Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1364 Castle Guards

The ghost boy's experience in Baishui Town made Yang Jian realize that its abilities were insufficient and could not face some dangerous supernatural events. This was not because the ghost boy lacked potential, but because Yang Jian deliberately suppressed its growth. However, Yang Jian I believe that after this growth, Guitong will never disappoint anyone.

"Raising ghosts is a taboo in the supernatural world. The growth of a ghost child should still not be too indulgent. At least it must be ensured that the ghost child can still cope with it after it loses control. However, this trip to Baishui Town also made me understand that it has the potential to subvert everything. As long as the ghost child loses control, If the human skin paper is fed to the ghost boy, its growth will be unrestricted, and it will only take a very short period of time for it to grow to a level that is strong enough to fight against those old monsters from the Republic of China."

Yang Jian stared at the ghost boy in front of him and thought to himself.

It is precisely because he knows this that he is extra cautious.

"Leave here and return to Wang Shanshan. She doesn't need you for the time being. She needs your protection even more." Yang Jian gave another order.

The ghost boy in front of him quickly walked towards Wang Shanshan. The ghost boy wearing strange embroidered shoes only took a few steps, and his figure was already a hundred meters away. His figure became more and more illusory, and finally he appeared out of thin air. It disappeared and went into hiding.

After acquiring the ghost ability of the Quiet Incident, Ghost Boy can freely switch between reality and idealism, and as long as Yang Jian calls Ghost Boy, it seems that Ghost Boy will appear next to him immediately no matter how far away he is.

This is the same effect as triggering the silent killing pattern and being targeted by evil spirits.

It's just that the ghosts in the Quiet Incident have a sensing range, which can only cover a town. Once you leave this range, even if you trigger the ghost's killing pattern, you will not be targeted by the ghost.

But Yang Jian's ghost boy can cross the city and ignore the influence of distance.

Yang Jian guessed that this was because the ghost boy had a connection with himself. This was a special situation. Others could not do it. He should be the only one with such ability. He just didn’t know if Wang Shanshan also had the ability to call the ghost boy remotely. , you can try this in the future.

After dealing with the ghost boy's matter, Yang Jian could finally breathe a sigh of relief and take a short break.

He returned home, took a shower, used the deceptive ghost necklace to restore his body that had been eroded by the supernatural, and then lay on the bed and fell asleep.

In Yang Jian's current state, he can go 24 hours a day without resting, but he doesn't want to do this because sleep is very important to him. In his dreams, he can get rid of the influence of supernatural beings on his emotions and let himself have a normal person. emotions, which will help him fight against the erosion of the spirit by supernatural beings.

Moreover, Yang Jian also needs to walk the dog in his dream to strengthen the connection between himself and the vicious dog to avoid becoming unfamiliar.

Although controlling the vicious dog helped Yang Jian to a great extent, his life is also in the hands of the vicious dog. Once the vicious dog turns against its master and bites Yang Jian to death in his sleep, then Yang Jian will There is absolutely no way to survive.

This is the risk.

Obtaining any supernatural power is not as simple and easy as imagined, and hidden dangers always exist.

In sleep.

Yang Jian once again returned to the familiar village in his memory, but the village in his dream was empty and silent, except for a vicious dog wandering in the village.

Of course, he could also make the place more lively, just by bringing more people to sleep, but that would be meaningless.

With vicious dogs.

Yang Jian was wandering around in the dream world. He was not passing the time out of boredom, but there were some places he needed to check by himself.

He took the vicious dog to the outside of the village. There was a winding path leading into the distance, and in the distance there was an old European-style castle. Such a building is located near the countryside. It seemed out of place, as if it didn't belong to this world.

Yang Jian stared at the castle, and then approached it along the path. He came to the courtyard of the castle. Through the window, he saw that the castle was incomplete, but it was all caused by the bites and impacts of vicious dogs. The castle looked shaky and about to collapse.

"Ghost dreams versus nightmares, so many days have passed and there's still no winner?" Yang Jian frowned.

According to normal circumstances, this evil dog must have demolished the castle. The ghost controller hiding in the castle must have been bitten to death by the evil dog. However, after such a long time, everything in the castle seems to have stagnated. However, the attack and invasion of the vicious dogs did not seem to have the expected effect.

During his routine inspection this time, he discovered clues.

With some caution, Yang Jian approached the castle again. He did not step into the castle, because entering the castle was equivalent to entering a nightmare world. Although it was protected by vicious dogs, the castle was someone else's territory after all. It was okay. Don't go wandering around to avoid any accidents.

"The number of dogs in the castle has dropped a lot."

Yang Jian observed that the number of vicious dogs in the castle was not as large as before. It was for this reason that the speed of the vicious dog invasion had slowed down.

"The number of vicious dogs will not decrease for no reason unless they are eliminated regularly. Although the vicious dogs in the dream world are extremely ferocious, they can also be killed. It's just that every time you kill them, the vicious dogs will appear the next day. It will still appear as usual, but if someone with some other supernatural power invades the nightmare world and chooses to help the ghost master in the castle, then the advantage of the evil dog will not be particularly obvious."

Just when he was thinking this.


Yang Jian noticed something and quickly looked at a window on the second floor of the castle.

There was an adult foreign man standing at the window. This foreign man was wearing European medieval armor and a helmet, covered in blood, and holding a big sword in his hand. He looked like a knight in the movie. Same.

The two people looked at each other, and both saw the murderous intent in the other's eyes.

next moment.

A vicious dog suddenly roared out from the side and threw the foreign man in armor standing at the window to the ground.

The sound of biting sounded, but it quickly stopped.

The foreign man in armor stood up again. He was covered in blood, but he was holding a bloody dog ​​head in his hand, and then he threw it in the direction of Yang Jian with his thumbs down.

Apparently he killed a vicious dog in just a few moments.

"Wearing armor and holding cold weapons, this guy specializes in hunting vicious dogs in the castle. These foreigners are not stupid. They found a way to deal with it so quickly. Before the Nightmare Castle has completely fallen, they will It would be very difficult for a vicious dog to kill such a heavily armed person."

Yang Jian could tell at a glance that the appearance of this man made the vicious dog invasion no longer smooth.

And these weapons of the opponent are not from the ghost dream world. If so, the evil dog can completely modify the dream to make the weapons disappear directly, but the castle has not yet fallen, so these weapons belong to the nightmare world, and the evil dog has nothing to do. You can only let the opponent hold armor and weapons.

With the blessing of armor and weapons, vicious dogs cannot easily kill each other, but are easily killed by them.

Although it was useless no matter how hard the opponent tried to kill the vicious dog, this person obviously did not want to deal with the vicious dog, but wanted to defend the Nightmare Castle and block the supernatural erosion of the vicious dog.

"It's just opportunistic. I found a way to survive the nightmare castle that is about to collapse. How dare you mock me? It's really arrogant."

Yang Jian thought to himself, then narrowed his eyes slightly and shouted to the man: "I advise you to abandon this castle immediately, otherwise, next time we meet, I will let you all die in your sleep, and no one will be able to get out. "

The man at the window on the second floor smiled, a bit mockingly.

Yang Jian just said coldly: "It is not only your privilege to bring people in to help in the dream, I can also bring other people in, ten, a hundred, a thousand, as many people as you want, don't forget, I am the law enforcement captain of the headquarters. As long as I am willing, it will not be a problem to recruit tens of thousands of special personnel to kill people in their dreams. Do you think your shabby castle can withstand the siege of tens of thousands of people?"

"Compared with numbers, cold weapons, and fighting skills, we are better than you in everything. I really don't know what you are laughing at."

Perhaps it was his words that awakened that person.

Immediately, the man in armor stopped laughing. If the helmet hadn't blocked his face, I believe his face would have looked extremely ugly at this moment.

Because Yang Jian didn't lie, he could indeed do this, and once he did, the castle would definitely fall.

"If you want to survive, get out of the castle now, otherwise what I said will soon become reality. This is the last warning. No matter what the situation is next time we meet, I will take over the castle. If you want to struggle, Go on, I want to see if you are really not afraid of death."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he didn't want to stay any longer, but turned around and left.

This matter cannot be solved for the time being. It will take some time, mobilizing manpower, and pulling people into dreams to completely capture this nightmare castle.

But if possible, it is best to scare these people away from holding on to the castle, so as to reduce unnecessary trouble.


Just when Yang Jian was about to leave the courtyard of the castle, a voice called out to him.

The foreign man who was wearing armor and covered in blood on the second floor now appeared at the gate of the castle. Like Yang Jian, he did not dare to walk into the other party's territory casually, because once he walked out, it would be a nightmare outside. The world will definitely be dead by then.

"Huh?" Yang Jian turned around slightly and glanced.

"Do you dare to determine the ownership of this castle in a duel? If I win, you leave the castle. If I lose, this castle belongs to you." The foreign man said in his slightly broken Chinese.

Yang Jian smiled: "Do you think I'm stupid? I was about to take down this nightmare castle. Even if you hold on to the castle, how long can you hold it? My vicious dogs are endless, you can't stay forever. Here, so what if I win, you just cut your losses and give up early, but if you win, you can not only kill me, but also get the castle back. This kind of deal is too unfair. "

"You want to challenge me for a duel, but you are not qualified enough. Let the person hiding in the castle come. Only then will I accept the challenge."

After he finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and waited for the other party's response.

In fact, the duel is not important. What is important is to lure out the hiding ghost controller in the opponent's castle. If the opponent is willing to show up, then Yang Jian will immediately mobilize all the vicious dogs to kill him without any moral ethics.

"She will not appear in front of you." The foreign man in armor responded after a moment of silence.

Obviously, the other party was not stupid and was not fooled.

"Then there's no point in talking." Yang Jian continued to turn around and leave.

The foreign man stood at the gate of the castle and said loudly again: "If you think it's unfair, you can choose someone to fight with me instead of you."

Yang Jian still ignored him and walked away.

"A coward without courage."

The foreign man cursed angrily.

He desperately hopes that Yang Jian can agree, so that there is a possibility of a comeback. Otherwise, as Yang Jian said, next time he brings thousands of people into the dream, there will definitely be no chance of saving this nightmare castle.

"The people in your country are all cowards. They will never dare to fight us head-on. They will only use some dirty tricks behind our backs."


The man continued to insult, trying to provoke Yang Jian.

Yang Jian couldn't stand listening anymore. He just felt that this person was very noisy and wished he could disappear from his eyes immediately.

Immediately, he stopped again, and then said: "Since you want to die so much today, let me help you. I agree to your request. In five minutes, I will let someone fight with you. Let's use this castle." As a bet,"

"I hope you will keep your promise." The foreign man replied, his tone revealing joy.

"See you in five minutes."

Yang Jian said no more, just led the dog farther and farther away, and finally left the castle and returned to the quiet village.

He started to think now.

Who should he ask to kill the man in the castle for him?


Yang Jian's eyes moved and he looked at an old school near the village.

Zhang Xianguang, it’s him.

No one meets the requirements better than him. Even though Zhang Xianguang is now locked up by him, he is still an extremely dangerous person.

Immediately, Yang Jian walked towards the school with the vicious dog.

After a while, he stood at the door of a classroom.

open the door.

On the podium in the classroom, a man was standing there motionless, lecturing with his mouth open, and there was only one student of his, and that was Zhao Xiaoya.

Although Zhao Xiaoya looks like a girl, she is actually only about six or seven years old.

The arrival of Yang Jian brought the lecture to an abrupt end.

"You're disturbing my class. If you want to come in, you'd better knock on the door in advance." Zhang Xianguang said calmly.

Yang Jian asked: "How is the teaching going?"

"It's not ideal. It still needs some time. Why, are you in a hurry to use Zhao Xiaoya, or are you here specifically to get rid of me this time?"

Zhang Xianguang said, while looking at the big knife that appeared in Yang Jian's hand from unknown time.

Yang Jian threw the big knife out and landed in front of Zhang Xianguang.

"I'm not here to kill you. On the contrary, I want you to help me kill someone."

Zhang Xianguang smiled: "Do you dare to let me out? Once I get out of trouble, it will be impossible to lock me up."

"It's not outside, it's here." Yang Jian said.

"You make the decision in the ghost dream world. Are there people here that you can't kill?" Zhang Xianguang asked.

Yang Jian said: "The evil dog in the ghost dream recently invaded a castle in the nightmare world. The invasion of that castle went smoothly, but the other party pulled people into the castle and stopped my evil dog. You Kill him and knock down the castle, and I can let you move around freely in this classroom."

After saying that, he asked the vicious dog to lift the restrictions on Zhang Xianguang.

Zhang Xianguang immediately resumed his actions. He moved his stiff body and glanced at the big knife at his feet.

The broadsword is not a supernatural item, it is just an ordinary cold weapon, but its shape is the same as the knife he used before, which is easier to use.

"I don't like killing people, especially helping others kill an innocent person." Zhang Xianguang said.

Yang Jian replied: "That's a foreigner."

"Not all foreigners are bad people, there are also kind and innocent people." Zhang Xianguang said.

Yang Jian said: "That foreigner called everyone in our country cowards."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go." Zhang Xianguang immediately picked up the big knife on the ground.

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