Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1376 The terrible gift

At this moment, Yang Jian and other people clearly felt that the ghost hiding in the dark was different from the ghosts in other supernatural events. This ghost did not kill people very much, and did not intend to cause large-scale supernatural events. It was following a certain Under the rules,

Want to achieve some purpose.

It's just that this time Gui's opponent is not Zhao Kaiming, but Yang Jian.

It is also difficult for ghosts to achieve their goals from Yang Jian.

But the game has just begun.

Hundreds of people flocked to the Peace Hotel.

The ghost wants to use the advantage of numbers to break Yang Jian's trap, and is ready to fulfill Zhang Wei's wish at any time. Once the wish comes true, one of Zhang Wei's relatives will die.

"Brother Leg, it's up to you. I believe you can deal with this ghost. I'm still young and don't want to become an orphan." Zhang Wei also became nervous at this time.

Nineteen plates of egg-fried rice were placed in front of them. One plate was short of killing a relative, and no one could calm down.

"Don't worry, your relatives are not that easy to die. The ghost could have given you the last plate of fried rice just now to fulfill your wish and kill one of your relatives. But according to what Yang Jian just said, a wish will kill a relative. Once the ghost Killing one of your relatives means that it can no longer threaten us with your relatives."

Wang Shanshan said with a cold expression: "For a ghost, there is no difference between killing one more person and killing one less person. Therefore, it will not give away the last plate of egg fried rice easily before it does not want to lose this bargaining chip."

"It's increasing its leverage."

Miao Xiaoshan thought thoughtfully, then she looked at Yang Jian: "Does it want to make an extra deal with you, Yang Jian?"

Yang Jian also reacted, and his expression moved slightly: "Does the ghost want to use the lives of Zhang Wei's relatives to complete the transaction of meeting me?"

"It's very possible that it didn't dare to show up easily because it was worried that you would imprison it, so it never showed up. However, it only has less than an hour of action time left, so it will not show up actively during this period. It will only continue to use supernatural power to increase its chips, forcing you to agree to a deal with it." Miao Xiaoshan said thoughtfully.

"The ghost does not dare to come, which shows that it is afraid of us and knows that it cannot win if it appears head-on. Everything it does is trying to avoid confrontation with us." Liu Qi said.

"If the ghost can use this method to threaten Zhang Wei's relatives, then it may repeat its old tricks and use the same method to influence other people. It is no longer under Zhao Xiaoya's control."

Yang Jian's expression suddenly changed at this moment, and then he realized something. He turned his ghostly eyes and looked towards Guanjiang Community.

But it was too late for Yang Jian to react.

at the same time.

In a five-story villa in Guanjiang Community.

Although it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin did not sleep. They were sitting in the living room on the first floor watching TV, waiting for Yang Jian to come back.

The topic during the day made them increasingly uneasy.

They didn't know what Yang Jian's attitude was, and they were afraid that it would cause bad consequences. Don't let the relationship go further, they might really be kicked out of the house by Yang Jian.

"Yang Jian and Zhang Wei went to attend a class reunion today, and they probably didn't come back so early."

Jiang Yan said, and then she said with a sad face: "Sister Qin, what do you mean by Yang Jian? Are you dissatisfied with us, or do you think we are too calculating and will not come back when we are angry?"

Zhang Liqin on the side shook her head slightly: "How do I know what Mr. Yang is thinking now? I used to be able to see through some of his thoughts. Since I came back from a business trip, not only can I not see through him, but he can clearly guess his thoughts. Yes, his wisdom is much higher now than before, we just need to be obedient, there is no point in thinking more."

"You have also read Mr. Yang's diary. If he is willing, he can influence our thoughts inadvertently. But I am relieved that he really did this, because it shows that we can be completely trusted and there will not be any The estrangement is nothing like the worries we have now."

She sighed helplessly after speaking.

"Perhaps we have been influenced by Yang Jian?" Jiang Yan blinked and said.

"Absolutely not, because there is no record of this in the diary." Zhang Liqin shook her head and said.

Jiang Yan then lowered her voice and asked, "Sister Qin, do you think Yang Jian really plans to get married?"

"It should be true. For Mr. Yang, marriage is just a formality. He needs to give an explanation to his aunt, and he also needs someone who can help him take care of the company and his family in a reasonable and legal way. In addition, his aunt has been urging him, so Yang I will never refuse, the key is who will become the lucky one."

Zhang Liqin held her chin up and looked at the TV casually.

Jiang Yan's eyes lit up: "Then we have a good chance. Do you think Yang Jian will choose you or me? We have agreed before that no matter who Yang Jian chooses, we must take care of each other."

Zhang Liqin said with a smile: "You are too naive. Do you think we are the only two candidates for Mr. Yang? He has many candidates, including Mr. Yang's classmate Wang Shanshan, Liu Xiaoyu from the company, and his almost childhood sweetheart. Miao Xiaoshan may not have other female friends she knows outside."

"Age, beauty, figure, education, we don't have much to offer. The only advantage is that we have been with Yang Jian for a longer time, so we better not think about it so much and just stay at home honestly. I have no hope for a long time, no matter who Mr. Yang marries, I will work for him forever."

"Damn it."

When Jiang Yan heard this, she was immediately discouraged and beat the pillow in her hand helplessly.


At this moment, a cold wind blew, and the door that was originally closed slowly opened with a creak.

This kind of movement in the silent night made Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin, who were chatting, instantly feel their hair stand on end, and then subconsciously looked in the direction of the door.

At this moment, the door has been opened, and it is dark outside. The lights flicker erratically, as if there is some interference, and the current is unstable.

And not far from the door, a figure suddenly stood there.

"Who!" Jiang Yan asked boldly, her body tensing up.

As the lights in the yard outside flickered, the silhouette appeared briefly. That person was none other than Yang Jian, but under the white light, his face looked particularly pale. And the eyes were motionless, stiff and numb.

Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin were relieved when they saw this.

I was scared to death. It turned out to be Yang Jian.

They are not surprised by this situation, because Yang Jian always returns home in various ways, sometimes appearing suddenly in the room, sometimes suddenly appearing in the swimming pool, and sometimes there is a sudden sound of taking a bath upstairs. Sound. People who don’t know it think the house is haunted.

In fact, every time something unusual happens at home, their first reaction is that Yang Jian appears, not that the home is haunted.

Over time, a subconscious reaction developed.

But this was the first time that he suddenly appeared outside the door like today.

"Yang Jian, why are you back? Come in quickly. Sister Qin and I are waiting for you to come back and rest." Jiang Yan greeted.

But the person outside the door remained motionless and did not respond. Only a familiar but unfamiliar voice sounded: "Do you want to eat egg fried rice?"

"I'm not hungry now and I don't want to eat. Are you hungry?" Jiang Yan asked, "If you are hungry, Sister Qin and I will cook for you."

Zhang Liqin also stood up and prepared to go to the kitchen to cook.

"Do you want to eat egg fried rice?"

However, Yang Jian outside the door did not move. He still asked, his voice still a bit unfamiliar.

Jiang Yan was about to speak, but Zhang Liqin came over and suddenly covered her mouth.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Yan struggled for a moment, not understanding Zhang Liqin's behavior.

But Zhang Liqin opened her eyes wide and trembled slightly, revealing an indescribable fear. She was very familiar with Yang Jian. At this moment, she intuitively told herself that the person outside the door did not look like Yang Jian, although he looked the same. But it feels very strange.

"Jiang Yan, something is wrong. Yang Jian never asks a question twice. He standing outside the door makes me feel scared."

Although Jiang Yan was a bit nervous, she was also someone who had experienced supernatural events. She immediately reacted, her eyes wide open, showing fear.

"Let's go quickly and leave through the back door to the safe house. I still remember the password." Zhang Liqin covered Jiang Yan's mouth and backed away slowly.

Although she was scared, she had not lost her mind. Faced with this situation, her first thought was to hide in a safe house.

This is also the experience learned from the Hungry Ghost Incident.

Jiang Yan also cooperated and backed away slowly. However, when she was passing by the stairs, she suddenly thought of something and hurriedly opened Zhang Liqin's hand: "No, we can't leave. Auntie is still resting upstairs. We can't leave her alone." .”

"Let's go upstairs and take Auntie with us."

Zhang Liqin also realized that Yang Jian's mother was still sleeping upstairs.

They dared to leave anyone behind and run away, but they absolutely did not dare to leave behind Yang Jian's mother and run away, otherwise the two of them would not be able to face Yang Jian again in the future.

Then they walked upstairs cautiously, but their eyes were fixed on the situation outside the door.

"Do you want to eat egg fried rice?" Yang Jian outside the door was still asking this question.

This is the third time this question has been asked.

this moment.

Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin, who still had some hope, were completely swallowed up by fear.

There is no doubt that the person who appears outside the door cannot be Yang Jian. It is most likely a ghost that looks exactly like Yang Jian.

"Run quickly." Jiang Yan shouted.

The two people quickly ran upstairs.

However, before they could go upstairs, the lights in the living room suddenly flickered, and the figure shrouded in darkness outside the door slowly walked in.

"It has entered the house." Zhang Liqin's scalp felt numb.

Since the last starving ghost incident, this should be the first time that Yang Jian's residence has been invaded by evil spirits.

Yang Jian is obviously in Dachang City, why do ghosts still appear here? Isn’t Guanjiang Community protected by ghost children?

Where is the ghost boy?

Zhang Liqin, who was in fear, suddenly thought of the ghost boy and all the information about the ghost boy recorded in the notebook.

However, the evil ghost was walking in the dim living room at this moment, the sound of crisp footsteps echoed, and the figure outlined a frightening black outline in the darkness. As the darkness spread, Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin could not escape even if they were running away at this moment. I also felt as if I was about to be swallowed up.

"Ghost boy." Suddenly, Zhang Liqin screamed with fear and hysteria.

Jiang Yan was so frightened by this frightened scream that her legs softened and she fell down on the stairs, pulling Zhang Liqin with her.

"Ghost boy." Zhang Liqin was still screaming, calling the ghost's name.


Lights flicker.

At this moment, a little brightness returned.

Two cold and weird children wearing shrouds suddenly appeared near the stairs at an unknown moment. At the same time, two pairs of eyes with a faint red light turned slightly, looking at them with a bit of innocence and evil. Front living room.

In the dark living room, the terrifying figure stopped at this moment.

"The ghost boy really appeared?"

Jiang Yan's tense heartstrings relaxed slightly, and she felt an inexplicable sense of security.

She has seen many ghost boys, and she has been wandering around the Guanjiang community to protect the safety of this community.

The humanoid silhouette hidden in the darkness in the living room was blocked by the ghost boy, and the humanoid silhouette in the darkness was still slowly retreating and exiting the living room.

The ghost boy remained motionless, just watching all this and doing nothing.

Because Zhang Liqin only lured the ghost boy out by shouting out the ghost boy, she was not qualified to order the ghost boy. There were only two people who were qualified to order the ghost boy, one was Yang Jian and the other was Wang Shanshan.

As the recorder of Yang Jian's diary, Zhang Liqin knew this very well.

The ghost continued to retreat, and the lights in the living room returned to brightness one by one.

But just when the ghost was about to exit the door, a scarlet light appeared, instantly engulfing the entire building, and everything seemed to have stopped under the red light.

In the blink of an eye.

The red light dissipated.

The darkness disappeared and the lights returned to normal.

At the door, a cracked spear penetrated a cold corpse, nailing it to the ground so that it could no longer move.

Then, Yang Jian appeared out of thin air and stared at the cold corpse with a cold face.

The corpse was decaying rapidly, and the face that looked exactly like him was peeling off.

"Another manipulated corpse. This ghost hides very deep. He always uses living and dead people as walking media and never shows up on his own. But everything is as I guessed just now. The ghost is tempting people to make wishes. Increase your own leverage."

Yang Jian's eyes were gloomy, the will-o'-the-wisp was burning, and he ignited the supernatural corpse. He then pulled out his spear, flicked it, and threw the corpse into the river outside the villa.

The river connected to the ghost lake, and the body disappeared quickly after falling into the water.

After finishing, he glanced at Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin who were lying on the stairs.

Obviously, the ghost was going after them this time.

"How are you two? Are you okay?" Yang Jian asked.

"No, it's okay."

Jiang Yan was stunned and replied subconsciously. Then she realized what she was doing. Tears welled up in her eyes. She rushed out and threw herself on Yang Jian: "Wow, you scared me to death. I thought I was dead this time." Wherever you go, you don't come to save me."

Zhang Liqin breathed a sigh of relief, and her whole body went limp, with no strength at all. She wiped her tears, her heart filled with the joy of surviving the disaster.

"That thing won't kill you. It only appeared to make a deal with you. You didn't ask it to do anything just now." Yang Jian said calmly.

He knows the killing rules of the wishing ghost and will not kill people indiscriminately until his wish comes true.

"No, the ghost kept asking me if I wanted to eat egg fried rice. I noticed something was wrong and didn't dare to answer. I took Jiang Yan and prepared to escape to the safe house. At the last critical moment, I called out the ghost boy, and then the ghost planned to leave. ”

Zhang Liqin hurriedly repeated what happened just now.

Yang Jian glanced at her and said, "You actually know how to call the ghost boy's name."

After the ghost boy ate the ghost named Quietly, he acquired the supernatural powers of the Quiet Ghost. From then on, the ghost boy would appear whenever anyone called the ghost boy's name, but there was a certain range limit. However, not many people knew about this. It happened that Jiang Yan The two people responsible for keeping the diary and Zhang Liqin knew it.

"I just gave it a try out of desperation, don't you blame me?"

Zhang Liqin stood up and walked over cautiously as if admitting her mistake.

Yang Jian said: "No, you did a great job this time. It completely exceeded my expectations. You actually came up with such a trick at a critical moment."

"It's better if you don't blame me." Zhang Liqin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yang Jian, what are you yelling at downstairs? Don't you even sleep at night?"

Suddenly, Zhang Fen, who was upstairs, heard the noise and came down. She said somewhat reproachfully.

"Mom, it's okay. The two of them accidentally tripped and fell when they were going upstairs." Yang Jian said.

Zhang Fen said: "How did you fall? Are you okay?"

"Auntie, we're fine. We just scratched the skin a little bit. We'll just apply some medicine later." Zhang Liqin turned around and said.

Zhang Fen said: "That's good. You have to be more careful in the future. By the way, Yang Jian, didn't you just say you bought me a dress and asked me if I wanted it? Where did that dress go? I'll try it first. If If it doesn’t fit, just take it and return it, and don’t buy anything in the middle of the night from now on.”

"Buying clothes?" Yang Jian looked stunned.

Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin looked at Zhang Fen suddenly, and the fear that disappeared in their eyes reappeared.

It's over.

The ghost didn't find him, but his aunt.

The two people realized the seriousness of the problem. They no longer had the courage to look at Yang Jian and collapsed directly on the ground.

A rare trace of anger appeared on Yang Jian's cold face at this moment. He still didn't know why. The wishing ghost was not only targeting Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin at home, but its real purpose was to target his mother, Zhang Fen.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you sitting on the ground suddenly?"

Before Zhang Fen realized the seriousness of the problem, she came over and tried to help Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin up.

Zhang Liqin and Jiang Yan did not stand up, but turned to look at Yang Jian nervously and uneasily.

"Mr. Yang, yes, I'm sorry, we didn't take good care of my aunt." Zhang Liqin bit her lip, she didn't have any strength in her body, and even apologizing was a little weak.

Jiang Yan didn't dare to say anything at this moment.

They understand that anything can happen to anyone here, even their aunt can't, because Yang Jian has always told them to take care of their aunt. If something happens to their aunt, even if they have a little responsibility, they all know that they can't help her. Stay with this family.

Leaving this home means leaving Yang Jian, which is a huge price that they cannot bear.

Yang Jian's face was gloomy with an indescribable anger. He said in a deep voice at this moment: "Everyone stand up."

Zhang Liqin and Jiang Yan stood up uneasily with their bodies propped up. Their expressions were evasive, their faces were pale, and they didn't know what to do.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. Now take my mother to the safe house. She is not allowed to come out before dawn."

Yang Jian held back his anger. His anger was not directed at the two people in front of him, but at the wishing ghost.

"Okay, okay, I understand." Jiang Yan replied nervously.

Zhang Fen asked: "What happened to Yang Jian?"

"Dachang City is haunted. I'm looking for that thing. It's okay. Don't worry, I can handle it." Yang Jian said.

"It's haunted? Will a lot of people die?" Zhang Fen also became a little nervous.

"Not this time, it's not serious this time." Yang Jian didn't want to say too much, just said a few perfunctory words, and then motioned to Zhang Liqin and Jiang Yan.

The two people did not dare to be careless and hurriedly took Zhang Fen away to the safe house.

After the three people left, Yang Jian clutched the cracked spear and turned around to leave.

He knew very well that the ghost and his mother Zhang Fen had reached a deal, and Zhang Fen's wish was just a piece of clothing.

Once the ghost fulfills this wish, a relative will die.

That's not what Yang Jian is most worried about.

But Li Gui is very likely to be entangled with his mother.

Dealing with ghosts is always dangerous, especially such terrifying ghosts, which are even more dangerous.

But Yang Jian had no time to care about this. He had to deal with this matter as soon as possible and imprison the ghost, otherwise his mother would be in danger.

Appear briefly and leave briefly.

Yang Jian returned to the Ping An Hotel again.

"Yang Jian, something happened. I just received a call from my mother. She seems to be haunted by a ghost."

As soon as Yang Jian appeared, Wang Shanshan immediately told what happened.

"What's going on?" Yang Jian asked.

"When my mother was at home, there was a knock on the door. When she opened it, she saw that it was my father coming back from the company."

Wang Shanshan briefly explained the situation just now, which was roughly similar to the situation Zhang Liqin and Jiang Yan encountered.

Ghosts disguise themselves as relatives and try to guide others to make wishes.

Wang Shanshan's mother, Wang Haiyan, was tricked. Her wish was a pearl necklace.

At this time, Miao Xiaoshan also put down the phone in her hand, and her face was serious: "There is something going on with my dad too."

"Your father is not in Dachang City, so far away"

Liu Qi said in surprise, and then his cell phone rang.

Yang Jian said: "There is no need to answer the phone. The situation is similar. The people around us have been targeted by ghosts. They have all made deals with ghosts. Now our relatives are being threatened by ghosts. If we don't cooperate with ghosts, That fatal gift will be given out. Once it is given out and the transaction is completed, I think you all know what the consequences will be."


Liu Qi took the cell phone that kept ringing and slammed it, smashing the cell phone into pieces.

"This is really bad. If we are not careful, everyone will be dead." Zhang Wei was also anxious at this moment.

Miao Xiaoshan pursed his lips and said: "The ghost has more and more trump cards now. We are very passive now. It is betting with us that it will not be imprisoned before twelve o'clock. If the ghost wins, it will be completely Freedom, no longer affected by rules. But we don’t dare to bet, because if we lose, a relative will die.”

"Then you mean to let the ghost appear in front of you and spend twelve o'clock in a big way? Do you think the ghost can let our family go?" Wang Shanshan said with a cold face: "Yang Jian, don't be affected by that ghost. Well, locking it up before twelve o'clock can solve everything once and for all."

Liu Qi was silent for a moment and said: "But the problem is that if we do this, the ghosts may start killing our relatives before twelve o'clock."

"If you let the ghost survive twelve o'clock, the ghost will not let go of our family. You cannot trust the supernatural. It is not a human being and cannot be honest. Once the deal has been made, the ghost will continue to do it." Wang Shanshan said.

Liu Qidao: "But as long as the ghost passes twelve o'clock, it can escape the control of the rules, and the transaction between it and our relatives can be postponed indefinitely."

Wang Shanshan was a little angry and said: "A ghost can kidnap us once through this method, and there will be a second and third time. Do we have to agree to the ghost's request every time? Only by imprisoning it can we be kidnapped once and for all. If we keep it, it will always be a scourge." , hidden danger, when the ghosts kill whoever they want, we will still lose our loved ones, or even more."

"What Wang Shanshan said makes sense, I'm on her side this time." Zhang Wei expressed his stance at this moment.

"Yang Jian, you decide. No matter what decision you make, I respect you." Liu Qi looked at Yang Jian and said seriously.

This is a painful decision, and no one dares to make the decision, because this decision bears the lives of too many people.

"Me too. The risk of losing our loved ones is not only borne by us, but also by Yang Jian. However, our abilities are limited, so we can only leave it to you. I will support you no matter what decision you make." Miao Xiaoshan said.

Wang Shanshan and Zhang Wei also looked at Yang Jian.

At this moment, the pressure came to him again.

However, Yang Jian is used to this situation. He is the decision-maker himself, but this time it is special because his mother is also involved in this supernatural incident.

"Let me think about it." Yang Jian was not in a hurry to make a decision at the moment, he was thinking.

But he didn't have much time left.

The time has now reached eleven thirty.

There is only the last half hour left.

The ghost will definitely appear within this half hour. Whether the transaction will proceed depends on whether Yang Jian gives the ghost a chance to survive twelve o'clock.

Seven thousand words, two chapters, which is enough to make up for yesterday.

Something has happened in the past two days and updates have been unstable. I'm very sorry.

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