Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 138 Trapped

Shangguan Yun had already washed his face at this time.

The nosebleed had almost stopped, and he looked in the mirror again. At this time, he suddenly froze, with a look of shock in his eyes.

Because his face was missing from the mirror in front of him.

"How is this going?"

Shangguan Yun looked in the mirror, waved his hand, and walked a few steps left and right.

But no matter what he did, he could not be seen in front of the huge glass in front of him.

It seemed like he didn't exist at all in the mirror.

"This is impossible."

Shangguan Yun was puzzled. He looked at the faucet, washbasin, and even the washstand. These things could appear in the mirror, but he could not appear in the mirror.

The mirror in front of me was completely blank, and there was no such person at all.

"Did I lose too much blood and hallucinate, or did I have an evil spirit?"

Shangguan Yun rubbed his head. It may be that he has been under a lot of work pressure recently. Do he need to see a doctor?

"Forget it, never mind, go back, maybe someone is playing a prank."

Although things were strange, he didn't take it too seriously.

Turn around and leave.

The toilets here don't have doors.

But when he turned a corner and was about to walk out of the toilet, he suddenly froze.

What he saw in front of him was not the familiar road when he came back, but darkness. This darkness was not the darkness at night, but stood strangely in front of him like a wall made of thick ink, blocking his way.

If he stepped out forcefully, he felt like he would fall into an abyss of eternal destruction.

"What on earth is going on?" At this moment, Shangguan Yun was completely panicked.

It didn't matter that I couldn't see my appearance in the mirror before, but now even the outside looks like this.

It's not really haunted, is it?

Shangguan Yun is an unswerving materialist. He has believed in science since he was a child. He scorns all the mysterious things and does not believe them at all. Such things can only deceive some ignorant children. Who would believe this after really entering the society and joining the workforce?

However, everything he saw in front of him made his firm heart begin to waver.

Once your faith begins to waver, fear will involuntarily come out and take over your body.

Shangguan Yun started to feel a little scared and immediately thought of reporting the crime.

But when the phone was just taken out, it stopped again.

Report a crime?

How to report a crime?

Said that he was trapped in the KTV toilet and couldn't get out?

Or are you saying that you are evil?

If you say this, you will probably laugh at yourself.

"Call my cousin and ask her what's urgent. Don't panic first, don't scare yourself." Shangguan Yun forced himself to calm down and dialed Miao Xiaoshan's number.

"Hey, Xiaoshan, it's me, your cousin."

On the other end of the phone, Miao Xiaoshan's voice was a little excited: "Cousin, is it really you? It's great that you're okay."

Yang Jian, who was rushing to the toilet, was stunned when he saw Miao Xiaoshan answered Shangguan Yun's phone.

Could it be that Shangguan Yun is not dead yet?

This is impossible,

The ghosts have taken away Shangguan Yun's identity. Why is he still alive?

"Miao Xiaoshan, first make sure he is your cousin. If you are not sure, just hang up the phone. In this case, you cannot answer the phone randomly. You also know the specific consequences." Yang Jian reminded road.

The joy on Miao Xiaoshan's face suddenly froze.

She remembered the scary phone number at school that started with 138.

It was thought that it was the phone call that attracted the knocker, and they almost died at the school gate.

"Cousin, I'm in the bathroom now. Something seems wrong here. You and your classmates had better come over and take a look. If anything happens, report it immediately." Shangguan Yun's voice came from the phone again.

"If there's anything wrong, tell me." Yang Jian grabbed the phone and said.

Shangguan Yun said: "Is it Yang Jian? You'd better come and take a look. I found that the exit of the toilet seemed to be blocked. It was dark outside. I don't know what happened. And I couldn't see the mirror when I looked in the mirror just now. I feel like you may have been right about the figure among them, but I’ve been struck by evil spirits, what should I do now, can you think of a way to help me?”

Is it pitch black outside the toilet?

Yang Jian frowned when he noticed this message.

He had already seen the toilet door in front of him.

Everything is normal here, there is no darkness at all, instead the lights are on, very bright.

"Take a photo and send it over, and I'll analyze it for you." Yang Jian did not directly refute his statement, maybe something really happened to Shangguan Yun.

It's just that he can't understand this situation yet.


"But we are about to go to the toilet now. Are you sure you are really in the toilet?" Yang Jian asked again.

"Of course I'm sure. I'm standing here talking to you on the phone right now. Where else could I be if I wasn't in the toilet?" Shangguan Yun said.

"Ok, I know."

After Yang Jian finished asking, he immediately hung up the phone.


He led the others into the toilet.

However, the reality is cruel.

There was no one in the toilet, and there was no sign of Shangguan Yun at all.

"No, no one? Didn't my cousin just say that he was in the toilet?" Miao Xiaoshan was frightened again.

Zhao Lei said: "Could it be that the person who called is not Shangguan Yun but also a ghost?"

"It's unlikely. He's very emotional and there's nothing weird about it. Of course, it doesn't rule out the perfect disguise of a ghost. But since the ghost in the box just now has appeared, then the call shouldn't be fake, so I think Shangguan Yun did not lie."

"He was indeed in the toilet."

"But there's no one here." Zhang Wei said.

Yang Jian strode over and stared at the huge mirror in front of the wash basin.

In the mirror, Shangguan Yun was making anxious calls on his mobile phone, looking outside from time to time.

"There is no one in the toilet because people are in the mirror"

There was no one in the toilet, but Shangguan Yun's figure appeared strangely in the toilet mirror. He didn't seem to know about it in the mirror. He was just anxiously calling for help and didn't dare to leave the toilet. .

The mirror only reflected this toilet.

There is no mirror outside the toilet.

That's why the outside world in Shangguan Yun's mouth is pitch black.

"Cousin, what's wrong with you? Cousin, I'm here. Can you see us?"

When Miao Xiaoshan saw this scene, she was frightened and anxious. She ran to the mirror in panic, fearing that she would look at the mirror.

But Shangguan Yun in the mirror seemed not to hear, and did not look back at Miao Xiaoshan.

Seeing this, Yang Jian directly dialed Shangguan Yun's number using Miao Xiaoshan's mobile phone.

Shangguan Yun in the mirror heard the phone ringing and hurriedly answered the call: "Hello, cousin? Why haven't they come yet? It's been five minutes. Did something happen over there?"

"It's me, Yang Jian."

"Yang Jian, tell me about the situation outside, what's going on outside."

"It's very nice outside. Nothing happened. It's you who is in trouble. Don't look outside now. No one will come in from outside. Turn your head and look in the mirror. We are all here." Yang Jian said.

Shangguan Yun subconsciously turned around to look at the mirror behind him. His eyes suddenly shrank and he was startled.

In the mirror, his cousin Miao Xiaoshan was crying, and he was afraid of hitting the mirror, but he couldn't hear any sound.

Next to him, Zhao Lei and Zhang Wei stood there with a somewhat frightened expression.

Yang Jian was talking to himself on his cell phone and looked over with a calm expression.

"You, why are you all in the mirror?"

"It's not us in the mirror, it's you in the mirror." Yang Jian's voice came from the phone.

this moment.

Shangguan Yun froze, with great fear in his eyes, and the phone in his hand slipped unconsciously.


Communication was lost.

"Did your phone break?"

Yang Jian looked at the fallen mobile phone outside the mirror and frowned.

But at this time, he didn't care whether the phone was broken, but that the communication was cut off, making subsequent communication inconvenient.

It can be seen from the previous situation that people in the mirror should not be able to hear what people outside are saying.

And he was very curious as to why Shangguan Yun entered the mirror. Where was the disappeared ghost at this moment?

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