooden house. In addition, if there are ghost candles and scapegoat dolls, I will really encounter them." I should be able to escape from danger easily.”

"In that case, let's start taking action." Yang Jian said.

Liu Qi didn't waste any more time and started taking action immediately.

The streets where the dead souls wander are not insurmountable. It’s just that Yang Jian went too far in search of Wang Shanshan and left the scope of Baishui Town, so he was trapped on that road. In fact, as long as he didn’t go far enough, the supernatural influence would not be affected. Under normal circumstances, you can cross the road normally.

Liu Qi went to the other side of the road and then entered the building to search for survivors.

Yang Jian was also ready to take action at this moment, but before that he felt that it would be better for him to get a few more helpers.

He reached out and took out the deceiver's necklace.

The black and cracked necklace seemed to have reached its limit. The evil ghost inside was about to revive, but as a red light flashed in Yang Jian's ghost eyes, the black and cracked necklace returned to its original state again. The deceptive ghost inside was about to revive. The ghost was once again imprisoned and restrained by Yang Jian.

This is not the first time this has been done and everything is done very skillfully.

"I need some experienced helpers."

Yang Jian pinched the necklace, and a person began to appear out of thin air in front of his eyes. These people looked different, but they were all wearing the same clothes. They were wearing black suits and sunglasses. They looked like agents. They looked quite similar. mystery.

Covered by ghosts, these people began to wake up.

After a while, all the men in black opened their eyes.

"The order is already in your minds. Start taking action and bring over all the living people you can find." Yang Jian said coldly.

"Yes, Captain Yang." All the men in black responded in unison.


A hundred men in black began to take action. They quickly dispersed and disappeared into various buildings.

"Can a deceitful necklace do this?" Wang Shanshan asked in confusion.

Yang Jian said: "It can't be done. The deceptive ghost's necklace can only create a living person's body out of thin air by affecting reality, but it does not have the consciousness of a living person. This requires the cooperation of other supernatural beings."

"I see."

Wang Shanshan nodded, and then asked: "Is there anything special about these supernatural beings?"

"It's nothing special. Strictly speaking, they are not human beings. They are just puppets made by supernatural beings. Their consciousness is also false. I used the memories of several ghost masters and messengers to modify and splice them together. The only advantage is that they are fighting against each other. He has rich experience in supernatural events, obeys orders, and is not afraid of death," Yang Jian said.


The men in black who spread out gained something.

Several ordinary people who were panicking after waking up were found by the men in black and brought over.

"Team Yang, please accept the three survivors." The man in black reported.

"Just let them stay and continue the action." Yang Jian said.

"Yes, Captain Yang." The man in black turned around and left again.

"Sure enough, it's you. I know you. You were with Henry Zhang before."

One of the three survivors who was brought in, a woman, looked at Yang Jiandao with wide eyes.

Yang Jian glanced at him: "Xiao Yang is dead, and I can no longer protect you. Now I take over here. If you are afraid of death, just follow me. If you run around and die, don't blame me. In addition, there will be survivors next You should also tell them this when you come here, I don’t like too much nonsense.”

"Okay, okay." The woman trembled all over and nodded hurriedly.


Other men in black brought survivors one after another. They sent the survivors to the road and were received by Yang Jian. They then checked the area before moving on.

The special identity of the man in black played a very good role at this time. Many people saw the man in black coming to the rescue and ran over to seek help. The process was still very smooth.

But there are also bad times.

"Captain Yang, there are survivors trapped in the store in front. One of us didn't come out after going in. We need your help, Captain Yang." A man in black ran over and reported some dangerous locations.

Yang Jian said: "I will handle it, you go search elsewhere first."

Then, he glanced over and saw a shop with a neon sign.

The store was full of people, even a little crowded.

Apparently at first, some people thought that there was a living person in the shop with lights on, and wanted to seek help, so they all hid in it. However, they later discovered that shops with neon lights were not only unsafe, but also more dangerous, because they were There are real ghosts inside.

"This is a steamed bun shop."

Yang Jian stood at the door of the store with flashing neon lights. He saw the store was crowded with people. These people were very hungry at the moment. They all grabbed a white-flour bun and ate it crazily.

These people only had one steamed bun in their hands, but they kept eating it, seemingly unable to finish it.

"This is a shop I haven't seen before." Yang Jian recalled it, and he was sure that he had never seen this steamed bun shop when he came here before.

Maybe this store hadn't opened before, but opened after he left.

Peering with ghostly eyes, Yang Jian stared at the white steamed buns in their hands.

The white steamed bun is like a piece of pale human skin. It looks a little oozing. When you eat it, it is like biting on the white fat. It has dissipated strangely before you swallow it.

"The steamed buns are free, one per person. Eat in the store and take away is prohibited."

There is a red slogan on the wall of the shop, and there is a steamer underneath. The steamer is already cold, but there are piles of steaming buns on top.

"I'm not sure what's special about this supernatural shop. It's better to bring people out first to be on the safe side." Yang Jian's ghost eyes were emitting golden light at this moment, illuminating the darkness in front of him.

The ghost realm extends into the store.

A living person who was eating steamed buns was pulled out directly by him.

However, a strange scene happened.

As soon as the living person left the shop, the steamed buns in his hands immediately disappeared, and the living person who ate without the steamed buns began to lose weight at an unimaginable speed.

"Hungry, I'm so hungry." He was struggling, wailing, and wanted to eat.

But soon, the man's eyes widened, his mouth opened, his body became emaciated, his vital signs disappeared rapidly, and he died on the spot.

The other survivors were so frightened when they saw this scene that they almost collapsed on the ground.

Wang Shanshan also frowned, feeling a little scary.

Yang Jian's face darkened, he took a quick look and immediately diagnosed this person's condition.

This man was not killed by a demon, but by starvation to death.

"A steamed bun makes you hungrier and hungrier. Once you take one bite, you can't leave this steamed bun shop, otherwise you will starve to death outside." He probably understood the weirdness of this shop.

As a result, there is no way to save the people in this store.

These people are all contaminated with supernatural powers, and rescuing them is equivalent to killing them.

"But it's time to try other methods."

Yang Jian thought for a while and came up with a more violent method, which was to use will-o'-the-wisps to drive away the supernatural beings in these people. If they were lucky, these people could survive the burning of the will-o'-the-wisps.

If you are unlucky, you will have no choice but to die.

Without any hesitation.

Yang Jian's will-o'-the-wisp invasion directly set this steamed bun shop on fire.

Supernatural beings will be burned, but living people will not, but these living people have eaten supernatural things and are contaminated with supernatural beings, so the burns of will-o'-the-wisps are a kind of torture for them.

But this method can save them.


The screams rang out in the steamed bun shop, and those who heard it were frightened.

Yang Jian had no expression on his face, just staring at the group of people engulfed by the will-o'-the-wisp.


In the will-o'-the-wisp, many people woke up.

"Help, help."

"I don't want to be burned to death. Someone come and save me."

The will-o'-the-wisps dispelled the ghosts and allowed these people to regain their senses and already know to ask for help, which is a good thing.

Another moment passed.

Someone rushed out of the steamed bun shop in pain. There was no steamed bun in his hand, and his body was stained with light green will-o'-the-wisps. His eyes were frightened. He opened his mouth and gasped, and the pain on his body was quickly relieved.

"You're lucky, you survived." Yang Jian took a look and determined the man's condition.

"You, you set the fire?" The man looked at Yang Jian, shocked and angry.

Yang Jian said: "It's not stupid. I was the one who set the fire."

"You want to burn me to death?" The man rushed over angrily.

"At least I saved you from the ghost. You should thank me." Yang Jian said still expressionlessly.

The man was startled for a moment, then stopped. Only then did he realize the current situation. He looked back at the steamed bun shop with flashing neon lights, and then at the quiet and eerie street. His body suddenly shivered, and a chill filled his heart.

When he looked at Yang Jian again, he no longer had anger, only fear and uneasiness.

"Stand over there and stay out of the way." Yang Jian waved his hand and ignored this person.

This man was also very sensible and did not dare to be angry with Yang Jian anymore. He quickly turned around and ran towards the crowd of survivors beside him.

"You are really out of your mind. This person is capable of dealing with evil spirits. He is here to save us. Don't make trouble. Only by following him can we leave this ghost place."

Some survivors have already begun to persuade this man and tell him some situations.

The man who survived nodded repeatedly and did not dare to say a word.

After the first person succeeded, the second and third people also rushed out of the steamed bun shop with their bodies on fire.

The will-o'-the-wisp dispelled the supernatural powers in their bodies, preventing them from starving to death and allowing them to survive. Although they also suffered from the pain of being burned by the will-o'-the-wisp, the pain was obviously nothing compared to surviving.

at last.

There were fewer and fewer people in the steamed bun shop, and most of them ran out alive. Only a few were stuck too deep and ate too much, and couldn't get out of the steamed bun shop.

But this result is good enough.

After all, they walked out of the supernatural shop alive.

After dealing with the matter at the steamed bun shop, Yang Jian no longer stopped, he had to rush to deal with the next supernatural point.

This is not the only person trapped in a supernatural place, so he has been quite busy during these two hours.

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